Uses of Class

Packages that use JcmsResource   

Uses of JcmsResource in

Methods in that return JcmsResource
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.createData(java.lang.String dataTypeClassShortName, fields)
          Create a data of type given by the dataTypeClassShortName and the values set in the form fields.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.createData(java.lang.String dataTypeClassShortName, fields, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
          Create a data of type given by the dataTypeClassShortName and the values set in the form fields.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.createDBFileDocument( file, parameters)
          Create a DBFileDocument wrapping the file with the filename and the values set in the form fields.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.createFileDocument( file, parameters)
          Create a FileDocument wrapping the file with the filename and the values set in the form fields.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.createFileDocument(java.lang.String filename, file, parameters)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.deleteData( dataRef)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.deleteData( dataRef, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.deleteData(java.lang.String dataId)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.deleteData(java.lang.String dataId, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.disableDataWrite(java.lang.String msg)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.disableDataWrite(java.lang.String msg, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.disableMember(java.lang.String login)
          Call to the member resource, given its login, with action disable.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.downloadFile(java.lang.String fileLink)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.enableDataWrite(java.lang.String msg)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.enableDataWrite(java.lang.String msg, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.enableMember(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String password)
          Call to the member resource, given its login, with action enable, and with the password given in parameter (in post).
 JcmsResource ClientSession.findResource( resourceRef)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.findResource( ref, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource RestQuery.get()
          Executes this rest query as a HTTP query with a GET method.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAdminStatus()
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAdminStatus(Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAllDataType()
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAllDataType(Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAllWorkflows()
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getAllWorkflows(Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getChildrenData(java.lang.String dataId)
          Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getChildrenData(java.lang.String dataId, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
          Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getChildrenData(java.lang.String dataId, Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
          Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getChildrenData(java.lang.String dataId, Relateds relateds)
          Send a request to get the set of children of a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getData(java.lang.String dataId)
          Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getData(java.lang.String dataId, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
          Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getData(java.lang.String dataId, Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
          Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getData(java.lang.String dataId, Relateds relateds)
          Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getDataList(java.lang.String[] dataId)
          Send a request to find a data with a given JCMS id.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getDataType(java.lang.String typeshortclassname)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getDataType(java.lang.String typeshortclassname, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getDefaultWorkspaceData()
          Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getDefaultWorkspaceData(Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
          Gives the default Workspace of JCMS, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
 JcmsResource ClientSession.getJcmsResource( resourceRef, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource ClientSession.getJcmsResource(java.lang.String resourcePath, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMember(java.lang.String login)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMember(java.lang.String login, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMember(java.lang.String login, Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMember(java.lang.String login, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMemberList()
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMemberList(Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMemberList(Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getMemberList(Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getRootCategoryData()
          Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getRootCategoryData(Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
          Gives the root of JCMS categories, if it is visible for the loggedMember.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getWorkflow(java.lang.String wfId)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.getWorkflow(java.lang.String wfId, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.importDataFromSource(java.lang.String importSourceId)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.importDataFromSource(java.lang.String importSourceId, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.lock( fileDocRef)
          Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action lock.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.lock(java.lang.String fileDocId)
          Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action lock.
 JcmsResource fields)
 JcmsResource fields, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource fields, Authentication forcedAuthentication, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource fields, Relateds relateds)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.unlock( fileDocRef)
          Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action unlock.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.unlock(java.lang.String fileDocId)
          Call to the FileDocument resource, given the id of the FileDocument, with action unlock.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateData( dataRef, fields)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateData( dataRef, fields, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateData(java.lang.String dataId, fields)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateData(java.lang.String dataId, fields, Authentication forcedAuthentication)
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateFileDocument( dataRef, java.lang.String filename, file, parameters)
          Update a FileDocument.
 JcmsResource JcmsApp.updateFileDocument(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String filename, file, parameters)
          Update a FileDocument.

Methods in with parameters of type JcmsResource
static boolean ClientUtil.getBoolean(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression, boolean def)
          If the result of the XPath query is a boolean String, it is converted in Boolean. ClientSession.getCreatedDataRef(JcmsResource response)
          When a data is created (while using createData), the URI of the new data is given in the HTTP response header "Location".
static java.util.List<DataElement> DataElement.getDataElementList(JcmsResource resource, ClientSession session)
          For a resource in dataset form, gives a list of corresponding DataElement object.
static java.util.List<DataElement> DataElement.getDataElementList(JcmsResource resource, ClientSession session, java.lang.String dataSetTag)
          For a resource in dataset form, gives a list of corresponding DataElement object.
static java.util.Date ClientUtil.getDate(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression, java.util.Date def)
          If the result of the XPath query is a Date as defined by the W3C Date Time format (eg 1999-01-01T14:07:00+01:00).
static DataElement DataElement.getFirstDataElement(JcmsResource resource, ClientSession session)
          For a single data in a resource, gives the corresponding DataElement object.
static org.jdom.Element ClientUtil.getFirstElement(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression)
          Utility functions to use XPath expression to introspect xml contained in entity boby of HTTP response
static MemberElement MemberElement.getFirstMemberElement(JcmsResource resource, ClientSession session)
          Retrieve the MemberElement corresponding to the single data in the specified resource.
static long ClientUtil.getLong(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression, long def)
          If the result of the XPath query is a long representation String, it is converted as an long.
static java.util.List<?> ClientUtil.getNodeList(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression)
          Provide XPath feature : returns the list of Nodes in the xml in the entity body of the resource in first argument, with the xPathExpression in second argument.
static java.lang.Object ClientUtil.getSingleNode(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression)
          Provide XPath feature : returns the first of the Nodes in the xml in the entity body of the resource in first argument, with the xPathExpression in second argument.
static java.lang.String ClientUtil.getString(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression)
          Return the most pertinent String for the result of the XPath query in the body content of the given resource.
static java.lang.String ClientUtil.getString(JcmsResource resource, java.lang.String xpathExpression, java.lang.String def)
          Return the most pertinent String for the result of the XPath query in the body content of the given resource.

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