Uses of Package

Packages that use com.jalios.jcms.authentication
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.

JCMS manages a list of AuthenticationHandler sorted using the natural order provided by this abstract class using the order parameter of the constructor.
Use this order parameter to modify the position of your handler in the authentication chain.

Override one or both of the following methods to provide your own authentication mecanism : AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext) When implementing any of those method, make sure you either call the super method or either invoke the chain yourself, NOT BOTH!

The AuthenticationHandler.loadProperties() method can be overridden to load/reload properties as needed.
          This singleton manages all the authentication process in JCMS.

It is responsible to store and invoke all the AuthenticationHandler.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms.authentication
          Object used by AuthenticationHandler when implementing AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) or AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext)

Use the AuthenticationContext to : retrieve informations required to perform the authentication (request, response, login..
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.

JCMS manages a list of AuthenticationHandler sorted using the natural order provided by this abstract class using the order parameter of the constructor.
Use this order parameter to modify the position of your handler in the authentication chain.

Override one or both of the following methods to provide your own authentication mecanism : AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext) When implementing any of those method, make sure you either call the super method or either invoke the chain yourself, NOT BOTH!

The AuthenticationHandler.loadProperties() method can be overridden to load/reload properties as needed.
          This singleton manages all the authentication process in JCMS.

It is responsible to store and invoke all the AuthenticationHandler.
          Internal class used by JCMS to return the informations available after a call to the login procedure.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms.authentication.handlers
          Object used by AuthenticationHandler when implementing AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) or AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext)

Use the AuthenticationContext to : retrieve informations required to perform the authentication (request, response, login..
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.

JCMS manages a list of AuthenticationHandler sorted using the natural order provided by this abstract class using the order parameter of the constructor.
Use this order parameter to modify the position of your handler in the authentication chain.

Override one or both of the following methods to provide your own authentication mecanism : AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext) When implementing any of those method, make sure you either call the super method or either invoke the chain yourself, NOT BOTH!

The AuthenticationHandler.loadProperties() method can be overridden to load/reload properties as needed.

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