Class BasicLuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter

  extended by com.jalios.jcms.policy.AbstractPolicyFilter
      extended by com.jalios.jcms.policy.BasicLuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
PluginComponent, LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter, PolicyFilter, Comparable

public class BasicLuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
extends AbstractPolicyFilter
implements LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter, PluginComponent

This class allow developers to put hooks to change lucene search engine mechanism behaviour. To get more information about the current request in hooks, the method Channel#getCurrentJcmsContext() must be called.

$Revision: 28847 $
Jean-Philippe Encausse

Field Summary
static String REVISION
Fields inherited from class com.jalios.jcms.policy.AbstractPolicyFilter
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void filterCategoryDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Category cat, String lang)
          This method is called when the given Category is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterFileDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, File file)
          This method is called when the given File is being index, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterMemberDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Member mbr)
          This method is called when the given Member is being index, just before writing the Document into the index.
 void filterPublicationDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, Publication pub, String lang)
          This method is called when the given Publication is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index.
 org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getAnalyzer(String lang, boolean isIndexing, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyser)
          Return the Lucene Analyzer to use for a given language.
 float getCategoryBoost(Category cat, String lang, float jcms)
          Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Document that will be created for the given Category.
 float getFieldBoost(Category cat, String lang, String fieldName, String fieldValue, float jcms)
          Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Field that will be created for the given Category's field.
 float getFieldBoost(Publication pub, String lang, String fieldName, String fieldValue, float jcms)
          Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Field that will be created for the given Publication's field.
 String[] getLanguageStopWords(String lang, String[] jcms)
 HashSet<String> getLanguageStopWordsSet(String lang, HashSet<String> jcms)
 float getPublicationBoost(Publication pub, String lang, float jcms)
          Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Document that will be created for the given Publication.
 boolean init(Plugin plugin)
          Initialize the component with the given plugin configuration
Methods inherited from class com.jalios.jcms.policy.AbstractPolicyFilter
compareTo, equals, getOrder, setOrder
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Field Detail


public static final String REVISION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public BasicLuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter()
Method Detail


public boolean init(Plugin plugin)
Description copied from interface: PluginComponent
Initialize the component with the given plugin configuration

Specified by:
init in interface PluginComponent
plugin - the calling plugin
true if the component has been correctly initialized.
See Also:


public String[] getLanguageStopWords(String lang,
                                     String[] jcms)
Specified by:
getLanguageStopWords in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter


public HashSet<String> getLanguageStopWordsSet(String lang,
                                               HashSet<String> jcms)
Specified by:
getLanguageStopWordsSet in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter


public org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getAnalyzer(String lang,
                                                       boolean isIndexing,
                                                       org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyser)
Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
Return the Lucene Analyzer to use for a given language.

Specified by:
getAnalyzer in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
lang - the ISO-639 code of the language analyzed
isIndexing - true if the returned anallyzer is to be used for indexing, false in any other case (e.g. during search etc..) You may want to use this parameter to change the behaviour of your analyzer during those case (for example, synonym analyzer must generate synonyms only when indexing, not during search).
analyser - the internal Analyzer, created by JCMS, that should be returned if you do not want to return a customize analyzer
a new Analyzer
See Also:
LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.getAnalyzer(String, boolean, Analyzer)


public float getPublicationBoost(Publication pub,
                                 String lang,
                                 float jcms)
Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Document that will be created for the given Publication.
Default implementation alway return 1.0f.

A Document boost factor implicitly sets the starting boost of all fields to the specified value, Field-specific boosts are multiplied by the starting value, giving the final value of the field boost factor.

Specified by:
getPublicationBoost in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
pub - the Publication indexed
lang - the indexed language
jcms - the jcms internal boost
a lucene boost value for the specified publication
See Also:
LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.getPublicationBoost(Publication, String, float)


public float getFieldBoost(Publication pub,
                           String lang,
                           String fieldName,
                           String fieldValue,
                           float jcms)
Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Field that will be created for the given Publication's field.
Default implementation:
  • TITLE_FIELD: 1.2f
  • default: 1.0f
  • Note: Due to lucene default behavior, terms of shorter field (e.g. title) are naturally given more weight than terms in the document.
    Note: for Publication's field of type array (int[], long[], String[], etc) this method will only be called once. As we are creating appendable lucene Field in those case, calling the boost only for the first creationg prevent boost to multiplied as many times as there elements in the array.

    Specified by:
    getFieldBoost in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    pub - the publication indexed
    lang - the indexed language
    fieldName - the indexed field's name
    fieldValue - the String value of the indexed field)
    jcms - the jcms internal boost
    a float noting the boost value of the field
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.getFieldBoost(Publication, String, String, String, float)


    public float getCategoryBoost(Category cat,
                                  String lang,
                                  float jcms)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Document that will be created for the given Category.
    Default implementation alway return 1.0f.

    Specified by:
    getCategoryBoost in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    cat - the Category indexed
    lang - the indexed language
    jcms - the jcms internal boost
    a lucene boost value for the specified category
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.getCategoryBoost(Category, String, float)


    public float getFieldBoost(Category cat,
                               String lang,
                               String fieldName,
                               String fieldValue,
                               float jcms)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    Return the boost that should be apply to the lucene Field that will be created for the given Category's field.
    Default implementation:
  • TITLE_FIELD: 1.2f
  • default: 1.0f
  • Note: for Category's field of type array (int[], long[], String[], etc) this method will only be called once. As we are creating appendable lucene Field in those case, calling the boost only for the first creationg prevent boost to multiplied as many times as there elements in the array (Synonyms being a good examples).

    Specified by:
    getFieldBoost in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    cat - the Category indexed
    lang - the indexed language
    fieldName - the indexed field's name
    fieldValue - the String value of the indexed field)
    jcms - the jcms internal boost
    a float noting the boost value of the field
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.getFieldBoost(Category, String, String, String, float)


    public void filterPublicationDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                                          Publication pub,
                                          String lang)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    This method is called when the given Publication is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

    Specified by:
    filterPublicationDocument in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
    pub - the Publication being indexed
    lang - the indexed language
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.filterPublicationDocument(Document, Publication, String)


    public void filterCategoryDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                                       Category cat,
                                       String lang)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    This method is called when the given Category is being index in the given language, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

    Specified by:
    filterCategoryDocument in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
    cat - the Category being indexed
    lang - the indexed language
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.filterCategoryDocument(Document, Category, String)


    public void filterFileDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                                   File file)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    This method is called when the given File is being index, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

    Specified by:
    filterFileDocument in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
    file - the File being indexed
    See Also:


    public void filterMemberDocument(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc,
                                     Member mbr)
    Description copied from interface: LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    This method is called when the given Member is being index, just before writing the Document into the index. You can use this hook to modify the Document as you wish by adding or removing field.

    Specified by:
    filterMemberDocument in interface LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter
    doc - the lucene Document that was created by JCMS search engine
    mbr - the Member being indexed
    See Also:
    LuceneSearchEnginePolicyFilter.filterMemberDocument(Document, Member)

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