Uses of Class

Packages that use Desktop

Uses of Desktop in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.virtualdesktop

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.virtualdesktop that return Desktop
 Desktop DesktopHandler.getDesktop()
          Retrieves the Desktop instance managed by this handler.
static Desktop Desktop.getDesktop(JcmsContext context)
          Retrieve the desktop associated to the specified JcmsContext.
static Desktop Desktop.getFromExtraDBData(Data data)
          Retrieve the Desktop stored in the extradbdata of the specified Data, if any.
static Desktop Desktop.getFromExtraInfo(Data data)
          Retrieve the Desktop stored in the extrainfo of the specified Data, if any.
 Desktop DesktopPolicyFilter.getNewDesktop(JcmsContext context, Desktop desktop)
          Method to implements to provides a custom Desktop for a member.

Methods in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.virtualdesktop with parameters of type Desktop
 Desktop DesktopPolicyFilter.getNewDesktop(JcmsContext context, Desktop desktop)
          Method to implements to provides a custom Desktop for a member.

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