This article presents the main new features of JPlatform 10 SP3.
JPlatform service packs usually deliver patch packages and small functional and technical upgrades.
JPlatform 10 SP3 delivers more than 150 bug fixes, more than 160 improvements and tens of new features :
JPlatform 10 SP3 also brings a new application launcher and a major overhaul of user interfaces (UI) and ergonomics (UX).
This article presents the main new features of JPlatform 10 SP3.
You can test these new features by going to the demo site of the next version of JPlatform Cloud
The JPlatform Cloud demonstration site based on JPlatform 10 SP3
The evolutions on interfaces concern both JPlatform and modules. However, not all the modules that have benefited from these developments have yet been released. So that you can benefit from it now, we are releasing a new module, RefreshUI. This module does not cover all the evolutions of the modules but it makes corrections on the CSS styles, vocabulary and icons of the modules.
1. Refreshed interfaces
1.1 New icons
Over time, JPlatform's interfaces have been enriched with new features that have brought new icons. These icons were not always in the same style as the previous ones. Over time, this has led to a certain heterogeneity across all icons.
All the icons of JPlatform and its modules have been reviewed and homogenized.
The icons are divided into 2 types:
The icons representing data (article, comment, wiki page, category,...)
These icons are rather colorful.
The icons representing fuctions or states
These icons are grey (#666
) and in a "threaded" style to lighten the interfaces when many icons are displayed (e. g. in context menus). Some of them are exceptions and have coloured buttons to reinforce their meaning (e. g. the green arrow of the "Add to Cart" function). Some of these icons also become colored to be highlighted when they represent a non-nominal state (e. g. when content has been added to favorites, is played back later or there is a task assigned to it).
Some examples of new icons :
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
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Some icons of content types
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
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The action menu of a publication
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
Tools and Publish menu of the Topbar
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
Contextual menu for publications
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
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Contextual menu for members
1.2 New colours
The interfaces have been recolored with brighter colors and in accordance with each other (based on the JPlatform color palette).
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
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New Message colors
10 SP2 | 10 SP3 |
New Alert Colors
1.3 New tabs
The tabs have been refreshed and homogenized with a lighter and more modern style.
10 SP2 |
10 SP3 |
Nouveaux onglets
1.4 New modal windows
The modal windows have also been improved to be in line with the new, more colourful style.
10 SP2 |
10 SP3 |
New modal windows
1.5 A new back office
The interfaces of the administration and workspaces have been reviewed. They are based on the structure of the Apps with a sidebar featuring first-level navigation. A breadcrumb trail reminds us where we are. The sidebar is retractable for more space when needed.
Administration space home page
Property editor
1.6 New indicator card
JPlatform 10 offers a new type of card to display indicators, such as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
For more information on how to use these cards, see the documentation Cards indicator
The new indicator cards
2. Simpler interfaces
2.1 Clarified search areas
The tobpar research area and the research area within the collaborative spaces were reviewed both on style (more rounded) and also with a precise indication of the scope of the research
Search areas that specify the scope of the search
2.2 A rich text editor (wysiwyg) even easier to use
The rich text editor (or wysiwyg) also benefits from an improved interface. When you make a context modification (i.e. in-line editing) of a field and switch to full screen, a "Save" button appears. This allows you to save your changes directly from the full screen view, without having to go back to the previous view.
One button to save in full screen view
The rich text editor allows you to insert any kind of internal or external information via the "+" icon on the toolbar. Depending on the number of active modules, more than fifteen insertion sources can be proposed. The homepage of this interface has been revised with texts guiding users.
Wysiwyg insert menu
The new "New document" entry allows you to quickly insert new documents and images by dragging and dropping or selecting a file. The files thus uploaded are inserted differently according to their nature: the images are inserted as images, the videos are inserted with the video player, the other files are inserted as links.
Insertion of documents, images, videos....
2.3 One menu for document editing services
JPlatform has several applications to modify a document: JDrive, OnlyOffice, Office365, GSuite, the integrated image editor,...
Depending on the modules active on JPlatform and the member's rights, several applications can be proposed for the same document.
Until now, each module proposed the modification of a document in its own way (button or link) and with its own vocabulary ("modify", "edit", "edition",...). This could create confusion for the user who no longer really knew which button/link to press to edit his document.
JPlatform 10 SP3 now brings together all document editing services available under a single menu. When there is only one editing service available, the menu is reduced to one button.
For the wording of the menu and button, the term "Open with" was used in order to be closer to the vocabulary known to users
Consolidation of document editing services into a single menu
2.4 Simplified access to the profile
From JPlatform 10, by clicking on his photo in the topbar, the user displays a side panel containing various services concerning him (my day, my recent navigation, my spaces, my favorites,...) Until now, to access his profile, the user had to think about clicking on his photo, which was not very intuitive. To compensate for this, a new tab gives access to a simplified view of the profile and two buttons to modify or consult it.
Access to the profile from the side panel
2.5 Workflow SVG Rendering (without Flash)
Flash support is disappearing from browsers. JPlatform used Flash technology only for the graphic rendering of workflows. In JPlatform 10 SP3, workflows are now rendered in SVG.
Workflow SVG Rendering
3. Even more responsive interfaces
Until now JPlatform has guaranteed operational interfaces from the vertical tablet to the large screen. For smartphones, Jalios recommends using the JMobile module.
Developments have been made on JPlatform 10 SP3, in order to be able to consult a JPlatform site on a smartphone without using the JMobile module.
The topbar, attached menus and navigation bar now have a correct look on small screens.
The rendering of Applications (and especially the sidebar) has been improved on smartphones. Special work was carried out on the search interface
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Responsive display on a smartphone
4. A new application launcher
4.1 Why a new launcher?
JPlatform 10 had introduced the application launcher. The launcher was designed to accommodate about ten applications. However, we have seen that some customers sometimes offer more than fifty applications. This massive use is not without problems:
- It is difficult to know what some applications do (they are only represented by an icon and a name)
- You cannot search for an application
- You can pre-configure a launcher by default for newcomers. But it's the same for all departments. However, from one department to another, the uses are different
- If we have added many applications in the first level, it is not always easy to find your way around
- It is not always easy to create new applications to external
services Also, we have taken the lead and we have imagined and designed a new launcher that meets these needs while keeping what has made the launcher so strong: its simplicity and ergonomics.
The new launcher has a tab system. You can thus group your applications by theme
You can organize your applications in tabs
To add an application to one of your tabs, click on the "+" icon and choose "Add an application". The list of applications appears. Each application is presented with its icon, name and a short description.
You can search for an application by typing text. The search is done on the name, description and keywords of the application.
Those that are already present in your launcher appear with a green tick on the right.
To add an application, simply click on the "+" icon and choose the tab in which you want to add it
Search and add applications quickly
4.2 A catalogue of applications
The application catalogue allows you to navigate through all the available applications.
To open the application catalog, act as if you want to add an application (by clicking on the "+" icon) and click on "Access the application catalog".
In the application catalog, you can search, browse by theme, test applications, add them to your launcher and, if you have the rights, add or modify existing ones
The application catalogue allows you to discover the applications that are offered on your platform
4.3 Launchers adapted to the needs of each team
When a newcomer first opens the application launcher, it is pre-configured (tabs and applications) according to the department to which it belongs.
He can then modify this configuration according to his needs: add, move and delete tabs and applications
Compose application launchers adapted to the needs of each team
5. Security
5.1 Password length control
Two new options are available to impose the minimum and/or maximum length of a user password when changing it.
The corresponding properties:
- Minimum length:
default value: 9 characters are now required on the password from JPlatform 10 SP3. - Maximum length:
The value 70 is entered as standard.
Warning: due to technical limitations related to the implementation of the BCrypt hash algorithm, used for password storage, a higher value should not be specified
5.2 Reinforced legal control on private site
site A site is said to be private, when authentication is required, because the property true
is positioned.
The reading rights controls of publications on these sites are reinforced from JPlatform 10 SP3 onwards:
the core right policy now denies the reading rights (consultation) to anonymous users (the control was previously only ensured by an access control to the user interfaces).
In case of regression, the previous behavior can be restored with the property channel.forbid-anonymous-access-to-private-site: false
5.3 Possibility to disable the status of members
The property member.status.visible
allows to disable the display of the status of all members (colored tablet on the picture), from the site properties
5.4 Feature-Policy
To enhance security, JPlatform 10 SP3 implements the HTTP Feature-Policy
header as standard.
This W3C specification (currently in draft status) allows you to disable the use of certain browser/terminal features that the site does not use (to prevent a possible malicious script from exploiting them).
This configuration applies to all JPlatform pages, and to all iframes integrated by JPlatform (unless the iframe explicitly specifies a different setting).
The default setting can be changed by changing the property
Here is the standard setting in JPlatform 10 SP3 for each feature referenced in the documentation
If your site includes specific developments using one of the features prohibited below, you will need to adapt the configuration
Feature (with link to MDN) |
Default settings in JPlatform 10 SP3 (empyt == not defined == browser default settings) |
Explanation of the choice |
accelerometer |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
ambient-light-sensor |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
autoplay |
'none' |
automatic playback is not enabled as standard in JPlatform and Jalios, 🚩if you allow contributors to enable automatic media playback, or if you have customized the media templates to enable automatic playback, you will need to remove this restriction |
camera |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
document-domain |
specific to each installation | |
encrypted-media |
uses of this functionality are possible by inserting external media | |
fullscreen |
used by the video player and embedded media via iframe | |
geolocation |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
gyroscope |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
layout-animations |
uses of this functionality are possible in the product. | |
legacy-image-formats |
depends on user contributions | |
magnetometer |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
microphone |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
midi |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
oversized-images |
depends on user contributions | |
payment |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
picture-in-picture |
can be used when playing media, | |
speaker |
used for media playback | |
sync-xhr |
uses of this functionality are still possible in the product. Do not add any restrictions on this feature which must remain active |
unoptimized-images |
depends on user contributions | |
unsized-media |
depends on user contributions | |
usb |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
vibrate |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules, however no value is specified for this feature because it is not (yet) recognized by Chrome and causes an error such as "Error with Feature-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: "vibrate'." in the developer console. |
vr |
'none' |
not used by JPlatform and Jalios modules |
6. Certifications
In addition to the previously supported databases, JPlatform 10 SP3 supports PostgreSQL 11 and MariaDB 10.