Class Hunk

  extended by com.jalios.util.diff.Hunk
Direct Known Subclasses:
HunkAdd, HunkChange, HunkDel

public abstract class Hunk
extends Object

The Hunk class is a super class of classes HunkAdd , HunkChange and HunkDel .it is an abstarct class.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  String convert_ED()
          Returns a string representation of the current hunk with ED_script format .
abstract  String convert_RCS()
          Returns a string representation of the current hunk with RCS_script format .
abstract  String convert()
          Returns a string representation of the current hunk with normal format .
abstract  String getAfter()
abstract  String getBefore()
abstract  int highLine(int filenum)
          Returns the number of high line of file passed in argument .
abstract  int lowLine(int filenum)
          Returns the number of low line of file passed in argument .
abstract  int numLines(int filenum)
          Returns the number of lines consedered in this hunk and which came from file passed in argument .
abstract  String relNum(int filenum, int linenum)
          Returns a string representing the line in file and position passed in argument.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Hunk()
Method Detail


public abstract String getBefore()


public abstract String getAfter()


public abstract String convert()
Returns a string representation of the current hunk with normal format .


public abstract String convert_ED()
Returns a string representation of the current hunk with ED_script format .


public abstract String convert_RCS()
Returns a string representation of the current hunk with RCS_script format .


public abstract int lowLine(int filenum)
Returns the number of low line of file passed in argument . Lines are inclusif.

filenum - The number of file (the first file '0', or the second '1').


public abstract int highLine(int filenum)
Returns the number of high line of file passed in argument . Lines are inclusif.

filenum - The number of file (the first file '0', or the second '1').


public abstract int numLines(int filenum)
Returns the number of lines consedered in this hunk and which came from file passed in argument .

filenum - The number of file (the first file '0', or the second '1').


public abstract String relNum(int filenum,
                              int linenum)
Returns a string representing the line in file and position passed in argument.

filenum - The number of file (the first file '0', or the second '1').
linenum - the number of line that will be returned.

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