Uses of Interface

Packages that use Storable
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.mashup Contains classes used for data Import/Export. 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets. 
com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower Provides internal search engines classes of JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.stat Provides classes for statistics management and analysis. 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 
com.jalios.jstore Contains JStore core classes. 

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms that implement Storable
 class AbstractReview
 class Category
          A Category object is a node of the category tree.
 class CategoryRight
          This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category roots.
 class Content
          Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is an editorial publication.
 class Data
          This abstract class is the super class of all the persistent classes of a JCMS Channel.
 class DataExtension
          This class contains extra fields for a given Data object.
 class DataRight
          This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object.
 class DBFileDocument
 class FileDocument
 class Form
          Form is the mother class of all form types.
 class Group
          A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances.
 class Member
          A Member object contains a set of information about a JCMS referenced user.
 class Notification
 class NotificationCriteria
 class Publication
          This abstract class is the super class of all the Publication classes.
 class StrongLock
          This class represents a strong lock on a data.
 class UserContent
          UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is a user content.
 class WFNote
          This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow.

Fields in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Storable
protected  HashMap<Storable,String> Channel.virtualIDMap

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return Storable
 Storable Channel.getStorable(String id)
          Returns a storable from its id.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type Storable
 TreeSet<? extends Storable> Channel.getDeletedSet(Class<? extends Storable> clazz)
          Get the latest version of the deleted Data for a given class.
 List<? extends Storable> Channel.getVersionList(Data data)
          Get all the version of a given Data.
 List<? extends Storable> Channel.getVersionList(String id)
          Get all the version of a Data, given its id.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type Storable
 Map Notification_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map NotificationCriteria_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map Member_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map Group_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map FileDocument_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map DataRight_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map Category_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map CategoryRight_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 void WeakLinkManager.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void WKRoleListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void WFPublicationListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void PublicationListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberSearchEngineListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void JSyncDataListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void GroupListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentVersionListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void DescriptiveURLs.DescriptiveURLsListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void DataListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategoryListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void CacheManager.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicStoreListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void AudienceRights.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstime)
 void WeakLinkManager.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WKRoleListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WFPublicationListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void PublicationListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberSearchEngineListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void JSyncDataListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void GroupListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentVersionListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void DataListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategoryListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CacheManager.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicStoreListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void AudienceRights.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstime)
 void WeakLinkManager.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WKRoleListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WFPublicationListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void PublicationListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberSearchEngineListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void MemberListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void JSyncDataListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void GroupListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentVersionListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void DescriptiveURLs.DescriptiveURLsListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void DataListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategoryListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CacheManager.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicStoreListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void AudienceRights.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstime)
 void FileDocumentVersionListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes, boolean firstTime)
 void WKRoleListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map attributes, boolean firstTime)
 void FileDocumentListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map attributes, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicStoreListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map attributes, boolean firstTime)
 void Notification_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void NotificationCriteria_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void Member_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void Group_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void FileDocument_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void DataRight_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void Category_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void CategoryRight_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
protected  void AudienceRights.updateStorableBS(Storable storable)
          Reset the internal BitSet(s) depending on the modification of the given Storable.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type Storable
 TreeSet<? extends Storable> Channel.getDeletedSet(Class<? extends Storable> clazz)
          Get the latest version of the deleted Data for a given class.

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol that implement Storable
 class AccessControlList
          Define a collection of resources and their associated authorization.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol with parameters of type Storable
 Map AccessControlList_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 void AccessControlList_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.calendar that implement Storable
 class AbstractCalendarEvent
          This abstract class provides a superclass to every calendar event and base methods for their manipulation
 class AbstractEventResource

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.comparator

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.comparator with type parameters of type Storable
 class BasicComparator<T extends Storable>
          Basic comparator class providing advanced contextual informations and default comparison of Storable using their cdate.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.comparator with type parameters of type Storable
<T extends Storable>
Comparator<? super T>
ComparatorManager.getComparator(Class<T> clazz, String comparatorName)
          Retrieve a new Comparator from its short identifier to sort instances of the specified class.
<T extends Storable>
Comparator<? super T>
ComparatorManager.getComparator(Class<T> typeClazz, String comparatorName, boolean reverse)
          Retrieve a new Comparator from its short identifier to sort instances of the specified class.
<T extends Storable>
Comparator<? super T>
ComparatorManager.getComparator(Class<T> typeClazz, String comparatorName, boolean reverse, Map<String,Object> contextMap)
          Retrieve a new Comparator from its short identifier to sort instances of the specified class.

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.db

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db with parameters of type Storable
 void BasicDBListenerStoreListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicDBListenerStoreListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicDBListenerStoreListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void BasicDBListenerStoreListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map attributes, boolean firstTime)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember that implement Storable
 class DBMember

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor with parameters of type Storable
 void FileProcessorDBListenerStoreListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileProcessorDBListenerStoreListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void FileProcessorDBListenerStoreListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.processingmanagement

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.processingmanagement that implement Storable
 class FileProcessingInfo
 class FileProcessingLog

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.mail

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.mail that implement Storable
 class MailMessage
          Class used to build and send a mail message.

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.mashup

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with parameters of type Storable
 void ImportDataListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void ImportDataListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.portlet that implement Storable
 class Portal
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements - String -> CSSFile - String -> Header - String -> Footer - Publication -> Child
 class PortalElement
 class PortalRedirect
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements.
 class Portlet
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements
 class PortletCollection
          An abstract PortletCollection représentation with fields to implements - PortalElement[] -> Children
 class PortletParent
          An abstract PortletParent représentation with fields to implements - Publication -> Children
 class PortletSkinable
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements - String -> DisplayTitle (ML) - String -> SkinTemplate - String -> SkinCSS

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.publicationfollower that implement Storable
 class PublicationFollower

Uses of Storable in

Methods in with parameters of type Storable
 void PublicationSearchEngineListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategorySearchEngineListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void PublicationSearchEngineListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategorySearchEngineListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void PublicationSearchEngineListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void CategorySearchEngineListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.stat

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.stat with parameters of type Storable
 void StatReportListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void StatReportListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void StatReportListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.test

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.test that implement Storable
 class AbstractTestType

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.tracking

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.tracking that implement Storable
 class ReaderTracker

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that implement Storable
 class WKRole
 class Workspace
          This class represents a Workspace
 class WSTypeEntry
          This class is a wrapper on TypeEntry handling type properties for each workspace.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with parameters of type Storable
 Map Workspace_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map WSTypeEntry_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map WKRole_HANDLER.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
 void WorkspaceListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void WSTypeEntryListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
 void WorkspaceListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WSTypeEntryListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void WorkspaceListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
 void Workspace_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void WSTypeEntry_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)
 void WKRole_HANDLER.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map attributes, Store store)

Uses of Storable in com.jalios.jstore

Classes in com.jalios.jstore with type parameters of type Storable
static class BasicStorable.CdateComparator<T extends Storable>
          Compares two Storables using their Cdate in descending order (newest date first).
static class BasicStorable.IdComparator<T extends Storable>
          Compares two Storables using their ID.
static class BasicStorable.MdateComparator<T extends Storable>
          Compares two Storables using their Mdate in descending order (newest date first).

Classes in com.jalios.jstore that implement Storable
 class BasicStorable
          This class is a convenient super class for any Storable classes.
 class Test
          This class runs a bunch of tests.

Fields in com.jalios.jstore with type parameters of type Storable
protected  Set<Storable> StoreCleaner.toCreate
protected  Map<Storable,Storable> StoreCleaner.toUpdate
protected  Map<Storable,Storable> StoreCleaner.toUpdate

Methods in com.jalios.jstore with type parameters of type Storable
<T extends Storable>
<T extends Storable>
<T extends Storable>

Methods in com.jalios.jstore that return Storable
static Storable StoreUtil.decodeStorable(String id, Store store)
 Storable Swizzler.getStorable(String id)
 Storable Store.getStorable(String id)
          Return the storable given its id

Methods in com.jalios.jstore that return types with arguments of type Storable
 TreeSet<? extends Storable> Store.getDeletedSet(Class<?> clazz)
          Get the latest version of the deleted Storable for a given class.
 Map<Field,Set<Storable>> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkMap(Storable storable, Set<Field> fieldSet)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable fields
 Set<Storable> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkSet(Storable storable, Field field)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable field
 Set<Storable> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkSet(Storable storable, Set<Field> fieldSet)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable fields
 List<? extends Storable> Store.getVersionList(Storable storable)
          Get all the version of a given Storable
 List<? extends Storable> Store.getVersionList(String id)
          Get all the version of a given Storable ID
 Iterator<Storable> Swizzler.iterator()
          Return an iterator on the storable set
 Iterator<Storable> Store.iterator()
          Return an iterator on the storables registered in the swizzler
 List<Storable> StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Collection<Storable> toSortCollection)
          Sort a Collection by less update probability

Methods in com.jalios.jstore with parameters of type Storable
 boolean StoreCleaner.cleanUnknownLinks(Storable storable, Field field, Set<Storable> storableSet)
          Clean all unknown Storable from the given field of the given storable
 boolean StoreCleaner.cleanUnknownLinks(Storable storable, Map<Field,Set<Storable>> referencedLinkMap)
          Clean all unknown Storable from the given field map of the given storable
static int BasicStorable.IdComparator.compareStorableId(Storable s1, Storable s2)
          Compare two storable using their ID.
 void StoreCleaner.convertLang(Storable data)
 void Store.create(Storable storable)
          Create a storable, set storable id to stamp value.
 void Store.create(Storable storable, boolean overrideId)
          Create a storable, if overrideId is false and storable have an id then do not override id.
 void Swizzler.decRC(Storable storable)
          Decrements the Reference Counter of the storable
 void Store.delete(Storable storable)
          Delete a storable (even if references remain on it).
 void Store.delete(Storable storable, boolean force)
          Delete a storable.
static String StoreUtil.encodeStorable(Storable storable, Store store)
 Map<String,String> StorableHandler.getAttributes(Storable storable, Store store)
          Storable attributes getter
 Set<Field> StoreCleaner.getFieldSet(Storable storable)
          Return all the fields of a given storable
 Map<Field,Set<Storable>> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkMap(Storable storable, Set<Field> fieldSet)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable fields
 Set<Storable> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkSet(Storable storable, Field field)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable field
 Set<Storable> StoreCleaner.getReferencedLinkSet(Storable storable, Set<Field> fieldSet)
          Return all storable referenced by the given storable fields
 List<? extends Storable> Store.getVersionList(Storable storable)
          Get all the version of a given Storable
 void SyncManager.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when after a storable has been updated.
 void StoreListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable storable, Storable oldStorable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when after a storable has been updated.
 void SyncManager.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when a storable is created.
 void StoreListener.handleCreate(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when a storable is created.
 void SyncManager.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when a storable is deleted.
 void StoreListener.handleDelete(Storable storable, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when a storable is deleted.
 void SyncManager.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when before a storable will be updated.
 void StoreListener.handlePrepareUpdate(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes, boolean firstTime)
          This method gets called when before a storable will be updated.
 void Swizzler.incRC(Storable storable)
          Increments the Reference Counter of the storable
 boolean Swizzler.isReferrenced(Storable storable)
 boolean Store.isReferrenced(Storable storable)
 boolean Store.isRegistered(Storable storable)
 boolean Swizzler.isSwizzled(Storable storable)
 void Swizzler.registerStorable(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes)
          Swizzler ID <==> Storable
 void Swizzler.removeStorable(Storable storable)
 void StorableHandler.setAttributes(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes, Store store)
          Storable attributes setter
static void StoreUtil.setFieldValue(Storable storable, Field field, Object fieldValue)
protected  void StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Storable storable, Collection<Storable> toSortCollection, Collection<Storable> isVisitedCollection, List<Storable> sortedList)
          Recursive call to sort storables collection by less update probability.
 void Store.update(Storable storable, Map<String,String> attributes)
          Update a storable.
 void Store.update(Storable storable, Storable updated)
          Update a storable.
 void Store.update(String id, Storable updated)
          Update a storable.
 void Swizzler.updateArrayOfReferences(Storable[] array, Storable[] updatedArray)
 void Swizzler.updateArrayOfReferences(Storable[] array, Storable[] updatedArray)
 void Swizzler.updateReferences(Storable storable, Storable updated)
          Updates the references of a storable and its update
 void StoreCleaner.updateStore(Storable storable)
          Write an update of a given Storable already created
If the Storable need an Update then doUpdate and remove it from the Update Table
If the Storable doesn't need an update but exist in the Store (warning retrieve it by it's Id) then do an update.
 void StoreCleaner.updateStore(Storable storable, Stamp stamp)
          Write an update of a given Storable already created
If the Storable need an Update then doUpdate and remove it from the Update Table
If the Storable doesn't need an update but exist in the Store (warning retrieve it by it's Id) then do an update.
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Storable storable)
          Write create of a Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Storable storable, boolean overrideId)
          Write create of a Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Storable storable, Stamp stamp)
          Write create of a Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Storable storable, Stamp stamp, boolean overrideId)
          Write create of a Storable then prepare update

Method parameters in com.jalios.jstore with type arguments of type Storable
 boolean StoreCleaner.cleanUnknownLinks(Storable storable, Field field, Set<Storable> storableSet)
          Clean all unknown Storable from the given field of the given storable
 boolean StoreCleaner.cleanUnknownLinks(Storable storable, Map<Field,Set<Storable>> referencedLinkMap)
          Clean all unknown Storable from the given field map of the given storable
 List<Storable> StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Collection<Storable> toSortCollection)
          Sort a Collection by less update probability
protected  void StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Storable storable, Collection<Storable> toSortCollection, Collection<Storable> isVisitedCollection, List<Storable> sortedList)
          Recursive call to sort storables collection by less update probability.
protected  void StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Storable storable, Collection<Storable> toSortCollection, Collection<Storable> isVisitedCollection, List<Storable> sortedList)
          Recursive call to sort storables collection by less update probability.
protected  void StoreCleaner.sortCreate(Storable storable, Collection<Storable> toSortCollection, Collection<Storable> isVisitedCollection, List<Storable> sortedList)
          Recursive call to sort storables collection by less update probability.
 void StoreCleaner.updateStore(Collection<Storable> collection)
          Write all updates for the given collection
 void StoreCleaner.updateStore(Collection<Storable> collection, Stamp stamp)
          Write all updates for the given collection
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection, boolean sort)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection, boolean sort, boolean overrideId)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection, Stamp stamp)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection, Stamp stamp, boolean sort)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update
 void StoreCleaner.writeStore(Collection<Storable> collection, Stamp stamp, boolean sort, boolean overrideId)
          Write create of a collection of Storable then prepare update

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