Uses of Class

Packages that use RestQuery   

Uses of RestQuery in

Methods in that return RestQuery
 RestQuery RestQuery.addFormMultipartFile(java.lang.String filename, file)
          If this method is called, the Content-Type is form-multipart and it is also the format of the entity body, even if the file in parameter is null or empty.
 RestQuery RestQuery.addRelateds(Relateds relateds)
          Add relateds parameter to the query (as parameters in the queryString)
 RestQuery ClientSession.createQuery( reference)
 RestQuery ClientSession.createQuery(java.lang.String resourcePath)
 RestQuery RestQuery.setAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
          A specific authentification may be used for this query.
 RestQuery RestQuery.setForm( form)
          Add a list of parameters to the current query.
 RestQuery RestQuery.setNoRedirectExpected()
          Indicates no redirect is expected.
 RestQuery RestQuery.setParam(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Add one parameter to the current query.

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