Class ClassificationManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClassificationManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements JPropertiesListener
    Manager class for all classification related controls.
    10.0.8 / JCMS-10746
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String CLASSIFICATION_ADMIN_ACL
        Name of the ACL authorizing classification level administration
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_ENABLED
        Name of property to check if classification is enabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_MAXIMUM_LEVEL
        Name of property from which maximum level is read.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_BASELINE_LEVEL
        Name of property from which the reference level is read.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAXIMUM_LEVEL_DEFAULT
        Default configuration of maximum level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int BASELINE_LEVEL_DEFAULT
        Default configuration of the baseline level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_MEMBER_CLEARANCE_ENABLED
        Name of boolean property used to read whether member clearance is enabled.

        It includes all associated features, such as publication read right using member authorization, UIs.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean MEMBER_CLEARANCE_ENABLED_DEFAULT
        Default value for member authorization features.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_PREFIX_FEATURE_MAXIMUM_LEVEL
        Name of property prefix from which maximum level of each feature is read.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROP_PREFIX_CONSTRAINT_START_LEVEL
        Name of property prefix from which the start level used of each constraint is read.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • propertiesChange

        public void propertiesChange​(JProperties properties)
        Description copied from interface: JPropertiesListener
        Invoked after properties have been modified in JCMS and save on disk.

        You cannot alter the value received in parameters.

        Note that properties parameter may be null, a limited set of site properties, or all site properties.

        To check that a property has been modified, reload the "current" property instead using channel.getProperties or channel.getProperty.

        Specified by:
        propertiesChange in interface JPropertiesListener
        properties - the properties which have been submitted to change
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Check if classification is enabled.
        true if maximum level is higher than 0, false otherwise
      • getMaximumLevel

        public int getMaximumLevel()
        Retrieve the maximum classification level value possible
        the value configured with property "classification.max-level"
      • isMemberClearanceEnabled

        public boolean isMemberClearanceEnabled()
        Check if member clearance is enabled.

        It includes all associated features, such as publication read right using member clearance level, UIs.

        true if classification and member clearance is enabled, false otherwise.
      • canAccessClassificationAdmin

        public boolean canAccessClassificationAdmin​(Member mbr)
        Check if the specified member is authorized to access classification admin console.
        mbr - the mbr to check
        true if authorized false otherwise
      • showClassification

        public boolean showClassification​(Member mbr)
        Check if any UI related to classification should be presented to the specified Member
        mbr - the Member for which check is performed, null accepted
        true if classification UI should be displayed, false to hide them completely
      • getClassificationLabelHtml

        public java.lang.String getClassificationLabelHtml​(java.lang.String lang,
                                                           int level)
        Retrieve an HTML I18N representation of the specified classification level, in the specified language.

        Implementation detail : the HTML label returned will not be suitable for inline presentation (e.g. inside a span) as it will be presented using a badge. For such use case, use the inline parameter of method getClassificationLabelHtml(String, int, boolean).

        lang - the language in which you want the I18N label
        level - a classification level
        a I18N property name
      • getClassificationLabelHtml

        public java.lang.String getClassificationLabelHtml​(java.lang.String lang,
                                                           int level,
                                                           boolean inline)
        Retrieve an HTML I18N representation of the specified classification level, in the specified language.
        lang - the language in which you want the I18N label
        level - a classification level
        inline - set to true when the label is displayed inside other text (span... ), it will be displayed as a "label". Set to false when displayed for itself it will be displayed as a "badge".
        a I18N property name
      • getClassificationLabel

        public java.lang.String getClassificationLabel​(java.lang.String lang,
                                                       int level)
        Retrieve the I18N label for specified classification level, in the specified language.
        lang - the language in which you want the I18N label
        level - a classification level
        a I18N property name
      • getClassificationLabelProperty

        public java.lang.String getClassificationLabelProperty​(int level)
        Retrieve the I18N label property suitable to build a label for specified classification level.
        level - a classification level
        a I18N property name
      • getClassificationLevelSettings

        public EnumerateSettings getClassificationLevelSettings()
        Retrieve a settings suitable to edit a classification level.
        a new EnumerateSettings instance
      • getClassificationLevelSettings

        public EnumerateSettings getClassificationLevelSettings​(int maxLevel)
        Retrieve a settings suitable to edit a classification level.
        maxLevel - the maximum level to display, use 0 (or any negative value) to display all possible levels
        a new EnumerateSettings instance
      • getClassificationLevelSettings

        public EnumerateSettings getClassificationLevelSettings​(int minLevel,
                                                                int maxLevel)
        Retrieve a settings suitable to edit a classification level.
        minLevel - the minimum level to display
        maxLevel - the maximum level to display, use 0 (or any negative value) to display all possible levels (above the minimum specified)
        a new EnumerateSettings instance
      • getClassificationDescriptionProperty

        public java.lang.String getClassificationDescriptionProperty​(int level)
        Retrieve the I18N property suitable to build a description for specified classification level.
        level - a classification level
        a I18N property name
      • getClassificationTooltip

        public java.lang.String getClassificationTooltip​(int level)
        Retrieve the I18N HTML tooltip suitable to present the description for specified classification level (if it exists).
        level - a classification level
        a I18N property name or empty string if their is no description for this level
      • getEffectiveClearanceLevel

        public int getEffectiveClearanceLevel​(Member mbr)
        Retrieve the maximum classification level authorized for the specified member.

        mbr - the Member for which computation is performed.
        a value between 1 and the maximum level configured with property "classification.max-level"