addAllReferrerSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addAllReferrerSet(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addAuthentication(Request) - Method in interface com.jalios.rest.client.Authentication
addAuthentication(Request) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
addAuthentication(Request) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.BasicAuthentication
addChildrenSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addDataImage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addExtraData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addExtraDBData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addExtraInfo(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addFormMultipartFile(String, File) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
If this method is called, the Content-Type is form-multipart and it is also the format of the entity body, even if the file in parameter is null or empty.
addHttpHeader(Request, String, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Adds a header in a HTTP request represented by the request parameter.
addIsLocked() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addIsStrongLocked() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addLinkCount() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addLinkIndexedDataSet(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addLinkIndexedDataSet(String, String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addLockDate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addLockMember() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addMemberCategoryRootSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addRelateds(Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Add relateds parameter to the query (as parameters in the queryString)
address - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
addStrongLockDate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addStrongLockMember() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addVirtualID() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
addWorkspaceSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
Authentication - Interface in com.jalios.rest.client
Interface implemented by the REST Client authentication (as Basic, JCMS, Strong, ...)
AuthKeyAuthentication - Class in com.jalios.rest.client.authentication
JCMS Open API Authentication using authentication key.
AuthKeyAuthentication(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
OpenAPI Authentication based on authentication key for a single url.
AuthKeyAuthentication(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
OpenAPI Authentication based on authentication key for a single url.
AuthKeyAuthentication(String) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
OpenAPI Authentication based on authentication key for a single url.
AuthKeyAuthentication(Reference) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
OpenAPI Authentication based on authentication key for a single url.


BasicAuthentication - Class in com.jalios.rest.client.authentication
Implementation of Basic Authentication for Rest Client authentication.
BasicAuthentication(String, String) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.BasicAuthentication


ClientSession - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Represents a HTTP client session for calling JCMS through its REST Open API.
ClientSession(String) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
ClientUtil - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Utility functions (static public methods) used in Rest Clients.
ClientUtil() - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
com.jalios.rest.client - package com.jalios.rest.client
com.jalios.rest.client.authentication - package com.jalios.rest.client.authentication
com.jalios.rest.client.multipart - package com.jalios.rest.client.multipart
createData(String, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Create a data of type given by the dataTypeClassShortName and the values set in the form fields.
createData(String, Form, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Create a data of type given by the dataTypeClassShortName and the values set in the form fields.
createDBFileDocument(File, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Create a DBFileDocument wrapping the file with the filename and the values set in the form fields.
createFileDocument(String, File, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
createFileDocument(File, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Create a FileDocument wrapping the file with the filename and the values set in the form fields.
createQuery(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
createQuery(Reference) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
CSRF_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
HTTP Header to be included in OpenAPI requests in order to validate CSRF checks (whatever the value)


DataElement - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
JCMS OpenAPI provides many times JCMS data in XML as exported with the JCMS import/export form.
DataElement(Element, ClientSession) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter
DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECT - Static variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
delete() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Executes this rest query as a HTTP query with a GET method.
deleteData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
deleteData(Reference) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
deleteData(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
deleteData(Reference, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
disableDataWrite(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
disableDataWrite(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
disableMember(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the member resource, given its login, with action disable.
downloadFile(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp


email - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
enableDataWrite(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
enableDataWrite(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
enableMember(String, String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the member resource, given its login, with action enable, and with the password given in parameter (in post).


findResource(Reference) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
findResource(Reference, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
firstName - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
FORM_CHARACTER_SET - Static variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestletUtil


get() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Executes this rest query as a HTTP query with a GET method.
getAbstractField() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
The JDOM element corresponding to the abstract of the JCMS data represented by the wrapped element.
getAbstractMLName() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getAddress() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the postal address of this Member.
getAdminStatus() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAdminStatus(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAdminStatusPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllDataType() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllDataType(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllDataTypePath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllReferrerSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getAllReferrerSet(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getAllWorkflows() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllWorkflows(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getAllWorkflowsPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getBoolean(JcmsResource, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
If the result of the XPath query is a boolean String, it is converted in Boolean.
getCdate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getChannel() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation
getCharset() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter
getChildren(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the list of children of a data, given its id, if its type supports it (TreeNode, Group).
getChildren(String, Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the list of children of a data, given its id, if its type supports it (TreeNode, Group).
getChildrenData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
getChildrenData(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
getChildrenData(String, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
getChildrenData(String, Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
getChildrenDataPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Construct the URI to get the set of children of a data, given its JCMS id.
getChildrenSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getCookie() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.StoredCookie
getCreateDataPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getCreateDBFileDocumentPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the URI of the creation of a DBFileDocument.
getCreatedDataRef(JcmsResource) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
When a data is created (while using createData), the URI of the new data is given in the HTTP response header "Location".
getCreateFileDocumentPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the URI of the creation of a FileDocument.
getData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
getData(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
getData(String, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
getData(String, Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
getDataElementList(JcmsResource, ClientSession) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
For a resource in dataset form, gives a list of corresponding DataElement object.
getDataElementList(JcmsResource, ClientSession, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
For a resource in dataset form, gives a list of corresponding DataElement object.
getDataImage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getDataList(String[]) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
getDataPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Construct the URI for a data, given its JCMS id.
getDataType() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Returns the jcms type of the data.
getDataType(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getDataType(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getDataTypePath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getDate(JcmsResource, String, Date) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
If the result of the XPath query is a Date as defined by the W3C Date Time format (eg 1999-01-01T14:07:00+01:00).
getDefaultMediaType() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getDefaultWorkspace() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getDefaultWorkspace(Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getDefaultWorkspaceData() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getDefaultWorkspaceData(Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getElement() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getEmail() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the email address of this Member.
getEntityText() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getExtraData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getExtraDBData(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getExtraInfo(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getField(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getFieldText(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Return the text of the specified field.
getFirstDataElement(JcmsResource, ClientSession) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
For a single data in a resource, gives the corresponding DataElement object.
getFirstElement(JcmsResource, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Utility functions to use XPath expression to introspect xml contained in entity boby of HTTP response
getFirstMemberElement(JcmsResource, ClientSession) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the MemberElement corresponding to the single data in the specified resource.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the first name of this Member.
getFormAsQueryString(Form) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestletUtil
The method form.getQueryString() is buggy, since it may create queryString with parameter without '=' character.
getFormMultipartRequest(Reference, List<MultipartParameter>) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Create a Request with Content-Type form-multipart and entity body compliant to form-multipart specification, with content in the Map multipartContent.
getId() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Gives the id of the JCMS data represented by the wrapped element.
getIdFromLogin(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
High level method.
getInfo() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the information on this Member.
getJcmsResource(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getJcmsResource(Reference, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getJobTitle() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the Job Title of this Member.
getKey() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter
getLanguage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the language on this Member.
getLinkCount() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getLinkIndexedDataSet(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getLinkIndexedDataSet(String, String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getLockDate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getLockMemberId() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getLogin() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the login of this Member.
getLong(JcmsResource, String, long) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
If the result of the XPath query is a long representation String, it is converted as an long.
getMainLanguage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Gives the main language of the JCMS data represented by the wrapped element.
getMdate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getMember(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMember(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMember(String, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMember(String, Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberCategoryRootSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getMemberList() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberList(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberList(Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberList(Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberListPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMemberPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getMLField(Element) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getMobile() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the mobile phone number of this Member.
getName() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the last name of this Member.
getNodeList(JcmsResource, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Provide XPath feature : returns the list of Nodes in the xml in the entity body of the resource in first argument, with the xPathExpression in second argument.
getOrganization() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the organization of this Member.
getPdate() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getPhone() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the phone number of this Member.
getPreferenceMediaType(MediaType) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
getRedirectRef() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getReference(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getReferenceUriWithAuthKey(String, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
getReferenceWithAuthKey(Reference, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
getRelateds() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Gives a representation of this DataElement related parameters.
getRequest(Reference, Method) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getRequest(Reference, Method) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Instanciate the request with the uri and the HTTP method.
getResponse() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getResponse() - Method in exception com.jalios.rest.client.RestException
getResponseHeader() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getRootCategory() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getRootCategory(Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getRootCategoryData() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getRootCategoryData(Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
getSalutation() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the salutation of this Member.
getSearchPath() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getSession() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getSingleNode(JcmsResource, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Provide XPath feature : returns the first of the Nodes in the xml in the entity body of the resource in first argument, with the xPathExpression in second argument.
getSize() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation
getStatus() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
getStream() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation
getString(JcmsResource, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Return the most pertinent String for the result of the XPath query in the body content of the given resource.
getString(JcmsResource, String, String) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
Return the most pertinent String for the result of the XPath query in the body content of the given resource.
getText() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation
Converts the representation to a string value.
getTitle() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
getUpdateFileDocumentPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Gives the URI of the update of a FileDocument.
getUrl() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.DataElement
Gives the url of the JCMS data represented by the wrapped element.
getUrl(Request) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestletUtil
getUsage() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the usage of this Member (0 is an account, 1 is a contact).
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
getValue() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter
getVirtualID() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
getWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getWorkflow(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getWorkflowPath(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
getWorkspaceSet() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds


HTTP_HEADERS - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation - Class in com.jalios.rest.client.multipart
Restlet Representation for a Form Multipart request.
HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation(List<MultipartParameter>) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation


importDataFromSource(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
importDataFromSource(String, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
info - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
isAdmin - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
isAdmin() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Check if this Member is an admin.
isAdminRead - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
isDeprecated() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
isDeprecated() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.BasicAuthentication
isDeprecated() - Method in interface com.jalios.rest.client.Authentication
A authentication may be available for a few time.
isEmailVisible - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
isEmailVisible() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Retrieve the email address visibility status of this Member.
isEmailVisibleRead - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
isNoRedirectExpected() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
isTooOld() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.StoredCookie


JcmsApp - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Represents one remote JCMS site on wich an HTTP client session is connected through the REST Open API.
JcmsApp(ClientSession) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
JcmsResource - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Represents the result of a call to a resource, through REST, and a GET method.
JcmsResource(Response) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource
JcmsRestConstants - Interface in com.jalios.rest.client
Rest Constants used both server and client side.
jobTitle - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement


language - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
lock(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action lock.
lock(Reference) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action lock.
login - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement


MemberElement - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
This class provides a wrapper to get the informations in the JCMS data XML element of a Member resource.
MemberElement(Element, ClientSession) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
Builds a new MemberElement from the specified xml Element and session Use the simpler method MemberElement.getFirstMemberElement(JcmsResource, ClientSession) instead of invoking this constructor.
METHOD_OVERRIDE_HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
mobile - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
MultipartParameter - Class in com.jalios.rest.client.multipart
Represents a parameter for a Multipart Request.
MultipartParameter(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter


name - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
NOFOLLOWREDIRECT_MAX_REDIRECT - Static variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession


organization - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement


phone - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
post() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Executes this rest query as a HTTP query with a POST method.


Relateds - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
The relateds are specific fields in data not corresponding to persisted attributes, but possibly get from getters.
Relateds() - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
Relateds(String[]) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.Relateds
removeAuthentication() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Removes and returns the current authentication (null if none was added).
removeAuthKey(Reference) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
RestException - Exception in com.jalios.rest.client
RestException(Response) - Constructor for exception com.jalios.rest.client.RestException
RestletUtil - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Utility functions (static public methods) used to support Restlet framework.
RestletUtil() - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.RestletUtil
RestQuery - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
An instance of this class represents a HTTP query in the context of a rest query.
RestQuery(ClientSession, String) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
RestQuery(ClientSession, Reference) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
REVISION - Static variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession


salutation - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
search(Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
search(Form, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
search(Form, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
search(Form, Authentication, Relateds) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
sendRequest(Request, MediaType[], Authentication, int) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
In the context of a client session (same cookies, same authentication), send request to the server, including authentication and managing cookies.
sendRequest(Request, MediaType, Authentication, int) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Request, MediaType[], Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Request, MediaType, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Request, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Reference, Method, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Request, MediaType[], Authentication, boolean) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
sendRequest(Request, MediaType, Authentication, boolean) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
setAcceptLanguage(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
setAuthentication(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Add an authentication to the session
setAuthentication(Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
A specific authentification may be used for this query.
setCharset(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.MultipartParameter
Override default charset for String multipart parameter
setCookies(Request) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Cookies management : set cookies relative to the current client in the given request.
setDefaultMediaType(MediaType) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Modify the default media type manipulated in this session
setForm(Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Add a list of parameters to the current query.
setNoRedirectExpected() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Indicates no redirect is expected.
setParam(String, String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.RestQuery
Add one parameter to the current query.
setPreferedMediaType(Request, MediaType[]) - Static method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientUtil
In a Restlet Request object, set the prefered MediaType
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
storeCookies(Series<CookieSetting>) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.ClientSession
Cookies management : store cookies relative to the current client.
StoredCookie - Class in com.jalios.rest.client
Encapsulation of a Restlet Cookie in a Rest Client Session.
StoredCookie(Cookie, int) - Constructor for class com.jalios.rest.client.StoredCookie


toString() - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsResource


unlock(String) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action unlock.
unlock(Reference) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action unlock.
updateAuthenticationResult(ClientSession, Request, Response) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.AuthKeyAuthentication
updateAuthenticationResult(ClientSession, Request, Response) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.authentication.BasicAuthentication
updateAuthenticationResult(ClientSession, Request, Response) - Method in interface com.jalios.rest.client.Authentication
updateData(String, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
updateData(Reference, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
updateData(String, Form, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
updateData(Reference, Form, Authentication) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
updateFileDocument(String, String, File, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Update a FileDocument.
updateFileDocument(Reference, String, File, Form) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsApp
Update a FileDocument.
usage - Variable in class com.jalios.rest.client.MemberElement
UTS_ADMIN - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_CACHES - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_DATA_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_DATA_PARAM - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_DATATYPE_ITEM - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_DATATYPE_LIST - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_JSYNC - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_JSYNC_REPLICA - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_LUCENE - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_LUCENE_CATEGORIES - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_LUCENE_PUBLICATIONS - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_MEMBER_ITEM - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_PRIVATE_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_SEARCH - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_WORKFLOWS - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants
UTS_WORKFLOWS_ITEM - Static variable in interface com.jalios.rest.client.JcmsRestConstants


write(OutputStream) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation
Writes the representation to a byte stream.
write(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class com.jalios.rest.client.multipart.HttpClientFormMultipartRepresentation


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