Uses of Class

Packages that use Data
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.caddy Provides classes to manage and process operation on Caddy items in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.context Provides context classes available in every request, you can extends them or use them as javabean. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jcms.mashup Contains classes used for data Import/Export. Contains all the classes to provide the Media Browser. 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets. 
com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower Provides internal search engines classes of JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.servlet Contains JCMS servlet classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.stat Provides classes for statistics management and analysis. 
com.jalios.jcms.stat.beautifier Contains classes that beautify Statistics results. 
com.jalios.jcms.taglib Provides many of the classes used for JCMS jsp tags. 
com.jalios.jcms.upload Contains classes which provides webdav access to Categorie of JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.widget Contains widget classes that generate html component especially for Forms Input. 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Data
static class Data.AuthorComparator<T extends Data>
static class Data.DataNameComparator<T extends Data>
          This comparator compares two Data using their Data Name.
static class Data.OpAuthorComparator<T extends Data>
static class Data.RowIdComparator<T extends Data>

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms
 class AbstractReview
 class Category
          A Category object is a node of the category tree.
 class CategoryRight
          This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category roots.
 class Content
          Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is an editorial publication.
 class DataExtension
          This class contains extra fields for a given Data object.
 class DataRight
          This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object.
 class DBFileDocument
 class FileDocument
 class Form
          Form is the mother class of all form types.
 class Group
          A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances.
 class Member
          A Member object contains a set of information about a JCMS referenced user.
 class Notification
 class NotificationCriteria
 class Publication
          This abstract class is the super class of all the Publication classes.
 class StrongLock
          This class represents a strong lock on a data.
 class UserContent
          UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is a user content.
 class WFNote
          This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow.

Fields in com.jalios.jcms declared as Data
protected  Data
protected  Data DataExtension.extendedData

Fields in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Data
protected  Map<Class<? extends Data>,Set<Data>> Channel.class2dataSet
protected  Map<Class<? extends Data>,Set<Data>> Channel.class2dataSet
protected  TreeMap<Data,ControllerStatus> Channel.dataIntegrityReport

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Data
<K extends Data,T>
AbstractIndexManager.addIndexWithSet(Map<K,Set<T>> index, K key, T value)
          Associates the given value to the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,V>
AbstractIndexManager.clearIndex(Map<K,V> index, K key)
          Remove the map at the given key in the given index.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.dataCollectionToIdList(Collection<T> dataColl)
          Returns the list of ids contained in the given collection of data.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.dataCollectionToIdSet(Collection<T> dataColl)
          Returns the set of ids contained in the given collection of data.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.dataListToString(Collection<T> list, String delim)
          Convert a Collection of Data into a String composed by id, separated by the specified delimiter.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.fillIdCollectionWithDataCollection(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz, Collection<T> dataColl)
<T extends Data>
Data.getAuthorComparator(Comparator<Member> memberComparator)
<T extends Data>
<T extends Data>
Data.getComparator(String str, boolean reverse)
          Deprecated. use ComparatorManager
<T extends Data>
Channel.getData(Class<T> clazz, String id)
          Returns a data from its id.
<T extends Data>
Channel.getDataList(String[] ids, boolean ignoreNull, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns the data corresponding to the given array of data ids.
<T extends Data>
HttpUtil.getDataListParameter(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName, Class<T> clazz)
          Retrieve a list of Data from ids received in only one value of the parameter (seperated with spaces or coma).
<T extends Data>
Data.getDataNameComparator(String language)
<T extends Data>
FileDocument.getFileReferrerSet(Class<T> clazz)
          Returns all the data referring the file of this FileDocument (except this FileDocument itself).
<K extends Data,X,Y>
AbstractIndexManager.getIndexWithMap(Map<K,Map<X,Y>> index, K key)
          Returns the map associated to the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,X,Y>
AbstractIndexManager.getIndexWithMap(Map<K,Map<X,Y>> index, K key, X name)
          Returns the value associated to the given name for the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,T>
AbstractIndexManager.getIndexWithSet(Map<K,Set<T>> index, K key)
          Returns the set associated to the given key in the given index.
<T extends Data>
StrongLockManager.getLockedDataSet(Class<T> clazz)
          Returns all the locked data for the given class.
<T extends Data>
StrongLockManager.getLockedDataSet(Class<T> clazz, boolean useCache)
          Returns all the locked data for the given class.
<T extends Data>
Data.getOpAuthorComparator(Comparator<Member> memberComparator)
<T extends Data>
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataArray(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataHashSet(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a HashSet of Data from a Collection of data's id.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataLinkedHashSet(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a LinkedHashSet of Data from a Collection of data's id.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataList(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a List of Data from a Collection of data's id.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataSet(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a Set of Data from a Collection of data's id.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataTreeSet(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a TreeSet of Data from a Collection of data's id.
<K extends Data,T>
AbstractIndexManager.isUndefinedIndexWithSet(Map<K,Set<T>> index, K key)
          Returns true is key is null or if no index (even empty) is stored in the given index.
<T extends Data>
Data.mergeHybridLink(Class<T> clazz, T[] storableArray, String[] dbidArray)
          Returns the merge from the given array of storable with the given array of DBID.
<K extends Data,X,Y>
AbstractIndexManager.putIndexWithMap(Map<K,Map<X,Y>> index, K key, X name, Y value)
          Associates the given value to the given name at the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,X,Y>
AbstractIndexManager.removeIndexWithMap(Map<K,Map<X,Y>> index, K key, X name)
          Remove the given name at the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,T>
AbstractIndexManager.removeIndexWithSet(Map<K,Set<T>> index, K key, T value)
          Removes the given value for the given key in the given index.
<K extends Data,T>
AbstractIndexManager.setIndexWithSet(Map<K,Set<T>> index, K key, Set<T> set)
          Associates the given set to the given key in the given index.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.stringArrayToDataArray(Class<T> clazz, String[] ids)
          Convert a Data[] to a String[] composed by id
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.stringToDataList(String str, String delim, Class<T> clazz)
          Convert a String of Data ids into a List of Data.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return Data
 Data StrongLock.getData()
 Data Channel.getData(String id)
          Returns a data from its id
static Data HttpUtil.getDataParameter(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName)
          Retrieve a Data from its id received in parameter.
 Data DataExtension.getExtendedData()
          Get the value of extendedData.
static Data[] JcmsUtil.getUpdatedData(Data[] old, Map dataMap)
          Convert an old array of Data to a new array of data using a Map
 Data Member.getUpdateInstance()
 Data Data.getUpdateInstance()
          Returns an instance of this object to update it.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.idCollectionToDataArray(Collection<String> idColl, Class<T> clazz)
<T extends Data>
Data.mergeHybridLink(Class<T> clazz, T[] storableArray, String[] dbidArray)
          Returns the merge from the given array of storable with the given array of DBID.
<T extends Data>
JcmsUtil.stringArrayToDataArray(Class<T> clazz, String[] ids)
          Convert a Data[] to a String[] composed by id
static Data[] JcmsUtil.stringArrayToDataArray(String[] ids)
          Convert a Data[] to a String[] composed by id

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type Data
 TreeSet<Data> Channel.getAllDataSet()
          Returns all the data of this site in a new TreeSet.
 Map<Data,ControllerStatus> Channel.getDataIntegrityReport(boolean refresh)
          Checks the integrity constraints of all the data in the store.
 ArrayList<Data> Channel.getDataList(String[] ids)
          Returns the instances associated to an array of ids.
 TreeSet<Data> Channel.getFileIndexedDataSet(String filename)
          Returns the set of data bound to the given filename.
 TreeMap<Data,Map<Class<?>,Map<String,TreeSet<Data>>>> LinkIndexManager.getIndex()
 TreeMap<Data,Map<Class<?>,Map<String,TreeSet<Data>>>> LinkIndexManager.getIndex()
 HashMap<String,TreeSet<Data>> FileIndexManager.getIndex()
 TreeSet<Data> FileIndexManager.getIndexedDataSet(String filename)
          Returns the Set of data bound to the given filename (typically a FileDocument).
 TreeSet<Data> FileIndexManager.getIndexedDataSet(String filename, boolean searchInDB)
          Returns the Set of data bound to the given filename (typically a FileDocument or a DBFileDocument).
static List<Data> JcmsUtil.stringToDataList(String str, String delim)
          Convert a String of Data ids into a List of Data.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type Data
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.add(Data src, Collection coll, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.add(Data src, Data[] array, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.add(Data src, Data[] array, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.add(Data src, Data tgt, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.add(Data src, Map mlMap, String field)
 void AbstractFileIndexListener.add(String filename, Data data)
static void JcmsUtil.addData(TreeSet set, Class clazz, Data data)
          This methods adds the given data to the given set if this data is an instance of the given class.
static void JcmsUtil.addData(TreeSet set, Class clazz, Data[] array)
          This methods adds data from an array to the given set if the data is an instance of the given class.
 void DataController.afterWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          This method is called once the write operation has been performed.
 void BasicDataController.afterWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          This method is called once the write operation has been performed.
 void DataController.beforeWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          This method is called before the write operation is performed.
 void BasicDataController.beforeWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          This method is called before the write operation is performed.
 boolean Member.canDeleteOther(Data data)
 boolean DataRight.canDeleteOther(Data d)
 boolean CategoryRight.canDeleteOther(Data data)
 boolean Member.canDeleteOther(Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
 boolean Member.canPublish(Data data)
          Convenient method
 boolean DataRight.canPublish(Data d)
 boolean CategoryRight.canPublish(Data data)
 boolean StrongLockManager.canRequestLock(Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns true if the given member can request the lock (by mail).
 boolean Member.canUpdateOther(Data data)
 boolean DataRight.canUpdateOther(Data d)
 boolean CategoryRight.canUpdateOther(Data data)
 boolean Member.canUpdateOther(Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
 ControllerStatus DataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
          Checks if the given data respects constraints integrity
 ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
          Checks if the given data respects constraints integrity
 boolean WeakLockManager.checkLockMember(Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns true if the given data can be locked by the given member.
 boolean StrongLockManager.checkLockMember(Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns true if the given member has locked the given data or if the data is not locked.
 ControllerStatus QuotaDataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
 ControllerStatus DataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
 ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
protected  String[] Data.computeDBIDArray(Data[] array)
          Extract the DBData from the given array and return an array of identifier of those DBData.
 void Channel.createData(Data data, Member opAuthor)
          Creates a data in the store.
static Set<String> JcmsUtil.dataArrayToIdSet(Data[] datas)
          Convert a Data[] to a Set<String> composed by id
static String[] JcmsUtil.dataArrayToNameArray(Data[] datas, String lang)
          Convert a Data[] to a String[] composed of their name (label, title, name, ...)
static String[] JcmsUtil.dataArrayToStringArray(Data[] datas)
          Convert a Data[] to a String[] composed by id
 void Channel.deleteData(Data data, Member opAuthor)
          Delete a data in the store.
static String WikiRenderer.encodeSection(Data data, String field, String update)
static String JcmsUtil.getAbsDisplayUrlWithUpdatedParams(Data data, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String[] names, String[] newValues, String[] removePatterns, boolean escapeAmpersand)
          Return the absolute URL to access the given data in the front office, while updating/adding or removing a set of parameters.
 boolean TypeFieldEntry.getBoolean(Data data)
          Gets the value of this boolean field for the given Data.
 TreeSet TypeFieldEntry.getCategory(Data data, Member mbr)
          Gets the value of the given Category field name for the given Data.
static Map<String,Object> WysiwygManager.getCleanHtmlContextMap(Data data, String fieldName)
          Retrieve a context map for use in cleanHtml method.
 DBDataRevision Publication.getDBDataRevision(Data data, int op)
 DBDataRevision DBFileDocument.getDBDataRevision(Data data, int op)
static String DescriptiveURLs.getDescriptiveURL(Data data, Locale locale)
          Retrieve an descriptive URL for the given Data in the given language.
static String DescriptiveURLs.getDescriptiveURLText(Data data, Locale locale)
          Returns the textual part of a descriptive URL built for the given Data.
static String JcmsUtil.getDisplayUrl(Data data, Locale locale)
          Return the URL to access the given data in the front office.
static String JcmsUtil.getDisplayUrl(Data data, Locale locale, String params, boolean escapeAmpersand)
          Return the URL to access the given data in the front office with the added given param string.
static String JcmsUtil.getDisplayUrlWithAddedParam(Data data, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String name, String value, boolean escapeAmpersand)
          Return the URL to access the given data in the front office, while adding the given parameter.
static String JcmsUtil.getDisplayUrlWithUpdatedParams(Data data, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String[] names, String[] newValues, String[] removePatterns, boolean escapeAmpersand)
          Return the URL to access the given data in the front office, while updating/adding or removing a set of parameters.
 double TypeFieldEntry.getDouble(Data data)
          Gets the value of this double field for the given Data.
 String RightInfo.getExplanationMessage(String userLang, Locale userLocale, Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns the explanation message.
 Object DataIndexManager.getExtraInfo(Data data, String key)
          Returns the ExtraInfo which is associated to the given key for the given data.
 Map<String,Object> DataIndexManager.getExtraInfoMap(Data data)
          Returns the ExtraInfo Map which is associated to the given data.
static String JcmsUtil.getFieldLangAttributes(Data data, String fieldName, String userLang)
          Compute the real language used for the given field and retrieve the html language attributes to use for the this language.
 String TypeFieldEntry.getFieldValueAsString(Data data, String lang)
          Gets value of the field as String for field of the following type: int long double boolean String
 String[] TypeFieldEntry.getFieldValueAsStringArray(Data data, String lang)
          Gets value of the field as String[] for field of the following type: int[] long[] double[] boolean[] String[] List Set
static String JcmsUtil.getId(Data data)
          This convenient method return the id of the given data.
<T> TreeSet<T>
LinkIndexManager.getIndexedDataSet(Data data, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns the Set of clazz instances referring this data (whatever the field they used for this reference)
<T> TreeSet<T>
LinkIndexManager.getIndexedDataSet(Data data, Class<T> clazz, String field)
          Returns the Set of clazz instances referring this data with the given field.
 int TypeFieldEntry.getInt(Data data)
          Gets the value of this int field for the given Data.
 int LinkIndexManager.getLinkCount(Data data)
 int Channel.getLinkCount(Data data)
          Returns the number of instances of Data referring the given Data
<T> TreeSet<T>
Channel.getLinkIndexedDataSet(Data data, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns the Set of Data of the given Class, referring the given data.
<T> TreeSet<T>
Channel.getLinkIndexedDataSet(Data data, Class<T> clazz, String field)
          Returns the Set of Data of the given Class, referring the given data with the given field.
 Date WeakLockManager.getLockDate(Data data)
          Returns the date the given data has been locked.
 String StrongLockManager.getLockInfo(Data data, Locale locale)
          Returns a string which explains who has the lock on the given data (return "" if the data is not locked)
 Member WeakLockManager.getLockMember(Data data)
          Returns the member who has locked the given data.
 long TypeFieldEntry.getLong(Data data)
          Gets the value of this long field for the given Data.
 String RightInfo.Explanation.getMessage(String userLang, Locale userLocale, Data data, Member mbr, Class<? extends RightPolicyFilter> rightPolicyFilter)
 Object TypeFieldEntry.getObject(Data data)
          Gets the value of this Object field for the given Data.
 Object TypeFieldEntry.getObject(Data data, String lang)
          Gets the value of this Object field for the given Data.
 DataRight Member.getRight(Data data)
static String ResourceHelper.getSpecificEdit(Data data)
          Gives the JSP really used when a call to edit.jsp is done.
 StrongLock StrongLockManager.getStrongLock(Data data)
          Returns the StrongLock bound to given data.
 StrongLock StrongLockManager.getStrongLock(Data data, boolean useCache)
          Returns the StrongLock bound to given data.
 String Channel.getTypeFieldLabel(Data data, String fieldName)
          Returns the localized label of the given field of the given data.
 String Channel.getTypeFieldLabel(Data data, String fieldName, String lang)
          Returns the localized label of the given field of the given data.
static Data[] JcmsUtil.getUpdatedData(Data[] old, Map dataMap)
          Convert an old array of Data to a new array of data using a Map
 String Channel.getUsedLanguage(Data data, String fieldName, String lang)
          Retrieve the language code really used if the field of the given publication is requested in the given language.
 List<? extends Storable> Channel.getVersionList(Data data)
          Get all the version of a given Data.
 String Channel.getVirtualID(Data data)
          Returns the virtual ID bound to the given data (or null if it does not exist).
protected  boolean Member.internalCanDeleteOther(Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
protected  boolean Member.internalCanUpdateOther(Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
 boolean WeakLockManager.isLocked(Data data)
          Returns true if the given data is locked.
 boolean StrongLockManager.isLocked(Data data)
          Returns true if the given data is locked.
 boolean WeakLockManager.isLockedBy(Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns true if the given data is locked by the given member.
static boolean JcmsUtil.isPersisted(Data data)
          Check if the given data has been persisted (either in JStore or in the database).
 boolean Channel.isRegistered(Data data)
          Checks if the given data is still registered in the Store.
static boolean JcmsUtil.isSameId(Data d1, Data d2)
          Returns true if the 2 data have the same and non null ID.
 boolean ReverseDataSelector.isSelected(Data data)
          Returns the reverse value of the encapsulated DataSelector.
 boolean QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.AuthorizedSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.CanWorkOnSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.WorkspaceSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.WorkspaceAuthorSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.VisibleStateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.PstatusSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.PdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.SdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.EdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.AdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.UdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.TrackedSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.AudienceRightSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.ReadRightSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Publication.UserContentSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean OrDataSelector.isSelected(Data data)
          Returns true if one of the DataSelector returns true.
 boolean Member.UsageSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.DisabledSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.EnabledSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.TextSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.ValidEmailSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.WorkerSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.AdministratorSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Member.NotificationPeriodSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.WorkspaceSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.NameSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.ParentSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.LeafSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.MemberSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Group.NotificationPeriodSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Form.SubmitMemberSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean FileDocument.ContentTypeSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean FileDocument.SizeSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean FileDocument.HiddenSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean FileDocument.MediaTypeSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean DataSelector.isSelected(Data data)
          Evaluates if a data must be selected or not.
 boolean Data.CdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Data.MdateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Data.ImportSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Data.DeletableSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Data.AuthorSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Data.StrongLockSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean ClassDataSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Category.AuthorizedSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Category.NameSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Category.NodeSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Category.LeafSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean AndDataSelector.isSelected(Data data)
          Returns true if all the DataSelector returns true.
static boolean JcmsUtil.isStored(Data data)
          Check if the given data is not null and stored
 void WeakLockManager.lock(Data data, Member mbr)
          Locks the given data for the given member.
 void StrongLockManager.lock(Data data, Member mbr)
          Lock the given data for the given member.
<T extends Data>
Data.mergeHybridLink(Class<T> clazz, T[] storableArray, String[] dbidArray)
          Returns the merge from the given array of storable with the given array of DBID.
 void DataController.processFieldStatusMap(Data data, Member mbr, Map<String,FieldStatus> map)
          This method is called to fill the map of FieldStatus for the given data.
 void BasicDataController.processFieldStatusMap(Data data, Member mbr, Map<String,FieldStatus> map)
          This method is called to fill the map of FieldStatus for the given data.
 Object DataIndexManager.putExtraInfo(Data data, String key, Object value)
          Associates the given ExtraInfo for the given data.
 void StrongLockManager.refreshCacheEntry(Data data)
          Invalidate the cache entries for the given publication
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.remove(Data src, Collection coll, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.remove(Data src, Data[] array, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.remove(Data src, Data[] array, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.remove(Data src, Data tgt, String field)
 void AbstractLinkIndexListener.remove(Data src, Map mlMap, String field)
 void AbstractFileIndexListener.remove(Data data, String filename)
 Object DataIndexManager.removeExtraInfo(Data data, String key)
          Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
static void DescriptiveURLs.removeURLCache(Data data)
          Remove the cached Descriptive URL values for the given Data.
 void StrongLock.setData(Data data)
 void DataExtension.setExtendedData(Data v)
          Set the value of extendedData.
 void WeakLockManager.unlock(Data data)
          Unlocks the given data
 void StrongLockManager.unlock(Data data)
          Unlock the given data, without checking the member.
 void WeakLockManager.unlock(Data data, Member mbr)
          Unlocks the given data for the given member.
 void StrongLockManager.unlock(Data data, Member mbr)
          Unlock the given data
 void StrongLockManager.unlock(Data data, Member mbr, boolean force)
          Unlock the given data
protected  void Channel.updateClass2DataSet(Data data, boolean add)
          This methods is called by a DataListener when a Data is updated or created to update the map which link Class to Set of Data.
 void Channel.updateData(Data updated, Member opAuthor)
          Updates a data in the store.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type Data
static void JcmsUtil.exportCSV(Set<? extends Data> dataSet, String lang, Writer writer)
          Export a dataSet to CSV
static void JcmsUtil.exportCSVIntegrityReport(Map<Data,ControllerStatus> report, String lang, Writer writer)
          Export a Data Integrity Report to CSV
 long Channel.getDataCount(Class<? extends Data> clazz)
          Returns the number of data available for the given class.
 int LimitController.getLimit(Class<? extends Data> clazz)
          Returns the limit for a given Data class.
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, boolean shortKey)
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, String suffix, boolean shortKey)
          Returns a TreeMap representing the Extra Data description and default value.
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, String suffix, boolean shortKey, boolean useSuperClasses)
          Returns a TreeMap representing the Extra Data description and default value.
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDBDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, boolean shortKey)
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDBDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, String suffix, boolean shortKey)
          Returns a TreeMap representing the Extra Data description and default value.
static TreeMap<String,String> Data.getNewDefaultExtraDBDataMap(Class<? extends Data> clazz, String suffix, boolean shortKey, boolean useSuperClasses)
          Returns a TreeMap representing the Extra Data description and default value.
static TypeTemplateEntry Publication.getTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks, Class<? extends Data> clazz, Workspace ws)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry matching the given parameters.
static String JcmsUtil.join(Collection<? extends Data> coll, String sep, String userLang)
          Joins a collection of Object with the given separator into a String.
protected  void Publication.removeDataSet(Member opAuthor, Set<? extends Data> dataSet)
          Remove all the data of the given data set

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type Data
Data(Data other)
StrongLockManager.CacheEntry(Data data, Member mbr, Date date)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol
 class AccessControlList
          Define a collection of resources and their associated authorization.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol with parameters of type Data
protected static boolean AccessControlManager.internalCheckWorkspaceDataAccess(String resource, Group aclGroup, Workspace ws, Data data, Member mbr)
          This method is invoked when a Data ACL has been granted for a member, in such case, we check the minimum requirement to validate the authorization or not.
 boolean AccessControlList.NameSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean AccessControlList.WorkspaceAclSelector.isSelected(Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.ajax

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.ajax with parameters of type Data
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addAddMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addCacheMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addCaddyMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int MemberCtxMenu.addCaddyMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int AbstractCtxMenu.addCaddyMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addCustomMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int MemberCtxMenu.addDeleteMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int AbstractCtxMenu.addDeleteMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data, String workspaceFilter, boolean isEnabled)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addEditMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int MemberCtxMenu.addEditMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PublicationCtxMenu.addEditMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data pub, boolean popup)
protected  int AbstractCtxMenu.addEditMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data, boolean isEnabled, boolean popup)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addRefreshMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addRemoveMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addShiftMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int PortletCtxMenu.addTemplateMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)
protected  int CategoryCtxMenu.addViewPortalMenu(StringBuffer sb, Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.caddy

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with type parameters of type Data
 class CaddyComparator<T extends Data>
          Compares Data based on their presence in the Caddy.

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with type parameters of type Data
protected  Class<? extends Data> CaddyPopinHandler.dataClass
protected  HashSet<Data> CaddyPopinHandler.dataSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy that return types with arguments of type Data
 Class<? extends Data> CaddyPopinHandler.getDataClass()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with parameters of type Data
 boolean Caddy.add(Data data)
          Add given data to this caddy.
 boolean Caddy.contains(Data data)
          Check if the given Data is in the caddy.
protected  boolean AbstractCaddyManagerHandler.deleteDataExtension(Data data, HashMap controllerContext)
          Delete the data extension of the given data, if asked.
protected  boolean AbstractCaddyManagerHandler.processMultipleStatus(Data data, ControllerStatus status)
          Process the ControllerStatus: do nothing if OK, or send on forbidden, or accumulate warning message with the previous ones in the request.
 boolean Caddy.remove(Data data)
          Remove the given data from this caddy.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with type arguments of type Data
 boolean Caddy.addAll(Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Add given Collection of data to this caddy.
 boolean Caddy.canManage(Class<? extends Data> clazz, Member loggedMember)
          Checks if the specified member is allowed to manage at least one Data in the Caddy.
static boolean Caddy.checkCaddyAccess(Class<? extends Data> clazz, Member loggedMember, Workspace workspace)
          Check if a member is authorized to display the caddy corresponding to the specified clazz.
 ArrayList<? extends Object> Caddy.getList(Class<? extends Data> clazz)
 boolean Caddy.removeAll(Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Remove given Collection of data from this caddy.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.calendar
 class AbstractCalendarEvent
          This abstract class provides a superclass to every calendar event and base methods for their manipulation
 class AbstractEventResource

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.calendar with parameters of type Data
 boolean MoreThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean LessThanOneDayCalendarEventSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventDateSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean AbstractCalendarEvent.CalendarEventAttendeeSelector.isSelected(Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.context

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.context with parameters of type Data
 void JcmsContext.sendRedirect(Data data)
          Redirect to the given data (eg a publication, a category, ...) Will not redirect if data is null or if response has already been commited, but we put the request attribute "redirect" with the value of the url so that doDisplayBuffer can be able to redirect with the javascript hack.
 boolean JcmsJspContext.showEditIcon(Workspace ws, Data pub)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.db

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.db declared as Data
protected  Data DBDataRevision.revData

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db with type parameters of type Data
<T extends Data>
DBDataRevision.decodeIdList(Class<T> clazz, String str)
<T extends Data>
DBDataRevision.decodeIdSet(Class<T> clazz, String str)
<T extends Data>
DBDataRevision.encodeIdCollection(Collection<T> coll)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db that return Data
static Data HibernateUtil.getCurrentData(String id)
          Return the current persisted state of the Data with the given id.
 Data DBEventLog.getData()
static Data HibernateUtil.getData(String id)
          Retrieves the Data bound to the specified jcms id from the database.
 Data DBDataRevision.getRevData()
 Data DBDataRevision.getRevisionData()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db that return types with arguments of type Data
 List<Data> DBDataRevisionManager.getRevisionDataList(Class clazz, String id)
          Returns a list of data representation of each revision of the given data.
 List<Data> DBDataRevisionManager.getRevisionDataList(Data data)
          Returns a list of data representation of each revision of the given data.
 List<Data> DBDataRevisionManager.getRevisionDataList(String id)
          Returns a list of data representation of each revision of the given data.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db with parameters of type Data
 List<Data> DBDataRevisionManager.getRevisionDataList(Data data)
          Returns a list of data representation of each revision of the given data.
 List<DBDataRevision> DBDataRevisionManager.getRevisionList(Data data)
          Returns the list of DBDataRevision for the given data.
protected  void AbstractJcms5DataLoader.processData(Data data, String[] array)
static void data)
          Saves or updates the specified Data in the database.
 void DBEventLog.setData(Data data)
 void DBDataRevision.setRevData(Data data)

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.db with parameters of type Data
DBDataRevision(Data data, int op)
DBEventLog(String urid, int op, Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember
 class DBMember

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember that return Data
 Data DBMember.getUpdateInstance()

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.extradbdata

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.extradbdata that return Data
 Data ExtraDBData.getData()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.extradbdata with parameters of type Data
static ExtraDBData ExtraDBDataManager.getExtraDBData(Data data, String name)
          Retrieve the ExtraDBData instance for the specified Data and name.
static List<ExtraDBData> ExtraDBDataManager.getExtraDBDataList(Data data)
          Retrieve all ExtraDBData for the specified Data.
static Map<String,String> ExtraDBDataManager.getExtraDBDataMap(Data data)
          Retrieve all the extradbdata values for the specified Data.
static String ExtraDBDataManager.getExtraDBDataValue(Data data, String name)
          Retrieve the extradbdata value for the specified Data and name.
static int ExtraDBDataManager.removeAllExtraDBData(Data data)
          Delete all ExtraDBData for the specified Data.
static String ExtraDBDataManager.saveExtraDBData(Data data, String name, String value)
          Save, update or remove the specified extradbdata value for the specified Data and name.
static void ExtraDBDataManager.saveExtraDBDataMap(Data data, Map<String,String> extraDBDataMap, boolean replace)
          Save, update or remove the specified extradbdatas values for the specified Data.
 void ExtraDBData.setData(Data data)

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.extradbdata with parameters of type Data
ExtraDBData(Data data, String name, String value)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.processingmanagement

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.processingmanagement
 class FileProcessingInfo
 class FileProcessingLog

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.handler declared as Data
protected  Data
protected  Data EditExtraDataHandler.workingData

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler with type parameters of type Data
<T extends Data>
EditDataHandler.processDataIds(String fieldName, String[] ids, Class<T> clazz)
          Computes link array to retrieve Data of the given Class.
<T extends Data>
EditDataHandler.processDataIds(String fieldName, String[] ids, Class<T> clazz, boolean trim)
          Computes link array to retrieve Data of the given Class.
<T extends Data>
EditDataHandler.processMLDataArray(String fieldName, Class<T> clazz, String[] values, Map mlMap)
          Process the given ML values (data ids)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return Data
 Data CheckRightsHandler.getAvailableData()
 Data EditDataHandler.getAvailableData(Data data, Data dataField, Data field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given data in a given language.
 Data[] EditDataHandler.getAvailableDataArray(Data data, Data[] dataField, Data[] field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given array of data in a given language.
protected  Data EditDataHandler.processDataId(String fieldName, String dataId, Class<? extends Data> clazz)
          Computes given dataid, trim and retrieve associated data.
 Data EditDataHandler.processMLData(String fieldName, Class clazz, String[] values, Map mlMap)
          Process the given ML values (data ids)
<T extends Data>
EditDataHandler.processMLDataArray(String fieldName, Class<T> clazz, String[] values, Map mlMap)
          Process the given ML values (data ids)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return types with arguments of type Data
 Class<? extends Data> EditPublicationHandler.getDataClass()
 Class<? extends Data> EditMemberHandler.getDataClass()
abstract  Class<? extends Data> EditDataHandler.getDataClass()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler with parameters of type Data
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.createUploadedFileDocument(Data[] datas, Map dataML, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given array of data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.createUploadedFileDocument(Data[] datas, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given array of data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.createUploadedFileDocument(Data data, Map dataML, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given array of data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.createUploadedFileDocument(Data data, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
 Data EditDataHandler.getAvailableData(Data data, Data dataField, Data field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given data in a given language.
 Data[] EditDataHandler.getAvailableDataArray(Data data, Data[] dataField, Data[] field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given array of data in a given language.
 Data[] EditDataHandler.getAvailableDataArray(Data data, Data[] dataField, Data[] field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given array of data in a given language.
 Data[] EditDataHandler.getAvailableDataArray(Data data, Data[] dataField, Data[] field, Map mlMap, String lang)
          Generic method to get available ML field for a given array of data in a given language.
 String JcmsFormHandler.getHiddenField(String name, Data value)
 String JcmsFormHandler.getHiddenField(String name, Data[] datas)
 void EditTypeExtensionHandler.setExtendedData(Data extendedData)
          Called by the Edit[Data]Handler when validating create or update.
 void EditDataHandler.setFields(Data data)
          Set the common (Data) fields.
static void SyncLdapHandler.updateLdapGroupSyncProgressInformation(int action, Data data)
          This methods adds information regarding the current LDAP synchronization progress to the session.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateCreateExtension(Data extendedData)
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateUpdateExtension(DataExtension extension, Data extendedData)
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateUploadedFileDocument(Data[] datas, Map dataML, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateUploadedFileDocument(Data[] datas, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs validate on given array of data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateUploadedFileDocument(Data data, Map dataML, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.
protected  boolean EditDataHandler.validateUploadedFileDocument(Data data, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Performs create on given data if it is a FileDocument that have just been uploaded.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.handler with type arguments of type Data
protected  Data EditDataHandler.processDataId(String fieldName, String dataId, Class<? extends Data> clazz)
          Computes given dataid, trim and retrieve associated data.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.mail

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.mail
 class MailMessage
          Class used to build and send a mail message.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.mail.listener

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mail.listener with parameters of type Data
 boolean AttachementsMailListener.FileDocumentSelector.isSelected(Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.mashup

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with type parameters of type Data
<T extends Data>
ImportUtil.parseFieldDataList(org.jdom.Element elt, String name, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns the data list of the given field.
<T extends Data>
ImportUtil.parseFieldDataSet(org.jdom.Element elt, String name, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns the data set of the given field.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup that return Data
 Data ImportManager.getImportedData(String source, String importId)
          Returns the imported data from the given source and bound to the given importId (do not return conflict copy).
static Data ImportUtil.parseFieldData(org.jdom.Element elt, String name)
          Returns the data of the given field.
static Data[] ImportUtil.parseFieldDataArray(org.jdom.Element elt, String name, Class clazz)
          Returns the data array of the given field.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup that return types with arguments of type Data
 Set<Data> ImportStatus.getImportedDataSet()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with parameters of type Data
 void ImportStatus.addImportedData(Data data)
 boolean ImportManager.checkMdate(Data importedData, Data localData)
          Returns true if importedData.importMdate is newer than the localData.importMdate.
static String ExportUtil.exportField(int indentLevel, String name, Data value)
          Returns a XML representation of a data field.
static String ExportUtil.exportField(int indentLevel, String name, Data[] value)
          Returns a XML representation of a data array field.
static String ExportUtil.exportField(int indentLevel, String name, Data[] value, String mlField)
          Returns a XML representation of a Data array field.
static String ExportUtil.exportField(int indentLevel, String name, Data value, String mlField)
          Returns a XML representation of a text field.
 String ExportManager.exportXml(Data data)
          Deprecated. use ExportManager.exportXml(Data, Member)
 String ExportManager.exportXml(Data data, Member mbr)
          Returns the XML export for the given data.
 void ImportManager.indexImportedData(Data data)
          Index the given imported data (conflict copy are not indexed).
 void ImportManager.unindexImportedData(Data data)
          Unindex the given imported data

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with type arguments of type Data
 String ExportManager.exportXml(Set<? extends Data> dataSet)
          Returns the XML export for the given data set.

Uses of Data in

Methods in with parameters of type Data
protected static String[] TreeCatMediaProxy.dataCollectionToArrayList(Collection<? extends Data> dataColl, Data removeData, Data addData)
          Convert a collection of Data into an array of String, after adding or removing given Data.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Data
protected static String[] TreeCatMediaProxy.dataCollectionToArrayList(Collection<? extends Data> dataColl, Data removeData, Data addData)
          Convert a collection of Data into an array of String, after adding or removing given Data.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy that return Data
 Data PolicyManager.getData(String id)
 Data ChannelPolicyFilter.getData(String id)
          Retrieve a Data from its id.
 Data BasicChannelPolicyFilter.getData(String id)
protected  Data AbstractDataMailPolicyFilter.isValidAuthKey(Member mbr, String content)
          Parse mail content to find a valid authentication key and associated Data

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type Data
 boolean RightPolicyFilter.canDeleteOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data)
          Check if this member can delete-other this instance.
 boolean BasicRightPolicyFilter.canDeleteOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data)
 boolean PolicyManager.canDeleteOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
 boolean RightPolicyFilter.canUpdateOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data)
          Check if this member can update-other this instance.
 boolean BasicRightPolicyFilter.canUpdateOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data)
 boolean PolicyManager.canUpdateOther(boolean isAuthorized, Member mbr, Data data, RightInfo rightInfo)
 String PortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data)
          Deprecated. use PortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String, Data, Locale)
 String PolicyManager.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data)
          Deprecated. use PolicyManager.checkPermalink(String, Data, Locale)
 String BasicPortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data)
          Deprecated. use BasicPortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String, Data, Locale)
 String PortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data, Locale userLocale)
          Hook called by PortalManager.getPermalink() to update the way to render permalinks
 String PolicyManager.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data, Locale locale)
 String BasicPortalPolicyFilter.checkPermalink(String permalink, Data data, Locale userLocale)
 void PortalPolicyFilter.fillDescriptiveURLParameterMap(Map<String,String> paramMap, Data data)
          Fill the given map with custom parameters to be added to the descriptive URL
 void BasicPortalPolicyFilter.fillDescriptiveURLParameterMap(Map<String,String> paramMap, Data data)
 void PolicyManager.fillDescriptiveURLParamMap(Map<String,String> paramMap, Data data)
protected  String AbstractDataMailPolicyFilter.generateAuthKey(Member mbr, Data data)
          Returns a Base64( Id + ';' + MD5(Id + Password))
 boolean PortalPolicyFilter.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, boolean computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given boolean field and given Data.
 boolean PolicyManager.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, boolean computedValue)
 boolean BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, boolean computedValue)
 TreeSet<Category> PortalPolicyFilter.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, TreeSet<Category> computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given Category field and given Data.
 TreeSet<Category> PolicyManager.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, TreeSet<Category> computedValue)
 TreeSet<Category> BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, TreeSet<Category> computedValue)
protected  String AbstractDataMailPolicyFilter.getContentFooter(Member toMbr, Data data)
          Returns a default content footer for the given data
protected  String AbstractDataMailPolicyFilter.getContentFooter(Member toMbr, Data data, String topic, String address)
          Returns a default content footer for the given data
 String PortalPolicyFilter.getDescriptiveURLPath(Data data, Locale locale)
          Returns the path of the descriptive URL to use for the specified Data and Locale.
 String PolicyManager.getDescriptiveURLPath(Data data, Locale locale)
 String BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getDescriptiveURLPath(Data data, Locale locale)
 String PortalPolicyFilter.getDescriptiveURLText(String descriptiveURLtext, Data data, Locale locale)
          Returns the textual part of a descriptive URL built for the given Data.
 String PolicyManager.getDescriptiveURLText(String descriptiveURLtext, Data data, Locale locale)
 String BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getDescriptiveURLText(String descriptiveURLtext, Data data, Locale locale)
 double PortalPolicyFilter.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, double computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given double field and given Data.
 double PolicyManager.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, double computedValue)
 double BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, double computedValue)
 Object PortalPolicyFilter.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, Object computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given field and given Data.
 Object PolicyManager.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, Object computedValue)
 Object BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, Object computedValue)
 int PortalPolicyFilter.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, int computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given int field and given Data.
 int PolicyManager.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, int computedValue)
 int BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, int computedValue)
 long PortalPolicyFilter.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, long computedValue)
          Returns an alternate value for the given long field and given Data.
 long PolicyManager.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, long computedValue)
 long BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt, String fieldName, Data data, long computedValue)
 String TemplatePolicyFilter.getSkinTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
          Overrides the skin usage decided by JCMS and previous plugins
 String PolicyManager.getSkinTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
 String BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getSkinTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 String TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
          Overrides the usage decided by JCMS and previous plugins
 String PolicyManager.getTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
 String BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateUsage(Data data, String usage)
 void PolicyManager.processDataExport(Data data, StringBuffer sb, Map context)
 void ExportPolicyFilter.processDataExport(Data data, StringBuffer sb, Map context)
          This method is called for each data to export.
 void BasicExportPolicyFilter.processDataExport(Data data, StringBuffer sb, Map context)

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.policy with type arguments of type Data
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> pubClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 void PolicyManager.processDataSetExport(Set<? extends Data> dataSet, StringBuffer sb, Map context)
 void ExportPolicyFilter.processDataSetExport(Set<? extends Data> dataSet, StringBuffer sb, Map context)
          This method is called for each data set to export.
 void BasicExportPolicyFilter.processDataSetExport(Set<? extends Data> dataSet, StringBuffer sb, Map context)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.portlet
 class Portal
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements - String -> CSSFile - String -> Header - String -> Footer - Publication -> Child
 class PortalElement
 class PortalRedirect
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements.
 class Portlet
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements
 class PortletCollection
          An abstract PortletCollection représentation with fields to implements - PortalElement[] -> Children
 class PortletParent
          An abstract PortletParent représentation with fields to implements - Publication -> Children
 class PortletSkinable
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements - String -> DisplayTitle (ML) - String -> SkinTemplate - String -> SkinCSS

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.portlet with parameters of type Data
 ControllerStatus PortletQueryForeachDataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
static String PortalManager.getPermalink(Data data)
          Deprecated. user PortalManager.getPermalink(Data, Locale)
static String PortalManager.getPermalink(Data data, Locale locale)
          Returns an url representing the permanent link for the given data in the specified language.
 boolean PortalElement.AbilitySelector.isSelected(Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower
 class PublicationFollower

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower with parameters of type Data
 void PublicationFollowerController.afterWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)

Uses of Data in

Fields in declared as Data
protected  Data

Methods in with parameters of type Data
protected  boolean JcmsRestResource.checkReadRight(Data theData)
          Check if the given Data may be read by the logged Member.

Uses of Data in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Data
protected<Data> LucenePublicationSearchEngine.getAllDataIterator()
protected<Data> LuceneFileSearchEngine.getAllDataIterator()
protected abstract<Data> LuceneDataSearchEngine.getAllDataIterator()
          This methods must be implemented by the LuceneSearchEngine.
protected<Data> LuceneCategorySearchEngine.getAllDataIterator()

Methods in with parameters of type Data
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.addData(Data data)
          Add given Data to this lucene search engine.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.deleteData(Data data)
          Delete given Data from this lucene search engine.
 Date LuceneDataSearchEngine.getIndexingDate(Data data)
          Retrieve the Date at which the specified Data was indexed in the main language of the site.
 Date LuceneDataSearchEngine.getIndexingDate(Data data, String lang)
          Returns the date at which the specified Data has been indexed for the specified language.
 org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneDataSearchEngine.getLuceneDocument(Data data, String lang)
          Returns the lucene Document corresponding to the specified Data in the index of the the specified language.
protected  org.apache.lucene.index.Term LuceneFileSearchEngine.getPrimaryTerm(Data data)
          Override method for compatibility with legacy lucene file index which uses lucene field "id" (JCMS_ID_FIELD) for Data id, instead of the lucene field "_id_" (ID_FIELD) expected by default by LuceneDataSearchEngine.
protected  org.apache.lucene.index.Term LuceneDataSearchEngine.getPrimaryTerm(Data data)
          Retrieve the a lucene Terme suitable for use as primary key when searching/removing/updating a unique lucene document for the specified data
protected  void LucenePublicationSearchEngine.indexData(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter writer, Data data, String lang)
          This methods index the given publication in the given language, into the given index writer.
protected  void LuceneFileSearchEngine.indexData(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter writer, Data data, String lang)
          This methods index the given FileDocument in the default language, into the given index writer.
protected abstract  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.indexData(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter writer, Data data, String lang)
          This methods must be implemented by the LuceneSearchEngine.
protected  void LuceneCategorySearchEngine.indexData(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter writer, Data data, String lang)
          This methods index the given Category in the given language, into the given index writer.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.updateData(Data data)
          Update given Data in this lucene search engine.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Data
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.addDataCollection(Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Add given Collection of Data to this lucene search engine.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.deleteDataCollection(Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Delete given Collection of Data from this lucene search engine.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.index( directory, Collection<? extends Data> coll, String lang)
          Index a Collection of Data into lucene.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.index( directory, Iterator<? extends Data> iterator, String lang)
          Index all Data returned by the specified Iterator into lucene.
 void LuceneDataSearchEngine.remove( directory, Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Remove a Collection of Data from the lucene index.
protected  void LuceneDataSearchEngine.updateDataCollection(Collection<? extends Data> coll)
          Update given Collection of Data in this lucene search engine.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.servlet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.servlet that return Data
static Data FriendlyURLFilter.getDataFromFriendlyURL(String friendlyURL)
          Return the data associated with the given friendly URL.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.servlet with parameters of type Data
static boolean FriendlyURLFilter.addFriendlyURL(Data data, String friendlyURL)
          Add the given friendlyURLSet to the friendly urls of the servlet.
static TreeSet FriendlyURLFilter.getFriendlyURLSet(Data data)
          Return a set of friendly urls associated with the given data
static boolean FriendlyURLFilter.isFriendlyURLAvailable(Data data, String friendlyURL)
          Check if the given friendly URL is available, that is either : the Friendly URL is not in the Friendly URLs of the servlet or else the Friendly URL is already there with the same data
static boolean FriendlyURLFilter.removeDataFriendlyURL(Data data)
          Remove the given data and all its associated friendly url.

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.stat

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.stat with parameters of type Data
protected static String StatManager.dataToString(Data data)
protected static String StatManager.dataToString(Data[] data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.stat.beautifier

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.stat.beautifier with parameters of type Data
protected  String BeautifierData.getBeautify(Data data)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.taglib

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.taglib declared as Data
protected  Data
protected  Data

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.taglib with parameters of type Data
protected  boolean EditTag.canEditData(Data data, Member loggedMember, JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
protected  void EditTag.generateUpdateIcon(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext, String anchorParam, Data data, StringBuffer sb)
static void CaddyTag.getDataCaddyIcon(StringBuffer out, Data data, String contextPath, String userLang, String action, String css, boolean displayLinkText, Caddy caddy)
static String DeleteTag.getDeleteIcon(Data data, String contextPath, String userLang, String redirect, String title, String workspaceFilter)
static String DeleteTag.getDeleteIcon(Data data, String contextPath, String userLang, String redirect, String title, String workspaceFilter, String icon)
static String MediaTag.getMediaTemplatePath(String templateName, Data data)
          Retrieve the path of the JSP suitable to display the specified Data.
protected  String DataChooserTag.resolveTitle(Data data)
          Resolve Data Title
 void WikiTag.setData(Data data)
 void UrlTag.setData(Data data)
 void ThumbnailTag.setData(Data data)
 void MediaTag.setData(Data data)
 void LockTag.setData(Data data)
 void EditTag.setData(Data data)
 void DeleteTag.setData(Data data)
 void DataChooserTag.setData(Data data)
 void CheckIntegrityTag.setData(Data data)
 void CaddyTag.setData(Data data)

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.taglib with type arguments of type Data
 void CaddyTag.setCollection(Collection<? extends Data> coll)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.test

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.test
 class AbstractTestType

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.test with parameters of type Data
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCanDeleteOther(Member mbr, Data data)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCannotDeleteOther(Member mbr, Data data, RightInfo.Explanation explanation)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCannotUpdateOther(Member mbr, Data data, RightInfo.Explanation explanation)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCanUpdateOther(Member mbr, Data data)
protected  String JcmsTestCase.dataToDebugString(Data data)
          Produces output like:
[(Clazz' simple name) {data.toString()} (id)]
protected  void JcmsTestCase.deleteData(Data... array)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.deleteOnTearDown(Data data)

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.test with type arguments of type Data
protected  void JcmsTestCase.deleteOnTearDown(Workspace ws, Set<Data> initialDataSet)
          Deletes on tear down the workspace, and all its Datas, but not those contained in optional initialDataSet.
The initialDataSet should be initialized before the Workspace was created, using for example :

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.tracking

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.tracking
 class ReaderTracker

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.upload

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.upload with parameters of type Data
 void UnzipDataController.beforeWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, Map context)

Uses of Data in

Fields in declared as Data
 Data CatWebdavResource.resourceData
protected  Data CatWebdavFileSystem.root

Methods in that return Data
 Data CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataFromName(String name, Data parent, boolean onlyFolders, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return the Data represented by the given short uri
 Data CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataFromUri(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Retrieve the Data from the given URI Starting from the given root.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Data
 Collection<Data> CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataChildrenSet(Data parent, WebdavContext ctxt)

Methods in with parameters of type Data
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.canBeReadBy(Data data, Member loggedMember)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.canReadData(Data data, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the data can be read given the current context
 long CatWebdavFileSystem.getContentLength(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the length of the ressource
 String CatWebdavFileSystem.getContentType(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the content type of the ressource
 Collection<Data> CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataChildrenSet(Data parent, WebdavContext ctxt)
 Data CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataFromName(String name, Data parent, boolean onlyFolders, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return the Data represented by the given short uri
static String CatWebdavUtil.getDataName(Data data)
          Retrieve the name of the Data as it should be used in WebDav.
 String CatWebdavFileSystem.getNameFromData(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the short name of the given data (Category or FileDocument) for this implementation
 InputStream CatWebdavFileSystem.getResourceStream(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the resource input stream
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isExisting(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is existing
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isFile(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is a File
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isFolder(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is a Folder
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.setResourceStream(Data data, File tmp, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Update/Override the FileDocument

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Data
 void CatWebdavFileSystem.addFileDocument(Set<Data> childrenSet, Member loggedMember, Workspace workspace, Category category)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.widget

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.widget with type parameters of type Data
<E extends Data>
ChooserWidget.getChooserItem(Class<E> clazz, String lang)

Uses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Subclasses of Data in com.jalios.jcms.workspace
 class WKRole
 class Workspace
          This class represents a Workspace
 class WSTypeEntry
          This class is a wrapper on TypeEntry handling type properties for each workspace.

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.workspace declared as Data
protected  Data Workspace.cachedHomeData

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return types with arguments of type Data
 Class<? extends Data> EditWorkflowInstanceHandler.getDataClass()
 Class<? extends Data> EditWSTypeEntryHandler.getDataClass()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with parameters of type Data
 boolean Workspace.TextSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Workspace.TitleSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Workspace.CollaborativeSpaceSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Workspace.OpenWorkspaceSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 boolean Workspace.ModelWorkspaceSelector.isSelected(Data data)
 void WizardContext.trackCreatedData(Data data)
          Store a new created data in the DataLsit

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