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This documentation will guide you through the basics and functions of Jdrive for iPhones and iPads.

JDrive iOS - User Manual

Quick start guide for JDrive for iPhones and iPads.

Writer : Jamal Tahour

  1. Login Screen
  2. File Explorer
  3. Previewing a file
  4. Preview a movie
  5. Previewing web version of a file
  6. Deleting files from your iDevice internal memory
  7. Fetching file updates
  8. Managing your favourite list
  9. Show up the favourites list

1. Login Screen


Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 15.26.20


This is the first screen of the App, please fill in your account details site URL, login and password then press connect to start. 


Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 17.10.19 

At the end of the connection process an information alert will show you the details of your account such as the count of files availlable on your account and the size.

2. File Explorer


Simulator Screen Shot 21 Mar 2016 14.15.39

This is the main screen of the app. This screen list the content of your Jdrive as files and folders sorted by name.

On the top of the screen the navigation bar contain :

  • A starred button which allow you to add/remove files/folders from your favorites list.
  • A bin button which is used to free files from your iDevices.
  • A search bar used to search a file into your JDrive.

JDrive iOS - Scope a search


In order to search a file in your Jdrive by name, simply enter the keywords onto the search bar. The file list will filter smoothly while you are typing your keywords. 

Four filters allow you to refine your search : 

  • PDF filter refine your search for PDF file only.
  • Movie filter refine your search for any movie file such as mov, avi ...
  • Picture filter refine your search for any picture file such as jpeg, png ...
  • Others filter showed as ellipsis symbol refine your results by excluding any PDF, movies and pictures files. 


3. Previewing a file

Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 17.49.36

A single tap on a file will download and start the preview of this file.

In the pictured example the file named "Phebus" has been tapped. Please note the little gray cloud on the top-right corner which indicate that the file is not present on the iDevice yet.


Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 17.49.38


A progress bar indicate the progress of the download, you can cancel any download in progress by tapping the little square inside the progress bar.


     Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 17.49.40 

At the end of the download the little gray cloud disappear to indicate that the file is now downloaded into the iDevice.
The preview will then show up in fullscreen mode.

Simulator Screen Shot 23 Mar 2016 17.49.43

You are now ready to consult your file.

4. Preview a movie

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 11.26.35  

To preview a movie two option are availlable, online streaming or full download into the iDevice.

On the pictured example let's have a close look at the file named "Football Jalios #1".

Tapping this file will pop up an action menu with two option available. 

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 11.26.42 

If you decide to watch the movie online choose "Start video streaming" to launch the movie player. 

Online streaming can be really usefull if you run out of memory into your iDevice or just if you don't want to watch instantly your video.

Please note that online streaming need a data connection available while watching your video. 

Another way is to download the entire movie into your iDevice this will allow you then to watch it whenever you want even if you are offline.

To do so select the option "Download Video" after tapping your video file. As an usual file download a progress bar will show while the movie is downloading you can still cancel the download by tapping the progress bar. When the download end up the movie will be launch in fullscreen mode at this point you doesn't need an internet connection anymore while watching your video.



5. Previewing web version of a file 

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 16.04.32

If you need more information about a file you can quickly access the web version of it which contain more information such as commentaries, likes count ...

To do so just hold your finger for about 2 seconds on your target file.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 16.04.38

JDrive App will open up a Safari browser showing the web version of your file.

 6. Deleting files from your iDevice internal memory.

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 15.32.40

Use the bin button  bin666 on the top navigation bar in order to delete a file which is contained in your iDevice.

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 15.32.47 

As soon as you tap on the bin button a little red circle DeleteButton will appear in front of any file downloaded on your iDevice . Tap on the little red circle to show the delete confirmation button.

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 15.32.49

Tap the  "Delete From Device" button to definitely delete the file from the iDevice.

Warning the deletion will delete the file from your iDevice but not from your JDrive account so you can get it back by tapping again the file previously deleted.

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Mar 2016 15.33.00

At the end of a deletion the little gray cloud grey cloud3x reappear to indicate that the file is not anymore downloaded in your iDevice.

7. Fetching file updates

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 15.13.02

When you preview a file the file is downloaded on your iDevice. In order to fetch any update that have been occuring to your file you just need to refresh/reload your Jdrive file list.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 15.13.41

In order to refresh your file list you need to pull refesh any file view such as File , Sort, Updates or Filter.

After few seconds your files will be updated.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 15.13.46
Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 15.13.48

After an update if any file downloaded on your iDevice has been changed on your Jdrive account a orange cloud will show up on the file cell.

On the pictured example the first screenshot indicate that we have some pending updates into the "Espace R&D". Tapping the folder will show its content on the second screenshot we see that the file named "background" has been updated on the Jdrive account. This means that the version of the file contained in our iDevice and the version on the JDrive account are not the same.

 Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 15.13.52

In this case by hitting the file an action view will show up with 2 options "Show Me The previous Version" will open the version existing in your iDevice so an older version. If you choose the second option "Download the new version" this will download the current version from the JDrive account and definitely delete the one located on your iDevice.

8. Managing your favourite list

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.05.19

Jdrive allow you to manage a list of your favourite files. To do so select the star button STAR66 on the navigation bar.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.05.27

You will be then in the starred mode. Select any file to either add it or remove it from your favourite list.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.05.34

A star will appear on the top left top corner of the file icon to indicate that the file has been successfully added to you favourite list.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.05.58

Add many files as you need the same way and in order to remove a file just hit a file which is already marked with the little star.

9. Show up the favourites list

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.06.09

The favourite list is accessible by choosing the "Filters" View.

Simulator Screen Shot 25 Mar 2016 14.06.05 

 Inside the Filters view choose the "Favourite" tab.