Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeTemplateEntry
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets. 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms

Fields in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type TypeTemplateEntry
protected  Map<String,TypeTemplateEntry> TypeEntry.templateMap
protected  Map<String,Set<TypeTemplateEntry>> TypeEntry.usageMap

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return TypeTemplateEntry
static TypeTemplateEntry TypeTemplateEntry.decodeTemplate(org.jdom.Element itElm, String folderPath)
          Build a TypeTemplateEntry from the given JDom Element
 TypeTemplateEntry TypeEntry.getDefaultTemplateEntry(String usage)
          Returns a default TypeTemplateEntry matching the given usage for the current workspace
 TypeTemplateEntry TypeEntry.getFirstTemplateEntry(String usage, String[] names)
          Returns the first TypeTemplateEntry from given names matching given usage If names is empty then return default entry
 TypeTemplateEntry TypeEntry.getTemplateEntry(String fullname)
          Returns a TypeTemplateEntry matching the given template name
 TypeTemplateEntry Publication.getTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry matching the given parameters.
static TypeTemplateEntry Publication.getTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks, Class<? extends Data> clazz, Workspace ws)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry matching the given parameters.
static TypeTemplateEntry TypeTemplateEntry.resolveDefaultTemplateEntry(Set<TypeTemplateEntry> tmplSet, String defaultUsage, String defaultPath)
          Returns a default TypeTemplateEntry in the given Set otherwise return a dummy template with the defaultUsage.
protected static TypeTemplateEntry Publication.resolveTypeTemplateEntry(WSTypeEntry wste, String usage, String[] templates)
          Returns TypeTemplateEntry matching given parameters.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type TypeTemplateEntry
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> TypeEntry.getDefaultTemplateEntrySet()
          Returns all default template entries
static Map<String,TypeTemplateEntry> TypeEntry.getDefaultTypeTemplateEntryMap(String className, String folderPath)
static Map<String,Set<TypeTemplateEntry>> TypeEntry.getDefaultTypeTemplateEntryUsageMap(String className, String folderPath)
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> TypeEntry.getTemplateEntrySet()
          Returns all template entries
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> Publication.getTemplateEntrySet()
          Returns a Set of TypeTemplateEntry matching current publication templates
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> TypeEntry.getTemplateEntrySet(String usage)
          Returns a new Set of TypeTemplateEntry matching the given usage
 Map<String,Set<TypeTemplateEntry>> TypeEntry.getTemplateUsageMap()
          Returns internal cached Map of usage/Set of TypeTemplateEntry.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type TypeTemplateEntry
 void TypeEntry.addTemplateEntry(TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          Add template to the TypeEntry from a TypeTemplateEntry.
protected static boolean Publication.checkTemplateEntry(TypeTemplateEntry tte, String usage, boolean devModeChecks, String label)
          Checks if the given TypeTemplateEntry is matching dev modes In developpement mode it throws exception if template is null or jsp is missing In production mode it returns default template if template is null but do not check if JSP template exists to improve performances.
static org.jdom.Element TypeTemplateEntry.encodeTemplate(TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          Build a JDom Element from the given TypeTemplateEntry

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type TypeTemplateEntry
static TypeTemplateEntry TypeTemplateEntry.resolveDefaultTemplateEntry(Set<TypeTemplateEntry> tmplSet, String defaultUsage, String defaultPath)
          Returns a default TypeTemplateEntry in the given Set otherwise return a dummy template with the defaultUsage.

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return TypeTemplateEntry
 TypeTemplateEntry EditPublicationHandler.getAvailableTemplateEntry(String usage)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return types with arguments of type TypeTemplateEntry
 Map<String,Set<TypeTemplateEntry>> TypeEditorHandler.getTemplateUsageMapFromXml()

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms.plugin

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.plugin that return types with arguments of type TypeTemplateEntry
 List<TypeTemplateEntry> Plugin.getTypeTemplateEntries()
          Returns templates for given types declared in plugin configuration.

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy that return TypeTemplateEntry
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> pubClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type TypeTemplateEntry
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> pubClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Class<? extends Data> dataClass, Workspace ws, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry TemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
          This method is a hook to display a custom template, different from the default selected one.
 TypeTemplateEntry PolicyManager.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)
 TypeTemplateEntry BasicTemplatePolicyFilter.getTemplateEntry(String usage, Data data, TypeTemplateEntry tte)

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.portlet declared as TypeTemplateEntry
protected static TypeTemplateEntry PortalElement.tteDefault

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.portlet that return TypeTemplateEntry
 TypeTemplateEntry EditPortletSkinableHandler.getAvailableSkinTemplateEntry(String usage)
 TypeTemplateEntry PortletSkinable.getSkinTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry Skin matching the given parameters.
 TypeTemplateEntry PortalElement.getSkinTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry Skin matching the given parameters.
static TypeTemplateEntry PortletSkinable.getSkinTemplateEntry(String usage, boolean devModeChecks, Class<? extends Publication> clazz, Workspace ws)
          Returns the TypeTemplateEntry matching the given parameters.

Uses of TypeTemplateEntry in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return TypeTemplateEntry
 TypeTemplateEntry WSTypeEntry.getDefaultTemplateEntry(String usage)
          Returns a default TypeTemplateEntry matching the given usage for the current workspace
 TypeTemplateEntry WSTypeEntry.getFirstTemplateEntry(String usage, String[] names)
          Returns the first TypeTemplateEntry from given names matching given usage
 TypeTemplateEntry WSTypeEntry.getTemplateEntry(String name)
          Returns a TypeTemplateEntry matching the given template name

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return types with arguments of type TypeTemplateEntry
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> WSTypeEntry.getDefaultTemplateEntrySet()
          Returns all default template entries
 Set<TypeTemplateEntry> WSTypeEntry.getTemplateEntrySet(String usage)
          Returns a new Set of TypeTemplateEntry matching the given usage for the current workspace
 Map<String,Set<TypeTemplateEntry>> WSTypeEntry.getTemplateUsageMap()
          Returns a Map of usage/Set of TypeTemplateEntry.

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