Class CssPacker

    • Constructor Detail

      • CssPacker

        public CssPacker​(java.lang.String packerDirectory)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
        Creates a new CSS packer.
        packerDirectory - the relative path of the servlet/jsp that will be outputing the packed css. MUST be specified.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if packerDirectory is null
        java.lang.Exception - on initialization error
    • Method Detail

      • processFileContent

        protected java.lang.String processFileContent​(java.lang.String cssRelativeFilePath,
                                                      java.lang.String cssFileContent)
        Process CSS files' content
        Specified by:
        processFileContent in class AbstractFilePacker
        cssRelativeFilePath - the relative path of the file being processed
        cssFile - the file being processed
        cssFileContent - the fileContent as read by the AbstractFilePacker
        the processed file content, must not return null.
      • processPackContent

        protected java.lang.String processPackContent​(java.lang.String packContent)
        Process CSS pack's content
        Specified by:
        processPackContent in class AbstractFilePacker
        packContent - the whole pack content as computed by the AbstractFilePacker
        the processed pack content, must not return null.
      • perFileMinificationEnabled

        protected boolean perFileMinificationEnabled()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilePacker
        Check if minification should be performed on each file as opposed to the whole pack.
        Specified by:
        perFileMinificationEnabled in class AbstractFilePacker
        true to use minified version of individual file, false if minification is disabled or enabled on whole pack
      • getLogger

        protected org.apache.log4j.Logger getLogger()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilePacker
        Returns the logger to be used for log messages. This methods must be implemented by the file packer.
        Specified by:
        getLogger in class AbstractFilePacker
        Logger of this packer, must not return null.
      • minifyCSS

        public static void minifyCSS​(boolean force)
        Create a minified version of all CSS found in JCMS.

        This method only process css file if minification is enabled through property "channel.css-packer.compressor.enabled".
        Only files contained in directories css, plugins and js are processed

        force - set to true to force generation of minified file even if an up to date apparently exists
      • getCSSFilesInPack

        public static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getCSSFilesInPack​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> cssFiles,
                                                                        java.lang.String browserName)
        Returns the set of the URLs created with the CSS packer, respecting the constraints of the browser.
        cssFiles - collection of CSS files to pack
        browserName - name of the browser used to find the properties '' defining the limit values. If null, use 'IE' because it's the most constraining.
        Set of the CSS Packer URLs