All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
A11YConstants |
Constants for accessibility (A11Y).
AbstractAdminDataCollectionRestResource |
Abstract class requiring this REST resource to be access by an administrator.
AbstractAdminRestResource |
Abstract class requiring this REST resource to be access by an administrator with a valid IP.
AbstractAnalyzeJob |
AbstractApplicationTag |
AbstractAreaSettings<T extends AbstractAreaSettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by each ControlSettings that supports a text field on several rows.
AbstractAutocompleteHandler<T> |
AbstractAutocompleteResult<T> |
AbstractBasicReadinessProbe |
AbstractCaddyManagerHandler |
This form handler is the super class of the formhandler class to process
Caddy Manager actions.
AbstractCalendarEvent |
This abstract class provides a superclass to every calendar event and base
methods for their manipulation
AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventAttendeeSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the CalendarEvent of which the given member
is an attendee (either because he is the author or he is in the list of attendees).
AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventDateSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the CalendarEvent taking place in between the
given date
AbstractCalendarEvent.StartDateComparator<T extends CalendarEventInterface> |
This comparator allow sorting of calendar event in chronological order
using only their start date
AbstractCategorySettings<T extends AbstractCategorySettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by each ControlSettings that supports categories.
AbstractChart<T extends AbstractChart<T>> |
AbstractChecker |
Common parent class for validation checkers.
AbstractChooserSettings<T extends AbstractChooserSettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by each ControlSettings that supports field with autocomplete and chooser window.
AbstractControlHelper |
AbstractCtxMenu |
This abstract class is the used to process AJAX Contextual Menu.
AbstractDataMailPolicyFilter |
AbstractDataSettings<T extends AbstractDataSettings<T>> |
AbstractDBQueryBuilder<T extends DBData> |
AbstractDBTestType |
AbstractDocumentEditor |
AbstractDocumentEditorPolicyFilter |
AbstractEditWorkspaceHandler |
This form handler process Group forms.
AbstractEventDataProvider |
AbstractEventResource |
AbstractFileIndexListener |
This abstract class is implemented by generated.FileIndexListener
AbstractFilePacker |
AbstractFileWatcher |
AbstractFlotChart |
AbstractFlotChartTag |
AbstractImageAdapter |
Abstract class for ImageAdapter implementations
AbstractIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
Abstract class for Incoming Mail fetching criterias validation.
AbstractIndexManager |
This abstract class provides generic methods to manage data indices.
AbstractIndexManager.DataIndex<D extends Data,C> |
Collection to store previoulsy computed information associated to Data and DBData
AbstractIndexManager.DataIndexMap<D extends Data,K,V> |
Pseudo map to store previoulsy computed information associated to Data and DBData
AbstractIndexManager.DataIndexSet<D extends Data,E> |
Pseudo Set to store previoulsy computed information associated to Data and DBData
AbstractIndicatorPolicy |
AbstractJcmsAjaxContext |
Convenient abstract class to easily develops AJAX handlers in JCMS.
This class tracks variables and various request information available
during the initial request of user (as opposed to other AJAX request in which the
information is either not available or not the same).
To develop your AJAX handler :
AbstractJPortal |
AbstractLinkIndexListener |
This abstract class is implemented by generated.LinkIndexListener
AbstractMailListener |
AbstractMedia |
AbstractMemberCaddyManagerHandler |
This form handler is the super class of the formhandler class to process
Member Caddy Manager actions.
AbstractMemberQueryHandler<E> |
Superclass of member query handlers.
AbstractPeriod |
AbstractPolicyFilter |
AbstractPolicyManager<T extends PolicyFilter> |
AbstractPortalJspCollection |
AbstractQueryHandler<E> |
Superclass of query handlers.
AbstractQueryHandler.HiddenParamQhPrinter |
HTML hidden input implementation of a QueryHandlerPrinter
AbstractQueryHandler.QueryHandlerPrinter |
Abstract class defining method used during params printing.
AbstractQueryHandler.QueryStringQhPrinter |
QueryString implementation of a QueryHandlerPrinter
AbstractReportMetric |
AbstractResult |
AbstractSearchAutocompleteHandler<T extends AutocompleteResult<? extends Publication>> |
AbstractServiceForm |
AbstractShortcut |
AbstractShortcut.TYPE |
The type of shortcut.
AbstractStatisticAgent |
AbstractStatisticAgent.AbstractReportMetricComparator |
AbstractStorageHandler |
AbstractTestType |
AbstractTextChooserSettings<T extends AbstractTextChooserSettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by each ControlSettings that supports text field with a chooser window.
AbstractTextSettings<T extends AbstractTextSettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by each ControlSettings that supports text field.
AbstractThumbnailPolicyFilterImpl |
This class allow users to customize behaviour of widgets
by re-writing call-back methods.
AbstractUILinkItem |
AbstractWebPage |
AccessControlConstants |
Constant used for Access Control related operation.
AccessControlList |
Define a collection of resources and their associated authorization.
AccessControlList_HANDLER |
AccessControlList.NameComparator<T extends AccessControlList> |
Comparator sorting ACL alphabetically using their name.
AccessControlList.NameSelector |
Select ACL by their name.
AccessControlList.WorkspaceAclSelector |
DataSelector selecting only workspace ACL.
AccessControlListIndexManager |
AccessControlListListener |
Listen to mutation of AccessControlList.
AccessControlManager |
Manager of Access Control in JCMS.
AccessControlUtil |
Utility methods used for Access Control related operation.
AccessibilityContext |
AccessibilityContextManager |
Manage the list of AccessibilityContext
available in the site;
available for a given HttpSession
AccessReportMetric |
AccordionPanelBodyTag |
AccordionPanelFooterTag |
AccordionPanelHeadingTag |
AccordionPanelTag |
AccordionTag |
AccountReportAgent |
AccountReportMetric |
AckMessage |
This class represents a JSync AckMessage.
AclSettings |
ACL Settings
ActionListener |
This interface provides generics callback mechanism to perform custom actions
on a processed object.
AddArticleHandler |
Add article handler for the topbar publish modal.
AddJPortalServiceHandler |
AdminHandler |
AdminNotes |
This class manage admin notes of JCMS.
AdminReportAgent |
AdminReportMetric |
AdminResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used with GET method to return a represention of the channel
through REST (actually, the result of statusXml.jsp).
AdminSearchEnginesHandler |
This handler is used in the admin area to provide action on search engine.
AjaxFilter |
AjaxManager |
AJAXPortalManager |
This class is a JSON Bridge used to access PortalManager
method using ajax.
AjaxRefreshButtonDataAttribute |
AjaxRefreshButtonDataAttribute.AjaxRefreshOption |
AjaxRefreshButtonDataAttribute.TargetPosition |
AjaxRequestWrapper |
AlarmEntry |
This class contains the attributes of an alarm.
AlarmListener |
The listener interface for receiving alarm events.
AlarmManager |
This class implements an alarm manager similar to Unix cron
and at daemons.
AlarmWaiter |
This class manages the thread which sleeps until the next alarm.
Alert |
Alert.Level |
AlertAdminsWFAction |
AlertAppHandler |
Handler to display alerts, and recommendations in an APP.
AlertAppHandler.AbstractUIFilter<E> |
Abstract filter provided in the UI.
AlertAppHandler.AlertLevelFilter |
AlertAppHandler.ReadModeFilter |
AlertAppHandler.SendModeFilter |
AlertAppHandler.UITab |
Simple POJO to handle render of UI navigation tabs.
AlertAppHandler.ViewMode |
AlertAuthorWFAction |
AlertBuilder |
AlertChannel |
AlertConstants |
AlertController |
Works on Publication's alerts.
AlertDefaultJsonConfiguration |
AlertHandler |
A super handler to query loggedMember's alerts.
AlertListener |
AlertListParameters |
AlertListResource |
AlertManager |
AlertManagerWFAction |
AlertMixIn |
AlertParameters |
AlertPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks for Alert management.
AlertPolicyManager |
AlertPurgeAlarmListener |
AlertQueryBuilder |
Helper to query Alerts.
AlertQueryBuilder.ReadMode |
ReadMode represents the state of alert (Read, unread, read & unread)
AlertResource |
AlertResourceUtil |
AlertRule |
AlertStatus |
Represents the loggedMember alerts' status, such as unread alerts count, and the maximum unread alert level.
AlertTopbarHandler |
Handler to display alerts in topbar menu.
AlertUtil |
AlertWorkersWFAction |
AllMemberQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of DBMembers.
AnalyticsManager |
AnalyticsManager use for JCMS analytics
AnalyticsManager.ContentTopMapComparator |
AnalyzeJob |
AnalyzeListener |
AndDataSelector |
This class combines a set of DataSelector .
AndFileFilter |
Provides AND logic across two FileFilter .
AntPathMatcher |
PathMatcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns.
AnyTarget |
AppBodyIncludeTag |
AppBodyNoResultTag |
AppConstants |
Application |
A POJO representing the application
Application.InstallCountcomparator<T extends Application> |
Compares two Application using their install count in descending order .
Application.InstallCountMixin |
Application.InstallOrganizationGroupCountcomparator<T extends Application> |
Compares two Application using their install count in descending order .
Application.NameComparator<T extends Application> |
Compares two Application using their name in descending order .
Application.PDateComparator<T extends Application> |
Compares two Application using their install count in descending order .
ApplicationAppHandler |
Handler for the app store application
ApplicationAppHandler.AdminPage |
ApplicationAppModalHandler |
ApplicationComponent |
ApplicationDefaultAppHandler |
ApplicationDeployHandler |
ApplicationDeployTask |
ApplicationFetcher |
A fetcher which query applications
ApplicationFetcher.Mode |
ApplicationFetcher.SortMode |
ApplicationInstallCountAlarmListener |
Alarm to recompute install count
ApplicationLauncher |
A POJO representing the application launcher
ApplicationLauncherActionsHandler |
Handler for all application actions
ApplicationLauncherTab |
A POJO representing the application launcher tab
ApplicationManager |
Manager for Application
ApplicationMenuBadge |
ApplicationQueryHandler |
Handler to query applications
ApplicationResetTask |
AppMainTag |
AppServerInfo |
This class manages information about the underlying application server.
AppSidebarSectionSearchTag |
AppSidebarSectionTag |
AppSidebarTag |
AppWrapperTag |
ArchiveBrowserHandler |
This form handler process Archive Browser actions.
ArchivedPublication |
This class represents an archived Publication in memory, used to keep track
of authors, rights, category, workspace of archived publication
ArchiveEngine |
This interface must be implemented by archive engines (indexer and searcher)
such as LuceneArchiveEngine.
ArchiveManager |
This Class is responsible to manage the archive system of JCMS.
ArchiveQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of archive.
ArchiveTag |
This tag prints a small archive icon for a given Publication.
Assert |
A set of assertion methods useful for writing JCMS tests.
AssociatedFileEvent |
AssociatedFileEvent.Type |
AssociatedFilesEventListener |
AssociatedFilesManager |
Manager class to deal with associated files
AssociatedPDFUploadHandler |
Upload and attach a .pdf file to the specified FileDocument.
AsyncShortcutHandler |
Handler for Shortcuts which returns a json used to modify asynchronously the Shortcut
AttachementsMailListener |
AttachementsMailListener.FileDocumentSelector |
Convenient Selector used to filter a Collection of FileDocument with
provided Map of Message.Part.
AttachPublicationHandler |
AttachWorkspaceHandler |
AttributeCleaner |
Clean any HTML attribute value using a Cleaner settings.
AudiencedPublication |
This interface must be implemented by a Publication in order for its right
to be check using AudienceRights.
AudienceRights |
This class manages a Member's read right on publication using their categories.
AudioMetaDataExtractor |
This class extracts metadata of audio files.
AudioUtil |
AuthenticationContext |
AuthenticationCookie |
POJO use to store authentication cookie that were emitted to end user.
AuthenticationCookie.Fields |
AuthenticationCookieManager |
Provides utility methods to manage AuthenticationCookie.
AuthenticationCookieMemberListener |
Listen to Member and DBMember deletion to delete their AuthenticationCoookie.
AuthenticationCookiePurgeAlarmListener |
AlarmListener used to regulary delete all expired AuthenticationCookie.
AuthenticationEventManager |
Provides utility methods to manage LoginEvent.
AuthenticationHandler |
An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.
JCMS manages a list of AuthenticationHandler sorted using the natural order provided by
this abstract class using the order parameter of the constructor.
Use this order parameter to modify the position of your handler in the authentication
Override one or both of the following methods to provide your own authentication mecanism :
When implementing any of those method, make sure you either call
the super method or either invoke the chain yourself, NOT BOTH!
The AuthenticationHandler.loadProperties() method can be overridden to load/reload properties as needed.
AuthenticationManager |
This singleton manages all the authentication process in JCMS.
It is responsible to store and invoke all the AuthenticationHandler .
AuthenticationThrottledError |
AuthenticationThrottleManager |
This singleton manages authentication throttling.
AuthKeyAuthenticationHandler |
Authenticates users using an "authentication key" parameter valid only for the request for which it is processed.
AuthKeyAuthenticationHandler.AuthKeyState |
Possible AuthKey state after handler invocation.
AuthKeyGeneratorHandler |
This form handler generate Authentication Keys.
AuthKeyHints |
Contains elements that may be used to construct an AuthKey
AuthkeyIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
AutocompleteResult<T> |
AvoidanceLink |
AvoidanceLinkAdminEditHandler |
AvoidanceLinkManager |
AvoidanceLinkPropJSon |
AvoidanceLinkPropLabelJson |
AvoidanceLinkTargetJson |
BackOfficeActionHandler |
BackOfficeActionHandler.ActionStatus |
BackOfficeConstants |
BackOfficeDisplayHandler |
BadgeLevel |
BarSeries |
BasicAlertChannel |
BasicAlertPolicyFilter |
This class provides default implementation for AlertPolicyFilter
BasicChannelPolicyFilter |
This class allow developers to put hooks to change
channel mechanism behaviour.
BasicComparator<T extends Storable> |
Basic comparator class providing advanced contextual informations and
default comparison of Storable using their cdate.
BasicComparator.StringComparisonMethod |
Possible implementation of String comparison.
BasicCtxMenuPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for contextual menu rendering.
BasicDataController |
This class is a neutral implementation of DataController.
BasicDataIconPolicyFilter |
BasicDBListener |
This class is a default implementation of DBListener.
BasicDBListenerStoreListener |
This class is a default implementation of StoreListener and DBListener.
BasicExportPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for data export.
BasicImportPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for data export.
BasicJSyncListener |
This class is a neutral implementation of JSyncListener.
BasicLuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter |
This class allow developers to put hooks to change
lucene search engine mechanism behaviour.
BasicMailPolicyFilter |
BasicMediaTemplatePolicyFilter |
BasicMemberPolicyFilter |
BasicMemberQueryFilter |
A QueryFilter is notified for each member query.
BasicPluginDataInfosListener |
BasicPluginPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for plugin life cycle.
BasicPortalPolicyFilter |
BasicPublicationFollowerPolicyFilter |
BasicRemoteDocumentPolicyFilter |
BasicRightPolicyFilter |
Default implementation of RightPolicyFilter
BasicSettings<T extends BasicSettings<T>> |
Abstract class to be implemented by all Settings classes.
This class provides the common options.
BasicShortcutPolicyFilter |
BasicStorable |
This class is a convenient super class for any Storable classes.
BasicStorable.CdateComparator<T extends Storable> |
Compares two Storables using their Cdate in descending order (newest date first).
BasicStorable.IdComparator<T extends Storable> |
Compares two Storables using their ID.
BasicStorable.MdateComparator<T extends Storable> |
Compares two Storables using their Mdate in descending order (newest date first).
BasicStorableMixIn |
BasicStoreListener |
This class is a neutral implementation of StoreListener.
BasicTemplatePolicyFilter |
This class is a hook to allow developer
to select custom templates and css for a given publication
BasicThumbnailPolicyFilter |
This class allow users to customize behaviour of widgets
by re-writing call-back methods.
BasicUILinkItemsPolicyFilter |
BasicUnifiedInsertPolicyFilter |
BasicWebdavPolicyFilter |
This class is a hook to allow developer to add custom webdav behaviour
without implementing a new WebdavContext, WebdavFileSystem, ...
To handle read/write/upload rights for webdav the class RightPolicy
may be used with JcmsContext Webdav.
BasicWikiPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for wiki rendering.
BasicWizardPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for wizard actions:
BasicWysiwygPolicyFilter |
This class allow users to customize behaviour of widgets
by re-writing call-back methods.
BCrypt |
BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using
the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by
Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
BCryptUtil |
Utility class for generation and validation of BCrypt hash.
Beautifier |
BeautifierDate |
BeautifierMap |
BeautifierRegexp |
BeautifierUrl |
BinaryFileServlet |
This Servlet handles binary file download.
BinaryFileServlet.DownloadTicket |
BinarySemaphore |
BlankLineCleanerServletFilter |
BooleanSettings |
Boolean Settings
BreadcrumbItem |
BreadcrumbTag |
Browser |
Analyse the user agent of a http request to determine full information about the
client's browser.
Browser.BrowserName |
Browser.OS |
BufferTag |
This tag copy its body in a buffer.
BufferTagExtraInfo |
Button |
Button.ButtonBuilder |
Button.ButtonType |
ButtonAjaxTag |
ButtonModalTag |
ButtonTag |
ByteArrayServletInputStreamWrapper |
ByteBuffer |
This is an internal Class used by Win32Link to manipulate array of byte.
CacheDBListener |
CachedServletInputStream |
CachedServletRequest |
CacheManager |
This class manages the cache of content fragments.
CacheManager.CacheEntry |
CacheManagerHandler |
This form handler process Cache Manager actions.
CacheTag |
This tag puts the content of its body in cache.
CacheUtil |
Provides Utilities methods to manage Hibernate second level cache and Query Cache invalidations.
Caddy |
Repository of Data which a JCMS member can act on.
CaddyComparator<T extends Data> |
Compares Data based on their presence in the Caddy.
CaddyPopinHandler |
This handler is used to add or remove content to the caddy.
CaddyTag |
This tag prints the caddy icon for the given
Publication , Data or query.
CalendarEventInterface |
CalendarEventInterface.IconSize |
Enum of supported icon sizes.
CalendarManager |
CalendarManager.PeriodicEventModificationScope |
CalendarManager.Periodicity |
CapturingResponseWrapper |
CardBackMode |
CardBackTag |
CardBlockMode |
CardBlockTag |
CardConstants |
CardDataTag |
CardFlipperTag |
CardFrontTag |
CardImageTag |
CardsDataTag |
CardsDataTagExtraInfo |
CardsDisplayMode |
CardsTag |
CardTag |
CarouselDataTag |
CategoriesTag |
This tag visits a branch of the Category tree.
CategoriesTagExtraInfo |
CategorizedDBData |
This tagging interface must be implemented by DBData that can be categorized.
Category |
A Category object is a node of the category tree.
Category_HANDLER |
Category.AuthorizedSelector |
AuthorizedSelector selects all the categories a member is
authorized to read.
Category.CategoryUsageSelector |
Checks if loggedMember can read/use/manage category
Category.DeepOrderComparator<T extends Category> |
Category.LeafSelector |
Category.NameComparator<T extends Category> |
Category.NameSelector |
Select categories by their name.
Category.NodeSelector |
Category.OrderChildrenFirstComparator<T extends Category> |
Category.OrderChildrenLastComparator<T extends Category> |
Category.OrderComparator<T extends Category> |
Category.SelectableCategorySelector |
Checks if category is selectable
CategoryBrowser |
CategoryBrowserContext |
CategoryBrowserManager |
CategoryCaddyManagerHandler |
CategoryCleanerHandler |
CategoryCleanerHandler.SimilarityAlgorithm |
CategoryClusterManager |
CategoryCtxMenu |
This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS category.
CategoryCycleException |
CategoryDefaultJsonConfiguration |
CategoryFilter |
CategoryIndexManager |
CategoryListener |
CategoryMenuInfo |
CategoryMixIn |
CategoryQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of categories.
CategoryRight |
This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category
CategoryRight_HANDLER |
CategorySearchEngine |
This interface must be implemented by category search engines (indexer and searcher)
such as LuceneCategorySearchEngine.
CategorySearchEngineListener |
This class listen to all operations on Category and ask the
Category Search Engine to index/update/delete.
CategorySearchResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a group search
CategorySettings |
Category Settings
CategoryTreeSettings |
Category tree Settings.
CatWebdavContext |
A JCMS Representation of a Webdav Context
using Category for folders and FileDocument for files
Authentification use BASIC authentification and store
result in a cookie.
CatWebdavFileSystem |
A JCMS Representation of a Webdav FileSystem
The root directory will be defined by servlet configuration parameter "RootPath"
CatWebdavLock |
A JCMS Representation of a Webdav Lock
CatWebdavResource |
A File Representation of a resource in the Webdav FileSystem
CatWebdavUtil |
Channel |
The Channel singleton is the main access point of the JCMS API.
ChannelInitServlet |
Servlet responsible of initializing JCMS.
ChannelListener |
A listener called during the Channel life cycle.
ChannelNamePatternConverter |
ChannelNameResource |
ChannelPolicyFilter |
This class allow developers to put hooks to change
channel mechanism behaviour.
ChannelPolicyManager |
ChannelUridPatternConverter |
CharsetDetector |
This class allow one to detect charset encoding of any given file or input stream.
Chart |
ChartDataWrapper |
ChartManager |
ChartSeries<T extends ChartSeries<T>> |
ChartTag |
ChartTag |
This tag prints a date.
ChartTagBeautifier |
ChartUtil |
CheckedFile |
CheckerContext |
CheckIntegrityTag |
This tag prints a warn icon if the given data does not respect its integrity constraints.
CheckResource |
CheckResult |
A simple class to save result of a Component Checker.
CheckRightsHandler |
ChooserConstants |
Constants for ChooserSettings.
Chrono |
Chrono.Step |
ChronoTag |
ChronoTagExtraInfo |
ClassDataSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the data that are the
same as, or are subclasses of, the given class.
CleanedApplication |
A POJO representing the application
CleanedApplicationLauncher |
A POJO representing the application launcher for BDD
CleanedApplicationLauncherTab |
A POJO representing the cleaned application launcher tab
Cleaner |
Provides common settings for any sanitizer.
CleanFilter |
This interface must be implemented to define cleaning rules.
ClientCertificateAuthenticationHandler |
CollectionMappingInfo |
This class contains mapping information about collection of values attached to a persisted class.
Color |
ColorSettings |
Color Settings
ColorSettings.PickerOptions |
ColorUtil |
This class provides utility methods to manage colors.
ComparatorManager |
Manager of all Comparators used in JCMS to sort Storable instances and their subclass.
ConditionalTag |
ConditionTemplatePolicyFilter |
ConfirmDangerDataAttributes |
Usage : new ConfirmDangerDataAttributes().title("X").message("Y").cancelButtonLabel("S").confirmButtonLabel("W").getDataAttributes()
If labels are not defined, confirm will fallback on default texts (In js)
ConflictManager |
ConflictResolutionRule |
ConflictResolver |
ConnectionEvent |
ConnectionEventManager |
ConnectionEventManager.Granularity |
Content |
Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements
to indicates it is an editorial publication.
ContentSecurityPolicyManager |
Content Security Policy implementation in JCMS.
ContentTopValue |
ContextualStopFilterFactory |
Factory for lucene StopFilter using stop words from current language.
ContextualTokenFilterFactory |
Abstract parent class for analysis factories that create TokenFilter
instances supporting JCMS contextual language information retrieval.
ControllerStatus |
This class represents the status returned by a DataController.
ControlSettings<T extends ControlSettings<T>> |
Interface to provide the settings of a <jalios:control>.
The <jalios:control> tag provides the settings attribute that accepts an instance of ControlSettings .
A ControlSettings has options.
ControlTag |
ControlType |
ControlUtils |
ControlUtils.SelectDataItem |
CookieAuthenticationHandler |
Save authentification made by other handlers into cookie
and use it later on to re-authenticate.
You can disable this handler by modifiying property "auth-mgr.cookie-enabled" .
CookieAuthenticationHandler.CookieAuthState |
Possible Cookie authentication state after handler invocation.
CookieManagementFilter |
CountrySettings |
CountryTag |
This tag prints the flag bound to the specified country or current country.
CropPreset |
Crypt |
Java-based implementation of the unix crypt command.
CssPacker |
CssStyleLayout |
A class to associate a integer that represents the number of publications per container (step)
with a css style for cards
CssUtil |
CtxMenuConstants |
Provides constants to implement Contextual menus.
CtxMenuManager |
This manager provides a way to generate dynamically letters for specific new entries in contextual menus.
CtxMenuPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for contextual menu rendering.
CtxMenuPolicyManager |
CtxMenuUtil |
Utility class providing convenient methods for producing contextual menus.
CustomAnnotationIntrospector |
CustomCleanFilter |
CustomJsonSerializer |
CustomNullsLastInterceptor |
CustomSimilarity |
Custom scoring implementation.
DamerauLevenshteinDistance |
Data |
This abstract class is the super class of all the persistent
classes of a JCMS Channel.
Data.AuthorComparator<T extends Data> |
Data.AuthorizedSelector |
AuthorizedSelector selects all the Data a member is
authorized to read.
Data.AuthorSelector |
DataSelector to select Data whose author is the specified one.
Data.CdateSelector |
DataSelector to select Data which have
a creation date between the given begin and end Date .
Data.DataNameComparator<T extends Data> |
This comparator compares two Data using their Data Name.
Data.DeletableSelector |
DataSelector to select Data that
can be deleted (i.e.
Data.ImportSelector |
DataSelector to select Data which have
been imported.
Data.MdateSelector |
DataSelector to select Data which have
a modification date between the given begin and end Date .
Data.OpAuthorComparator<T extends Data> |
Data.RowIdComparator<T extends Data> |
Data.StrongLockSelector |
DataAttribute |
DatabaseInfo |
This class contains the informations for a database.
DatabaseInfo.Builder |
DataChildrenResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the set of children of a
given data.
DataCollectionRestResource |
The classes extending this one are representing a list of JCMS data resource.
DataController |
A DataController is notified whenever data integrity must be
checked, write (create, update, delete, ...) must be accepted,
before and after the write is performed.
DataDefaultJsonConfiguration |
DataDeserializer |
DataExtension |
This class contains extra fields for a given Data object.
DataIconPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks for Data icons
DataIconPolicyManager |
DataIconTag |
Display the img html tag for given Data.
DataIndexManager |
DataInfos<T extends Data,E extends DataInfos<T,E>> |
DataInfosHelper |
DataIterator<E> |
DataIterator allowing efficient iteration over hybrid sources
of Data (JStore and/or JcmsDB) with size retrieval.
DataListener |
This class listens to mutations of Data objects.
DataListHelper<T extends Data> |
This Helper class can be used inside DBData, to manage
collection of Data (whether they contains JStore or JcmsDB Data).
DataListItemTag |
The java class for tag "dataListItem"
DataListTag |
The java class for tag "dataList"
DataListTagExtraInfo |
The java class for tag "DataList" extra info
DataLocalizationManager |
DataMixIn |
DataPoint |
DataResource |
Rest Resource for Data management.
DataResourceMultipartWrapperRequest |
DataRestResource |
The classes extending this one are representing a JCMS data resource.
DataRight |
This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object.
DataRight_HANDLER |
DataSelector |
DataSetHelper<T extends Data> |
This Helper class can be used inside DBData, to manage
collection of Data (whether they contains JStore or JcmsDB Data).
DataTypeCollectionResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a list of DataType through
DataTypeItemResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a DataType through
DateComparator<T> |
This class implements a Comparator which compares two
Date objects in the ascending order.
DateDescendingComparator<T extends java.util.Date> |
This class implements a Comparator which compares two
Date objects in the descending order.
DateSettings |
Date Settings
DateTag |
This tag prints a date.
DateUtil |
Helper class to work on Dates and Calendars.
Day |
DayAccessAgent |
DBConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants related to the database/hibernate access.
DBContentListener |
DBData |
This tagging interface must be implemented by object persisted by JCMS in the database.
DBDataDefaultJsonConfiguration |
DBDataMixIn |
DBDataRevision |
DBDataRevisionManager |
This class manages revision for HistorizedDBData
DBEventLog |
This class represents a DBEventLog (i.e.
DBEventLogManager |
This class replays the hibernate events on all the other replicas.
DBFileDocument |
DBFileDocumentRevision |
This class represents a revision of a DBFileDocument.
DBListener |
A DBListener event gets fired whenever a DBData is created, updated or
DBMember |
DBMember.Fields |
DBMemberCaddyManagerHandler |
DBMemberDefaultJsonConfiguration |
DBMemberMixIn |
DBMemberQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of DBMembers.
DBMemberQueryUtil |
Provides utility methods to retrieve Hibernate Criterion suitable for DBMember query.
DBPublicationCategoryUpdateThread |
DbRecordSettings |
DBRecord Settings
DBReferrerManager |
This class is a singleton that provides a method to get all the DB publication referring a given data.
DBUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations on databases.
DecodeContext |
DefaultApplicationChannelListener |
Channel listener which creates default application
DefaultApplicationRightPolicyFilter |
Right Policy Filter which test access to default application generated
DefaultEmailValidator |
DefaultImageAdapter |
A default image adapter to get thumbnail version of source image.
DefaultImageThumbnailPolicyFilter |
DefaultOpenOfficeThumbnailPolicyFilter |
DefaultOpenXmlThumbnailPolicyFilter |
DefaultQueryParser |
Classic QueryParser with some added feature.
DefaultResponsiveImageRenderer |
DefaultSettings |
Default Settings.
DefaultThumbnailPolicyFilter |
DelegationAuthenticationHandler |
Uses the Member's delegation to allow him to change its identity to somebody else.
DelegationAuthenticationHandler.DelegationAuthState |
Possible Delegation Auth state after handler invocation.
DeleteMemberUGCThread |
DeleteRule |
This rule resolves Update/Delete conflict by selecting the Delete.
DeleteTag |
This tag prints a small delete icons beside a given Data
object to delete it
DeleteTag.DeleteLink |
A pojo class representing a delete link
DeployDownloadMonitor |
DeployManager |
DeployManagerConstants |
DeployManagerDownloadHandler |
DeployManagerUpgradeHandler |
DeployManagerUpgradeUploadHandler |
Check and deploy an uploaded webapp to the right webapp location.
DerbyManager |
This class manages the internal Derby server.
DescriptiveURLs |
Manages Descriptive URLs production and decoding.
DescriptiveURLs.DescriptiveURLsListener |
DeviceToken |
Diff |
The Diff class compares two files.
DirectoryScanner |
This class perform a scan of the repository base directory.
DisjoinJSyncEvent |
DisjoinMessage |
This class represents a JSync JoinMessage.
DisplayContext |
DisplayPluginHandler |
This class is used to handle modification on
DisplayServlet |
DocRedirector |
DocumentEditor |
This interface must be implemented by component that what provides a service to edit a document.
DocumentEditorManager |
DocumentEditorPolicyFilter |
DocumentEditorPolicyManager |
DocUploadHandler |
This form handler processes document upload.
DocUploadInfo |
A convenient wrapper of uploaded files that have been decoded by MultiPartFilter.
DropdownTag |
DummyScrollableResult |
DuplicateModalHandler |
DurationSettings |
Duration Settings
DurationSettings.Resolution |
Enumeration that lists the possible resolutions of a duration.
DurationTag |
This tag prints a duration.
EditableData |
EditableData is a tagging interface which a Data subclass implements
to indicates it can be edited with a dedicated editor.
EditAbstractJPortalHandler |
EditAbstractMediaHandler |
EditAclHandler |
EditAlertRuleHandler |
EditCatHandler |
This form handler processes editCat.jsp forms.
EditDataFormHandler<T extends Data> |
This class is the super class of all FormHandlers which manage stored data.
EditDataHandler |
This class is the super class of all FormHandler which manage
stored data.
EditDataIdHandler |
EditDBFileDocumentHandler |
EditExtraDataHandler |
This form handler processes Data's Extra Data forms.
EditFileDocumentHandler |
EditFormHandler |
This form handler processes Form forms.
EditGroupHandler |
This form handler process Group forms.
EditImageHandler |
EditMemberHandler |
This form handler processes Member forms.
EditMemberHandler.AuthType |
Authentication type authorized.
EditMemberPhotoHandler |
This form handler processes Member photo.
EditNotificationCriteriaHandler |
EditNotificationHandler |
EditPluginHandler |
This class is used to handle modification on
EditPortalElementHandler |
EditPortalHandler |
EditPortalRedirectHandler |
EditPortletCollectionHandler |
EditPortletHandler |
EditPortletLogHandler |
EditPortletParentHandler |
EditPortletSkinableHandler |
EditPublicationHandler |
This form handler processes Publication forms.
EditPublicLinkHandler |
EditRemoteDocumentHandler |
EditShortcutStepHandler |
EditTag |
This tag prints a small edit icons beside a given Publication
object (to update it) or Publication class (to add a new instance).
EditTypeExtensionHandler |
This form handler processes DataExtension forms.
EditWorkflowInstanceHandler |
EditWorkspaceCommonHandler |
This form handler process Workspace forms.
EditWorkspaceHandler |
This form handler process Workspace forms.
EditWorkspaceRoleHandler |
This form handler process Group forms.
EditWorkspaceTypeHandler |
This form handler process Group forms.
EditWSTypeEntryHandler |
This class handle create/update/delete
form action on WSTypeEntry
EmailSettings |
Email Settings
EmailValidator |
Enclosure |
abstraction of RSS enclosure
EnumerateFormReport |
EnumerateSettings |
EnumerationOnIterator<E> |
Wrap an enumeration around an iterator
Enumerator |
This class wraps an enumeration around an iterator.
EnumUtils |
Utils Class to handle enumeration values ​​to int-based "bit flags".
EscapedScript |
EventData |
ExampleExtractor |
ExpiresFilter |
Add HTTP Expires header to matching resources.
ExportCatListHandler |
Exports a tree of categories to a .txt file.
ExportConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants for the ExportManager.
ExportManager |
The ExportManager is the main class to manage data to export.
This class is a singleton (see ExportManager.getInstance() ).
It provides method to export data from an id, a query or a dataSet.
ExportPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks for data export.
ExportPolicyManager |
ExportUtil |
This class provides utility methods for the ExportManager.
ExtensionFilenameFilter |
This FileFilter filters file according the given extension
ExtraDBData |
Class used to store Data's extra data to hibernate.
ExtraDBDataManager |
Manages all Data's extradbdata serialization in the database.
FakeCriteria |
FaviconManager |
FavoriteWorkspaceHandler |
Allows a Member to add, or remove a favorite Workspace or clear its favorites.
FavoriteWorkspaceManager |
Manager to get/set Member's favorite workspaces.
FetchCriteria |
A validation interface of an Incoming Mail Criteria.
FieldStatus |
This class represents the status of field for an edit form.
FieldTag |
FieldTagExtraInfo |
FileActionComponent |
This interface defines the way a Parser or a Processor must be implemented.
FileActionComponent.Operation |
Possible operation detected on a file
FileAnalyzerThread |
Analyze workspace (or site) files to compute file quota
FileDateComparator |
File Comparator using lastModified value of Files to sort.
FileDiff |
FileDocument |
FileDocument_HANDLER |
FileDocument.AssociatedFileFilter |
Filter files against a FileDocument instance to retrieve only
File which are associated to the specified FileDocument (PDF file, txt file, thumbnail etc).
FileDocument.ContentTypeComparator<T extends FileDocument> |
FileDocument.ContentTypeSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument matching the given
content type.
FileDocument.DeleteThumbnailListener |
FileDocument.DimensionsComparator<T extends FileDocument> |
This comparators compare FileDocuments of image file type according
to their dimensions.
FileDocument.DurationComparator<T extends FileDocument> |
This comparators compare FileDocuments of audio file type according
to their duration.
FileDocument.HiddenSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the Hidden FileDocument
FileDocument.MediaTypeSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument corresponding
to the given media type.
FileDocument.SizeComparator<T extends FileDocument> |
FileDocument.SizeSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument in the given range size.
FileDocumentDefaultJsonConfiguration |
FileDocumentListener |
This class listens to mutation of FileDocument objects.
FileDocumentMixIn |
FileDocumentReferrerRightPolicyFilter |
FileDocumentVersionListener |
FileEntry |
This class contains information on the file to be downloaded
FileFetcher |
This class spawns a thread to download a set of file
FileIconTag |
This tag prints the icon of the given FileDocument
FileIndexManager |
This class manages the Custom Type file index.
FileParser |
A class that implements this interface is a parser for at least one kind of files.
FileParserTestCase |
Super class of FileProcessor's FileParsers test case.
FileProcessingInfo |
FileProcessingInfo.Fields |
FileProcessingLog |
FileProcessingLog.Fields |
FileProcessor |
A class that implements this interface is a processor for at least one kind of files.
FileProcessorAction |
FileProcessor action which can be triggered by administrators.
FileProcessorAdminHandler |
FormHandler that provides informations shown in FileProcessor admin page.
FileProcessorAlarmListener |
For one Repository configured, there is one instance of this AlarmListener registered in a
corresponding AlarmManager.
FileProcessorDBListenerStoreListener |
FileProcessorManager |
FileProcessor singleton manager class
FileProcessorPostponedAlarmListener |
For one Repository configured, there is one instance of this AlarmListener registered in a
corresponding AlarmManager.
FileProcessorReplicaMessageManager |
Handle JSync intermessaging related to FileProcessor.
FileProcessorUIUtil |
FileReadinessProbe |
FileSettings |
File Settings
FileSettings.FileFilter |
Enumeration of available file filters.
FileSettings.Mode |
Enumeration of File Mode (standard input file, ajax input file).
FileSize |
represent size associated to a file
size is the size of the file itself
fullSize is the size with all associated files
FileSizeTag |
This tag prints the formatted size of a file.
FileSync |
FileSystemEventDataProvider |
FileSystemStorage |
FileUnifiedInsertPolicyFilter |
Unified insertion policy filter to hide file entry to non authorized user.
FileUploadOptions |
Memo class holding all upload option.
FileWebdavContext |
A File Representation of a Webdav Context
FileWebdavFileSystem |
A File Representation of a Webdav FileSystem
The root directory will be defined by servlet configuration parameter "RootPath"
FileWebdavLock |
A File Representation of a Webdav Lock
FileWebdavResource |
A File Representation of a resource in the Webdav FileSystem
FileWebdavTag |
This tag prints icons for webfolders:
- Download a File
- Edit with WebDav a File
- Open a WebFolder
FileWebdavTag.Webdav |
FinallyFilter |
FixedDurationPeriod |
FlotChart |
FlotChartData |
FlotChartDataTag |
FlotChartOptionTag |
FlotChartTag |
FlotPieChart |
FlotPieChartTag |
ForeachTag |
This tag iterates over a Collection.
ForeachTagExtraInfo |
Form |
Form is the mother class of all form types.
Form.SubmitMemberSelector |
This DataSelector selects all the forms the given member has submitted (optionally, which are in a given state)
FormHandlerChecker |
This class contains a static method to check all the classes that extends JcmsFormHandler.
FormRightPolicyFilter |
FortNight |
FPUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations used specifically in FileProcessor.
FriendlyURLFilter |
This filter allow Friendly URLs to be used to access JCMS data.
FriendlyURLManager |
FriendlyURLsHandler |
FTSearchEngine |
This class implements a full-text engine.
FullDisplay |
GeneratedFileSelector |
Selects all files that have been generated by JCMS and that can be safely deleted or ignored...
GenericEnumUserType |
If you need to map Java 5 Enums to Hibernate using JPA annotations this is what you are looking for.
GenericProvider |
Group |
A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances.
Group.AclComparator<T extends Group> |
DataComparator sorting groups using their ACL.
Group.DataRightComparator<T extends Group> |
This comparator sort groups according the DataRight they have.
Group.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.LeafSelector |
Select leaf groups.
Group.MemberCountComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.MemberSelector |
Select groups the given member can read.
Group.NameComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.NameSelector |
Select groups by their name.
Group.NotificationPeriodSelector |
Select groups that have at least one NotificationCriteria for which the period
is equal to the period of the period given to the constructor.
Group.OrderComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.ParentSelector |
Group.PreferredWorkspaceComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Group> |
Group.WorkspaceSelector |
DataSelector selecting Groups based on their Workspace.
GroupCaddyManagerHandler |
GroupDefaultJsonConfiguration |
GroupIndexManager |
GroupListContext |
GroupListContext.Builder |
GroupListener |
This class listens to mutations of Group instances.
GroupMixIn |
GroupQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of groups.
GroupSearchResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a group search
GroupSettings |
Group Settings.
GroupSettings.MemberFilter |
Enumeration of Member filters.
GroupTarget |
GZIPFilter |
HbmChecker |
HeapDumper |
Utiliy class to dump the HEAP memory of the current JVM for easier debugging of memory related problems (eg : memory leak)
HibernateManager |
This class is a singleton to manage Hibernate access.
HibernateSessionFilter |
This filter wraps an Hibernate transaction around this request.
HibernateUtil |
Helper class providing static methods to perform common database operation using Hibernate.
HiddenSettings |
Hidden Settings
HierarchicalWorkspacesManager |
Provides resources for Hierarchical Workspaces:
- LRU cache of last visited Workspaces for a member
- cache of plugin properties
HighlightTag |
HistorizedDBData |
This tagging interface must be implemented by DBData that have to be historized.
HtmlUtil |
Html manipulation methods.
HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler |
HttpClient |
HttpClientThread |
HttpClientUtils |
Utility class for the jakarta common HttpClient
HttpDigestAuthenticationHandler |
Authenticates user using HTTP Authorization.
HttpServletRequestRestWrapper |
This HttpServletWrapper uses parameters only in queryString, not in
entity body.
HttpServletResponseForwardableWrapper |
The aim of this implementation of HttpServletResponseWrapper is to allow
making a forward in a Restlet Resource and that the Restlet framework makes no
further operation (like a flush or setting an error code) on the response.
HttpSessionWrapper |
A Wrapper (decorator) for the HttpSession object.
HttpUtil |
This class contains a set of static utility methods for validation,
encoding and decoding of http and html input/output.
Hunk |
The Hunk class is a super class of classes HunkAdd ,
HunkChange and HunkDel .it is an abstarct class.
HunkAdd |
The HunkAdd class represents a bloc of difference reliding
HunkChange |
The HunkChange class represents a bloc of difference reliding
HunkDel |
The HunkDel class represents a bloc of difference that will
be deleted.
I18nConstants |
Constants used in JCMS internationalization.
I18nUtil |
Helper method for completed support of advanced internationalization in JCMS.
Icon |
A Pojo representing an icon
IconChooserManager |
Manager to retrieve icon lists from prefixes (A cache to avoid recomputing icons each time)
IconChooserModalHandler |
Modal handler to search for icons
IconFetcher |
A class to query icons
IconManager |
IconSettings |
Icon Settings
IconTag |
Display the img html tag for given Data.
IfHeaderParser |
Parser class for the If header described in RFC 2518
IfHeaderParser.Condition |
IfHeaderParser.EntityTag |
IfHeaderParser.IfParseException |
IfHeaderParser.StateToken |
IfTag |
IgnoreEmptyItemRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on array attribute by ignoring empty values.
IgnoreOrderRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on array attribute by ignoring order.
IgnoreRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update attribute conflict by ignoring this conflict.
IllegalStoreAccessException |
IllegalStoreOperation |
ImageAdapter |
Interface to allow override of the displayed image.
ImageAspectRatio |
ImageDocumentEditor |
ImageEditorActionHandler |
ImageEditorActionHandler.ImageEditorActionResult |
ImageEditorContext |
ImageEditorManager |
ImageEditorOptions |
ImageFormat |
This class keeps track of possible export image formats.
ImageInfo |
Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and optionally
number of images, comments and physical resolution from
(or input streams).
ImageMetaDataExtractor |
This class extracts metadata of image files.
ImagePathSettings |
Image path Settings
ImageTag |
ImageUploadHandler |
ImageUtil |
Utility class to manipulate image.
ImportCatListHandler |
Upload and parse a .txt file containing tree of categories to import in JCMS.
ImportConflictHandler |
This form handler processes importConflictList.jsp actions
ImportConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants for the ImportManager.
ImportDataListener |
This StoreListener indexes imported data.
ImportIconTag |
This tag prints the icon status for imported data.
ImportManager |
The ImportManager is the main class to manage data import.
This class is a singleton (see ImportManager.getInstance() ).
It provides method to import data from an ImportSource, an URL or a File.
It also manages import logs (ImportStatus).
ImportManagerHandler |
This form handler processes ImportManager's form.
ImportOptions |
This class contains the options used during an import.
ImportPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks for data export.
ImportPolicyManager |
ImportSource |
This class represents an Import Source.
ImportStatus |
This class represents an Import Status.
ImportUtil |
This class provides utility methods for the ImportManager.
IncludeTag |
IncomingMailFetching |
IncomingMailListener |
IncomingMailListener.IncomingMailCriteria |
IncomingMailPatternComparator |
Comparator that puts default incoming mail pattern as last position.
IndexSnapshotManager |
Provide management of lucene index snapshot
IndexSnapshotManager.UpcomingSnapshotInfo |
Class holding information about pending snapshot
IndexSnapshotResource |
Provide access to lucene index snapshot management.
Indicator |
A pojo representing indicator content
IndicatorCardTag |
IndicatorConstants |
IndicatorContext |
A pojo giving some context to the indicator
IndicatorManager |
IndicatorPolicy |
An interface representing the IndicatorPolicy
InitFilter |
InlineStyleCleaner |
Clean HTML style attribute
using a whitelist of authorized css properties.
InnerLogEntry |
This class represents a inner Store operation.
InsertionContext |
IntegerFormReport |
Interval |
Interval abstraction (2 dates)
IOUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various i/o
JaliosConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants.
JaliosDerbyDialect |
JavaScriptTag |
Allows javascript code to be captured and added at proper place.
For performance reason and ajax compatibility, code is added :
at end of page for normal case (through doEmptyFooter.jsp)
at html fragment for ajax request (through doAjaxFooter.jspf)
JBlockEditorHandler |
JBlockMapping |
JBlockOptionsMapping |
JBlockUIMapping |
JCMSAppender |
A log4j appender that keeps from 5 to 500 LoggingEvent inside a list.
It does not need any layout.
JcmsCleanFilter |
JcmsConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants.
JcmsContext |
This class keep track of all variables declared in doInitPage and give access
to convenient methods when you are not in a jsp (servlet, tag, custom class
etc) To use methods of this class, You MUST set a valid request and response
(either with the contructor or with the setters).
JcmsFormHandler |
This abstract class is the super class of all the Form
Handler classes (i.e.
JcmsHibernateEventListener |
This class is a singleton that dispatches Hibernate events to JCMS DBListeners
JcmsHibernateNamingStrategy |
This class defines the JCMS Hibernate Naming Strategy for tables and column names.
JcmsInfo |
This class manages information about JCMS release.
JcmsJSONUtil |
This class provides AJAX access for utility methods.
JcmsJspAjaxContext |
JcmsJspContext |
This class allows you to keep track of variables declare and initialized by JCMS.
JcmsJSyncListener |
JcmsMessage |
Wrapper class for message(s) to be displayed to the user in the GUI.
JcmsMessage.Level |
Criticity Level of message being displayed to the User.
JcmsMessageSelector |
JcmsPatternLayout |
Custom log4j PatternLayout providing new patterns specific to JCMS.
JcmsPatternParser |
JcmsRestletServlet |
JcmsRestResource |
Generic Abstract Restlet Resource for all JCMS OpenAPI resource.
JcmsRestStatusService |
Implementation of StatusServices uses in JCMS Rest OpenAPI.
JcmsSecurityMatchFilter |
This filter only allows message with a "[SECURITY]" NDC.
JcmsServlet |
This convenient Servlet abstract class:
redirects doPost() on doGet
sets the channel attribute
implements JcmsConstants
JcmsServletFilter |
Convenient super class for servlet filter developped in JCMS.
As of current implementation, this class mainly provides the method
processFilter(ServletRequest) to prevent multiple processing of
the filter under weblogic.
JcmsSessionTracker |
This singleton class tracks sessions of guest and logged members in JCMS.
JcmsSessionTrackerListener |
This listener class tracks the addition, replacement or removal of
the TRACKING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute to the J2EE session.
JcmsTestCase |
Provides a super class for development of JCMS unit tests with JUnit3.
Extending this class will automatically provides a working JCMS
during execution of all your unit tests.
JcmsTestCase4 |
Provides a base class for development of JCMS unit tests with JUnit4.
Extending this class will automatically provides a working JCMS
during execution of all your unit tests.
JcmsTestCaseUtil |
JcmsToastr |
Wrapper class for toastr(s) to be displayed to the user in the GUI.
JcmsTokenizer |
A grammar-based tokenizer constructed with JFlex, based on lucene default ClassicTokenizer.
JcmsTokenizerFactory |
JcmsUploadFormHandler |
JCMSUploadIndexer |
Implementation of the RepositoryIndexer for the JCMS upload directory.
JcmsUtil |
This class contains a set of utility static methods.
JHTMLRenderer |
This class contains a set of utility static methods to process
JHTML text.
JHTMLUtils |
Utility class providing helper methods to work with JHTML documents.
JNewsManager |
A class managing JNews
JNewsUtils |
A class containing JNews utility methods
JoinJSyncEvent |
JoinMessage |
This class represents a JSync JoinMessage.
JPortalActionResult |
JPortalActionResult.JPortalActionStatus |
JPortalAddPorletHandler |
JPortalApplicationManager |
JPortalComponent |
JPortalComponentType |
JPortalConstants |
JPortalConstants.BlockDropPositions |
JPortalCreateHandler |
JPortalDisplayContext |
JPortalDisplayHandler |
JPortalDuplicateHandler |
JPortalEditorHandler |
JPortalEditPorletHandler |
JPortalEditPortletUIHandler |
JPortalEditPortletUIHandler.SkinSection |
JPortalFrontFilesHandler |
JPortalFrontFilesHandler.FileType |
JPortalHistoryHandler |
JPortalListener |
JPortalManager |
JPortalManager.JPortalComponentIndexComparator |
JPortalManager.JPortalComponentNameComparator |
JPortalMapping |
JPortalPolicyFilter |
JPortalPolicyManager |
JPortalPublishHandler |
JPortalStructure |
JPortalStructureDataController |
JPortalTemplate |
JPortalUIMapping |
JPortalUtils |
JPortletMapping |
JPortletUIMapping |
JProperties |
This class, based on Properties manage properties file in UTF-8 encoding.
JPropertiesChecker |
Checks for JProperties validity.
JPropertiesListener |
Interface to implement to be notified of JCMS property modification.
jsc |
JStore Storable Compiler (generates StorableHandler for a given Storable).
JsChecker |
Check JS for bad coding practices.
JsonConfiguration |
JsonDateFormat |
JsonManager |
JsPacker |
JspChecker |
Check JSP/JSPF for bad coding practices.
JSPtoFile |
JSyncConstants |
This interfaces contains public JSync constants
JSyncDataListener |
This class monitors writes stablization.
JSyncEvent |
JSyncListener |
A JSync event gets fired whenever a JSyncEvent occurs
JSyncLogger |
This class writes logs JSyncReplica actions such as join, disjoin, update, etc.
JSyncManagerHandler |
This form handler processes JSyncManager's form.
JSyncPreviousReplicaManager |
The aim of this class is to compute the list of url of replica previously connected to this leader.
JSyncReplica |
This class provides supports to manage a replica, manages
JSyncListener, send and process the JSyncMessage.
JSyncResource |
JSyncServlet |
JSyncUtil |
This class provides utility methods
JumboPatchDeploy |
JumboPatchInfo |
Helper class to read informations about a JCMS jumbo patch.
JumboPatchMaker |
Create a "jumbo" patch suitable for easier migration between maintenance revision of JCMS.
JWTAuthenticationHandler |
JWTGeneratorHandler |
JwtManager |
KeyStoreManager |
LandscapeImageAdapter |
A specific image adapter for Landscape image case.
LangProperties |
LangPropertiesChecker |
Check language properties for missing or duplicated internationalization string.
Calling this class in Eclipse:
create a Debug or Run Java application on this class
arguments: specify which langProperties files or directory you want to check
LangProperty |
This class allow one to instanciate a property to be used at a later time in a
localized message.
LangPropertyArgument |
Interface to be implemented to provide I18N of objects in language properties.
LangTag |
This tag prints the flag bound to the given language or bound to userLang.
LangTag.LangTagMemento |
LanguageSettings |
Language Settings
LDAPConfiguration |
LdapManager |
Manager for all LDAP related processing.
LDAPMapper |
This class allows simpler access to LDAP using following ldap properties.
LDAPUtil |
Utilily methods to perform miscelleanous operation related to LDAP.
LDAPUtil.SRVRecord |
SRV record entry
LegacyWitnessFileImportHandler |
LessChecker |
Check CSS/LESS files.
LessCompilerResult |
LessCssCompiler |
LessFileWatcher |
LessThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector |
LevelSelector |
LightboxUtils |
LimitController |
LimitControllerListener |
LineData |
LineDelimiterFilterInputStream |
This class is an input stream filter that provides the added
functionality of converting all types of line delimiter into
unix line delimiter '\n' .
LineSeries |
LinkIndexManager |
This class manages the custom Types link index.
LinkOptions |
LinkTag |
Output an href link using the given parameters.
ListItemTag |
The java class for tag "listItem"
ListItemTag.LinkTarget |
ListSubgroupTag |
ListTag |
LoadReport |
This class reports informations about the last load.
LockResource |
LockTag |
This tag prints a lock icon if the given data is locked.
Log4jOutputStream |
An OutputStream that flushes out to a log4j Category.
Log4jPrintStream |
A PrintStream that flushes out to a log4j Category.
LogAppender |
A log4j appender that keeps from 5 to 500 LoggingEvent.
It does not need any layout.
LogCleaner |
LogEntry |
This abstract class represents a Store operation.
LogException |
LoggingAuthenticationHandler |
Provide logging of the authentication process using log4j.
This authentication handler must be the first in the list of authentication
handlers to be able to log authentication made by other handlers.
LoggingFilter |
TokenFilter used for diagnostics and debugging purpose to
log all token in current TokenStream using TRACE logging level.
LoggingFilterFactory |
LoggingMessage |
LogicalStampManager |
This class provides logical stamps.
LoginEvent |
POJO use to store login event of user.
LoginEvent.Fields |
LoginResult |
Internal class used by JCMS to return the informations
available after a call to the login procedure.
LoginTag |
LoginUtil |
LogManager |
This class manages the log file
LogManagerDeltaHandler |
This class is the SAX handler which handles the LogEntry when the
log is parsed to generate the suffix of the log beyond a given stamp
LogManagerHandler |
This class is the super class of all the LogManager handlers
LogManagerLoadHandler |
This class is the SAX handler which handles the LogEntry when the
log is parsed.
LogManagerSyncHandler |
This class is the LogManagerHandler which handles the LogEntry
when the log is parsed to get the storable ids created or mutated
since the given sync stamp.
LogManagerVersionHandler |
This class is the SAX handler which handles the LogEntry when the
log is parsed to build all the version of storables.
LuceneArchiveEngine |
LuceneCategorySearchEngine |
This CategorySearchEngine is reponsible for the indexing and searching of JCMS
content using lucene.
LuceneCategorySearchEngineScoring |
LuceneDataSearchEngine |
This class provides a base class to index JCMS Data using Lucene.
LuceneDataSearchEngine.IndexingLatch |
CountDownLatch used to be notified of the end of the next
indexing operation taking place on a Data.
LuceneDataSearchEngine.ReindexOptions |
Class holding reindexing options.
LuceneMemberSearchEngine |
Provides member indexing and search.
LucenePublicationSearchEngine |
This PublicationSearchEngine is reponsible for the indexing and searching of JCMS
content using lucene.
LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter |
This class allow developers to put hooks to change
lucene search engine mechanism behaviour.
LuceneSearchEnginePolicyManager |
LuceneUtils |
Provide misc utility when working with lucene
MagicMimeTypeIdentifier |
Determines the MIME type of a binary resource based on magic number-based heuristics.
MagicNumber |
Licence concern :
This method is based upon Aperture MagicMimeTypeIdentifier.
MagicString |
Licence concern :
This method is based upon Aperture MagicMimeTypeIdentifier.
MailAccount |
MailAlertChannel |
MailAppender |
MailEditHandler |
This form handler processes doEditMail.jsp form.
MailFetcher |
The MailFetcher is used for communication between JCMS, MailServer and Mail Account.
MailFetcherAlarmEntry |
MailListener |
MailManager |
Provides convenient methods to manage DBMailMessage stored
in DataBase and on HardDrive
MailMessage |
Class used to build and send a mail message.
MailMessage.Part |
Convenient recursive structure to wrap javax.mail.Message Part
MailMessage.SentDateComparator<T extends MailMessage> |
Compares two MailMessage using their SentDate in descending order (newest date first).
MailMessageDataController |
This DataController resolves String email addresses as Members if any corresponding, on MailMessage creation.
MailPasswordHandler |
This form handler processes password reset request from administrator.
MailPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks on around mail activity.
MailPolicyManager |
MailSender |
MailSender |
Deprecated. |
MailThreadQueryFilter |
MailUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations for JavaMail API.
MapUtils |
MapUtils.ConcurrentMapBuilder<K,V> |
MapUtils.MapBuilder<K,V> |
MashupConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants for the mashup package.
MashupUtil |
This class provides utility methods for the Mashup package.
MatcherCallback |
Measure |
Event that store all the values which are taken for a monitoring measures.
MediaBrowserHandler |
This handler controls the MediaBrowser.
MediaInfos |
MediaInfosHandler |
MediaManager |
Manager for Medias.
MediaPathSettings |
Media path Settings
MediaPathSettings.MediaType |
MediaProgression |
MediaProgressionDataController |
MediaProgressionManager |
MediaQueryFilter |
MediaSettings |
Media Settings
MediaTag |
Print the HTML required to provide a media player for any file.
MediaTemplatePolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks around Media rendering.
MediaTemplatePolicyManager |
MediaTracksHandler |
Provide Media tracks management
MediaTracksSearchEnginePolicyFilter |
SearchEngine policy filter adding parsing and indexing of media tracks.
MediaTracksUtils |
Utility class for Media track management.
Member |
A Member object contains a set of information about a
JCMS referenced user.
Member_HANDLER |
Member.AccountSelector |
Select a subset of members with the Account usage.
Member.AdministratorSelector |
Select a subset of administrator members
Member.AllAuthenticationSelector |
Select member supporting all authentication (enabled account, with a valid local password).
Member.BelongsToWorkspaceOrChildSelector |
Member.ContactSelector |
Select a subset of members with the Contact usage.
Member.DisabledSelector |
Select a subset of members which are account and disabled.
Member.EnabledSelector |
Select a subset of members which are account and not disabled.
Member.ExternalAuthenticationSelector |
Select member with external authentication only (enabled account, without a valid local password).
Member.FirstNameComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.GroupComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.GroupSelector |
Select a subset of members which belong to a given group
Member.GuestSelector |
Select a subset of members which are guests.
Member.LangComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.LastLoginDateComparator<T extends Member> |
Compare member based on their last login date
Member.LdapAccountComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.LoginComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.NameComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.NotificationPeriodSelector |
Member.PublicationCountComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.RightComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.SessionComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.TextSelector |
Select a set of members matching the given text in the name or in the email.
Member.UsageSelector |
Select a subset of members matching the specified Usage.
Member.ValidEmailSelector |
Member.WebdavComparator<T extends Member> |
Member.WorkerSelector |
Select a subset of worker members
MemberAlertSettings |
Member alerts' preferences.
MemberAlertSettingsHandler |
Handler for Member's alert settings.
MemberCaddyManagerHandler |
MemberContactChannel |
Simple POJO class to hold informations to display a Member contact channel.
MemberContactChannelsManager |
A manager to load Member contact channels from properties.
MemberCtxMenu |
This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS member.
MemberDefaultJsonConfiguration |
MemberDeleteManager |
Manager handling asynchronous Member deletion request.
MemberDeleteRequest |
MemberDeserializer |
MemberImport |
Represents a Member during CSV Member import.
MemberImportManager |
A manager to be instanciated to import Members from a CSV input file.
MemberIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
MemberIndexManager |
MemberInfos |
MemberListener |
This class listens to mutations of Member and DBMember instances.
MemberListHandler |
This form handler processes admin/memberList.jsp form in administration area.
MemberMailListener |
This listener resolves String email addresses to JCMS Members if any was found matching the emails.
MemberMixIn |
MemberPhotoTag |
Tag used to display the Member photo
MemberPolicyFilter |
MemberPolicyManager |
MemberPreference |
MemberPreferenceListener |
MemberPreferenceManager |
MemberQueryFilter |
A MemberQueryFilter is notified for each member query.
MemberQueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of members.
MemberQueryPolicyManager |
MemberResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a member through
MembersCsvImportHandler |
This handler is used to perform Member CSV import through JCMS modal.
MembersCsvImportHandler.WorkspaceUnderRootCatSelector |
Selects workspaces which catSet is under given rootCat.
MemberSearchEngineListener |
Listen to create/update/delete of DBMember
MemberSearchResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a group search
MemberSecurityEnforcer |
MemberSettings |
Member Settings
MemberSettings.MemberFilter |
Enumeration of Member filters.
MemberSidebarManager |
MemberSidebarTab |
MemberStatusManager |
MemberTarget |
MentionAutocompleteHandler |
MentionAutocompleteResult |
MentionConstants |
MentionController |
MentionManager |
MentionManager.EmailSelector |
DataSelector used to find any member whose mail starts with given
MenuInfo |
MenuInfoFilter |
MenuItem |
Represented an menu item in the unified insertion interface.
MenuItemComparator |
Compare menu item first using their Order, then with
their label in the specified (or default) language, and on last
resort with their id.
MenuItemTag |
MenuTag |
MergeCategoryHandler |
MergeFileDocumentHandler |
MergeRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on array attribute by merging the values.
Message |
This abstract class is the super class of all JSync message classes
MessageEncryptionOptionsResource |
Open API resource providing informations about cipher (key, algorithm, parameters used).
MessageLevel |
MessageTag |
Displays a message according to the given level.
MetaDataExtractor |
This interface must be implemented by metadata extractor
MimeType |
Represents a MIME Type, as originally defined in RFC 2046 and subsequently used in other Internet protocols including HTTP.
MimeType.SpecificityComparator<T extends MimeType> |
MimeTypeDescription |
Licence concern :
This method is based upon Aperture MagicMimeTypeIdentifier.
MockAsyncContext |
Mock implementation of the AsyncContext interface.
MockFilterConfig |
Mock FilterConfig to be used for testing purpose only.
MockHttpServletRequest |
This is a fake HttpServletRequest meant to be use for testing
Warning: There is almost no logic inside this class, it only
serve as a container for all the information that will be given
through the constructor.
MockHttpServletRequest |
Mock implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface.
MockHttpServletResponse |
This is a fake HttpServletResponse meant to be use for testing
Warning: There is almost no logic inside this class, it only
serve as a container for all the information that will be given
through the constructor.
MockHttpServletResponse |
Mock implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface.
MockHttpSession |
Mock HttpSession to be used for testing purpose only.
MockHttpSession |
Mock implementation of the HttpSession interface.
MockRequestDispatcher |
Mock implementation of the RequestDispatcher interface.
MockServletContext |
Mock ServletContext to be used for testing purpose only.
MockServletContext |
Mock implementation of the ServletContext interface.
MockSessionCookieConfig |
Mock implementation of the SessionCookieConfig interface.
MockTreeNode |
ModalPromptHandler |
ModalTag |
ModifiedFileFilter |
This class implements and accepts only files
modified since the given time.
MonitoredInputStream |
A BufferedInputStream that count bytes read to display the status of
the stream.
MonitoringChartHandler |
MonitoringManager |
Monitoring class which saves site monitoring measures and events.
Month |
MoreThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector |
MultiComparator |
This class is comparator which combines an array of comparator.
MultiInputStream |
This class is a facade on an array of InputStream.
MultipartFilter |
Filter for automatic file upload processing.
MultipartRequest |
HttpServletRequest Wrapper decoding multipart request and displaying
MULTIPART_UPLOAD instead in file fields.
NaiveTrustProvider |
Provides a Provider wich enable to establish a SSL connection without checking the validity of the certificate.
NaiveTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl |
NDCMatchFilter |
This filter only allows message with StringToMatch in the NDC.
NetUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility net operations.
NewValueRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on attribute by setting a new value.
NIOBufferInputStream |
This class wraps an InputStream around a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
NIOUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
i/o operations based on the java.nio package.
NoCheckIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
NoResultTag |
Notification |
Notification |
Notification_HANDLER |
NotificationCriteria |
NotificationCriteria_HANDLER |
NotificationManager |
This class is instantiated by a Channel in method initAfterLoad()
only if property 'notification.enabled' is set to true.
NotificationQuery |
This class retrieves all the publication published, updated or modified
for a specified notification period.
NotificationResource |
NotificationThread |
Creates and sends customized emails to the appropriate members.
NotImplementedException |
NoUpdateException |
NullOutputStream |
This class is a fake output stream which simply the bytes it
NumberSettings |
Number Settings
ObjectDoubleTreeMap |
This class is a map which binds key Object to double value.
ObjectFloatHashMap<K> |
This class is a map which binds key Object to float value.
ObjectIntTreeMap |
This class is a map which binds key Object to int value.
ObjectIntTreeMap.GreaterComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Max Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.KeyComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Key Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.LowerComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Min Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.ObjectComparator |
A Comparator that allow ObjectyIntTreeMap to sort multiple kind of Object
ObjectIntTreeMap.SortedKeyComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Key Value
sorted using a sorted List
ObjectLongHashMap |
This class is a map which binds key Object to long value.
ObjectLongTreeMap |
This class is a map which binds key Object to long value.
ObjectLongTreeMap.GreaterComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Max Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.KeyComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Key Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.LowerComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Min Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.ObjectComparator |
A Comparator that allow ObjectyLongTreeMap to sort multiple kind of Object
ObjectLongTreeMap.SortedKeyComparator |
A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Key Value
sorted using a sorted List
ObjectMapperBuilder |
OpenRoleDBData |
OrDataSelector |
This class combines a set of DataSelector .
Orientation |
A 2 dimensional object with an orientation.
PackerUtils |
PagerData |
This object contains the business logic that takes parameters in j2eeRequest and create the
pagerHandler associated.
PageResult<E> |
This class contains the result of a paged query (i.e.
PageResult.Status |
PagerHandler |
This form handler process pager properties.
PagerParams |
Convenient holder for pager params.
PagerTag |
This tag prints a pager for
PagerTagExtraInfo |
PanelBodyTag |
PanelContentTag |
PanelFooterTag |
PanelHeadingTag |
PanelTag |
ParamResolver |
Parent |
ParentReadRightPolicyFilter |
RightPolicyFilter enforcing read right of a publication with the same right applied on its parent.
ParseOptions |
Holder class for text search options
ParseOptions.Engine |
Search engine for which an operation is requested.
ParseOptions.TextMode |
PasswordGenerator |
This class contains static methods to generate different kinds of password.
PasswordGeneratorTable |
PasswordSettings |
Password Settings
PastDateException |
PDFFormGenerator |
PDFieldNode |
PDFieldTree |
PdfTag |
This tag displays a PDF icon to access the PDF version (if it
exists) of the given file.
PeriodAnalyzeJob |
PersonalizedMailMessage |
This class is intended to send personal mail to member.
PhoneNumber |
Helper class used to store a correctly parsed phone number.
PhoneNumberUtil |
Utility class providing misc methods to deal with phone number.
PhoneNumberUtil.PhoneHtmlGenerator |
Generator of the HTML suitable to display the specified number
(with additionnal optional parameters).
PhoneTag |
Prints a phone number as HTML link, properly formatted with current site and logged member settings.
PhotoSize |
PieChart |
Plugin |
Main root class representing a Plugin.
Plugin.LabelComparator |
Comparator class used to compare Plugins' labels
Plugin.PluginComparator |
PluginAccessFilter |
This filter checks plugin's JSP access
PluginAppender |
A log4j appender that keeps from 5 to 500 LoggingEvent inside a list for each plugins.
It does not need any layout.
PluginComponent |
A simple interface used to represents a declared
plugin component (DataController, StoreListener...)
The init() method will be called after constructor call
to initialize the component.
PluginConfiguration |
PluginDataInfos |
PluginDataInfosHandler |
PluginDataInfosListener |
PluginDataInfosManager |
PluginDefaultJsonConfiguration |
PluginException |
A simple Class encapsulating RuntimeException
PluginManager |
Singleton used to manage plugin's life cycle.
It also contains utility methods and constants for plugins.
PluginMixIn |
PluginPolicyFilter |
PluginPolicyManager |
PluginsResource |
PolicyFilter |
PolicyManager |
PolicyManager handle all policy classes.
Portal |
An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements
- String -> CSSFile
- String -> Header
- String -> Footer
- Publication -> Child
PortalElement |
PortalElement.AbilitySelector |
AbilitySelector selects all the publications with the given ability
PortalElementEditSkin |
PortalInterface |
This interface represent a Portal for redirection
or display.
PortalManager |
Manager for Portals that handle used classes, their associated images and
manage lots of general features around PortalElement.
PortalManager.CatDiscrimComparator |
This inner class compare two categories.
PortalManager.DisplayContextParameters |
A structure to handle method parameters
PortalManager.PortalRedirectComparator |
Sorts Portals by prioritizing Redirect, and then sorting by pdate
PortalPolicyFilter |
This class allow developers to put hooks to change portal mechanism behaviour.
PortalPolicyManager |
PortalRedirect |
An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements.
Portlet |
An abstract Portlet representation with fields to implement.
PortletBoxNoResultTag |
PortletCollection |
An abstract PortletCollection representation with fields to implements
- PortalElement[] -> Children
PortletCtxMenu |
This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS Portlet.
PortletDisplayHandler |
PortletIndicatorDisplayHandler |
An handler to display the portlet indicator fields
PortletIndicatorDisplayHandler.IndicatorType |
PortletIndicatorEditMetric |
PortletJspDataController |
PortletJspInterface |
Interface to be implemented by any portlet rendering a specific JSP
PortletParent |
An abstract PortletParent representation with fields to implements
- Publication -> Children
PortletQueryForeachActionEditPublications |
PortletQueryForeachActionEditQuery |
PortletQueryForeachActionPublish |
PortletQueryForeachDataController |
Check the PortletQueryForeach options when JcmsDB search has been enabled.
PortletSkinable |
An abstract Portlet representation with fields to implements - String -> DisplayTitle (ML) - String -> SkinTemplate - String -> SkinCSS
PortletSkinable.ContentTitleComparator<T extends Publication> |
Sort the Publication according to their title, but using the display
title for Portlet if available.
PortletSkinable.PortletSkinableTitleComparator<T extends PortletSkinable> |
Sort the PortletSkinable according to their display title.
PortletWorkflowHandler |
PreferNotEmptyRule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on attribute by selecting the non empty value.
PreviewPubDisplay |
A class to preview the display of publications
ProcessExecutor |
Helper class to execute native operating system process.
ProcessingData |
Holder class for Files to be processed and some resulting information.
ProcessingData.Type |
Enumeration indicating the source of the file submition.
ProcessingEvent |
This class represents a FileProcessor action/event.
ProcessingException |
Wrapping exception of exception happening during processing or indexing.
ProcessingPostponedException |
Exception used in FileActionComponent
exception happening during processing or indexing that must trigger a postponed re-processing.
ProcessingStatus |
Processing and Indexing status
ProcessingThread |
This class is a Thread of processing.
ProcessingType |
Descripbe the processing being performed : processing or indexing.
ProcessL10nHandler |
Profiler |
Allow one to profile performance in JCMS.
While admin:
ProfilerHandler |
ProgressListener |
ProgressMonitorFileItem |
This class extends DiskFileItem to notify ProgressObserver of download
ProgressMonitorFileItemFactory |
A factory used to create ProgressMonitorFileItem wrapping a DiskFileItem
with progess information stored in HttpSession
ProgressMonitorStatus |
ProgressObserver |
PropertiesEditorHandler |
Handler providing property edition
PropertiesHandler |
PropertiesResource |
PropertyManager |
This class is a singleton to manage properties.
PropertyPOJO |
PropertyResource |
ProviderManager |
ProviderServlet |
PstatusAlarmListener |
This class is the AlarmListener used to change pstatus scheduled
with pdate, edate and adate.
PubBrowserHandler |
PubChooserHandler |
PubChooserHandler.FilterMode |
PubChooserUploadHandler |
PubChooserUploadHandler.PubChooserActionStatus |
PubDisplayStyle |
A class building publication settings for creation of card
PubDisplayStyleBuilder |
A class for regrouping all publication settings for creation of card
PubDisplayStyleLayout |
Interface to manage the organization of classes PubDisplayStyleLayout.*.java
PubDisplayStyleLayoutBasic |
A class to dynamically set up a layout
PubDisplayStyleLayoutPredictive |
A class to dynamically set up a layout
PubIconTag |
This tag prints the icon bound to a given Publication class.
Publication |
This abstract class is the super class of all the
Publication classes.
Publication.AdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their Adate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.AdateSelector |
AdateSelector selects all the publications with a adate in a given range
Publication.AudienceRightComparator<T extends Publication> |
Comparator to compare Publication using their audience rights.
Publication.AudienceRightSelector |
AudienceRightSelector selects all publications being audienced.
Publication.AuthorComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.AuthorizedSelector |
AuthorizedSelector selects all the publications a member is
authorized to read.
Publication.CanWorkOnSelector |
CanWorkOnSelector selects all the publications a member can
work on.
Publication.DdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their Ddate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.EdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their Edate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.EdateSelector |
EdateSelector selects all the publications with a edate in a given range
Publication.PdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their Pdate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.PdateSelector |
PdateSelector selects all the publications with a pdate in a given range
Publication.PopularityComparator<T extends Publication> |
Comparator to compare Publication using their score based on votes
Publication.PstatusComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.PstatusSelector |
PstatusSelector selects all the publications with a given pstatus.
Publication.ReaderComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.ReadRightSelector |
ReadRightSelector selects all publications which have any read right.
Publication.RelatedCategoryComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication are sorted according the count of common categories with the given category set.
Publication.RightComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.SdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their Sdate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.SdateSelector |
SdateSelector select all the publications with a sdate in a given range
Publication.TitleComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.TrackedSelector |
TrackedSelector selects all the publications which are tracked.
Publication.TypeComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.UdateComparator<T extends Publication> |
Compares two Publications using their udate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.UdateSelector |
UdateSelector selects all the publications with a udate in a given range
Publication.UserContentSelector |
UserContentSelector selects all publications which are UGC (UserContent).
Publication.VisibleStateSelector |
VisibleStateSelector selects all the publications which are in a visible state
Publication.VoteScoreComparator<T extends Publication> |
Comparator to compare Publication using their score based the score of votes (positive votes - negative votes)
Publication.WorkspaceAuthorSelector |
WorkspaceAuthorSelector selects all the publication the given
member is the author and which belong to the given workspace.
Publication.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Publication> |
Publication.WorkspaceSelector |
WorkspaceSelector selects all the publications which belong to
the given workspace.
PublicationCaddyManagerHandler |
This form handler process Publication Caddy Manager actions.
PublicationControlHelper |
PublicationCriteria |
This class contains criteria for a DB publication query.
PublicationCtxMenu |
This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS
publication id.
PublicationDefaultJsonConfiguration |
PublicationDetailsManager |
PublicationFollower |
PublicationFollowerController |
PublicationFollowerHandler |
Handle request to follow or unfollow a publication.
PublicationFollowerListener |
Automatically removes a member children publication followers when he unsubscribes from a parent:
PublicationFollowerManager |
This class manages PublicationFollower
PublicationFollowerPolicyFilter |
PublicationFollowerPolicyManager |
PublicationIndexManager |
PublicationListener |
This class listens to mutations of Publication objects.
PublicationMixIn |
PublicationSearchEngine |
This interface must be implemented by publication search engines (indexer and searcher)
such as LuceneSearchEngine.
PublicationSearchEngineListener |
This class listen to all operations on Publication and ask the
Publication Search Engine to index/update/delete.
PublicationSettings |
Publication Settings
PublicDownload |
PublicDownloadHandler |
PublicLink |
PublicLinkAppHandler |
PublicLinkAppHandler.Status |
PublicLinkAppHandler.View |
PublicLinkManager |
PublicLinkQueryBuilder |
PushNotificationManager |
Manager push notification through event source protocol.
Quarter |
QueryAppHandler |
QueryCountIndicatorPolicy |
Implementation of IndicatorPolicy, to count publication based on some criterias
QueryFilter |
A QueryFilter is notified for each query.
QueryHandler |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query.
QueryManager |
This class manages queries on publications
QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector |
QueryManager.QueryStep |
Query manager steps, used to determintate which query processing is being performed.
QueryResultSet |
This class holds results of a query.
QueryResultSet.ScoreComparator<T extends Publication> |
This Comparator compares two Object s using a score
retrieved from a map of Object to float .
QuerySettings |
Query Settings
QueryTag |
This tag performs a query on publications.
QueryTagExtraInfo |
QuotaDataController |
QuotaElement |
QuotaManager |
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNode |
Inner class to save a workspace and it's level in hierarchy
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNodeComparator |
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNodeComparator.WorkspaceNodeComparatorType |
QuotaPolicyFilter |
QuotaUtil |
RatioData |
RatioSeries |
ReadAckHandler |
ReaderTracker |
ReaderTrackerEntry |
This class is used to display a list of merged ReaderTracker
ReaderTrackerEntry.AccessCountComparator |
ReaderTrackerEntry.AckDateComparator |
ReaderTrackerEntry.FirstAccessDateComparator |
ReaderTrackerEntry.LastAccessDateComparator |
ReaderTrackerEntry.Sort |
ReaderTrackerHandler |
Handler for publication's reader trackers modal.
ReaderTrackerHandler.Tab |
ReaderTrackerManager |
ReaderTrackerQueryHandler |
Class to query publication's reader trackers.
ReadinessProbeInterface |
ReadinessProbeManager |
ReadWriteAccessController |
This class is a read and write access controller.
RecentHistoryDataController |
The recent history data controller.
RecentHistoryEntry |
RecentHistoryManager |
The Recent history manager
RecommendApplicationHandler |
Recommendation |
The instance of Recommendation
RecommendationConstants |
Recommendation constants
RecommendationController |
When a Publication is deleted, recommendations that target this Publication will be deleted.
RecommendationDefaultJsonConfiguration |
RecommendationHandler |
This class is the handler for the form to send a Recommendation.
RecommendationManager |
This class gives Utils to handle Recommendation
RecommendationMixIn |
RecommendationQueryBuilder |
Helper to query Recommendations.
RecommendationQueryBuilder.SendMode |
RecommendationReaderTrackerHandler |
Class to query Recommendation's reader trackers.
RecommendationTag |
Like Tag used to display an html link to perform a like on an element
ReflectUtil |
RegexpFileFilter |
This class implements and uses a regexp to accept files
RegexpSubstitution |
ReleaseTools |
RemoteDocumentPolicyFilter |
RemoteDocumentPolicyManager |
RemoveReplicaJSyncEvent |
ReplicaInfo |
This class contains info about a replica
ReplicaMessage |
ReplicaMessageListener |
ReplicaMessageManager |
ReportHandler |
ReportHandler.PredefinedPeriod |
Repository |
Represent a configuration of a repository.
RepositoryIndexer |
Represents the way indexation must be done for a repository.
RepositoryManager |
This singleton manages Repositories in the following way :
- allows checkin/checkout ;
- allows launching/stopping ;
- manages scheduling informations ;
- tells if a task from a scan of the repository is pending.
ResetApplicationLauncherModal |
ResetPasswordHandler |
Handle lost password request from end user.
ResetPasswordHandler.ResetPasswordSecurityAlertBuilder |
Alert builder to send reset password request to a user.
ResourceHelper |
Helper class used to retrieve relative paths of jsp/servlet or icons
used for various features of JCMS.
ResponsiveImageRenderer |
RestartEvent |
Site start event.
RestConstants |
Rest Constants used both server and client side.
RestException |
RestletApplication |
This implementation of a Restlet Application is the initialisation of the Restlet engine.
RestletUtil |
Utility functions (static public methods) used to support Restlet framework.
RestManager |
Hold JCMS configuration of OpenAPI.
RestrictedFileFilter |
This servlet filter controls access to restricted files
RestUtil |
Provides utility static methods for both client and server side in REST communication.
Result |
ResultList |
ReverseComparator<T> |
This class is comparator which reverse the ordering of a given comparator.
ReverseDataSelector |
This DataSelector selects the complementary set of a
given DataSelector .
ReverseFileFilter |
This class implements and return the reverse of the given FileFilter
RevisionGenerator |
RichTextAreaSettings |
RichTextAreaSettings.ParameterValue |
RightInfo |
Provide information about right control.
RightInfo.Explanation |
RightPolicyFilter |
The RightPolicyFilter is a hook called JCMS Rights mecanism to handle custom rights.
RightPolicyManager |
RssCacheManager |
Manager class used to cache RssChannel instance.
RssChannel |
This class implements a RSS Channel parser/container.
RssEvent |
RssEvent class
RssEvent.Type |
RssEventListener |
RssException |
Signals that an exception has occurred while processing an RSS feed.
RssItem |
This class implements a RSS Channel's item parser/container.
RssManager |
RSS manager
RssTag |
This tag fetchs an RSS sources and builds a RssChannel object.
RssTagExtraInfo |
RssTracker |
Rss tracker information
RssTrackerCleaningThread |
Do clean of RssTracker ressource when RssChannel is updated
RssTrackerListener |
Listen to RssEvent in order to manage rss tracking feature
RssTrackerSet |
SampleProcessor |
Sample FileProcessor and FileParse which can be used for testing.
Schedule |
Schedule abstraction and parse/format static method
SchemaUpdater |
SchemaVersion |
ScrollbarTag |
Searchable |
This interface must be implemented by Storable classes
to support full-text search.
SearchCategoryBrowser |
SearchReportAgent |
SearchReportMetric |
SearchResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a search in JCMS internal
search engine through REST.
SearchSettings |
SecurityAlertBuilder |
Alert builder to be used when security related alert must be sent to end user
SecurityAlertManager |
SecurityAlertMemberDataController |
SecurityFilter |
ServletFilter to add an additionnal security layer to a JCMS webapp.
When enabled, this filter performs the following checks :
check the "redirect" parameter value to prevent redirect to external site (phishing)
This filter should be configured first in the list of all filters used on a webapp.
SelectOption |
SelectorSettings<T extends SelectorSettings<T>> |
SelectorSettings.SelectMode |
SelectorSettings.SelectorType |
SelectSettings |
SelectTag |
Semaphore |
SendAlertHandler |
SendmailTag |
This tag sends a mail.
Series<T extends Series<T>> |
Series.PointStyle |
Service |
ServiceForm |
ServiceManager |
ServiceResponse |
ServiceResult |
ServiceUtils |
ServletInputStreamWrapper |
ServletUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations for Servlets.
ServletUtil.ServletUtilAlternate |
This interface is used internally by JCMS to provide custom behavior of
ServletUtil and should not be used elsewhere.
SessionAuthenticationHandler |
Save authentification made by other handlers into session
and use it later on to re-authenticate.
ShareManager |
ShareOption |
ShareTag |
ShortcutInfo |
ShortcutManager |
ShortcutPolicyFilter |
This interface provides hooks for shortcut badge.
ShortcutPolicyManager |
ShortcutRightPolicyFilter |
SidebarHandler |
Signature |
SignatureDiff3Entry |
SignatureDiffEntry |
SilentParamsAuthenticationHandler |
Read the authentification from the "silent" parameter, silentLogin ,
silentPassword .
SilentParamsAuthenticationHandler.SilentParamsAuthState |
Possible SilentParams authentication state after handler invocation.
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
Authenticate user based on the login/password of existing member in JCMS.
Current implementation of this AuthenticationHandler :
stops the LoginChain on empty login or password.
SimpleAuthenticationHandler.SimpleAuthState |
Possible SimpleAuth state after handler invocation.
SingleMemberIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
Size |
SizeLimitInputStream |
InputStream Filter that will throw an SizeLimitExceededException if the wrapped stream
exceed the byte count specified in constructor.
SlickConfiguration |
SlickManager |
SortedList |
This class is a sorted implementation of the List
SpellChecker |
Interface to be implemented to provide a SpellChecker for JCMS.
SpellCheckerManager |
Spell Checking manager
SpellCheckResult |
Keeps track of an erroneous word with a list of suggested replacement words.
SpellSuggestEngine |
This engine can be used when doing text search.
SpellSuggestQueryParser |
This QueryParser parse a search string and build a new lucene query
using suggested words.
SQLQueryResult |
This class performs a SQL (SELECT) query and provides access to the result set.
SqlQuerySettings |
SQL Query Settings
SQLQueryTag |
This tag performs a SQL query and provides the result set as a SQLQueryResult
SQLQueryTagExtraInfo |
Stamp |
This class represents a stamp.
StampManager |
This interface must be implemented by classes providing stamps.
StampTable |
This class contains a set of stamp (one per urid).
StartupDataGenerator |
StatisticContext |
Storable |
The interface an object must implement to be managed in the Store.
StorableHandler |
StorableHandler is the interface implemented by all storable
handler objects.
StorableLogEntry |
This abstract class represents a Store operation on a Storable object.
StorageException |
Store |
This class is the facade of JStore framework.
Store1Rule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on attribute by setting the value of store1.
Store2Rule |
This rule resolves Update/Update conflict on attribute by setting the value of store2.
StoreCleaner |
Write clean line of Store.
StoreCleanerHandler |
StoreConstants |
StoreConverter |
StoreListener |
A Store event gets fired whenever a storable is created, updated or
StoreMerge |
StoreMergeParameters |
StoreMergeUtil |
StoreUtil |
This class contains static utility methods
StreamGobbler |
Class required for process execution to prevent process hang
if out/err of program is not read in a seperated thread.
StringEncrypter |
Encrypts and decrypts string using Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
StringEncrypter.EncryptionException |
Exception Wrapper for any error that might occur during
the encryption or decryption process.
StrongLock |
This class represents a strong lock on a data.
StrongLockable |
This tagging interface must be implemented to support StrongLocking
StrongLockManager |
This class manages StrongLock.
SubMenuTag |
SuggestJoinJSyncEvent |
SuggestJoinMessage |
This class represents a JSync JoinMessage.
SwitchAccessibilityContextHandler |
Swizzler |
This class manages the id <-> storable maps.
SyncLdapHandler |
This form handler performs LDAP synchronization.
SyncManager |
This class manages store synchronization
Target |
TechnicalReportAgent |
TechnicalReportMetric |
TemplatePolicyFilter |
This class is a hook to allow developer
to select custom templates for a given publication
TemplatePolicyManager |
TemporalStampManager |
This class provides pseudo-temporal stamps.
TextAreaSettings |
Textarea Settings
TextFieldSettings |
Textfield Settings
ThreadIncomingMailFetchCriteria |
ThreadMailListener |
Throttler |
Provides throttling of action that requires it.
Throttler.Action |
Class used to track information about Action that might be throttled.
ThumbnailCleaner |
ThumbnailPolicyFilter |
This class allow users to customize behaviour of widgets
by re-writing call-back methods.
ThumbnailPolicyManager |
ThumbnailTag |
This tags add possibily to create and display a thumbnail of an image.
TimeChart |
TimeChartSeries |
TimeTag |
This tag prints a time.
TimeZoneSettings |
TimeZone Settings
TinyMceSpellChecker |
Provides spellchecker for TinyMCE editor, through JSON-RPC.
TitleTypeFieldEntry |
This class holds all informations of a type's field title.
ToastrTag |
Tag used to display the Toastr
TooltipTag |
This tag prints a small tooltip icons that displays inline or ajax content
TooltipTag.Tooltip |
TooManyDeviceException |
TopbarApplicationItem |
TopbarApplicationMenuBadgeHandler |
TopbarHandler |
TopbarHandler.ApplicationSelector |
Select a subset of ShortCut which must be displayed in tools page
TopbarHandler.Zone |
TopbarItem |
TopbarManager |
TopbarManager.ApplicationSelector |
TopbarMenuInfoFilter |
Updates topbar's navigation when the favorite space root category exists.
TopbarSearchAutocompleteHandler |
TopbarSearchAutocompleteHandler.AccessSelector |
Checks if loggedMember can access given Workspace (Secret workspace cannot be accessed by members who doesn't belong to it)
TopbarSearchAutocompleteResult |
TopbarSearchItem |
TopbarUtil |
TopbarUtil.CanWorkOnModelWorkspaceSelector |
Select model workspaces the user can work on.
TopbarUtil.HasPortalWorkspaceSelector |
Select workspace with a Portal.
TopMemberTag |
This tag iterates over the Member which have publish
the most.
TopMemberTagExtraInfo |
TrackedDBData |
This tagging interface must be implemented by DBData that can be tracked.
Transaction<T> |
Interface for Hibernate code.
TransactionalAlarmListener |
Abstract class to use for Alarms that may perform Hibernate read or write access.
TransientWrapper<T> |
TrashAppHandler |
Handler used to access Trash application.
TrashAppHandler.View |
TrashConstants |
TrashManager |
Manager of Trash related action and configuration.
TrashRightPolicyFilter |
Controls read acces to Trashed publications.
TreeCatViewTag |
TreeCatViewTag.TreeCatView |
TreeHelper |
Convenient class to construct complex UI tree of workspaces and groups.
TreeHelper.WSTreeMemo |
When displaying a WSTree, a WSTreeMemo object is created and placed as AjaxRequestAttribute with the
TreeNode |
Interface reprensenting an Object Tree with usefull
generic method to collect Branch status, children ...
TreeTag |
This tag visits a branch of the TreeNode tree.
TreeTagExtraInfo |
TreeViewDecorator |
TreeViewTag |
TreeViewTag.TreeView |
TruncateTag |
This tag truncates its body.
TTCardManager |
TypeChecker |
TypeConstants |
TypeEditorHandler |
This form handler processes the Type Editor form.
TypeEntry |
This class contains info about a Type.
TypeEntryDefaultJsonConfiguration |
TypeEntryDefaultTemplates |
TypeEntryMixIn |
TypeFieldEntry |
This class holds all informations of a type's field.
TypeFieldEntry.DescriptionType |
TypeListEditorHandler |
This form handler processes the Type List Editor forms.
TypeProcessor |
This class generates all the resources (Java classes and JSPs) used
by the Custom Publication Types and Custom Extension
TypeSettings |
Hidden Settings
TypeTemplateEntry |
This class contains info about Type's template.
TypeTemplateEntry.LabelComparator |
TypeUtil |
This class contains a set of utility static methods for Type generated files.
UIComponentsConstants |
UIComponentsUtils |
UILinkItem |
An interface representing an UILinkItem
UILinkItemIndexComparator |
A comparator to compare UILinkItem based on their indexes
UILinkItemPolicyManager |
UILinkItemsContext |
UILinkItemsManager |
UILinkItemsPolicyFilter |
UILinkItemsUtils |
Utils to retrieve a collection of UILinkItem based on a prop prefix
UnifiedInsertHandler |
JavaBean used to process Unified insertion action.
UnifiedInsertManager |
Manager providing access to all properties and behavior provided by Unified insertion.
UnifiedInsertPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for unified insertion.
UnifiedInsertPolicyManager |
UnittestsConstants |
UnknownStoreIDException |
UnlockResource |
UnzipDataController |
Monitors FileDocument zip file upload and create FileDocument from them.
UnzipRightPolicyFilter |
Monitors FileDocument upload and unzip them if requested.
UnzipUploadManager |
UpdateJSyncEvent |
UpdateMemberPhotoResource |
UpdateMessage |
This class represents a JSync UpdateMessage.
UpdateRule |
This rule resolves Update/Delete conflict by selecting the Update.
UpgradeManager |
UpgradeManagerHandler |
UploadManager |
UrlSettings |
URL Settings
UrlTag |
Output an url using the given parameters.
URLUtils |
UserContent |
UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements
to indicates it is a user content.
UTF8Converter |
UtfUtil |
Utility methods and classes for handling UTF (Unicode Transformation Format) streams.
Util |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations.
ValidateStateChangePublicationHandler |
VersionHandler |
VideoUtil |
Vote |
VoteConstants |
Vote constants for votable Publication
VoteDataController |
This DataController checks if the Publication has changed its Workspace to update the Workspace vote
VoteDefaultJsonConfiguration |
VoteListener |
VoteManager |
This class gives Utils to handle vote
VoteMixIn |
VoteTag |
Like Tag used to display an html link to perform a like on an element
WarInfo |
Helper class to read informations about a JCMS war file or JCMS webapp.
WatchingInfos |
WeakLinkManager |
This class manages the index of weak references on publications.
WeakLockEntry |
WeakLockManager |
WebAlertChannel |
WebAppInfo |
WebAppManager |
WebAssetsUtils |
Utils class to handle the web assets (CSS, JavaScript and image files ...) of
the external libraries.
WebdavContext |
This class is an Abstract Representation of a Webdav Context.
WebdavFileSystem |
This class is an Abstract representation of a WebdavFileSystem.
WebdavLock |
This class is an Abstract Representation of a Webdav Lock handling all webdav
mechanism in memory.
WebdavManager |
This class is called by WebdavServlet to handle all webdav protocole.
WebdavPolicyFilter |
This class is a hook to allow developer to add custom webdav behaviour
without implementing a new WebdavContext, WebdavFileSystem, ...
To handle read/write/upload rights for webdav the class RightPolicy
may be used with JcmsContext Webdav.
WebdavPolicyManager |
WebdavProperty |
WebdavPropertyManager |
WebdavResource |
This class is an Abstract Representation of a Webdav Resource doing
all webdav specific task or delegating to WebdavFileSystem.
WebdavServlet |
This servlet implements Webdav Protocol
- Issue: Renaming with not UTF-8 write wrong chars in store
- Issue: What should we do with JCMS Publication vs DataController vs DeleteFolder ?
- Issue: Changing a File Extension doesn't work
- Issue: msoffice ask for a new authentication
- Issue: Should we delete the File if overwrite has been set ? because it would not be an msoffice update with lock but a File Copy ?
- Issue: An external folder can't overwrite a File
MS Office 2003 and WebDAV (
WebdavServlet.WebdavHttpServletResponseWrapper |
Response Wrapper class used for debuggin
WebHelpTag |
This tag prints the webhelp icon
WebPageConstant |
WebPageManager |
Manager for WebPage Publication type
WebPageMetaData |
Object that contains a web page metadatas (Title, description, url, images...)
WebPageMetaDataExtractorUtils |
Utils to extract a webpage metadata (Title, description, images...)
WebPageQueryBuilder |
WebPageQueryHandler |
Week |
WFAction |
This abstract class represents a workflow action attached to a WFState.
WFDataController |
WFEditorHandler |
This form handler processes wfEditor.jsp form.
WFExpressAlarmListener |
This class is the AlarmListener used in the Workflow Express
(status change at expiration time if no change in between)
WFNote |
This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow.
WFPublicationListener |
This class listens to mutations of Publication objects
and manages Workflow's resources (State's action, alarms, ...)
WFReminderAlarmListener |
This class is the AlarmListener used for the Workflow Reminder
(send mail at expiration time if no change in between)
WFRole |
This class represent a Role.
WFRoleDefaultJsonConfiguration |
WFRoleMixIn |
WFRule |
This class represent a Workflow Rule.
WFState |
This class represents a state in a Workflow
WFStateDefaultJsonConfiguration |
WFStateMixIn |
WFTransition |
This class represents a transition in a Workflow
WhoAmIResource |
Open API resource providing informations about current logged member.
WidgetCtxMenu |
WidgetUtil |
WidgetUtil.PropertyEditor |
Enumeration of the different types of property editor.
A property editor is defined by a name and a ControlSettings.
Wiki2JHTMLRenderer |
This class contains a set of utility static methods to process
wiki text and convert it to JHTML.
WikiAreaSettings |
Wikiarea Settings.
WikiLinkSubstitution |
This class resolves imported wiki links.
WikiPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for wiki rendering.
WikiPolicyManager |
WikiRenderer |
This class contains a set of utility static methods to process
wiki text.
WikiRenderer |
WikiRenderingHints |
Contains rendering hints used by the WikiRenderer.
WikiRenderingHints |
WikiTag |
This tag formats its body with wiki formatting rules.
WikiToolbar |
Win32Link |
A MS Windows Shortcut (*.LNK) file builder, pure Java port.
Win32Link.ItemID |
Items ids, similar to the MS Shell API's struct SHITEMID
Win32LinkServlet |
This servlet return a Win32Link for the given file and path
parameter in the webdav servlet.
WizardContext |
This class is a convenient structure to handle all data used during a deep
duplicate made by a Wizard.
WizardPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for wizard actions:
Deep duplicate of a Workspace Model
Deep duplicate of a Portal
There is 2 methods to perform action on WizardContext before and after the
deep copy.
WizardPolicyManager |
WKRole |
WKRoleListener |
This class represent a Listener for WKRole Objects.
Workflow |
This class represents a Workflow.
WorkflowConstants |
This interface contains a set of constants used for Workflow.
WorkflowDefaultJsonConfiguration |
WorkflowItemResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the description of a workflow through REST.
WorkflowManager |
This class manages JCMS workflows.
WorkflowMixIn |
WorkflowsResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of the list of the workflows
through REST.
WorkReportHandler |
Workspace |
This class represents a Workspace
Workspace_HANDLER |
Workspace.CanWorkOnModelWorkspaceSelector |
Select model workspaces the user can work on.
Workspace.CollaborativeSpaceSelector |
Select workspace that are Collaborative Spaces.
Workspace.FavoriteComparator<T extends Workspace> |
Compares workspaces based on member engagement.
Workspace.GroupSizeComparator<T extends Workspace> |
Workspace.HasPortalWorkspaceSelector |
Select workspace with a Portal.
Workspace.MemberSizeComparator<T extends Workspace> |
Workspace.ModelWorkspaceSelector |
Select model workspaces.
Workspace.NameComparator<T extends Workspace> |
Workspace.OpenWorkspaceSelector |
Select open workspaces.
Workspace.OrderComparator<T extends Workspace> |
Workspace.ParentWorkspaceSelector |
Select the workspaces which are sons of the given parent Workspace.
Workspace.TextSelector |
Workspace.TitleSelector |
Select a set of workspace by their name.
WorkspaceAdminResource |
WorkspaceApplicationShortcutHandler |
Workspace application shortcut handler to override the app URL (JCMS-7511)
WorkspaceApplicationShortcutPolicyFilter |
Overrides the workspace application URL to preserve the context by calling the underlaying JSP (JCMS-7511)
WorkspaceCaddyManagerHandler |
WorkspaceDBMemberListener |
WorkspaceDefaultJsonConfiguration |
WorkspaceFileSizeResult |
WorkspaceListener |
This class represent a Listener for Workspace Objects
WorkspaceManager |
A manager for Workspace that provides utility methods.
WorkspaceMixIn |
WorkspaceQueryHandler |
WorkspaceQueryHandler |
Search for Workspace, by checking rights, workspace belonging, and testing if member is worker of the workspace.
WorkspaceResult |
WorkspaceSearchResource |
Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a workspace search
WorkspaceSettings |
Workspace Settings
WorkspaceTag |
This tag prints the flags bound to the categories of a given
Publication .
WorkspaceWizardContext |
This class describes all objects used during a Workspace Wizard deep copy.
WorkspaceWizardHandler |
This form handler process Workspace duplication through a wizard.
WriteReportAgent |
WriteReportMetric |
WSTypeEntry |
This class is a wrapper on TypeEntry handling
type properties for each workspace.
WSTypeEntryListener |
This class is a StoreListener used to set a workspace for a
given WSTypeEntry.
WysiwygConfiguration |
WysiwygConfigurationUpdate |
WysiwygConfigurationUpdate.UpdateAction |
Enumeration of actions to update a WYSIWYG configuration.
WysiwygConstants |
WysiwygEditorTag |
WysiwygInlineEditionHandler |
Java bean providing processing of for inline edition of wysiwyg fields.
WysiwygLinkSubstitution |
This class resolves imported wysiwyg links.
WysiwygManager |
WysiwygMediasRewriter |
Provides facilities to rewrite object tag in HTML wysiwyg content
with content generated by the MediaTag and its template API.
WysiwygMenuItem |
WysiwygPolicyFilter |
This class provides hooks for wysiwyg rendering.
WysiwygPolicyManager |
WysiwygRenderer |
This class contains a set of utility static methods to process
wysiwyg text.
WysiwygRenderingHints |
Provides hints used during wysiwyg/JHTML rendering.
WysiwygResponsiveImageRenderer |
WysiwygSettings |
WysiwygTag |
This tag wysiwyg generated code.
WysiwygUtils |
XMLmindSpellChecker |
Default SpellChecker Implementation of JCMS using XMLmind SpellChecker API.
XmlToPropertiesConverter |
Helper class to move I18N strings in XML files (types, templates and workflows) to properties files.
XmlUtil |
This class provides a set of static methods which perform various
utility operations for XML.
XMLWriter |
XMLWriter helper class.
Year |
ZipFilesHandler |
ZoneIdUserType |