Package com.jalios.jcms.authentication.handlers

Class Summary
AuthKeyAuthenticationHandler Authenticates users using an "authentication key" parameter valid only for the request for which it is processed.
AuthKeyHints Contains elements that may be used to construct an AuthKey
CookieAuthenticationHandler Save authentification made by other handlers into cookie and use it later on to re-authenticate.
DelegationAuthenticationHandler Uses the Member's delegation to allow him to change its identity to somebody else.
HttpBasicAuthenticationHandler Authenticates user using HTTP Authorization.
LoggingAuthenticationHandler Provide logging of the authentication process using log4j.
SessionAuthenticationHandler Save authentification made by other handlers into session and use it later on to re-authenticate.
SilentParamsAuthenticationHandler Read the authentification from the "silent" parameter, silentLogin, silentPassword and silentDigest with remote portal authentication.
SimpleAuthenticationHandler Authenticate user based on the login/password of existing member in JCMS.

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