Uses of Class

Packages that use FileDocument
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jcms.taglib Provides many of the classes used for JCMS jsp tags. 
com.jalios.jcms.upload Contains classes which provides webdav access to Categorie of JCMS. 

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type FileDocument
static class FileDocument.ContentTypeComparator<T extends FileDocument>
static class FileDocument.DimensionsComparator<T extends FileDocument>
          This comparators compare FileDocuments of image file type according to their dimensions.
static class FileDocument.DurationComparator<T extends FileDocument>
          This comparators compare FileDocuments of audio file type according to their duration.
static class FileDocument.SizeComparator<T extends FileDocument>

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with type parameters of type FileDocument
<T extends FileDocument>
<T extends FileDocument>
<T extends FileDocument>
<T extends FileDocument>

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return FileDocument
static FileDocument FileDocument.getFileDocumentFromFile(File file)
          Retrieves the first FileDocument bound to the given File.
static FileDocument FileDocument.getFileDocumentFromFilename(String filename)
          Retrieves the first FileDocument bound to the given filename.
static FileDocument FileDocument.getInstance(String filename)
          Constructs a FileDocument from an existing file.
static FileDocument FileDocument.getInstance(String filename, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Constructs a FileDocument from an existing file.
static FileDocument FileDocument.getInstance(String filename, String title, String description, Category[] categories)
          Constructs a FileDocument from an existing file.
static FileDocument FileDocument.getInstance(String filename, String title, String description, Category[] categories, Member author, Workspace ws)
          Constructs a FileDocument from an existing file.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return types with arguments of type FileDocument
static Comparator<FileDocument> FileDocument.getComparator(String str, boolean reverse)
          Retrieves a new Comparator given a name representing it.
 Set<FileDocument> Publication.getDocumentLinkSet()
          Returns the set of documents attached to this publication.
static Set<FileDocument> FileDocument.getLockedDocumentSet(Workspace ws, Member mbr)
          Returns the set of FileDocument which have a strong lock.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type FileDocument
static long FileDocument.directoryToFileDocuments(File dir, FileFilter filter, FileDocument refFileDoc, Member opAuthor, Map<String,? extends Object> contextMap)
          Create FileDocumens from all files in the specified directory (and its sub directory).
static long FileDocument.unzipToFileDocuments(File zipFile, FileFilter filter, FileDocument refFileDoc, Member opAuthor)
          Unzip the specified File to n new FileDocument.

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms with type arguments of type FileDocument
static void JcmsUtil.addFileDocument(Set<FileDocument> set, String... filenames)
          Adds the FileDocuments bound to the given filename array in the given set.
static void JcmsUtil.addFileDocument(Set<FileDocument> set, String filename)
          Adds the FileDocument bound to the given filename in the given set.
static void JcmsUtil.addFileDocument(Set<FileDocument> set, String[] filenamesMainLanguage, Map<String,String[]> mlMap)
          Adds the FileDocuments bound to the given array of filename and to the array of filename contains as value of mlMap in the given set.
static void JcmsUtil.addFileDocument(Set<FileDocument> set, String filenameMainLanguage, Map<String,String> mlMap)
          Adds the FileDocuments bound to the given filename and to the filename contains as value of mlMap in the given set.

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type FileDocument
FileDocument(FileDocument other)

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.handler declared as FileDocument
protected  FileDocument[] MailEditHandler.attachements

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that return FileDocument
 FileDocument[] MailEditHandler.getAvailableAttachements()
 FileDocument EditFileDocumentHandler.getFileDocument()

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.mail

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mail that return types with arguments of type FileDocument
 Set<FileDocument> MailMessage.getAttachements()

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mail with parameters of type FileDocument
 MailMessage MailMessage.addAttachements(FileDocument v)

Method parameters in com.jalios.jcms.mail with type arguments of type FileDocument
 MailMessage MailMessage.addAttachements(Set<FileDocument> v)
 void MailMessage.setAttachements(Set<FileDocument> v)

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.mashup

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with parameters of type FileDocument
static String ExportUtil.exportFile(int indentLevel, String fieldName, FileDocument doc)
          Returns a XML representation of a FileDocument.
static String ExportUtil.exportFile(int indentLevel, String fieldName, FileDocument[] docs)
          Returns a XML representation of an array of FileDocument.

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type FileDocument
 boolean BasicThumbnailPolicyFilter.createThumbnail(FileDocument doc, File dest, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, boolean done)
 boolean PolicyManager.createThumbnail(FileDocument doc, File dest, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, String background)
 boolean ThumbnailPolicyFilter.createThumbnail(FileDocument doc, File dest, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, String background, boolean done)
          This method is a hook called by Thumbnail tag to generate a thumbnail of the given FileDocument.
 boolean DefaultThumbnailPolicyFilter.createThumbnail(FileDocument doc, File dest, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, String background, boolean done)
 boolean BasicThumbnailPolicyFilter.createThumbnail(FileDocument doc, File dest, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, String background, boolean done)
 boolean DefaultThumbnailPolicyFilter.supportsThumbnail(FileDocument doc)
 boolean ThumbnailPolicyFilter.supportsThumbnail(FileDocument doc, boolean jcms)
          Returns true if a thumbnail can be generated for the given document.
 boolean PolicyManager.supportsThumbnail(FileDocument doc, boolean jcms)
 boolean BasicThumbnailPolicyFilter.supportsThumbnail(FileDocument doc, boolean jcms)

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.taglib

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.taglib declared as FileDocument
protected  FileDocument FileWebdavTag.doc

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.taglib with parameters of type FileDocument
static File ThumbnailTag.createThumbnail(FileDocument fileDoc, File srcFile, URL url, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
static File ThumbnailTag.createThumbnail(FileDocument fileDoc, File srcFile, URL url, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, String background)
          Create a thumbnail using the first valid source from FileDocument, File or URL using given dimensions.
static boolean ThumbnailTag.createThumbnailNow(FileDocument fileDoc, File srcFile, URL url, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, File destFile)
static boolean ThumbnailTag.createThumbnailNow(FileDocument fileDoc, File srcFile, URL url, ImageFormat format, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, File destFile, String background)
          This method create a thumbnail of one of the three source given using the options passed as parameters ("now" as opposed to generation when going through ajax}.
static File ThumbnailTag.getThumbnailFile(FileDocument fileDoc, File srcFile, URL url, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
          Gets the File to use for a thumbnail of the given FileDocument, File or URL using given dimensions.
 void FileWebdavTag.Webdav.printDownloadIcon(StringBuffer sb, FileDocument doc)
          Prints a download link for the specified FileDocument.
 void FileWebdavTag.Webdav.printWebdavFileIcon(StringBuffer sb, FileDocument doc)
          Check Webdav rights then print a Webdav edit icon
 void FileWebdavTag.Webdav.printWebdavFileIcon(StringBuffer sb, FileDocument doc, boolean checkRights)
          A convenient method to generate Webdav FileIcon without checking rights
 void FileWebdavTag.Webdav.printWebdavFolderIcon(StringBuffer sb, FileDocument doc)
          Print the Webdav Folder Icon for the first valid parent folder of the specified Document.
 void PdfTag.setDoc(FileDocument doc)
 void FileWebdavTag.setDoc(FileDocument doc)
          This method set the FileDocument to open with webdav
 void FileSizeTag.setDoc(FileDocument doc)
 void FileIconTag.setDoc(FileDocument doc)
 void ThumbnailTag.setFileDoc(FileDocument fd)
 void MediaTag.setFileDoc(FileDocument fileDoc)

Uses of FileDocument in com.jalios.jcms.upload

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.upload declared as FileDocument
protected  FileDocument DocUploadHandler.document

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.upload that return FileDocument
 FileDocument DocUploadHandler.getAvailableFileDocument()
 FileDocument[] DocUploadHandler.getAvailableFileDocuments()
 FileDocument DocUploadInfo.getFileDocument()
          Returns an instance of FileDocument build from current upload infos.

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.upload with parameters of type FileDocument
DocUploadInfo(FileDocument fd)
          Convenient constructor to call method checkPermission() from a given existing FileDocument

Uses of FileDocument in

Methods in with parameters of type FileDocument
static String CatWebdavUtil.getParentPath(FileDocument doc, boolean urlEncode)
          Retrieve the WebDav path of the first valid parent folder of the specified FileDocument.
static String CatWebdavUtil.getPath(FileDocument doc, boolean urlEncode)
          Retrieve the WebDav path of the specified FileDocument.
static boolean CatWebdavUtil.isWebdavEditable(FileDocument doc)
          Check if the specified document can be edited through WebDAV.
static boolean CatWebdavUtil.isWebdavEditable(FileDocument doc, Member mbr)
          Check if the specified document can be edited through WebDAV by the specified member.

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