Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessingException

Uses of ProcessingException in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor that throw ProcessingException
 String FileParser.extractText(File file, Map<String,Object> ctxt)
          Parsers have to implement at least this method which exctract the text from the specified file and returns it.
static String FPUtil.extractTextPDF(File file, Map<String,Object> ctxt, FileParser parser)
          This methods extracts the text of specified PDF File (MUST be a pdf) to a String (using PDFBox).
 boolean FileProcessor.process(File file, Map<String,Object> ctxt)
          Method invoked to process a file.

Uses of ProcessingException in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.test

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.fileprocessor.test that throw ProcessingException
 String SampleProcessor.extractText(File file, Map<String,Object> ctxt)
 boolean SampleProcessor.process(File file, Map<String,Object> ctxt)

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