Uses of Class

Packages that use Group
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.archive Contains the classes used to deal with archives management in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.caddy Provides classes to manage and process operation on Caddy items in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.context Provides context classes available in every request, you can extends them or use them as javabean. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Group
static class Group.AclComparator<T extends Group>
          DataComparator sorting groups using their ACL.
static class Group.DataRightComparator<T extends Group>
          This comparator sort groups according the DataRight they have.
static class Group.LastLdapSyncComparator<T extends Group>
static class Group.MemberCountComparator<T extends Group>
static class Group.NameComparator<T extends Group>
static class Group.OrderComparator<T extends Group>
static class Group.WorkspaceComparator<T extends Group>

Fields in com.jalios.jcms declared as Group
protected  Group[] Member.declaredGroups
protected  Group Channel.defaultGroup
protected  Group[] Member.groups

Fields in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Group
protected  TreeSet<Group> Publication.authorizedGroupSet
protected  TreeSet<Group> Category.authorizedGroupSet
protected  Set<Group> Group.ParentSelector.childrenSet
protected  HashSet<Group> Group.parentSet
protected  Set<Group> QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector.queryAvoidGroupSet
protected  Set<Group> QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector.queryGroupSet
protected  TreeSet<Group> Publication.updateGroupSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type Group
<T extends Group>
          Retrieve a new instance of Group comparator sorting groups according their ACL.
<T extends Group>
<T extends Group>
<T extends Group>
<T extends Group>
Group.getNameComparator(String lang)
<T extends Group>
<T extends Group>

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return Group
 Group[] Member.getDeclaredGroups()
          Get the value of declaredGroups.
 Group Channel.getDefaultGroup()
          Returns the default group.
 Group Channel.getGroup(String id)
          Returns a group from its id
static Group GroupListener.getGroupFromDN(String dn)
          Returns a LDAP group from its distinguish name.
 Group Channel.getGroupFromDN(String dn)
          Returns a LDAP group from its distinguish name.
static Group HttpUtil.getGroupParameter(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName)
          Retrieve a Group from its id received in parameter.
 Group[] Member.getGroups()
          Returns all the groups this member belongs to.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getAncestorAndMeSet(Group group)
          Returns the ancestor set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> Group.getAncestorSet(boolean includeMyself)
          Returns the ancestors of this group.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getAncestorSet(Group group)
          Returns the ancestor set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> Publication.getAuthorizedGroupSet()
          Get the set of Group authorized to read this Publication.
 Set<Group> Category.getAuthorizedGroupSet()
          Get the value of authorizedGroupSet.
 Set<Group> Group.getChildrenSet()
          Return the set of groups which have this group has parent.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getChildrenSet(Group group)
          Returns the children set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> Channel.getCommonGroupSet()
          Return all the global groups
static Comparator<Group> Group.getComparator(String str, boolean reverse)
          Deprecated. use ComparatorManager
 Set<Group> Group.getDescendantSet()
          Returns the descendant groups of this group.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getDescendantSet(Group group)
          Returns the descendant set associated to the given Group.
static TreeSet<Group> Group.getGlobalGroupSet()
          Returns a set of all Groups set which are global
 Set<Group> Member.getGroupSet(Workspace ws)
          Returns the groups of the given workspace the member belongs to.
 HashSet<Group> Group.getParentSet()
          Get the parent groups of this groups in a Set.
protected  HashSet<Group> QueryManager.getQueryAvoidGroupSet(QueryHandler qh)
          Compute a HashSet of Group to exclude during query from the "gidsOff" value of the given QueryHandler.
protected  HashSet<Group> QueryManager.getQueryGroupSet(QueryHandler qh)
          Compute a HashSet of Group to include during query from the "gids" value of the given QueryHandler.
static Set<Group> Group.getRootGroupSet(Workspace ws)
          Returns the groups without parent in the given workspace.
 Set<Group> Publication.getUpdateGroupSet()
          Get the value of updateGroupSet.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type Group
 void Publication.addAuthorizedGroup(Group grp)
          Add an authorized group
 void Category.addAuthorizedGroup(Group grp)
          Add an authorized group
 boolean GroupIndexManager.addDeclaredMember(Group group, Member member)
          Adds the given Member to the given Group.
 void Member.addGroup(Group group)
          Add this member to a given group (this changes is not saved)
static void GroupListener.addGroupInDnToGroupMap(String dn, Group group)
          Add the given new group to the index of DN to Group Map.
 boolean GroupIndexManager.addMember(Group group, Member member)
          Adds the given Member to the given Group.
 void Group.addParent(Group group)
          Adds the given group to the parent set of this group.
 boolean Member.belongsToGroup(Group group)
          This convenient method returns true if this member belongs to a given group.
 boolean Member.belongsToGroup(Group[] grps)
          This convenient method returns true if this member belongs to at least one of the given groups.
 boolean ReviewRightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Publication pub, Group grp)
 boolean Publication.canBeReadBy(Group group)
          Checks if a group can read this publication.
 boolean FileDocument.canBeReadBy(Group group)
 boolean Category.canBeReadBy(Group group, boolean checkAncestors)
          Checks if a group can read this category.
 boolean Publication.canBeReadBy(Group group, RightInfo rightInfo)
 boolean Member.canRead(Group grp)
          This convenient method checks if this member can read a group.
protected static boolean WFRule.checkGroup(WKRole role, Group group, int currentWeight, Publication pub)
static ControllerStatus Member.checkMemberGroupModification(Member opAuthor, Group modifiedGroup, Member modifiedMember, boolean checkParentGroup)
          Check if the specified Member (opAuthor) is authorized to add or remove a member to the specified group to this member.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getAncestorAndMeSet(Group group)
          Returns the ancestor set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getAncestorSet(Group group)
          Returns the ancestor set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getChildrenSet(Group group)
          Returns the children set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Member> GroupIndexManager.getDeclaredMemberSet(Group group)
          Returns the member set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Group> GroupIndexManager.getDescendantSet(Group group)
          Returns the descendant set associated to the given Group.
 Set<Member> GroupIndexManager.getMemberSet(Group group)
          Returns the member set associated to the given Group.
 Set<WFState> Workflow.getWorkStateSet(Group group, Workspace workspace)
          Returns all the state a group can work in, for given Workspace.
protected  boolean Category.internalCanBeReadBy(Group group)
          Check of this category can be read by the given group
 boolean Group.isAncestor(Group group)
          Returns true if given group is an ancestor of this group or is the same object as this group.
 boolean Member.isDeclaredGroup(Group group)
          Returns true if the given group is a declared groups.
 boolean Group.isDescendant(Group group)
          Returns true if the given group is a descendant of this group.
static void Group.printOptionGroup(Group selectedGrp, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, String userLang, Member mbr)
          Print the <option> tags for a <select> tag.
static void Group.printOptionGroup(Workspace ws, Group selectedGrp, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, String userLang, Member mbr)
          Print the <option> tags for a <select> tag.
 void GroupIndexManager.refreshAllChildrenDescendantsAndAncestors(Group group, boolean add)
 void GroupIndexManager.refreshIndexForCreation(Group group)
          Specific update of indices while a group is currently created.
 void GroupIndexManager.refreshIndexForDelete(Group group)
          Specific update of indices while a group is currently deleted.
 void GroupIndexManager.refreshIndexForUpdate(Group cloneOldGroup, Group group)
          Specific update of indices while a group is currently created.
protected  void GroupListener.refreshWorkspacesMembers(Group group)
          Refresh member index of workspace
 boolean Publication.removeAuthorizedGroup(Group grp)
          Remove an authorized group.
 boolean Category.removeAuthorizedGroup(Group grp)
          Remove an authorized group.
 boolean GroupIndexManager.removeDeclaredMember(Group group, Member member)
          Removes the given member for the given Group.
 void Member.removeGroup(Group group)
          Remove this member from a given group(this changes is not saved)
 boolean GroupIndexManager.removeMember(Group group, Member member)
          Removes the given member for the given Group.
 void Group.removeParent(Group group)
          Removes the given group form the parent set of this group.
 void Member.setDeclaredGroups(Group[] v)
          Set the value of declaredGroups.
static void GroupListener.updateDnToGroupMap(Group oldGroup, Group newGroup)
          Update the given group in the index of DN to Group Map.
protected  void GroupListener.updateMembers(Group group)
          Invalidate canManageContent foreach members of this group
protected  void GroupListener.updateWorkspaces(Group group, boolean add)
          Add Group to workspace groupSet

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type Group
static Comparator<Member> Member.getGroupComparator(Comparator<Group> groupComparator)
static void Group.printOptionGroup(Set<Group> selectedSet, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, String userLang, Member mbr)
          Print the <option> tags for a <select> tag.
static void Group.printOptionGroup(Workspace ws, Set<Group> selectedSet, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, String userLang, Member mbr)
          Print the <option> tags for a <select> tag.
 void Publication.setAuthorizedGroupSet(TreeSet<Group> groupSet)
          Set the set of Group authorized to read this Publication.
 void Category.setAuthorizedGroupSet(TreeSet<Group> v)
          Set the value of authorizedGroupSet.
 void Group.setParentSet(HashSet<Group> parentSet)
          Set the parent groups of this group.
This method will removes any cycle dependencies or null reference the specified Set may contains.
 void Publication.setUpdateGroupSet(TreeSet<Group> v)
          Set the value of updateGroupSet.

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type Group
Group.ParentSelector(Group parentGroup)
Group(Group other)

Constructor parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type Group
Member.GroupComparator(Comparator<Group> groupComparator)
QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector(HashSet<Class<? extends Publication>> queryClassSet, HashSet<Class<? extends Publication>> queryAvoidClassSet, Date beginDate, Date endDate, int dateType, Set<Group> queryGroupSet, Set<Group> queryAvoidGroupSet, Set<Member> queryMemberSet, Set<Member> queryAvoidMemberSet, Set<String> queryDBMemberIdSet, int[] ratings, int[] pstatus, String[] langs, Member loggedMember, Set<Workspace> workspaceSet, boolean checkReadRights, String ability, boolean isExactCat, String catMode, HashSet<Category> queryCategorySet, HashSet<Category> queryAvoidCategorySet, Set<Publication> historySet)
QueryManager.QueryPublicationSelector(HashSet<Class<? extends Publication>> queryClassSet, HashSet<Class<? extends Publication>> queryAvoidClassSet, Date beginDate, Date endDate, int dateType, Set<Group> queryGroupSet, Set<Group> queryAvoidGroupSet, Set<Member> queryMemberSet, Set<Member> queryAvoidMemberSet, Set<String> queryDBMemberIdSet, int[] ratings, int[] pstatus, String[] langs, Member loggedMember, Set<Workspace> workspaceSet, boolean checkReadRights, String ability, boolean isExactCat, String catMode, HashSet<Category> queryCategorySet, HashSet<Category> queryAvoidCategorySet, Set<Publication> historySet)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> AccessControlList.getGroupSet()
          Retrieves the Set of Group using this ACL.
 Set<Group> AccessControlListIndexManager.getGroupSet(AccessControlList acl)
          Returns the Group set using the specified ACL.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol with parameters of type Group
 boolean AccessControlListIndexManager.addGroup(AccessControlList acl, Group group)
          Adds the specified Group to the group Set of the given ACL.
protected static boolean AccessControlManager.internalCheckWorkspaceDataAccess(String resource, Group aclGroup, Workspace ws, Data data, Member mbr)
          This method is invoked when a Data ACL has been granted for a member, in such case, we check the minimum requirement to validate the authorization or not.
 boolean AccessControlListIndexManager.removeGroup(AccessControlList acl, Group group)
          Removes the specified Group from the group Set of the given ACL.
 void AccessControlList.updateGroupSet(Group group, boolean add)
          Internal method used to update the (transient) set of Group using this ACL.

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.archive

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.archive with type parameters of type Group
protected  TreeSet<Group> ArchivedPublication.authorizedGroupSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.archive that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> ArchivedPublication.getAuthorizedGroupSet()
          Get the set of Group authorized to read this archive.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.archive with type arguments of type Group
 void ArchivedPublication.setAuthorizedGroupSet(TreeSet<Group> groupSet)
          Set the set of Group authorized to read this archive.

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.caddy

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.caddy declared as Group
protected  Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.authorizedGroups
protected  Group[] CategoryCaddyManagerHandler.authorizedGroups
protected  Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.commonAuthorizedGroups
protected  Group[] CategoryCaddyManagerHandler.commonAuthorizedGroups
protected  Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.commonUpdateGroups
protected  Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.updateGroups

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with type parameters of type Group
protected  HashMap<Group,Boolean> MemberCaddyManagerHandler.commonGroupMap
protected  HashMap<Group,Boolean> MemberCaddyManagerHandler.groupMap
protected  HashMap<Group,Boolean> DBMemberCaddyManagerHandler.groupMap

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy that return Group
 Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.getAvailableAuthorizedGroups()
 Group[] CategoryCaddyManagerHandler.getAvailableAuthorizedGroups()
 Group[] PublicationCaddyManagerHandler.getAvailableUpdateGroups()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy that return types with arguments of type Group
 ArrayList<Group> Caddy.getGroupList()
          Create and returns a new list containing all Group contained in the caddy.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with parameters of type Group
 boolean MemberCaddyManagerHandler.isGroupCommonAndNotSelected(Group grp)
 boolean MemberCaddyManagerHandler.isGroupCommonAndSelected(Group grp)
 boolean MemberCaddyManagerHandler.isGroupNotCommon(Group grp)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.calendar that return Group
 Group[] CalendarEventInterface.getAttendingGroups()
abstract  Group[] AbstractCalendarEvent.getAttendingGroups()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.calendar with parameters of type Group
 void CalendarEventInterface.setAttendingGroups(Group[] v)
abstract  void AbstractCalendarEvent.setAttendingGroups(Group[] v)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.context

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.context that return Group
 Group GroupListContext.getParentGroup()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.context that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> GroupListContext.getGroupSet()
 Set<Group> GroupListContext.getSelectedGroups()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.context with parameters of type Group
 GroupListContext.Builder GroupListContext.Builder.parentGroup(Group parentGroup)

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.context with type arguments of type Group
 GroupListContext.Builder GroupListContext.Builder.selectedGroups(Set<Group> selectedGroups)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.dbmember with parameters of type Group
 boolean DBMember.belongsToGroup(Group group)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.handler declared as Group
protected  Group
protected  Group[] PubBrowserHandler.groups
protected  Group[] EditMemberHandler.groups
protected  Group MemberListHandler.selectedGroup
protected  Group MailEditHandler.toGroup

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.handler with type parameters of type Group
protected  TreeSet<Group> EditPublicationHandler.authorizedGroupSet
protected  TreeSet<Group> EditCatHandler.authorizedGroupSet
protected  List<Group> MailEditHandler.toGroups
protected  TreeSet<Group> EditPublicationHandler.updateGroupSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return Group
 Group[] EditMemberHandler.getAvailableGroups()
          Get the value of groups.
 Group MemberListHandler.getAvailableSelectedGroup()
 Group MailEditHandler.getAvailableToGroup()
 Group EditGroupHandler.getGroup()
 Group[] PubBrowserHandler.getGroups()
          Return all the groups
 Group[] EditMemberHandler.getGroups()
static Group SyncLdapHandler.getLdapGroupBeingSync(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
          If LDAP synchronization was request on a LDAP group, return the LDAP Group being synchronized.
 Group GroupQueryHandler.getParentGroup()
          Retrieves the parent group used by this query, as specified using GroupQueryHandler.setGid(String).
 Group PubBrowserHandler.getSelectedGroup()
          Return the selected group

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> EditPublicationHandler.getAvailableAuthorizedGroupSet()
 Set<Group> EditCatHandler.getAvailableAuthorizedGroupSet()
 List<Group> MailEditHandler.getAvailableToGroups()
 Set<Group> EditPublicationHandler.getAvailableUpdateGroupSet()
 Set<Group> EditPublicationHandler.getDefaultAuthorizedGroupSet()
          This method should be overriden by sub-classes
 Set<Group> EditCatHandler.getDefaultAuthorizedGroupSet()
          This method should be overriden by sub-classes
 Set<Group> EditPublicationHandler.getDefaultUpdateGroupSet()
          This method should be overriden by sub-classes
 Set<Group> MemberQueryHandler.getGroupSet()
          Retrieves the groups that members must belong to in order to be found.
 Set<Group> DBMemberQueryHandler.getGroupSet()
          Retrieves the groups that members must belong to in order to be found.
 Set<Group> AllMemberQueryHandler.getGroupSet()
          Retrieves the groups that members must belong to in order to be found.
 Set<Group> GroupQueryHandler.getResultSet()
          Return results of a query done using this GroupQueryHandler.
 Set<Group> GroupQueryHandler.getResultSet(Comparator<? super Group> comparator)
          Return results of a query done using this GroupQueryHandler.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler with parameters of type Group
 boolean PubBrowserHandler.selectGroup(Group g)
          Return true if the current group should be selected

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.handler with type arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> GroupQueryHandler.getResultSet(Comparator<? super Group> comparator)
          Return results of a query done using this GroupQueryHandler.
 void AllMemberQueryHandler.setGroupSet(Set<Group> groupSet)
          Sets the group set that members must belong to in order to be found.

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type Group
 boolean RightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Category cat, Group grp, boolean checkAncestors)
          Called by Category.canBeReadBy(Group, boolean).
 boolean PolicyManager.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Category cat, Group grp, boolean checkAncestors)
 boolean BasicRightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Category cat, Group grp, boolean checkAncestors)
 boolean RightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Group grp, Member mbr)
          Called by canBeReadBy(Member).
 boolean PolicyManager.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Group grp, Member mbr)
 boolean BasicRightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Group grp, Member mbr)
 boolean RightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Publication pub, Group grp)
          Called by Publication.canBeReadBy(Group).
 boolean BasicRightPolicyFilter.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Publication pub, Group grp)
 boolean PolicyManager.canBeReadBy(boolean isAuthorized, Publication pub, Group grp, RightInfo rightInfo)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.test

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.test declared as Group
protected static Group JcmsTestCase.defaultGroup

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.test with parameters of type Group
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCanBeReadBy(Publication pub, Group grp)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertCannotBeReadBy(Publication pub, Group grp, RightInfo.Explanation restriction)

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.upload

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.upload with type parameters of type Group
protected  TreeSet<Group> DocUploadHandler.authorizedGroupSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.upload that return types with arguments of type Group
 TreeSet<Group> DocUploadHandler.getAvailableAuthorizedGroupSet()

Uses of Group in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.workspace declared as Group
protected  Group Workspace.defaultGroup
protected  Group EditWorkspaceCommonHandler.defaultGroup
protected  Group[] EditWorkflowInstanceHandler.groups
protected  Group[] EditWorkspaceRoleHandler.roleGroups

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with type parameters of type Group
protected  ArrayList<Group> WKRole.groupList
protected  Map<Group,Group> WizardContext.groupMap
protected  Map<Group,Group> WizardContext.groupMap
protected  TreeSet<Group> Workspace.groupSet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return Group
 Group EditWorkspaceCommonHandler.getAvailableDefaultGroup()
 Group[] EditWorkflowInstanceHandler.getAvailableGroups()
 Group[] EditWorkspaceRoleHandler.getAvailableRoleGroups()
 Group Workspace.getDefaultGroup()
          Returns the default group for this workspace.
 Group Workspace.getDefaultGroup(boolean search)
          Returns the default group for this workspace.
 Group TreeHelper.WSTreeMemo.getSelectedGrp()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return types with arguments of type Group
 Set<Group> EditWorkspaceRoleHandler.getAvailableGroupSet()
 ArrayList<Group> WKRole.getGroupList()
 Map<Group,Group> WizardContext.getGroupMap()
          Returns a map of old/new Groups
 Map<Group,Group> WizardContext.getGroupMap()
          Returns a map of old/new Groups
 TreeSet<Group> Workspace.getGroupSet()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with parameters of type Group
 void WKRole.addGroup(Group grp, int weight, boolean type)
static WorkspaceWizardContext WorkspaceManager.deepDuplicate(Workspace model, Member author, String prefix, String wstitle, String wsemail, List adminList, Collection typeCollec, Category[] categories, Group[] groups, PortalInterface[] portals, Workspace parent, boolean collaborativeSpace)
          Deep duplicate the Workspace model using given configuration for duplication.
 int WKRole.getExpectedWeight(Group group, Publication pub)
          Gives the minimum of expected member for this group.
 int WKRole.getWeightForGroup(Group group)
          Return the value of the weight for a Group
 boolean WKRole.isInvolved(Group group)
          Check if the group is involved to this Role
 boolean WKRole.isPercentageForGroup(Group group)
 void Workspace.setDefaultGroup(Group defaultGroup)
          Set the default group for this workspace.
 TreeHelper.WSTreeMemo TreeHelper.WSTreeMemo.setSelectedGrp(Group selectedGrp)
 void Workspace.updateGroupSet(Group grp, boolean add)
          Update the groupSet index

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with type arguments of type Group
 void WKRole.setGroupList(ArrayList<Group> groupList)
 void WizardContext.setGroupMap(Map<Group,Group> groupMap)
          Sets a map of old/new Groups
 void WizardContext.setGroupMap(Map<Group,Group> groupMap)
          Sets a map of old/new Groups

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