Class AlarmEntry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AlarmEntry
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>,
    This class contains the attributes of an alarm.
    $Revision: 135134 $
    Olivier Dedieu, David Sims, Simon Bécot, Jim Lerner, Ralph Schaer
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • minute

        public int minute
      • hour

        public int hour
      • dayOfMonth

        public int dayOfMonth
      • month

        public int month
      • dayOfWeek

        public int dayOfWeek
      • year

        public int year
      • isRelative

        public boolean isRelative
      • isRepetitive

        public boolean isRepetitive
      • alarmTime

        public long alarmTime
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlarmEntry

        public AlarmEntry​(java.util.Date date,
                          AlarmListener listener)
                   throws PastDateException
        Creates a new AlarmEntry.
        date - the alarm date to be added.
        listener - the alarm listener.
        PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).
      • AlarmEntry

        public AlarmEntry​(int delay,
                          boolean isRepetitive,
                          AlarmListener listener)
                   throws PastDateException
        Creates a new AlarmEntry.
        delay - the alarm delay in minute (relative to now).
        isRepetitive - true if the alarm must be reactivated, false otherwise.
        listener - the alarm listener.
        PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).
      • AlarmEntry

        public AlarmEntry​(int minute,
                          int hour,
                          int dayOfMonth,
                          int month,
                          int dayOfWeek,
                          int year,
                          AlarmListener listener)
                   throws PastDateException
        Creates a new AlarmEntry.
        minute - minute of the alarm. Allowed values 0-59.
        hour - hour of the alarm. Allowed values 0-23.
        dayOfMonth - day of month of the alarm (-1 if every day). This attribute is exclusive with dayOfWeek. Allowed values 1-31.
        month - month of the alarm (-1 if every month). Allowed values 0-11 (0 = January, 1 = February, ...). java.util.Calendar constants can be used.
        dayOfWeek - day of week of the alarm (-1 if every day). This attribute is exclusive with dayOfMonth. Allowed values 1-7 (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ...). java.util.Calendar constants can be used.
        year - year of the alarm. When this field is not set (i.e. -1) the alarm is repetitive (i.e. it is rescheduled when reached).
        listener - the alarm listener.
        PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).
      • AlarmEntry

        public AlarmEntry​(Schedule schedule,
                          AlarmListener listener)
                   throws PastDateException
        Creates a new AlarmEntry.
        schedule - Schedule linked to this alarm
        listener - the alarm listener.
        PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).
      • AlarmEntry

        public AlarmEntry​(java.lang.String schedule,
                          AlarmListener listener)
                   throws PastDateException,
        Creates a new AlarmEntry from a (simplified) cron-like schedule. Schedule format: Minute Hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek Year Asterisks (*) specify when the listener is to be called in every instance of the value of the field. For instance, an asterisk in the Month field would mean that the listener should be called every month. Example:
        • 30 10 * * * * : Every days at 10h30
        • 30 10 * * 2 * : Every monday at 10h30
        • 30 10 1 * * * : The first of the month at 10h30
        schedule - the schedule string in the cron format.
        listener - the alarm listener.
        PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).
        java.text.ParseException - if the schedule is not a valid schedule string
    • Method Detail

      • updateAlarmTime

        public void updateAlarmTime()
        Updates the alarm time for repetitive alarms.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this alarm.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        the string.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Compares this AlarmEntry with the specified AlarmEntry for order.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>
        obj - the AlarmEntry with which to compare.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this AlarmEntry is less than, equal to, or greater than the given AlarmEntry.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the specified Object's type prevents it from being compared to this AlarmEntry.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Indicates whether some other AlarmEntry is "equal to" this one.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - the AlarmEntry with which to compare.
        true if this AlarmEntry has the same alarmTime as the alarmTime of the obj argument; false otherwise.
      • getNextAlarmDate

        public java.util.Date getNextAlarmDate()
        Returns the next alarm date for this entry.
        the next alarm date for this entry.
      • getListener

        public AlarmListener getListener()
        the listener