Uses of Class

Packages that use RssChannel
com.jalios.jtaglib Contains the classes of utility Jalios JSP custom tag. 

Uses of RssChannel in com.jalios.jtaglib

Methods in com.jalios.jtaglib that return RssChannel
static RssChannel RssCacheManager.getRssChannel(String id)
          Retrieve a cached RssChannel from its id.
static RssChannel RssCacheManager.putRssChannel(String id, RssChannel rssChannel)
          Cache a RssChannel.
static RssChannel RssCacheManager.removeRssChannel(String id)
          Remove a cached RssChannel from its id.

Methods in com.jalios.jtaglib with parameters of type RssChannel
static RssChannel RssCacheManager.putRssChannel(String id, RssChannel rssChannel)
          Cache a RssChannel.

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