Uses of Class

Packages that use LogException
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.handler Contains the javabean classes uses to process HTTP request (aka form handlers). 
com.jalios.jstore Contains JStore core classes. 

Uses of LogException in com.jalios.jcms

Methods in com.jalios.jcms that throw LogException
 TreeSet<? extends Storable> Channel.getDeletedSet(Class<? extends Storable> clazz)
          Get the latest version of the deleted Data for a given class.
 List<? extends Storable> Channel.getVersionList(Data data)
          Get all the version of a given Data.
 List<? extends Storable> Channel.getVersionList(String id)
          Get all the version of a Data, given its id.
protected  void Channel.loadStore()
          Load the JCMS store file.

Uses of LogException in com.jalios.jcms.handler

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.handler that throw LogException
protected  void PubBrowserHandler.queryData()
          Execute the query to prepare resultSet

Uses of LogException in com.jalios.jstore

Methods in com.jalios.jstore that throw LogException
 int Store.generateDelta(OutputStream out, Stamp startStamp, boolean includeStart)
          Ouput in a given stream all the log operations having a stamp greater that the given one.
 void Store.load()
          Load and process the log
 void Store.load(boolean processStorable, boolean processInner)
          Load and process the log
 void Store.parseLog(LogManagerHandler handler)
          Parse the store with the given handler
 void Store.parseLog(LogManagerHandler handler, Stamp stamp)
          Parse the store with the given handler from the given stamp

Constructors in com.jalios.jstore that throw LogException
StoreCleaner(String file)
          Create a Store Cleaner that will not override IDs
StoreCleaner(String file, boolean overrideId)
          Create a Store Cleaner that may override IDs of objects
StoreCleaner(String file, boolean overrideId, boolean doClean)
          Create a Store Cleaner that may override IDs of objects
StoreCleaner(String file, Stamp stamp)
          Create a StoreCleaner with a starting specific stamp
StoreCleaner(String file, Stamp stamp, boolean overrideId)
          Create a Store Cleaner that may override IDs of objects and with starting Stamp
StoreCleaner(String file, Stamp stamp, boolean overrideId, boolean doClean)
          Create a Store Cleaner that may override IDs of objects and with starting Stamp
StoreCleaner(String file, Stamp stamp, boolean overrideId, boolean doClean, String mainLang, String convLang)

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