
Contains Jalios utility I/O classes (stream pumpers, MultiInputStream and miscellaneous utility static methods).


Class Summary
AndFileFilter Provides AND logic across two FileFilter.
ExtensionFilenameFilter This FileFilter filters file according the given extension
FileDateComparator File Comparator using lastModified value of Files to sort.
ImageFormat This class keeps track of possible export image formats.
ImageInfo Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and optionally number of images, comments and physical resolution from JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX, PNG, IFF, RAS, PBM, PGM, PPM, PSD and SWF files (or input streams).
ImageUtil Utility class to manipulate image.
IOUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various i/o operations.
LineDelimiterFilterInputStream This class is an input stream filter that provides the added functionality of converting all types of line delimiter into unix line delimiter '\n'.
ModifiedFileFilter This class implements and accepts only files modified since the given time.
MonitoredInputStream A BufferedInputStream that count bytes read to display the status of the stream.
MultiInputStream This class is a facade on an array of InputStream.
NIOBufferInputStream This class wraps an InputStream around a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
NIOUtil This class provides a set of static methods which perform various i/o operations based on the java.nio package.
NullOutputStream This class is a fake output stream which simply the bytes it receives.
RegexpFileFilter This class implements and uses a regexp to accept files
ReverseFileFilter This class implements and return the reverse of the given FileFilter
SignatureReader This class parses a signature file and populates a map(file, signature)
SizeLimitInputStream InputStream Filter that will throw an SizeLimitExceededException if the wrapped stream exceed the byte count specified in constructor.
StreamGobbler Class required for process execution to prevent process hang if out/err of program is not read in a seperated thread.

Exception Summary

Package Description

Contains Jalios utility I/O classes (stream pumpers, MultiInputStream and miscellaneous utility static methods).

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