Package com.jalios.jcms

Contains the core JCMS classes.


Interface Summary
AudiencedPublication This interface must be implemented by a Publication in order for its right to be check using AudienceRights.
DataController A DataController is notified whenever data integrity must be checked, write (create, update, delete, ...) must be accepted, before and after the write is performed.
DataSelector DataSelector instance can be passed to the method JcmsUtil.applyDataSelector(java.util.Collection, DataSelector) to allow precise control over the selection of Data in a Collection.
EditableData EditableData is a tagging interface which a Data subclass implements to indicates it can be edited with a dedicated editor.
JcmsConstants This interface contains a set of constants.
MemberQueryFilter A MemberQueryFilter is notified for each member query.
MetaDataExtractor This interface must be implemented by metadata extractor
StrongLockable This tagging interface must be implemented to support StrongLocking
WorkflowConstants This interface contains a set of constants used for Workflow.

Class Summary
AbstractFileIndexListener This abstract class is implemented by generated.FileIndexListener
AbstractIndexManager This abstract class provides generic methods to manage data indices.
AbstractLinkIndexListener This abstract class is implemented by generated.LinkIndexListener
AdminNotes This class manage admin notes of JCMS.
AndDataSelector This class combines a set of DataSelector.
AppServerInfo This class manages information about the underlying application server.
AssociatedFilesManager Manager class to deal with associated files
AudienceRights This class manages a Member's read right on publication using their categories.
AudioMetaDataExtractor This class extracts metadata of audio files.
BasicDataController This class is a neutral implementation of DataController.
BasicMemberQueryFilter A QueryFilter is notified for each member query.
BasicStoreListener This class is a neutral implementation of StoreListener.
CacheManager This class manages the cache of content fragements.
Category A Category object is a node of the category tree.
Category.AuthorizedSelector AuthorizedSelector selects all the categories a member is authorized to read.
Category.NameSelector Select categories by their name.
CategoryRight This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category roots.
Channel The Channel singleton is the main access point of the JCMS API.
ChannelInitServlet Servlet responsible of initializing JCMS.
ChannelListener A listener called during the Channel life cycle.
ClassDataSelector This DataSelector selects all the data that are the same as, or are subclasses of, the given class.
Content Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is an editorial publication.
ControllerStatus This class represents the status returned by a DataController.
Data This abstract class is the super class of all the persistent classes of a JCMS Channel.
Data.AuthorComparator<T extends Data>  
Data.CdateSelector DataSelector to select Data which have a creation date between the given begin and end Date.
Data.DataNameComparator<T extends Data> This comparator compares two Data using their Data Name.
Data.DeletableSelector DataSelector to select Data that can be deleted (i.e.
Data.ImportSelector DataSelector to select Data which have been imported.
Data.MdateSelector DataSelector to select Data which have a modification date between the given begin and end Date.
Data.OpAuthorComparator<T extends Data>  
Data.RowIdComparator<T extends Data>  
Data.StrongLockSelector DataSelector selecting only Data having a strong lock (Data.isStrongLocked()).
DataExtension This class contains extra fields for a given Data object.
DataListener This class listens to mutations of Data objects.
DataRight This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object.
DBFileDocumentRevision This class represents a revision of a DBFileDocument.
DescriptiveURLs Manages Descriptive URLs production and decoding.
FieldStatus This class represents the status of field for an edit form.
FileDocument.AssociatedFileFilter Filter files against a FileDocument instance to retrieve only File which are associated to the specified FileDocument (PDF file, txt file, thumbnail etc).
FileDocument.ContentTypeComparator<T extends FileDocument>  
FileDocument.ContentTypeSelector This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument matching the given content type.
FileDocument.DimensionsComparator<T extends FileDocument> This comparators compare FileDocuments of image file type according to their dimensions.
FileDocument.DurationComparator<T extends FileDocument> This comparators compare FileDocuments of audio file type according to their duration.
FileDocument.HiddenSelector This DataSelector selects all the Hidden FileDocument
FileDocument.MediaTypeSelector This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument corresponding to the given media type.
FileDocument.SizeComparator<T extends FileDocument>  
FileDocument.SizeSelector This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument in the given range size.
FileDocumentListener This class listens to mutation of FileDocument objects.
FileIndexManager This class manages the Custom Type file index.
FileSize represent size associated to a file size is the size of the file itself fullSize is the size with all associated files
Form Form is the mother class of all form types.
Form.SubmitMemberSelector This DataSelector selects all the forms the given member has submitted (optionally, which are in a given state)
Group A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances.
Group.AclComparator<T extends Group> DataComparator sorting groups using their ACL.
Group.DataRightComparator<T extends Group> This comparator sort groups according the DataRight they have.
Group.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Group>  
Group.LeafSelector Select leaf groups.
Group.MemberCountComparator<T extends Group>  
Group.MemberSelector Select groups the given member can read.
Group.NameComparator<T extends Group>  
Group.NameSelector Select groups by their name.
Group.NotificationPeriodSelector Select groups that have at least one NotificationCriteria for which the period is equal to the period of the period given to the constructor.
Group.OrderComparator<T extends Group>  
Group.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Group>  
Group.WorkspaceSelector DataSelector selecting Groups based on their Workspace.
GroupListener This class listens to mutations of Group instances.
HttpUtil This class contains a set of static utility methods for validation, encoding and decoding of http and html input/output.
ImageMetaDataExtractor This class extracts metadata of image files.
JcmsInfo This class manages information about JCMS release.
JcmsSessionTracker This singleton class tracks sessions of guest and logged members in JCMS.
JcmsSessionTrackerListener This listener class tracks the addition, replacement or removal of the TRACKING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute to the J2EE session.
JcmsUtil This class contains a set of utility static methods.
JSyncDataListener This class monitors writes stablization.
LinkIndexManager This class manages the Custom Type link index.
MailSender Deprecated. use MailMessage instead
Member A Member object contains a set of information about a JCMS referenced user.
Member.AccountSelector Select a subset of members with the Account usage.
Member.AdministratorSelector Select a subset of administrator members
Member.ContactSelector Select a subset of members with the Contact usage.
Member.DisabledSelector Select a subset of members which are disabled.
Member.EnabledSelector Select a subset of members which are not disabled.
Member.GroupComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.LangComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.LastLoginDateComparator<T extends Member> Compare member based on their last login date
Member.LdapAccountComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.LoginComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.NameComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.PublicationCountComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.RightComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.SessionComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.TextSelector Select a set of members matching the given text in the name or in the email.
Member.UsageSelector Select a subset of members matching the specified Usage.
Member.WebdavComparator<T extends Member>  
Member.WorkerSelector Select a subset of worker members
MemberListener This class listens to mutations of Member instances.
MemberSearchEngineListener Listen to create/update/delete of DBMember
NotificationManager This class is instantiated by a Channel in method initAfterLoad() only if property 'notification.enabled' is set to true.
NotificationQuery This class retrieves all the publication created, updated or modified for a specified notification period.
NotificationThread Creates and sends customized emails to the appropriate members.
OrDataSelector This class combines a set of DataSelector.
PstatusAlarmListener This class is the AlarmListener used to change pstatus scheduled with pdate, edate and adate.
Publication This abstract class is the super class of all the Publication classes.
Publication.AdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their Adate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.AdateSelector AdateSelector selects all the publications with a adate in a given range
Publication.AudienceRightComparator<T extends Publication> Comparator to compare Publication using their audience rights.
Publication.AudienceRightSelector AudienceRightSelector selects all publications being audienced.
Publication.AuthorComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.AuthorizedSelector AuthorizedSelector selects all the publications a member is authorized to read.
Publication.CanWorkOnSelector CanWorkOnSelector selects all the publications a member can work on.
Publication.DdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their Ddate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.EdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their Edate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.EdateSelector EdateSelector selects all the publications with a edate in a given range
Publication.PdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their Pdate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.PdateSelector PdateSelector selects all the publications with a pdate in a given range
Publication.PstatusComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.PstatusSelector PstatusSelector selects all the publications with a given pstatus.
Publication.RatingComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.ReaderComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.ReadRightSelector ReadRightSelector selects all publications which have any read right.
Publication.ReviewCountComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.RightComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.SdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their Sdate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.SdateSelector SdateSelector select all the publications with a sdate in a given range
Publication.TitleComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.TrackedSelector TrackedSelector selects all the publications which are tracked.
Publication.TypeComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.UdateComparator<T extends Publication> Compares two Publications using their udate in descending order (newest date first).
Publication.UdateSelector UdateSelector selects all the publications with a udate in a given range
Publication.UserContentSelector UserContentSelector selects all publications which are UGC (UserContent).
Publication.VisibleStateSelector VisibleStateSelector selects all the publications which are in a visible state
Publication.WorkspaceAuthorSelector WorkspaceAuthorSelector selects all the publication the given member is the author and which belong to the given workspace.
Publication.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Publication>  
Publication.WorkspaceSelector WorkspaceSelector selects all the publications which belong to the given workspace.
PublicationListener This class listens to mutations of Publication objects.
QueryFilter A QueryFilter is notified for each query.
QueryManager This class manages queries on publications
QueryResultSet This class holds results of a query.
QueryResultSet.ScoreComparator<T extends Publication> This Comparator compares two Objects using a score retrieved from a map of Object to float.
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNode Inner class to save a workspace and it's level in hierarchy
ResourceHelper Helper class used to retrieve relative paths of jsp/servlet or icons used for various features of JCMS.
ReverseDataSelector This DataSelector selects the complementary set of a given DataSelector.
ReviewListener This class listens to mutations of Review data.
RightInfo Provide information about right control.
StrongLock This class represents a strong lock on a data.
StrongLockManager This class manages StrongLock.
TypeEntry This class contains info about a Type.
TypeFieldEntry This class holds all informations of a type's field.
TypeProcessor This class generates all the resources (Java classes and JSPs) used by the Custom Publication Types and Custom Extension Types.
TypeTemplateEntry This class contains info about Type's template.
TypeUtil This class contains a set of utility static methods for Type generated files.
UserContent UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is a user content.
WeakLinkManager This class manages the index of weak references on publications.
WFAction This abstract class represents a workflow action attached to a WFState.
WFExpressAlarmListener This class is the AlarmListener used in the Workflow Express (status change at expiration time if no change in between)
WFNote This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow.
WFPublicationListener This class listens to mutations of Publication objects and manages Workflow's resources (State's action, alarms, ...)
WFReminderAlarmListener This class is the AlarmListener used for the Workflow Reminder (send mail at expiration time if no change in between)
WFRole This class represent a Role.
WFRule This class represent a Workflow Rule.
WFState This class represents a state in a Workflow
WFTransition This class represents a transition in a Workflow
WikiRenderer This class contains a set of utility static methods to process wiki text.
WikiRenderingHints Contains rendering hints used by the WikiRenderer.
WKRoleListener This class represent a Listener for WKRole Objects.
Workflow This class represents a Workflow.
WorkflowManager This class manages JCMS workflows.
WysiwygManager HTML manipulation methods for use inside JCMS.
WysiwygMediasRewriter Provides facilities to rewrite object tag in HTML wysiwyg content with content generated by the MediaTag and its template API.
WysiwygRenderer This class contains a set of utility static methods to process wysiwyg text.

Enum Summary
QueryManager.QueryStep Query manager steps, used to determintate which query processing is being performed.

Exception Summary

Package com.jalios.jcms Description

Contains the core JCMS classes.

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