We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of regularly applying patch plugins to your systems.

Unfortunately, the July plugin patch malfunctioned in SP7, making the deployment of the September update all the more crucial.

You can download the latest patch plugin here:

9/30/24 at 6:04 PM

JPlatform 10 SP6 - The main new features
Documentation JPlatform 10 SP6 Novelties Sheet Presentation
Olivier Dedieu
June 15, 2022 521 vues
In brief...

JPlatform 10 SP6 is a version with many fixes and also some evolutions in different areas of JPlatform. This article describes the main new features.

JPlatform 10 SP6 is a version with many fixes and also some evolutions in different areas of JPlatform. This article describes the main new features.


Many of you have told us that the term "Alerts" to talk about the various notifications issued by JPlatform was not always meaningful to users. JPlatform now uses the term "Notification".

This term of "Notification" was previously used for the follow-up of changes which is materialized by the sending of a regular email (every day, every week, ...) and presenting the new contents or the new updates according to customizable criteria. From now on, this functionality has been renamed "Subscription".

Depending on your profile and your activity you receive more or less notifications. JPlatform allows users to choose the way they want to receive notifications: by email, on the site, on JMobile, on Horizon, ... And this setting can be done finely according to each type of notifications issued by JPlatform. On a JPlatform site with most of the active modules, there are more than 200 different types of notifications that can be sent. So the interface for defining the notification rules (a VERY long list) was no longer adequate at all. Many of you were asking for this interface to be revised.

It's done with this new version.

Create a rule from a notification

The easiest way to define a rule is to do it from a notification. For example, you receive a notification on the site and you would also like to receive it by email. On the other hand, you may not want to receive the notification that reminds you of your tasks to be completed. To do this, simply click on "Filter this notification..." in the contextual menu of the notification.

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A modal appears that allows you to choose how to receive this type of notification. The fields "For which domain?" and "For which notification?" are filled with the type of notification. You only have to specify where you want to receive it. If you don't want to receive a type of notification at all, just check "No" in the "Receive notification?" field

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Manage your period

All these rules are grouped in the notification customization interface. This one has been redesigned to make the rules more readable. The very long list to add a new rule has been replaced by the same modal we just saw.

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Until now you could define very general rules, but only based on levels. For example, send all ACTIONS notifications on the site and by email.

With this new version, you can also define rules by functional "domain" (Recommendation, Workflow, Tasks, Learning, ...). To do so, you just have to choose a domain and leave the field "For which notification?" to "All notifications". To facilitate the selection, you can type the name of a domain to search for it and all domains are prefixed with an icon.

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The choice of the level is only proposed if you select "Any type of notification". If you specify a notification, the levels are hidden, because the notification itself imposes a certain level, so it is not useful to specify it.

Once you have added your new rules, click Save.

Viewing and editing images

You can now click on the images in the text parts of the content to view them in full screen. Not only does this allow you to see the images in more detail, but you also have a toolbar at the top right.

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Among these tools, you have the possibility to rework the image. JPlatform 10 SP6 integrates a new image editor that allows you to perform different operations on the image:

  • Crop
  • Rotation
  • Horizontal and vertical symmetry
  • Change of size
  • Filters: brightness, contrast, hue/saturation, blur, warmth
  • Drawing tools

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FAQ and glossaries

The creation and modification of the FAQ and Glossary is now done through a modal.

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The FAQ and glossary display templates have been completely redesigned. They are more interactive: open/close, drag and drop to reorganize FAQ entries.

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The terms in the glossaries can be divided, or not, by letter.

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User experience improvements

Improving user experience is a permanent concern for Jalios. Several small improvements have been made to the JPlatform 10 SP6 interfaces.

On multilingual sites, you can write content in the different languages of the site but one of the languages must be declared as the main language of the content. The mandatory fields (especially the title) must be filled in this main language. Until now, the main language of a content was the main language of the site. From now on, it is possible to activate a property so that the main language of a content is the same as the navigation language. Thus a contributor who navigates in German will automatically produce content in the main German language, regardless of the main language of the site.

To activate this feature, set the following property:

pub.create.userlang-as-mainlanguage: true


Public links allow you to give access to documents to people who do not have access to the site. By default, you receive a notification each time the document is downloaded through this link. You can now request not to receive the notification.

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Modal windows, which are used to enter information, for example, now automatically resize in height to avoid having to scroll.

When you publish a content, you usually have to choose in which workspace to publish it. In order to make it easier for you when several spaces are possible, your department space is now selected by default.

In the various JPlatform menus, the action to move content to a new Workflow state has been renamed "Change state..." (instead of "Validate...").

In the interface that displays the permalink of a content, a button has been added to copy this permalink.

Sustainable IT

Launched in 2008, the french Sustainable IT Label issued by Lucie Agency aims to reduce the social, economic and environmental footprint of digital technology. Jalios has chosen to join the labeling process in order to formalize its Sustainable ITl approach in a structured 360° approach based on the label's reference framework, designed by the Institute for Sustainable IT in partnership with the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, ADEME and WWF.

In this context, JPlatform 10 SP6 integrates the support of the ZeroCarbon.email initiative. The aim is to encourage the reduction of mailboxes by automatically triggering the deletion of old emails. To do this, all you have to do is indicate an expiry date in the email through the expiresheader. The mail servers supporting this initiative can then delete the mails whose expiration date has passed.

All JPlatform notifications sent by email now have the expiresheader. It is set either to the expiration date indicated in the notification, or default to 3 years. The default value is modifiable by the property alert.channel.mail.expires (indicate a number of days or put -1 to have no expiration). For repetitive notifications, this is for example the case with those reminding the playlist or the started and not finished knowledge

For more information on this initiative, please visit https://www.zerocarbon.email/

In the same spirit of lightening storage, you can now delete old versions of publications (only for those stored in the database but this is now the vast majority) by clicking on the "Trash" icon at the end of the line. If for example you have worked on documents and there have been several successive versions you can choose to delete some of them. This will reduce the use of disk space on the server.

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User management

Site administrators can now deploy an application to a set of existing launchers. To do so, simply display the application in the application catalog and click on the "Deploy" button.

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A modal opens and allows you to choose the members and groups you want to add it to.

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When creating a new member from the administration of a space, the list of pre-selected groups where to add the member now contains :

  • The default group of the site
  • AND
    • the default group of the room if it is defined
    • OR the group of the space with the least rights
    • OR the group on which the list of members was filtered

The back-office interface of member management proposes to filter the guests.

When importing members from a CSV file, the first and last names of the members to be updated are no longer mandatory.

Finally, when exporting CSV file of the members in database, new columns have been added: the person in charge, the list of workspaces, the last connection date and the LDAP synchronization date.

Reader tracking

Until now, with the readertracker.types property, it was possible to define on which types the tracking of readers was activated by default. This can be edited directly in the properties administration interface (Users tab).

Now, an exclusion list is available to exclude types from player tracking with the readertracker.types-off property. To disable one or more types, add the class names separated by spaces.


Control of authentication methods

When creating or editing a member, it is now possible to specify which authentication methods will be supported:

  • All: The user can authenticate with all authentication methods configured on the site (LDAP, SSO, ...) including his local login/password. The user can change his login and password.
  • External: The user can authenticate with all configured authentication methods (LDAP, SSO, ...), except the local login/password. The user cannot change either login or password.
  • Disabled: The user cannot authenticate at all.

Restrictions on the submission of XML, XHTML and XSD files

XHTML, XML and XSD files are by default deposited as text files (.txt).

It is strongly recommended to keep this standard configuration.

However, if you wish to re-enable these formats, you can do so by reassociating each extension with its original extension. Reactivating these file formats is not recommended if the file repository is widely open and you want to ensure the security of your platform. In this case, you are strongly advised to consider implementing a more refined security policy by specific development. For example, by allowing the deposit of these sensitive files only to certain trusted contributors.

For example, to re-authorize the XML format, set the following property:

file-document.invalid-extension.xml: xml

Security log file

A log file dedicated to security events is now available as standard in the WEB-INF/data/logs/jcms-security.log

It is possible to modify this configuration in the WEB-INF/data/log4j.xml file to send these events to the target of your choice.

Validation of email addresses

The validation of email addresses has been improved and homogenized. As a result, email addresses previously considered valid can become invalid and vice versa.

An invalid email address prevents, for example, the update of a member, or of a publication with an email field.

New ACLs

By default interspace sharing is allowed to everyone, but it is now possible to limit it to certain members by creating the ACL "Sharing in another space".

It is also possible to restrict the population with access to reader tracking, by creating the ACL "Access to reader tracking". This ACL allows you to restrict the population, by adding to the current conditions (reader tracking is activated, reader tracking of the publication is activated, the member is either admin or the author of the publication, ....), in no case to give a global access to the reader tracking of all the publications.


Template for displaying content in applications

You can now provide a template adapted for applications (via the appBodyInclude tag) for your publications. This allows you to have a different display in your full display, or if your publication is displayed in an app.

For more details, see https://docs.jalios.com/jplatform10/jcms/fr/front-end/applications/applications-body-10483#toc_3

Enhanced Select

A new field type allows you to make searchable select lists and each item can have an icon.

For more details, see https://docs.jalios.com/jplatform10/jcms/fr/front-end/formulaires/standard-html-inputs/forms-enumerate-2015