Uses of Class

Packages that use ControllerStatus
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.caddy Provides classes to manage and process operation on Caddy items in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets. 
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms

Fields in com.jalios.jcms declared as ControllerStatus
static ControllerStatus ControllerStatus.FORBIDDEN
          This status represents a forbidden operation
static ControllerStatus ControllerStatus.OK
          This status represents a sucessfull operation

Fields in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type ControllerStatus
protected  TreeMap<Data,ControllerStatus> Channel.dataIntegrityReport

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus Publication.canBeArchived(Member mbr, Map context)
          Returns a ControllerStatus indicating if this publication can be archived or not
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkAllLimits()
          Checks all the limits for all the controlled resources.
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkCollaborativeSpaceLimit(boolean add)
          Checks collaborative spaces limit.
 ControllerStatus Data.checkCreate(Member mbr)
          Checks if the creation can be performed
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the creation can be performed
 ControllerStatus Member.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus Data.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the creation can be performed
 ControllerStatus DBFileDocument.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkDBFileDocumentLimit(boolean add)
          Checks DBFileDocument limit.
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkDBMemberLimit(boolean add)
          Checks DBMember limit.
 ControllerStatus Data.checkDelete(Member mbr)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Member.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Group.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Data.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Category.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
static ControllerStatus JcmsUtil.checkFieldMLRequired(Publication pub, String fieldName, String value, HashMap valueML)
          This convenient method checks if the given multilingual field is required.
protected  ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkFieldMLRequired(Publication pub, String fieldName, String value, HashMap valueML)
          This convenient method checks if the given multilingual field is required.
static ControllerStatus JcmsUtil.checkFieldRequired(Publication pub, String fieldName, Object value)
          This convenient method checks if the given field is required.
protected  ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkFieldRequired(Publication pub, String fieldName, String value)
          This convenient method checks if the given field is required.
static ControllerStatus JcmsUtil.checkHtml(Map map, String field)
          Check if the values of given map of String do not contain forbidden HTML code
static ControllerStatus JcmsUtil.checkHtml(String[] array, String field)
          Check if the given array of String does not contain forbidden HTML code
static ControllerStatus JcmsUtil.checkHtml(String str, String field)
          Check if the given String does not contain forbidden HTML code.
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus Group.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus FileDocument.checkIntegrity()
 ControllerStatus Data.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus Category.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus DataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
          Checks if the given data respects constraints integrity
 ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
          Checks if the given data respects constraints integrity
 ControllerStatus Member.checkIntegrity(Map context)
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus Data.checkIntegrity(Map context)
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkLanguageLimit(boolean add)
          Checks language limit.
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
 ControllerStatus Member.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
 ControllerStatus Group.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
 ControllerStatus Data.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
 ControllerStatus Category.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
static ControllerStatus Member.checkMemberGroupModification(Member opAuthor, Group modifiedGroup, Member modifiedMember, boolean checkParentGroup)
          Check if the specified Member (opAuthor) is authorized to add or remove a member to the specified group to this member.
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkMemberLimit(boolean add)
          Checks member limit.
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkMerge(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the merge can be performed
 ControllerStatus Data.checkUpdate(Member mbr)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus Member.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus Data.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus Category.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus Member.checkUpdateProfile(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the profile update can be performed
 ControllerStatus LimitController.checkWorkspaceLimit(boolean add)
          Checks workspace limit.
 ControllerStatus QuotaDataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
 ControllerStatus DataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
 ControllerStatus BasicDataController.checkWrite(Data data, int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
 ControllerStatus Publication.checkWrite(int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
 ControllerStatus Group.checkWrite(int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
 ControllerStatus Data.checkWrite(int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
          Checks if the given write operation can be performed
protected  ControllerStatus Member.internalCheckMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus Category.mergeWith(Category tgtCat, Member loggedMember)
          Merges this category with the given the category.
 ControllerStatus Category.performImport(Member mbr, File file, String languages, String encoding)
          Parse and imports categories from the given file under this category.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type ControllerStatus
 Map<Data,ControllerStatus> Channel.getDataIntegrityReport(boolean refresh)
          Checks the integrity constraints of all the data in the store.
 ArrayList<ControllerStatus> ControllerStatus.getNestedStatusList()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type ControllerStatus
 void ControllerStatus.addNestedStatus(ControllerStatus status)
          Add a ControllerStatus to the list of nested status.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type ControllerStatus
static void JcmsUtil.exportCSVIntegrityReport(Map<Data,ControllerStatus> report, String lang, Writer writer)
          Export a Data Integrity Report to CSV

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.accesscontrol that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus AccessControlList.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus AccessControlList.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus AccessControlList.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.caddy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.caddy with parameters of type ControllerStatus
protected  boolean AbstractCaddyManagerHandler.processMultipleStatus(Data data, ControllerStatus status)
          Process the ControllerStatus: do nothing if OK, or send on forbidden, or accumulate warning message with the previous ones in the request.

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.calendar that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus AbstractCalendarEvent.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler with parameters of type ControllerStatus
protected  boolean JcmsFormHandler.processStatus(ControllerStatus status)
          Process the ControllerStatus: do nothing if OK, or send on forbidden, or put a warning message in the request.
protected  boolean EditPublicationHandler.processStatus(ControllerStatus status)
protected  boolean EditCatHandler.processStatus(ControllerStatus status)

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus RightPolicyFilter.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)
          Called by Member.checkMember(int, Member, java.util.Map).
 ControllerStatus PolicyManager.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)
 ControllerStatus BasicRightPolicyFilter.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)
 ControllerStatus RightPolicyFilter.checkHtml(String str, String field)
          This method is called to check if the given string does not contain forbidden HTML code
 ControllerStatus PolicyManager.checkHtml(String str, String field)
 ControllerStatus BasicRightPolicyFilter.checkHtml(String str, String field)

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus RightPolicyFilter.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)
          Called by Member.checkMember(int, Member, java.util.Map).
 ControllerStatus PolicyManager.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)
 ControllerStatus BasicRightPolicyFilter.canWorkOn(ControllerStatus status, int op, Member mbr, Member member)

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.portlet that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus Portal.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus PortalRedirect.checkIntegrity()
 ControllerStatus PortletQueryForeachDataController.checkIntegrity(Data data)
 ControllerStatus PortletCollection.checkWrite(int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.test

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.test with parameters of type ControllerStatus
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertStatusForbidden(ControllerStatus status)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertStatusHasFailed(ControllerStatus status)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertStatusHasFailed(String prop, ControllerStatus status)
protected  void JcmsTestCase.assertStatusOK(ControllerStatus status)

Uses of ControllerStatus in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.workspace declared as ControllerStatus
protected  ControllerStatus WizardContext.cs

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that return ControllerStatus
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the creation can be performed
 ControllerStatus WSTypeEntry.checkCreate(Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus WSTypeEntry.checkCreateUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Convenient check for Create and Update.
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkDelete(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the deletion can be performed
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkIntegrity()
          Checks whether or not data integrity constraints are respected.
 ControllerStatus WKRole.checkIntegrity(Map context)
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the given member can perform the given operation.
 ControllerStatus WSTypeEntry.checkMember(int op, Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
          Checks if the update can be performed
 ControllerStatus WSTypeEntry.checkUpdate(Member mbr, Map context)
 ControllerStatus Workspace.checkWrite(int op, Member mbr, boolean checkIntegrity, Map context)
 ControllerStatus WizardContext.getFailStatus()
          Returns the ControllerStatus provided with failure or null

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.workspace with parameters of type ControllerStatus
 void WizardContext.setFailed(boolean failed, ControllerStatus cs)

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