Class AlarmManager

  extended by com.jalios.jdring.AlarmManager

public class AlarmManager
extends Object

This class implements an alarm manager similar to Unix cron and at daemons. It is intended to fire events when alarms' date and time match the current ones. Alarms are added dynamically and can be one-shot or repetitive (i.e. rescheduled when matched). Time unit is seconds. Alarms scheduled less than one second to the current time are rejected (a PastDateException is thrown).

The alarm scheduler has been designed to manage a large quantity of alarms (it uses a priority queue to optimize alarm dates selection) and to reduce the use of the CPU time (the AlarmManager's thread is started only when there are alarms to be managed and it sleeps until the next alarm date).

Note : because of clocks' skews some alarm dates may be erroneous, particularly if the next alarm date is scheduled for a remote time (e.g. more than a few days). In order to avoid that problem, well-connected machines can use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize their clock.

Example of use:

  // Creates a new AlarmManager
  AlarmManager mgr = new AlarmManager();

  // Date alarm (non repetitive)
  mgr.addAlarm(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000),
               new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("5 minutes later");
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1);
  mgr.addAlarm(cal.getTime(), new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("One week later");

  // Alarm with a delay (in minute) relative to the current time.
  mgr.addAlarm(1, true, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("1 more minute ! (" + new Date() + ")");

  // Cron-like alarm (minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week, year)
  // Repetitive when the year is not specified.
  mgr.addAlarm(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("Every minute (" + new Date() + ")");

  mgr.addAlarm(5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("Every hour at 5' (" + new Date() + ")");

  mgr.addAlarm(00, 12, -1, -1, -1, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("Lunch time (" + new Date() + ")");
  mgr.addAlarm(07, 14, 1, Calendar.JANUARY, -1, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("Happy birthday Lucas !");

  mgr.addAlarm(30, 9, 1, -1, -1, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("On the first of every month at 9:30");

  mgr.addAlarm(00, 18, -1, -1, Calendar.FRIDAY, -1, new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("On every Friday at 18:00");

  mgr.addAlarm(00, 13, 1, Calendar.AUGUST, -1, 2001,  new AlarmListener() {
    public void handleAlarm(AlarmEntry entry) {
      System.out.println("2 years that this class was programmed !");

$Revision: 20019 $
Olivier Dedieu, David Sims, Jim Lerner

Field Summary
protected  boolean isDaemon
protected  SortedSet queue
static String REVISION
protected  String threadName
protected  AlarmWaiter waiter
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new AlarmManager.
AlarmManager(boolean isDaemon, String threadName)
          Creates a new AlarmManager.
Method Summary
 void addAlarm(AlarmEntry entry)
          Adds an alarm for a specified AlarmEntry
 AlarmEntry addAlarm(Date date, AlarmListener listener)
          Adds an alarm for a specified date.
 AlarmEntry addAlarm(int delay, boolean isRepetitive, AlarmListener listener)
          Adds an alarm for a specified delay.
 AlarmEntry addAlarm(int minute, int hour, int dayOfMonth, int month, int dayOfWeek, int year, AlarmListener listener)
          Adds an alarm for a specified date.
 boolean containsAlarm(AlarmEntry alarmEntry)
          Tests whether the supplied AlarmEntry is in the manager.
 void executeNextAlarmNow()
          No more waits for the next alarm and executes it right now.
protected  void finalize()
          Stops the waiter thread before ending.
 List getAllAlarms()
          Returns a copy of all alarms in the manager.
protected  void notifyListeners()
          This is method is called when an alarm date is reached.
 boolean removeAlarm(AlarmEntry entry)
          Removes the specified AlarmEntry.
 void removeAllAlarms()
          Removes all the alarms.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String REVISION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected AlarmWaiter waiter


protected SortedSet queue


protected boolean isDaemon


protected String threadName
Constructor Detail


public AlarmManager(boolean isDaemon,
                    String threadName)
Creates a new AlarmManager. The waiter thread will be started only when the first alarm listener will be added.

isDaemon - true if the waiter thread should run as a daemon.
threadName - the name of the waiter thread


public AlarmManager()
Creates a new AlarmManager. The waiter thread will be started only when the first alarm listener will be added. The waiter thread will not run as a daemon.

Method Detail


public AlarmEntry addAlarm(Date date,
                           AlarmListener listener)
                    throws PastDateException
Adds an alarm for a specified date.

date - the alarm date to be added.
listener - the alarm listener.
the AlarmEntry.
PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past or less than 1 second closed to the current date).


public AlarmEntry addAlarm(int delay,
                           boolean isRepetitive,
                           AlarmListener listener)
                    throws PastDateException
Adds an alarm for a specified delay.

delay - the alarm delay in minute (relative to now).
isRepetitive - true if the alarm must be reactivated, false otherwise.
listener - the alarm listener.
the AlarmEntry.
PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).


public AlarmEntry addAlarm(int minute,
                           int hour,
                           int dayOfMonth,
                           int month,
                           int dayOfWeek,
                           int year,
                           AlarmListener listener)
                    throws PastDateException
Adds an alarm for a specified date.

minute - minute of the alarm. Allowed values 0-59.
hour - hour of the alarm. Allowed values 0-23.
dayOfMonth - day of month of the alarm (-1 if every day). This attribute is exclusive with dayOfWeek. Allowed values 1-7 (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ...). java.util.Calendar constants can be used.
month - month of the alarm (-1 if every month). Allowed values 0-11 (0 = January, 1 = February, ...). java.util.Calendar constants can be used.
dayOfWeek - day of week of the alarm (-1 if every day). This attribute is exclusive with dayOfMonth. Allowed values 1-31.
year - year of the alarm. When this field is not set (i.e. -1) the alarm is repetitive (i.e. it is rescheduled when reached).
listener - the alarm listener.
the AlarmEntry.
PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than 1 second closed to the current date).


public void addAlarm(AlarmEntry entry)
              throws PastDateException
Adds an alarm for a specified AlarmEntry

entry - the AlarmEntry.
PastDateException - if the alarm date is in the past (or less than one second too closed to the current date).


public boolean removeAlarm(AlarmEntry entry)
Removes the specified AlarmEntry.

entry - the AlarmEntry that needs to be removed.
true if there was an alarm for this date, false otherwise.


public void removeAllAlarms()
Removes all the alarms. No more alarms, even newly added ones, will be fired.


public boolean containsAlarm(AlarmEntry alarmEntry)
Tests whether the supplied AlarmEntry is in the manager.

alarmEntry - the alarmEntry
boolean whether AlarmEntry is contained within the manager


public List getAllAlarms()
Returns a copy of all alarms in the manager.


protected void notifyListeners()
This is method is called when an alarm date is reached. It is only be called by the the AlarmWaiter or by itself (if the next alarm is in less than 1 second.)


public void executeNextAlarmNow()
No more waits for the next alarm and executes it right now.


protected void finalize()
Stops the waiter thread before ending.

finalize in class Object

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