Uses of Package

Packages that use com.jalios.jcms.authentication
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.
          This singleton manages all the authentication process in JCMS.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms.authentication
          Object used by AuthenticationHandler when implementing AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) or AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext)

Use the AuthenticationContext to : retrieve informations required to perform the authentication (request, response, login.. etc) set the authentication information (principally the authenticated member) invoke the next handler in the login chain (if the calling handler is the last handler in the chain, it will perform the authentication action) perform redirection, set information/warning/error message/
A new instance of this class is used per login/logout chain invokation.
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.
          This singleton manages all the authentication process in JCMS.
          Internal class used by JCMS to return the informations available after a call to the login procedure.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcms.authentication.handlers
          Object used by AuthenticationHandler when implementing AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) or AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext)

Use the AuthenticationContext to : retrieve informations required to perform the authentication (request, response, login.. etc) set the authentication information (principally the authenticated member) invoke the next handler in the login chain (if the calling handler is the last handler in the chain, it will perform the authentication action) perform redirection, set information/warning/error message/
A new instance of this class is used per login/logout chain invokation.
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.authentication used by com.jalios.jcmsplugin.devtools
          Object used by AuthenticationHandler when implementing AuthenticationHandler.login(AuthenticationContext) or AuthenticationHandler.logout(AuthenticationContext)

Use the AuthenticationContext to : retrieve informations required to perform the authentication (request, response, login.. etc) set the authentication information (principally the authenticated member) invoke the next handler in the login chain (if the calling handler is the last handler in the chain, it will perform the authentication action) perform redirection, set information/warning/error message/
A new instance of this class is used per login/logout chain invokation.
          An AuthenticationHandler is an object that perform user authentification.

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