Uses of Class

Packages that use WebdavContext
com.jalios.jcms.webdav Contains classes which provides webdav access to JCMS. Contains classes which provides webdav access to Categorie of JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.webdav.file Contains classes which provides webdav access to FileDocument of JCMS. 

Uses of WebdavContext in com.jalios.jcms.policy

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.policy with parameters of type WebdavContext
 void PolicyManager.handleWebdavHeaders(Map<String,String> headers, WebdavContext ctxt)
 void WebdavPolicyFilter.handleWebdavHeaders(Map headers, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called by WebdavManager to handle headers set to all Webdav response.
 void BasicWebdavPolicyFilter.handleWebdavHeaders(Map headers, WebdavContext ctxt)
 String WebdavPolicyFilter.handleWebdavProperty(String property, String jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method handle response for the given property.
 String PolicyManager.handleWebdavProperty(String property, String jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
 String BasicWebdavPolicyFilter.handleWebdavProperty(String property, String jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean WebdavPolicyFilter.silentFilterResource(boolean jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called by CatWebdavFileSystem to ignore custom files like windows thumb.db... that shound not be added to JCMS.
 boolean PolicyManager.silentFilterResource(boolean jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean BasicWebdavPolicyFilter.silentFilterResource(boolean jcms, WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)

Uses of WebdavContext in com.jalios.jcms.webdav

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.webdav that return WebdavContext
protected  WebdavContext WebdavServlet.getWebdavContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)
          Create a new instance of WebdavContext calling the right Constructor

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.webdav with parameters of type WebdavContext
 void WebdavLock.acquire(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by lock
 void WebdavFileSystem.afterDoDelete(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Must be called by Sub Implementation to resolve properties and locks problem.
 void WebdavFileSystem.afterDoMove(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Must be called by Sub Implementation to resolve properties and locks problem.
protected  void WebdavManager.doCopy(WebdavContext ctxt)
          COPY Method If writing is allowed, This method decode HTTP Headers: destinationHeader, path, ovewrite Then call doCopy from WebdavFileSystem
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.doCopy(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method perform copy from one Webdav Resource to an Other
abstract  boolean WebdavFileSystem.doCreate(WebdavResource resource, boolean overwrite, boolean isFolder, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method perform create from one Webdav Resource
protected  void WebdavManager.doDelete(WebdavContext ctxt)
          DELETE Method.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.doDelete(WebdavResource resource, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method perform delete from one Webdav Resource
protected  void WebdavManager.doGet(WebdavContext ctxt, boolean printContent)
          GET Method.
protected  void WebdavManager.doHead(WebdavContext ctxt)
          HEAD Method.
protected  void WebdavManager.doLock(WebdavContext ctxt)
          LOCK Method.
 WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.doLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will parse header to identify and create lock or locks on the given resource If Errors append or Lock only need a refresh then return false otherwise return true.
protected  void WebdavManager.doMkcol(WebdavContext ctxt)
          MKCOL Method.
protected  void WebdavManager.doMove(WebdavContext ctxt)
          MOVE Method.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.doMove(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method perform move from one Webdav Resource to an Other
protected  void WebdavManager.doOption(WebdavContext ctxt)
          OPTION Method.
protected  void WebdavManager.doPropfind(WebdavContext ctxt)
          PROPFIND Method.
protected  void WebdavManager.doProppatch(WebdavContext ctxt)
          PROPPATCH Method: Not Implemented Create/Delete a resource property on a non locked resource
protected  void WebdavManager.doPut(WebdavContext ctxt)
          PUT Method.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.doPut(WebdavResource resource, boolean overwrite, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will do a create/overwrite a File or a Folder
protected  void WebdavManager.doUnlock(WebdavContext ctxt)
          UNLOCK Method.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.doUnlock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will unlock the given resource lock defined in the if header.
 String WebdavLock.generateId(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Generate an MD5 id from the given locks parameters
 String WebdavFileSystem.getAbsoluteUri(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will convert a relative uri to an absolute uri ie /my/folder/resource.ext -> /webapp/webdav/my/folder/resource.ext
abstract  Collection WebdavResource.getChildren(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return all the Children of the resource.
 String WebdavResource.getContentLanguage(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return the content language Default implementation return null
abstract  long WebdavResource.getContentLength(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return the size of the resource or 0 if there is no content
abstract  String WebdavResource.getContentType(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method have to return the Content Type of the resource with the Content Encoding ie "text/html; charset=UTF-8" It is the media type defined in section 3.7 of [RFC2068] If no content type then return ""
abstract  long WebdavResource.getCreationDate(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return long representing the Creation of the resource It contains a timestamp of the moment when the resource was created (i.e., the moment it had non-null state).
 Collection WebdavResource.getDescendantLocks(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Convenient method that delegate call to the WebdavFileSystem
 Collection WebdavFileSystem.getDescendantLocks(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return locks of descendant on the given resource
 String WebdavResource.getETag(boolean strong, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return a etag representation usefull not to be read-only with ms-word
 long WebdavResource.getLastAccessed(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return a long representing the last time this resource was accessed.
abstract  long WebdavResource.getLastModified(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return long representing the LastModified of the resource Note that the last-modified date on a resource may reflect changes in any part of the state of the resource, not necessarily just a change to the response to the GET method.
 WebdavLock WebdavResource.getLock(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Convenient method that delegate call to the WebdavFileSystem
 WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.getLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return lock on the given resource
 Collection WebdavResource.getLocks(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Convenient method that delegate call to the WebdavFileSystem
 Collection WebdavFileSystem.getLocks(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return locks on the given resource and all it' s children
protected  String WebdavManager.getMethodsAllowed(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
 String WebdavResource.getName(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return the name of the resource
ie /my/path/resource.ext -> resource.ext
ie /my/path/ -> path
 WebdavResource WebdavResource.getParent(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return the Parent WebdavResource of the resource.
 String WebdavResource.getPath(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return the path of the resource
ie /my/path/resource.ext -> /my/path/resource.ext
ie /my/path/ -> /my/path/
protected  org.jdom.Element WebdavManager.getPropNode(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return the PropertyNode from the XML Document
 String WebdavFileSystem.getRelativeUri(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will convert an absolute uri to a relative uri ie /webapp/webdav/my/folder/resource.ext -> /my/folder/resource.ext
abstract  WebdavResource WebdavFileSystem.getResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Lookup the resource represented by the given URI.
abstract  InputStream WebdavResource.getResourceStream(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method have to return an InputStream on the resource.
 boolean WebdavManager.handleWebdavRequest(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method handle the HTTP Request then redirect to the right method.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.hasInternalLock(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav
 boolean WebdavResource.hasLock(WebdavContext ctxt, boolean exclusive)
          This method will check if this resource has locks for the resource.
abstract  boolean WebdavResource.isExisting(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the resource exists in the UserFileSystem This method is abstract and must be implemented by the UserFileSystem.
 boolean WebdavResource.isFile(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will check if the resource is a File or a Folder.
 boolean WebdavResource.isFolder(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will check if the resource is a File or a Folder.
 boolean WebdavResource.isHidden(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return true if the resource isHidden.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.isInternallyLocked(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.isListing(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method check if the FileSystem allow listing.
 boolean WebdavResource.isLocked(WebdavContext ctxt, boolean ifheader, boolean byMe, boolean only)
          This method will check if this resource is locked by me or other only or not.
 int WebdavResource.isMatchLocked(WebdavContext ctxt, boolean ifheader, boolean byMe, boolean only)
          This method will check if this resource is locked by me or other only or not.
 boolean WebdavResource.isReadable(boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return true if the resource can be read by the context.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.isReadOnly(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the FileSystem is ReadOnly.
 boolean WebdavResource.isWritable(boolean recursive, boolean overwrite, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return true if the resource can be write by the context.
abstract  WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.newLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will return a new WebdavLock implementation
 WebdavLock WebdavResource.putLock(WebdavLock lock, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Convenient method that delegate call to the WebdavFileSystem
 WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.putLock(WebdavLock lock, WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will put a lock on single given resource
 WebdavLock WebdavResource.putLocks(WebdavLock lock, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Convenient method that delegate call to the WebdavFileSystem
 WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.putLocks(WebdavLock lock, WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will put a lock on the given resource and its children
 void WebdavLock.refresh(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by unlock
 WebdavLock WebdavFileSystem.refreshLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will refresh a lock on the given resource
 void WebdavLock.release(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by unlock
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.removeLock(WebdavLock lock, WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will remove tokens on the given resource and its children If there is no more tokens then remove the lock.
 boolean WebdavFileSystem.removeLocks(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will remove all lock for a given resource and its children (shared lock will also be removed)
 void WebdavResource.setPath(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
abstract  boolean WebdavResource.setResourceStream(InputStream in, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method have to return an InputStream on the resource.
protected  boolean WebdavFileSystem.silentFilterResource(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return true if the resouece should be silently ignored.
protected  void WebdavContext.writeProperties(String resourcePath, String statusMsg, int propType, Collection properties, WebdavContext ctxt, XMLWriter xmlWriter)
          This method will write all properties of a given resource in a given type
 void WebdavContext.writeResponseProperties(String resPath, int propType, Collection properties, XMLWriter xmlWriter, WebdavContext ctxt)

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.webdav with parameters of type WebdavContext
WebdavFileSystem(WebdavContext ctxt)
          Initialise the webdav FileSystem setting baseUri from ContextPath and ServletPath
WebdavLock(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          The lock must be a relative URI to the path folders starting and ending by '/'.
WebdavResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          The resource must be a relative URI to the path folders starting and ending by '/'.

Uses of WebdavContext in

Subclasses of WebdavContext in
 class CatWebdavContext
          A JCMS Representation of a Webdav Context using Category for folders and FileDocument for files
Authentification use BASIC authentification and store result in a cookie.

Methods in with parameters of type WebdavContext
 void CatWebdavLock.acquire(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by lock
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.canReadData(Data data, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the data can be read given the current context
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.copyFolder(WebdavResource src, WebdavResource tgt, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.copyMoveFile(WebdavResource src, WebdavResource tgt, boolean move, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method Copy/Move a resource to a given target location
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.createFile(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Create a resource child of a given folder with the given name If child already exists in JCMS then recaterize it
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.createFolder(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Create a given target folder
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.deleteFile(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Delete a given target file
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.deleteFolder(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Delete a given target folder
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.doCopy(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.doCreate(WebdavResource resource, boolean overwrite, boolean isFolder, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.doDelete(WebdavResource resource, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.doMove(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 Collection CatWebdavResource.getChildren(WebdavContext ctxt)
 long CatWebdavFileSystem.getContentLength(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the length of the ressource
 long CatWebdavResource.getContentLength(WebdavContext ctxt)
 String CatWebdavFileSystem.getContentType(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the content type of the ressource
 String CatWebdavResource.getContentType(WebdavContext ctxt)
 long CatWebdavResource.getCreationDate(WebdavContext ctxt)
 Collection CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataChildrenSet(Data parent, boolean onlyFolders, WebdavContext ctxt)
 Collection CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataChildrenSet(Data parent, WebdavContext ctxt)
 Data CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataFromName(String name, Data parent, boolean onlyFolders, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Return the Data represented by the given short uri
 Data CatWebdavFileSystem.getDataFromUri(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Retrieve the Data from the given URI Starting from the given root.
 long CatWebdavResource.getLastModified(WebdavContext ctxt)
 String CatWebdavFileSystem.getNameFromData(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the short name of the given data (Category or FileDocument) for this implementation
 WebdavResource CatWebdavFileSystem.getResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
 InputStream CatWebdavFileSystem.getResourceStream(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the resource input stream
 InputStream CatWebdavResource.getResourceStream(WebdavContext ctxt)
 Workspace CatWebdavFileSystem.getWorkspaceFromURI(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return the Workspace bind to the given URI.
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.hasInternalLock(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mechanism outside of Webdav
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isExisting(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is existing
 boolean CatWebdavResource.isExisting(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isFile(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is a File
 boolean CatWebdavResource.isFile(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isFolder(Data data, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method return true if the Data is a Folder
 boolean CatWebdavResource.isFolder(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isInternallyLocked(WebdavResource res, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mechanism outside of Webdav
 boolean CatWebdavResource.isReadable(boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isReadable(WebdavResource res, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the resource is Readable
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isReadOnly(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavResource.isWritable(boolean recursive, boolean overwrite, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.isWritable(WebdavResource res, boolean recursive, boolean overwrite, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Check if the resource is Writable
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.moveFolder(WebdavResource src, WebdavResource tgt, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method will move a given source to target location If target folder already exists then: - Copy all children of the target under source - Then copy all children of source under target - Then remove source
 WebdavLock CatWebdavFileSystem.newLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
 void CatWebdavLock.refresh(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by unlock
 void CatWebdavLock.release(WebdavContext ctxt)
          This method is called for other mecanism outside of Webdav that need to be notified by unlock
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.renameFile(WebdavResource src, WebdavResource tgt, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Rename the given WebdavResource file to the given target resource
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.renameFolder(WebdavResource src, WebdavResource tgt, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Rename the given WebdavResource folder to the given target resource
 void CatWebdavResource.setPath(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.setResourceStream(Data data, File tmp, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Update/Override the FileDocument
 boolean CatWebdavResource.setResourceStream(InputStream in, WebdavContext ctxt)
protected  boolean CatWebdavFileSystem.silentFilterResource(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)

Constructors in with parameters of type WebdavContext
CatWebdavFileSystem(WebdavContext ctxt)
          The root directory will be defined by servlet configuration parameter "RootPath"
CatWebdavLock(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
CatWebdavResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)

Uses of WebdavContext in com.jalios.jcms.webdav.file

Subclasses of WebdavContext in com.jalios.jcms.webdav.file
 class FileWebdavContext
          A File Representation of a Webdav Context

Methods in com.jalios.jcms.webdav.file with parameters of type WebdavContext
 boolean FileWebdavFileSystem.doCopy(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavFileSystem.doCreate(WebdavResource resource, boolean overwrite, boolean isFolder, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavFileSystem.doDelete(WebdavResource resource, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavFileSystem.doMove(WebdavResource source, WebdavResource target, boolean overwrite, boolean recursive, WebdavContext ctxt)
 String FileWebdavFileSystem.getAbsolutePath(String path, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Work like getAbsoluteUri() but with FileSystem Path
 Collection FileWebdavResource.getChildren(WebdavContext ctxt)
 long FileWebdavResource.getContentLength(WebdavContext ctxt)
 String FileWebdavResource.getContentType(WebdavContext ctxt)
 long FileWebdavResource.getCreationDate(WebdavContext ctxt)
 long FileWebdavResource.getLastModified(WebdavContext ctxt)
 String FileWebdavFileSystem.getRelativePath(String path, WebdavContext ctxt)
          Work like getRelativeUri() but with FileSystem Path
 WebdavResource FileWebdavFileSystem.getResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
 InputStream FileWebdavResource.getResourceStream(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavResource.isExisting(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavResource.isFile(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavResource.isFolder(WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavResource.isHidden(WebdavContext ctxt)
 WebdavLock FileWebdavFileSystem.newLock(WebdavResource resource, WebdavContext ctxt)
 boolean FileWebdavResource.setResourceStream(InputStream in, WebdavContext ctxt)

Constructors in com.jalios.jcms.webdav.file with parameters of type WebdavContext
FileWebdavFileSystem(WebdavContext ctxt)
          The root directory will be defined by servlet configuration parameter "RootPath"
FileWebdavLock(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)
FileWebdavResource(String uri, WebdavContext ctxt)

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