Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataSelector
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets. 
com.jalios.jcms.taglib Provides many of the classes used for JCMS jsp tags. 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms that implement DataSelector
 class AndDataSelector
          This class combines a set of DataSelector.
static class Category.AuthorizedSelector
          AuthorizedSelector selects all the categories a member is authorized to read.
static class Category.LeafSelector
static class Category.NameSelector
          Select categories by their name.
static class Category.NodeSelector
 class ClassDataSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the data that are the same as, or are subclasses of, the given class.
static class Data.AuthorSelector
static class Data.CdateSelector
          DataSelector to select Data which have a creation date between the given begin and end Date.
static class Data.DeletableSelector
          DataSelector to select Data that can be deleted (i.e.
static class Data.ImportSelector
          DataSelector to select Data which have been imported.
static class Data.MdateSelector
          DataSelector to select Data which have a modification date between the given begin and end Date.
static class Data.StrongLockSelector
          DataSelector selecting only Data having a strong lock (Data.isStrongLocked()).
static class FileDocument.ContentTypeSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument matching the given content type.
static class FileDocument.HiddenSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the Hidden FileDocument
static class FileDocument.MediaTypeSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument corresponding to the given media type.
static class FileDocument.SizeSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument in the given range size.
static class Form.SubmitMemberSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the forms the given member has submitted (optionally, which are in a given state)
static class Group.LeafSelector
          Select leaf groups.
static class Group.MemberSelector
          Select groups the given member can read.
static class Group.NameSelector
          Select groups by their name.
static class Group.NotificationPeriodSelector
          Select groups that have at least one NotificationCriteria for which the period is equal to the period of the period given to the constructor.
static class Group.ParentSelector
static class Group.WorkspaceSelector
          DataSelector selecting Groups based on their Workspace.
static class Member.AccountSelector
          Select a subset of members with the Account usage.
static class Member.AdministratorSelector
          Select a subset of administrator members
static class Member.ContactSelector
          Select a subset of members with the Contact usage.
static class Member.DisabledSelector
          Select a subset of members which are disabled.
static class Member.EnabledSelector
          Select a subset of members which are not disabled.
static class Member.NotificationPeriodSelector
static class Member.TextSelector
          Select a set of members matching the given text in the name or in the email.
static class Member.UsageSelector
          Select a subset of members matching the specified Usage.
static class Member.ValidEmailSelector
static class Member.WorkerSelector
          Select a subset of worker members
 class OrDataSelector
          This class combines a set of DataSelector.
static class Publication.AdateSelector
          AdateSelector selects all the publications with a adate in a given range
static class Publication.AudienceRightSelector
          AudienceRightSelector selects all publications being audienced.
static class Publication.AuthorizedSelector
          AuthorizedSelector selects all the publications a member is authorized to read.
static class Publication.CanWorkOnSelector
          CanWorkOnSelector selects all the publications a member can work on.
static class Publication.EdateSelector
          EdateSelector selects all the publications with a edate in a given range
static class Publication.PdateSelector
          PdateSelector selects all the publications with a pdate in a given range
static class Publication.PstatusSelector
          PstatusSelector selects all the publications with a given pstatus.
static class Publication.ReadRightSelector
          ReadRightSelector selects all publications which have any read right.
static class Publication.SdateSelector
          SdateSelector select all the publications with a sdate in a given range
static class Publication.TrackedSelector
          TrackedSelector selects all the publications which are tracked.
static class Publication.UdateSelector
          UdateSelector selects all the publications with a udate in a given range
static class Publication.UserContentSelector
          UserContentSelector selects all publications which are UGC (UserContent).
static class Publication.VisibleStateSelector
          VisibleStateSelector selects all the publications which are in a visible state
static class Publication.WorkspaceAuthorSelector
          WorkspaceAuthorSelector selects all the publication the given member is the author and which belong to the given workspace.
static class Publication.WorkspaceSelector
          WorkspaceSelector selects all the publications which belong to the given workspace.
static class QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector
 class ReverseDataSelector
          This DataSelector selects the complementary set of a given DataSelector.

Fields in com.jalios.jcms declared as DataSelector
protected  DataSelector QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector.abilitySelector

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return DataSelector
static DataSelector Data.getAuthorSelector(Member author)
static DataSelector Publication.getDateSelector(String str, Date begin, Date end)
          Retrieves a new DataSelector given a name representing it.
static DataSelector Data.getDateSelector(String str, Date begin, Date end)
          Retrieves a new DataSelector given a name representing it.
static DataSelector Data.getDeletableSelector(Member opAuthor)
static DataSelector Data.getImportSelector()
static DataSelector Data.getStrongLockSelector()
          Retrieves a new instance of DataSelector based on the strong lock status of the data.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type DataSelector
static Collection JcmsUtil.applyDataSelector(Collection dataColl, DataSelector selector)
          Apply given DataSelector by removing non selected Data from the given Collection.
protected  void QueryManager.replaceFileDocByReferrers(QueryHandler qh, QueryResultSet resultSet, DataSelector replacedFileDocSelector)
          This method replace any FileDocuments inside the given QueryResultSet by their referrer (see getLinkIndexedDataSet(Publication.class)).
<T> TreeSet<T><? extends T> dataColl, DataSelector selector, Comparator comparator)
          Perform a selection on a Collection of Data using the given DataSelector, and return a TreeSet sorted using the given Comparator.
<T> TreeSet<T><? extends T> dataColl, DataSelector selector, Comparator comparator)
          Perform a selection on a Collection of Data using the given DataSelector, and return a TreeSet sorted using the given Comparator.

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type DataSelector
AndDataSelector(DataSelector... dsArray)
          Creates a new AndDataSelector from an array of DataSelectors.
AndDataSelector(DataSelector ds1, DataSelector ds2)
          Creates a new AndDataSelector from 2 DataSelectors.
AndDataSelector(DataSelector ds1, DataSelector ds2, DataSelector ds3)
          Creates a new AndDataSelector from 3 DataSelectors.
OrDataSelector(DataSelector... dsArray)
          Creates a new OrDataSelector from an array of DataSelectors.
OrDataSelector(DataSelector ds1, DataSelector ds2)
          Creates a new OrDataSelector from 2 DataSelectors.
OrDataSelector(DataSelector ds1, DataSelector ds2, DataSelector ds3)
          Creates a new OrDataSelector from 3 DataSelectors.
ReverseDataSelector(DataSelector dataSelector)
          Creates a new ReverseDataSelector from an other DataSelectors.

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol that implement DataSelector
static class AccessControlList.NameSelector
          Select ACL by their name.
static class AccessControlList.WorkspaceAclSelector
          DataSelector selecting only workspace ACL.

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.calendar that implement DataSelector
static class AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventAttendeeSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the CalendarEvent of which the given member is an attendee (either because he is the author or he is in the list of attendees).
static class AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventDateSelector
          This DataSelector selects all the CalendarEvent taking place in between the given date
 class LessThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector
 class MoreThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.mail.listener

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.mail.listener that implement DataSelector
static class AttachementsMailListener.FileDocumentSelector
          Convenient Selector used to filter a Collection of FileDocument with provided Map of Message.Part.

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.portlet that implement DataSelector
static class PortalElement.AbilitySelector
          AbilitySelector selects all the publications with the given ability

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.taglib

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.taglib with parameters of type DataSelector
 void QueryTag.setSelector(DataSelector selector)

Uses of DataSelector in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that implement DataSelector
static class Workspace.CollaborativeSpaceSelector
          Select workspace that are Collaborative Spaces.
static class Workspace.ModelWorkspaceSelector
          Select model workspaces.
static class Workspace.OpenWorkspaceSelector
          Select open workspaces.
static class Workspace.TextSelector
          Select a set of workspace matching the given text in the Title.
static class Workspace.TitleSelector
          Select a set of workspace by their name.

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