Package com.jalios.util

Contains Jalios utility classes (Unix-like crypt class, RSS parser, mail utility, servlet utility, comparators and miscellaneous utility static methods).


Interface Summary
ActionListener This interface provides generics callback mechanism to perform custom actions on a processed object.
JaliosConstants This interface contains a set of constants.
JPropertiesListener Interface to implement to be notified of JCMS property modification.
LangPropertyArgument Interface to be implemented to provide I18N of objects in language properties.
RegexpSubstitution This interface is called by Util.replace(String,org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern,RegexpSubstitution).
RssEventListener Listener about RssEvent
ServletUtil.ServletUtilAlternate This interface is used internally by JCMS to provide custom behavior of ServletUtil and should not be used elsewhere.
TreeNode Interface reprensenting an Object Tree with usefull generic method to collect Branch status, children ...

Class Summary
BCrypt BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
Browser Analyse the user agent of a http request to determine full information about the client's browser.
CharsetDetector This class allow one to detect charset encoding of any given file or input stream.
ColorUtil This class provides utility methods to manage colors.
Crypt Java-based implementation of the unix crypt command.
DateComparator<T> This class implements a Comparator which compares two Date objects in the ascending order.
DateDescendingComparator<T extends Date> This class implements a Comparator which compares two Date objects in the descending order.
DateUtil Date Util
DBUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility operations on databases.
Enclosure abstraction of RSS enclosure
Enumerator This class wraps an enumeration around an iterator.
HtmlUtil Html manipulation methods.
HttpClientUtils Utility class for the jakarta common HttpClient
Interval Interval abstraction (2 dates)
JProperties This class, based on Properties manage properties file in UTF-8 encoding.
LangProperty This class allow one to instanciate a property to be used at a later time in a localized message.
MailSender Deprecated.  
MailUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility operations for JavaMail API.
MultiComparator This class is comparator which combines an array of comparator.
NetUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility net operations.
ObjectDoubleTreeMap This class is a map which binds key Object to double value.
ObjectIntTreeMap This class is a map which binds key Object to int value.
ObjectIntTreeMap.GreaterComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Max Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.KeyComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Key Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.LowerComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Min Value
ObjectIntTreeMap.ObjectComparator A Comparator that allow ObjectyIntTreeMap to sort multiple kind of Object
ObjectIntTreeMap.SortedKeyComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectIntTreeMap by Key Value sorted using a sorted List
ObjectLongTreeMap This class is a map which binds key Object to long value.
ObjectLongTreeMap.GreaterComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Max Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.KeyComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Key Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.LowerComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Min Value
ObjectLongTreeMap.ObjectComparator A Comparator that allow ObjectyLongTreeMap to sort multiple kind of Object
ObjectLongTreeMap.SortedKeyComparator A Comparator that sort TreeMap of ObjectLongTreeMap by Key Value sorted using a sorted List
PasswordGenerator This class contains static methods to generate different kinds of password.
ReadWriteAccessController This class is a read and write access controller.
RestletUtil Utility functions (static public methods) used to support Restlet framework.
ReverseComparator<T> This class is comparator which reverse the ordering of a given comparator.
RssChannel This class implements a RSS Channel parser/container.
RssEvent RssEvent class
RssException Signals that an exception has occurred while processing an RSS feed.
RssItem This class implements a RSS Channel's item parser/container.
ServletUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility operations for Servlets.
SortedList This class is a sorted implementation of the List interface.
SQLQueryResult This class performs a SQL (SELECT) query and provides access to the result set.
StringEncrypter Encrypts and decrypts string using Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
Util This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility operations.
XmlUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various utility operations for XML.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
StringEncrypter.EncryptionException Exception Wrapper for any error that might occur during the encryption or decryption process.

Package com.jalios.util Description

Contains Jalios utility classes (Unix-like crypt class, RSS parser, mail utility, servlet utility, comparators and miscellaneous utility static methods).

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