Interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, PluginComponent, PolicyFilter
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
extends PolicyFilter

This class allow developers to put hooks to change lucene search engine mechanism behaviour. To get more information about the current request in hooks, the method Channel#getCurrentJcmsContext() must be called.

$Revision: 49380 $
Jean-Philippe Encausse

Field Summary
static String REVISION
Method Summary
 void filterCategoryDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Category cat, String lang)
          This method is called when the given Category is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterFileDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, File file)
          This method is called when the given File is being index, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterMemberDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Member mbr)
          This method is called when the given Member is being index, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterPublicationDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Publication pub, String lang)
          This method is called when the given Publication is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index.
 org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getAnalyzer(String lang, boolean isIndexing, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Return the Lucene Analyzer to use for a given language.
 HashSet<String> getLanguageStopWordsSet(String lang, HashSet<String> jcms)
          Retrieves stop words of the specified language.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface com.jalios.jcms.plugin.PluginComponent

Field Detail


static final String REVISION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


HashSet<String> getLanguageStopWordsSet(String lang,
                                        HashSet<String> jcms)
Retrieves stop words of the specified language.

lang - a ISO-639 language code
jcms - the default Set stop word configured in JCMS
a Set of stop words String


org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getAnalyzer(String lang,
                                                boolean isIndexing,
                                                org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
Return the Lucene Analyzer to use for a given language.

lang - the ISO-639 code of the language analyzed
isIndexing - true if the returned anallyzer is to be used for indexing, false in any other case (e.g. during search etc..) You may want to use this parameter to change the behaviour of your analyzer during those case (for example, synonym analyzer must generate synonyms only when indexing, not during search).
analyzer - the internal Analyzer, created by JCMS, that should be returned if you do not want to return a customize analyzer
a new Analyzer


void filterPublicationDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                               Publication pub,
                               String lang)
This method is called when the given Publication is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
pub - the Publication being indexed
lang - the indexed language
See Also:


void filterCategoryDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                            Category cat,
                            String lang)
This method is called when the given Category is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
cat - the Category being indexed
lang - the indexed language
See Also:


void filterFileDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                        File file)
This method is called when the given File is being index, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
file - the File being indexed
See Also:


void filterMemberDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                          Member mbr)
This method is called when the given Member is being index, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
mbr - the Member being indexed
See Also:

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