Interface Summary | |
AssociatedFilesEventListener | |
AudiencedPublication | This interface must be implemented by a Publication in order for its right to be check using AudienceRights. |
DataController | A DataController is notified whenever data integrity must be checked, write (create, update, delete, ...) must be accepted, before and after the write is performed. |
DataSelector | DataSelector instance can be passed to the method
JcmsUtil.applyDataSelector(java.util.Collection, DataSelector) to
allow precise control over the selection of Data in a
Collection . |
DeployManagerConstants | |
EditableData | EditableData is a tagging interface which a Data subclass implements to indicates it can be edited with a dedicated editor. |
JcmsConstants | This interface contains a set of constants. |
MemberQueryFilter | A MemberQueryFilter is notified for each member query. |
MetaDataExtractor | This interface must be implemented by metadata extractor |
StrongLockable | This tagging interface must be implemented to support StrongLocking |
TypeConstants | |
WorkflowConstants | This interface contains a set of constants used for Workflow. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractFileIndexListener | This abstract class is implemented by generated.FileIndexListener |
AbstractIndexManager | This abstract class provides generic methods to manage data indices. |
AbstractLinkIndexListener | This abstract class is implemented by generated.LinkIndexListener |
AbstractReview | |
AdminNotes | This class manage admin notes of JCMS. |
AndDataSelector | This class combines a set of DataSelector . |
AppServerInfo | This class manages information about the underlying application server. |
AssociatedFileEvent | |
AssociatedFilesManager | Manager class to deal with associated files |
AudienceRights | This class manages a Member's read right on publication using their categories. |
AudioMetaDataExtractor | This class extracts metadata of audio files. |
BasicDataController | This class is a neutral implementation of DataController. |
BasicMemberQueryFilter | A QueryFilter is notified for each member query. |
BasicStoreListener | This class is a neutral implementation of StoreListener. |
CacheManager | This class manages the cache of content fragements. |
Category | A Category object is a node of the category tree. |
Category_HANDLER | |
Category.AuthorizedSelector | AuthorizedSelector selects all the categories a member is authorized to read. |
Category.DeepOrderComparator | |
Category.LeafSelector | |
Category.NameComparator | |
Category.NameSelector | Select categories by their name. |
Category.NodeSelector | |
Category.OrderChildrenFirstComparator | |
Category.OrderChildrenLastComparator | |
Category.OrderComparator | |
CategoryIndexManager | |
CategoryListener | |
CategoryRight | This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category roots. |
CategoryRight_HANDLER | |
Channel | The Channel singleton is the main access point of the JCMS API. |
ChannelInitServlet | Servlet responsible of initializing JCMS. |
ChannelListener | A listener called during the Channel life cycle. |
ClassDataSelector | This DataSelector selects all the data that are the
same as, or are subclasses of, the given class. |
Content | Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is an editorial publication. |
ControllerStatus | This class represents the status returned by a DataController. |
CustomCleanFilter | |
Data | This abstract class is the super class of all the persistent classes of a JCMS Channel. |
Data.AuthorComparator<T extends Data> | |
Data.AuthorSelector | |
Data.CdateSelector | DataSelector to select Data which have
a creation date between the given begin and end Date . |
Data.DataNameComparator<T extends Data> | This comparator compares two Data using their Data Name. |
Data.DeletableSelector | DataSelector to select Data that
can be deleted (i.e. |
Data.ImportSelector | DataSelector to select Data which have
been imported. |
Data.MdateSelector | DataSelector to select Data which have
a modification date between the given begin and end Date . |
Data.OpAuthorComparator<T extends Data> | |
Data.RowIdComparator<T extends Data> | |
Data.StrongLockSelector | DataSelector selecting only Data having a
strong lock (Data.isStrongLocked() ). |
DataExtension | This class contains extra fields for a given Data object. |
DataIndexManager | |
DataListener | This class listens to mutations of Data objects. |
DataRight | This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object. |
DataRight_HANDLER | |
DBFileDocument | |
DBFileDocumentRevision | This class represents a revision of a DBFileDocument. |
DBPublicationCategoryUpdateThread | |
DeleteMemberUGCThread | |
DeployDownloadMonitor | |
DeployManager | |
DescriptiveURLs | Manages Descriptive URLs production and decoding. |
DescriptiveURLs.DescriptiveURLsListener | |
EnumerateFormReport | |
FaviconManager | |
FieldStatus | This class represents the status of field for an edit form. |
FileDocument | |
FileDocument_HANDLER | |
FileDocument.AssociatedFileFilter | Filter files against a FileDocument instance to retrieve only File which are associated to the specified FileDocument (PDF file, txt file, thumbnail etc). |
FileDocument.ContentTypeComparator<T extends FileDocument> | |
FileDocument.ContentTypeSelector | This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument matching the given content type. |
FileDocument.DeleteThumbnailListener | |
FileDocument.DimensionsComparator<T extends FileDocument> | This comparators compare FileDocuments of image file type according to their dimensions. |
FileDocument.DurationComparator<T extends FileDocument> | This comparators compare FileDocuments of audio file type according to their duration. |
FileDocument.HiddenSelector | This DataSelector selects all the Hidden FileDocument |
FileDocument.MediaTypeSelector | This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument corresponding to the given media type. |
FileDocument.SizeComparator<T extends FileDocument> | |
FileDocument.SizeSelector | This DataSelector selects all the FileDocument in the given range size. |
FileDocumentListener | This class listens to mutation of FileDocument objects. |
FileDocumentVersionListener | |
FileIndexManager | This class manages the Custom Type file index. |
FileSize | represent size associated to a file size is the size of the file itself fullSize is the size with all associated files |
Form | Form is the mother class of all form types. |
Form.SubmitMemberSelector | This DataSelector selects all the forms the given member has submitted (optionally, which are in a given state) |
Group | A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances. |
Group_HANDLER | |
Group.AclComparator<T extends Group> | DataComparator sorting groups using their ACL. |
Group.DataRightComparator<T extends Group> | This comparator sort groups according the DataRight they have. |
Group.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Group> | |
Group.LeafSelector | Select leaf groups. |
Group.MemberCountComparator<T extends Group> | |
Group.MemberSelector | Select groups the given member can read. |
Group.NameComparator<T extends Group> | |
Group.NameSelector | Select groups by their name. |
Group.NotificationPeriodSelector | Select groups that have at least one NotificationCriteria for which the period is equal to the period of the period given to the constructor. |
Group.OrderComparator<T extends Group> | |
Group.ParentSelector | |
Group.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Group> | |
Group.WorkspaceSelector | DataSelector selecting Groups based on their Workspace. |
GroupIndexManager | |
GroupListener | This class listens to mutations of Group instances. |
HttpUtil | This class contains a set of static utility methods for validation, encoding and decoding of http and html input/output. |
ImageMetaDataExtractor | This class extracts metadata of image files. |
IntegerFormReport | |
JcmsCleanFilter | |
JcmsInfo | This class manages information about JCMS release. |
JcmsSessionTracker | This singleton class tracks sessions of guest and logged members in JCMS. |
JcmsSessionTrackerListener | This listener class tracks the addition, replacement or removal of the TRACKING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute to the J2EE session. |
JcmsUtil | This class contains a set of utility static methods. |
JSPtoFile | |
JSyncDataListener | This class monitors writes stablization. |
LimitController | |
LinkIndexManager | This class manages the Custom Type link index. |
MailSender | Deprecated. use MailMessage instead |
Member | A Member object contains a set of information about a
JCMS referenced user. |
Member_HANDLER | |
Member.AccountSelector | Select a subset of members with the Account usage. |
Member.AdministratorSelector | Select a subset of administrator members |
Member.ContactSelector | Select a subset of members with the Contact usage. |
Member.DisabledSelector | Select a subset of members which are disabled. |
Member.EnabledSelector | Select a subset of members which are not disabled. |
Member.GroupComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.LangComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.LastLoginDateComparator<T extends Member> | Compare member based on their last login date |
Member.LdapAccountComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.LoginComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.NameComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.NotificationPeriodSelector | |
Member.PublicationCountComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.RightComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.SessionComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.TextSelector | Select a set of members matching the given text in the name or in the email. |
Member.UsageSelector | Select a subset of members matching the specified Usage. |
Member.ValidEmailSelector | |
Member.WebdavComparator<T extends Member> | |
Member.WorkerSelector | Select a subset of worker members |
MemberIndexManager | |
MemberListener | This class listens to mutations of Member instances. |
MemberSearchEngineListener | Listen to create/update/delete of DBMember |
Notification | |
Notification_HANDLER | |
NotificationCriteria | |
NotificationCriteria_HANDLER | |
NotificationManager | This class is instantiated by a Channel in method initAfterLoad()
only if property 'notification.enabled' is set to true. |
NotificationQuery | This class retrieves all the publication created, updated or modified for a specified notification period. |
NotificationThread | Creates and sends customized emails to the appropriate members. |
OrDataSelector | This class combines a set of DataSelector . |
PstatusAlarmListener | This class is the AlarmListener used to change pstatus scheduled with pdate, edate and adate. |
Publication | This abstract class is the super class of all the Publication classes. |
Publication.AdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their Adate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.AdateSelector | AdateSelector selects all the publications with a adate in a given range |
Publication.AudienceRightComparator<T extends Publication> | Comparator to compare Publication using their audience rights. |
Publication.AudienceRightSelector | AudienceRightSelector selects all publications being audienced. |
Publication.AuthorComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.AuthorizedSelector | AuthorizedSelector selects all the publications a member is authorized to read. |
Publication.CanWorkOnSelector | CanWorkOnSelector selects all the publications a member can work on. |
Publication.DdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their Ddate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.EdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their Edate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.EdateSelector | EdateSelector selects all the publications with a edate in a given range |
Publication.PdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their Pdate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.PdateSelector | PdateSelector selects all the publications with a pdate in a given range |
Publication.PstatusComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.PstatusSelector | PstatusSelector selects all the publications with a given pstatus. |
Publication.RatingComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.ReaderComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.ReadRightSelector | ReadRightSelector selects all publications which have any read right. |
Publication.ReviewCountComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.RightComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.SdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their Sdate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.SdateSelector | SdateSelector select all the publications with a sdate in a given range |
Publication.TitleComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.TrackedSelector | TrackedSelector selects all the publications which are tracked. |
Publication.TypeComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.UdateComparator<T extends Publication> | Compares two Publications using their udate in descending order (newest date first). |
Publication.UdateSelector | UdateSelector selects all the publications with a udate in a given range |
Publication.UserContentSelector | UserContentSelector selects all publications which are UGC (UserContent). |
Publication.VisibleStateSelector | VisibleStateSelector selects all the publications which are in a visible state |
Publication.WorkspaceAuthorSelector | WorkspaceAuthorSelector selects all the publication the given member is the author and which belong to the given workspace. |
Publication.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Publication> | |
Publication.WorkspaceSelector | WorkspaceSelector selects all the publications which belong to the given workspace. |
PublicationIndexManager | |
PublicationListener | This class listens to mutations of Publication objects. |
QueryFilter | A QueryFilter is notified for each query. |
QueryManager | This class manages queries on publications |
QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector | |
QueryResultSet | This class holds results of a query. |
QueryResultSet.ScoreComparator<T extends Publication> | This Comparator compares two Object s using a score
retrieved from a map of Object to float . |
QuotaDataController | |
QuotaElement | |
QuotaManager | |
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNode | Inner class to save a workspace and it's level in hierarchy |
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNodeComparator | |
ResourceHelper | Helper class used to retrieve relative paths of jsp/servlet or icons used for various features of JCMS. |
ReverseDataSelector | This DataSelector selects the complementary set of a
given DataSelector . |
ReviewListener | This class listens to mutations of Review data. |
ReviewManager | |
ReviewRightPolicyFilter | |
RightInfo | Provide information about right control. |
StrongLock | This class represents a strong lock on a data. |
StrongLockManager | This class manages StrongLock. |
TestJcms | |
TypeEntry | This class contains info about a Type. |
TypeFieldEntry | This class holds all informations of a type's field. |
TypeProcessor | This class generates all the resources (Java classes and JSPs) used by the Custom Publication Types and Custom Extension Types. |
TypeTemplateEntry | This class contains info about Type's template. |
TypeTemplateEntry.LabelComparator | |
TypeUtil | This class contains a set of utility static methods for Type generated files. |
UpgradeManager | |
UserContent | UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is a user content. |
WeakLinkManager | This class manages the index of weak references on publications. |
WeakLockEntry | |
WeakLockManager | |
WebAppInfo | |
WebAppManager | |
WFAction | This abstract class represents a workflow action attached to a WFState. |
WFAction.AlertAdmins | |
WFAction.AlertAuthor | |
WFAction.AlertWorkers | |
WFExpressAlarmListener | This class is the AlarmListener used in the Workflow Express (status change at expiration time if no change in between) |
WFNote | This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow. |
WFPublicationListener | This class listens to mutations of Publication objects
and manages Workflow's resources (State's action, alarms, ...) |
WFReminderAlarmListener | This class is the AlarmListener used for the Workflow Reminder (send mail at expiration time if no change in between) |
WFRole | This class represent a Role. |
WFRule | This class represent a Workflow Rule. |
WFState | This class represents a state in a Workflow |
WFTransition | This class represents a transition in a Workflow |
WikiRenderer | This class contains a set of utility static methods to process wiki text. |
WikiRenderingHints | Contains rendering hints used by the WikiRenderer. |
WKRoleListener | This class represent a Listener for WKRole Objects. |
Workflow | This class represents a Workflow. |
WorkflowManager | This class manages JCMS workflows. |
WysiwygManager | HTML manipulation methods for use inside JCMS. |
WysiwygMediasRewriter | Provides facilities to rewrite object tag in HTML wysiwyg content with content generated by the MediaTag and its template API. |
WysiwygRenderer | This class contains a set of utility static methods to process wysiwyg text. |
Enum Summary | |
AssociatedFileEvent.Type | |
QueryManager.QueryStep | Query manager steps, used to determintate which query processing is being performed. |
QuotaManager.WorkspaceNodeComparator.WorkspaceNodeComparatorType | |
RightInfo.Explanation |
Exception Summary | |
CategoryCycleException |
Contains the core JCMS classes.