Interface Searchable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCalendarEvent, AbstractDBComment, AbstractDBForum, AbstractDBForumPost, AbstractDBForumTopic, AbstractForum, AbstractForumDiscussion, AbstractForumMessage, AbstractPoll, AbstractReview, AbstractWikiPage, Category, Content, FileDocument, Form, Portal, PortalElement, PortalRedirect, Portlet, PortletCollection, PortletParent, PortletSkinable, Publication, Test, UserContent

public interface Searchable

This interface must be implemented by Storable classes to support full-text search.

$Revision: 14756 $
Olivier Dedieu

Field Summary
static String REVISION
Method Summary
 String[] getSearchStrings()
          This method gets called to get all the String to search in (typically the String attribute of the Storable).

Field Detail


static final String REVISION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String[] getSearchStrings()
This method gets called to get all the String to search in (typically the String attribute of the Storable). If one of those String match the query, this Storable is added in the result set.

an array of String corresponding to this object.

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