Class Caddy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Caddy
    extends java.lang.Object
    Repository of Data which a JCMS member can act on. This include the following:
    • Publication
    • Category
    • Workspace
    • Group
    • Member and DBMember
    One Caddy object is available per J2EE session. Use the following code to get access to the Caddy object of the current session.
      Caddy myCaddy = Caddy.getCaddy(request);
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean add​(Data data)
      Add given data to this caddy.
      boolean addAll​(java.util.Collection<? extends Data> coll)
      Add given Collection of data to this caddy.
      boolean addDBMemberId​(java.lang.String id)
      Add the specified DBMember's id to the caddy.
      boolean addDBMemberIds​(java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.String> coll)
      Add the specified collection of DBMember's id to the Caddy.
      boolean canManage​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz, Member loggedMember)
      Checks if the specified member is allowed to manage the specified class of Data.
      static boolean checkCaddyAccess​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz, Member loggedMember, Workspace workspace)
      Check if a member is authorized to display the caddy corresponding to the specified clazz.
      void clear()
      Clear the caddy (from all Data, Publication, Categories, Workspaces, Groups and Members).
      void clear​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
      Clear the caddy (from all the specified Data).
      void clearCategories()
      Clear all Category of the caddy.
      void clearDBMembers()
      Clear all DBMember of the caddy.
      void clearGroups()
      Clear all Group of the caddy.
      void clearMembers()
      Clear all Member of the caddy.
      void clearPublications()
      Clear all Publication of the caddy.
      void clearWorkspaces()
      Clear all Workspace of the caddy.
      boolean contains​(Data data)
      Check if the given Data is in the caddy.
      static Caddy getCaddy​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Returns a Caddy of the member using the current Session of the request
      java.util.ArrayList<Category> getCategoryList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all Category contained in the caddy.
      int getCategoryListSize()  
      java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getDBMemberList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all DBMember ids contained in the caddy.
      int getDBMemberListSize()  
      java.util.ArrayList<Group> getGroupList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all Group contained in the caddy.
      int getGroupListSize()  
      java.util.ArrayList<? extends java.lang.Object> getList​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
      Create and returns a new list containing all Data of the specified class contained in the caddy.
      int getListSize​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
      Retrieve the number of Data of the specified class contained in the caddy.
      java.util.ArrayList<Member> getMemberList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all Member contained in the caddy.
      int getMemberListSize()  
      java.util.ArrayList<Publication> getPublicationList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all Publication contained in the caddy (JStore and DBData).
      int getPublicationListSize()  
      java.util.ArrayList<Workspace> getWorkspaceList()
      Create and returns a new list containing all Workspace contained in the caddy.
      int getWorkspaceListSize()  
      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if this caddy contains no elements.
      boolean remove​(Data data)
      Remove the given data from this caddy.
      boolean removeAll​(java.util.Collection<? extends Data> coll)
      Remove given Collection of data from this caddy.
      boolean removeDBMemberIds​(java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.String> coll)
      Remove the specified collection of DBMember's id to the Caddy.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getCaddy

        public static Caddy getCaddy​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Returns a Caddy of the member using the current Session of the request
        request - current HttpServletRequest
        the Caddy already in the session or create it if none.
      • addAll

        public boolean addAll​(java.util.Collection<? extends Data> coll)
        Add given Collection of data to this caddy.
        coll - the Collection of Data to add (can contain Publication, Category, Workspace, Group and/or Member)
        true if the caddy was modified following this operation.
      • removeAll

        public boolean removeAll​(java.util.Collection<? extends Data> coll)
        Remove given Collection of data from this caddy.
        coll - the Collection of Data to remove (can contain Publication, Category, Workspace, Group and/or Member)
        true if the caddy was modified following this operation.
      • add

        public boolean add​(Data data)
        Add given data to this caddy.
        data - the Data to add (either a Publication, a Category, a Workspace, a Group or a Member)
        true if the caddy did not contain the data.
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(Data data)
        Remove the given data from this caddy.
        data - the Data to add to the caddy
        true if the data was in the caddy
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Data data)
        Check if the given Data is in the caddy.
        data - the Data to check for
        true if the caddy contains the Data, false otherwise
      • getList

        public java.util.ArrayList<? extends java.lang.Object> getList​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
        Create and returns a new list containing all Data of the specified class contained in the caddy.
        clazz - the type of Data being worked on (Publication, Category, Workspace, Group or Member)
        the list of Data for the specified class (from Publication, Categories, Workspaces, Groups and Members).
      • getListSize

        public int getListSize​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
        Retrieve the number of Data of the specified class contained in the caddy.
        clazz - the type of Data being worked on (Publication, Category, Workspace, Group or Member)
        the list of Data for the specified class (from Publication, Categories, Workspaces, Groups and Members).
      • clear

        public void clear​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz)
        Clear the caddy (from all the specified Data). Retrieve the number of Data of the specified class contained in the caddy.
        clazz - the type of Data being worked on (Publication, Category, Workspace, Group or Member)
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear the caddy (from all Data, Publication, Categories, Workspaces, Groups and Members).
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this caddy contains no elements.
        true if this caddy contains no elements.
      • canManage

        public boolean canManage​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz,
                                 Member loggedMember)
        Checks if the specified member is allowed to manage the specified class of Data.

        Implementation detail : since JCMS-5762, this method simply delegates to checkCaddyAccess(Class, Member, Workspace).

        clazz - the type of Data being worked on (Publication, Category, Workspace, Group or Member)
        loggedMember -
        true if the member can manage the caddy, false otherwise.
      • checkCaddyAccess

        public static boolean checkCaddyAccess​(java.lang.Class<? extends Data> clazz,
                                               Member loggedMember,
                                               Workspace workspace)
        Check if a member is authorized to display the caddy corresponding to the specified clazz.

        This method does not verify operation are authorized on Data, it only check that the user could work with some data of the specified class. CRUD right are performed later by each CaddyHandler

        clazz - the type of Data being worked on (Publication, Category, Workspace, Group or Member)
        loggedMember -
        workspace - the current Workspace
        true if the member can manage the caddy, false otherwise.
      • clearPublications

        public void clearPublications()
        Clear all Publication of the caddy.
      • getPublicationList

        public java.util.ArrayList<Publication> getPublicationList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all Publication contained in the caddy (JStore and DBData).
        an ArrayList of Publication.
      • getPublicationListSize

        public int getPublicationListSize()
        the number of publication currently store in the caddy
      • clearCategories

        public void clearCategories()
        Clear all Category of the caddy.
      • getCategoryList

        public java.util.ArrayList<Category> getCategoryList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all Category contained in the caddy.
        an ArrayList of Category.
      • getCategoryListSize

        public int getCategoryListSize()
        the number of Category currently store in the caddy
      • clearWorkspaces

        public void clearWorkspaces()
        Clear all Workspace of the caddy.
      • getWorkspaceList

        public java.util.ArrayList<Workspace> getWorkspaceList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all Workspace contained in the caddy.
        an ArrayList of Workspace.
      • getWorkspaceListSize

        public int getWorkspaceListSize()
        the number of Workspace currently store in the caddy
      • clearGroups

        public void clearGroups()
        Clear all Group of the caddy.
      • getGroupList

        public java.util.ArrayList<Group> getGroupList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all Group contained in the caddy.
        an ArrayList of Group.
      • getGroupListSize

        public int getGroupListSize()
        the number of Group currently store in the caddy
      • clearMembers

        public void clearMembers()
        Clear all Member of the caddy.
      • getMemberList

        public java.util.ArrayList<Member> getMemberList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all Member contained in the caddy.
        an ArrayList of Member.
      • getMemberListSize

        public int getMemberListSize()
        the number of Member currently store in the caddy
      • clearDBMembers

        public void clearDBMembers()
        Clear all DBMember of the caddy.
      • getDBMemberList

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getDBMemberList()
        Create and returns a new list containing all DBMember ids contained in the caddy.
        an ArrayList of String.
      • getDBMemberListSize

        public int getDBMemberListSize()
        the number of DBMember currently store in the caddy
      • addDBMemberIds

        public boolean addDBMemberIds​(java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.String> coll)
        Add the specified collection of DBMember's id to the Caddy.
        coll - a Collection of String (DBMember's id), must not be null.
        true if the caddy was modified following this operation.
      • removeDBMemberIds

        public boolean removeDBMemberIds​(java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.String> coll)
        Remove the specified collection of DBMember's id to the Caddy.
        coll - a Collection of String (DBMember's id), must not be null.
        true if the caddy was modified following this operation.
      • addDBMemberId

        public boolean addDBMemberId​(java.lang.String id)
        Add the specified DBMember's id to the caddy.
        id - a DBMember id
        true if the caddy did not contain the DBMember.