Uses of Interface

Packages that use MashupConstants
com.jalios.jcms Contains the core JCMS classes. 
com.jalios.jcms.calendar Contains the classes used to deal with calendar in JCMS. 
com.jalios.jcms.portlet Contains core Portlets parent of all generated portlets.   
com.jalios.jcms.workspace Contains classes about workspace features. 
com.jalios.jcmsplugin.jstoreforum Contains all the abstract classes and some listener used by forum in JCMS.   

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms

Classes in com.jalios.jcms that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractReview
 class Category
          A Category object is a node of the category tree.
 class CategoryRight
          This class represents the rights of a Member on a set of category roots.
 class Content
          Content is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is an editorial publication.
 class Data
          This abstract class is the super class of all the persistent classes of a JCMS Channel.
 class DataExtension
          This class contains extra fields for a given Data object.
 class DataRight
          This class represents the rights of a member on a Data object.
 class FileDocument
 class Form
          Form is the mother class of all form types.
 class Group
          A Group object is referenced by a set of Member instances.
 class Member
          A Member object contains a set of information about a JCMS referenced user.
 class Notification
 class NotificationCriteria
 class Publication
          This abstract class is the super class of all the Publication classes.
 class UserContent
          UserContent is a tagging abstract class which a type implements to indicates it is a user content.
 class WFNote
          This class represents a small note about a state change in the workflow.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.ajax

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.ajax that implement MashupConstants
 class PortletCtxMenu
          This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS Portlet.
 class PublicationCtxMenu
          This class is used to process AJAX Contextual Menu for a given JCMS publication id.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.calendar

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.calendar that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractCalendarEvent
          This abstract class provides a superclass to every calendar event and base methods for their manipulation

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.mashup

Subinterfaces of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.mashup
 interface ExportConstants
          This interface contains a set of constants for the ExportManager.
 interface ImportConstants
          This interface contains a set of constants for the ImportManager.

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.mashup that implement MashupConstants
 class ExportManager
          The ExportManager is the main class to manage data to export.
 class ExportUtil
          This class provides utility methods for the ExportManager.
 class ImportManager
          The ImportManager is the main class to manage data import.
 class ImportSource
          This class represents an Import Source.
 class ImportStatus
          This class represents an Import Status.
 class ImportUtil
          This class provides utility methods for the ImportManager.
 class MashupUtil
          This class provides utility methods for the Mashup package.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.portlet

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.portlet that implement MashupConstants
 class Portal
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements - String -> CSSFile - String -> Header - String -> Footer - Publication -> Child
 class PortalElement
 class PortalRedirect
          An abstract Portal representation with fields to implements.
 class Portlet
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements
 class PortletCollection
          An abstract PortletCollection représentation with fields to implements - PortalElement[] -> Children
 class PortletParent
          An abstract PortletParent représentation with fields to implements - Publication -> Children
 class PortletSkinable
          An abstract Portlet représentation with fields to implements - String -> DisplayTitle (ML) - String -> SkinTemplate - String -> SkinCSS

Uses of MashupConstants in

Classes in that implement MashupConstants
 class DataListRestResource
          The classes extending this one are representing a list of JCMS data resource.
 class DataRestResource
          The classes extending this one are representing a JCMS data resource.
 class JcmsRestResource
          Generic Abstract Restlet Resource for all JCMS OpenAPI resource.

Uses of MashupConstants in

Classes in that implement MashupConstants
 class AdminResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used with GET method to return a represention of the channel through REST (actually, the result of statusXml.jsp).
 class DataResource
          Rest Resource for Data management.
 class DataTypeItemResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a DataType through REST.
 class DataTypeListResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a list of DataType through REST.
 class MemberResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of a member through REST.
 class MembersListResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of the list of all members through REST.
 class SearchResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the result of a search in JCMS internal search engine through REST.
 class WorkflowItemResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return the description of a workflow through REST.
 class WorkflowsResource
          Implementation of a JcmsResource, used to return a represention of the list of the workflows through REST.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.tracking

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.tracking that implement MashupConstants
 class ReaderTracker

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcms.workspace

Classes in com.jalios.jcms.workspace that implement MashupConstants
 class WKRole
 class Workspace
          This class represents a Workspace
 class WSTypeEntry
          This class is a wrapper on TypeEntry handling type properties for each workspace.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.bookmarks

Classes in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.bookmarks that implement MashupConstants
 class Bookmark

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbcomment

Classes in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbcomment that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractDBComment

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbforum

Classes in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbforum that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractDBForum
 class AbstractDBForumPost
 class AbstractDBForumTopic
 class DBForumWatcher

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbpoll

Classes in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.dbpoll that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractPoll
          Abstract implementation for Poll
 class PollVote
          This class represents a vote for a poll.

Uses of MashupConstants in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.jstoreforum

Classes in com.jalios.jcmsplugin.jstoreforum that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractForum
 class AbstractForumDiscussion
 class AbstractForumMessage
          This class is the abstract class the generated type ForumMessage must extends in order to have proper functionnalities (TreeNode, ForumPublicationListener, Notification, etc.)
 class ForumDiscussionMetadata

Uses of MashupConstants in

Classes in that implement MashupConstants
 class AbstractWikiPage

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