Uses of Class

Packages that use JProperties
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.ldap Contains Jalios LDAP utility classes. 
com.jalios.util Contains Jalios utility classes (Unix-like crypt class, RSS parser, mail utility, servlet utility, comparators and miscellaneous utility static methods). 

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcms

Fields in com.jalios.jcms declared as JProperties
protected  JProperties

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that return JProperties
 JProperties Channel.getChannelProperties()
          Returns the internal properties used by channel.

Methods in com.jalios.jcms with parameters of type JProperties
 void Channel.propertiesChange(JProperties p)
          This methods triggers re-initialization of all the managers/parameters of this JCMS site, only those that can be reinitialized without a restart.
 void Channel.updateAndSaveProperties(JProperties prop)
          Updates and save specified properties.

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcms.db

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.db with parameters of type JProperties
 void DBEventLogManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcms.mashup

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.mashup with parameters of type JProperties
ImportSource(String id, JProperties prop)
          Create a site from properties

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcms.plugin

Fields in com.jalios.jcms.plugin declared as JProperties
protected  JProperties Plugin.pluginProp

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.bookmarks

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.bookmarks with parameters of type JProperties
 void BookmarkManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbcomment

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbcomment with parameters of type JProperties
 void DBCommentManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.qrcode

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.qrcode with parameters of type JProperties
 void QRCodeManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.readspeaker

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.readspeaker with parameters of type JProperties
 void ReadSpeaker.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.smiley

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.smiley with parameters of type JProperties
 void SmileyWikiPolicyFilter.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.toppublications

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.toppublications with parameters of type JProperties
 void TopPublicationsManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.virtualdesktop

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.virtualdesktop with parameters of type JProperties
 void DesktopManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in

Methods in with parameters of type JProperties
 void WikiPageManager.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.ldap

Methods in com.jalios.ldap with parameters of type JProperties
protected  void LDAPConfiguration.readProperties(JProperties prop)

Constructors in com.jalios.ldap with parameters of type JProperties
LDAPConfiguration(JProperties props)

Uses of JProperties in com.jalios.util

Subclasses of JProperties in com.jalios.util
 class LangProperties

Methods in com.jalios.util that return JProperties
 JProperties LangProperties.getProperties(String prefix)
          Returns a new property set of properties with key matching a given prefix.
 JProperties JProperties.getProperties(String prefix)
          Returns a new property set of properties with key matching a given prefix.

Methods in com.jalios.util with parameters of type JProperties
 void JProperties.addProperties(JProperties prop)
          Add every property of the given JProperties to this JProperties.
 void JPropertiesListener.propertiesChange(JProperties properties)

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