Uses of Interface

Packages that use RestConstants   

Uses of RestConstants in

Classes in that implement RestConstants
 class DataListRestResource
          The classes extending this one are representing a list of JCMS data resource.
 class DataRestResource
          The classes extending this one are representing a JCMS data resource.
 class JcmsRestResource
          Generic Abstract Restlet Resource for all JCMS OpenAPI resource.
 class RestletApplication
          This implementation of a Restlet Application is the initialisation of the Restlet engine.

Uses of RestConstants in

Classes in that implement RestConstants
 class AdminResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used with GET method to return a represention of the channel through REST (actually, the result of statusXml.jsp).
 class DataResource
          Rest Resource for Data management.
 class DataTypeItemResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a DataType through REST.
 class DataTypeListResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a list of DataType through REST.
 class MemberResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a member through REST.
 class MembersListResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of the list of all members through REST.
 class SearchResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a search in JCMS internal search engine through REST.
 class WorkflowItemResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the description of a workflow through REST.
 class WorkflowsResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of the list of the workflows through REST.

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