Class Summary | |
ArchiveTag | This tag prints a small archive icon for a given Publication. |
CacheTag | This tag puts the content of its body in cache. |
CaddyTag | This tag prints the caddy icon for the given
Publication , Data or query. |
CategoriesTag | This tag visits a branch of the Category tree. |
CategoriesTagExtraInfo | |
CheckIntegrityTag | This tag prints a warn icon if the given data does not respect its integrity constraints. |
CountryTag | This tag prints the flag bound to the specified country or current country. |
DataChooserTag | This tag generates the form widget to select a data (Publication or Member) |
DateChooserTag | This tag generates the form widget to select a date |
DeleteTag | This tag prints a small delete icons beside a given Data object to delete it |
DurationChooserTag | This tag generates the form widget to select a duration (value / unit) |
EditTag | This tag prints a small edit icons beside a given Publication object (to update it) or Publication class (to add a new instance). |
FileIconTag | This tag prints the icon of the given FileDocument |
FileSizeTag | This tag prints the formatted size of a file. |
FileWebdavTag | This tag prints icons for webfolders: - Download a File - Edit with WebDav a File - Open a WebFolder |
FileWebdavTag.Webdav | |
FormWidgetTag | This abstract class is the mother class of all HTML form widget tag. |
ImportIconTag | This tag prints the icon status for imported data. |
IncludeTag | |
JavaScriptTag | Allows javascript code to be captured and added at proper place. For performance reason and ajax compatibility, code is added : at end of page for normal case (through doEmptyFooter.jsp) at html fragment for ajax request (through doAjaxFooter.jspf) |
LangTag | This tag prints the flag bound to the given language or bound to userLang. |
LinkTag | Output an href link using the given parameters. |
LockTag | This tag prints a lock icon if the given data is locked. |
LoginTag | |
MediaTag | Print the HTML required to provide a media player for any file. |
MessagesTag | display messages not related to a specific id or not manage by previous MessageTag |
MessageTag | add message tag use to display message associated to a specific id |
PagerTag | This tag prints a pager for |
PagerTagExtraInfo | |
PdfTag | This tag displays a PDF icon to access the PDF version (if it exists) of the given file. |
PortletTreeTag | |
PubIconTag | This tag prints the icon bound to a given Publication class. |
QueryTag | This tag performs a query on the Publication set. |
QueryTagExtraInfo | |
RatingTag | This tag prints the rating of a Publication object. |
SQLQueryTag | This tag performs a SQL query and provides the result set as a SQLQueryResult |
SQLQueryTagExtraInfo | |
ThumbnailTag | This tags add possibily to create and display a thumbnail of an image. |
TooltipTag | This tag prints a small tooltip icons that displays inline or ajax content |
TooltipTag.Tooltip | |
TopMemberTag | This tag iterates over the Member which have publish
the most. |
TopMemberTagExtraInfo | |
TreeCatTag | This class display a Category Tree using <UL> <LI> tags. Many options allow customisation of the Tree look&feel and behaviour. The generated tree works with treecat.css and treecat.js and TreeCat.java This class may be called by AJAX RPC Method. |
TreeCatTagExtraInfo | |
UrlTag | Output an url using the given parameters. |
WebHelpTag | This tag prints the webhelp icon |
WidgetTag | |
WikiTag | This tag formats its body with wiki formatting rules. |
WorkspaceTag | This tag prints the flags bound to the categories of a given
Publication . |
WysiwygTag | This tag wysiwyg generated code. |
Provides many of the classes used for JCMS jsp tags.
provides the rest of the tag classes.