public class Repository
extends java.lang.Object
A repository is a directory in which a scan will be done.
A repository configuration is composed of :
; validate()
method exists to see if all requirements are respected.
All registration of processors are done using the Class object of these processors.
Instanciation of processorss is done lasily at a first call to getFileProcessorSet(String)
after a modification in registration.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static java.lang.String |
When a FileActionComponent (FileProcessor or FileParser) is invoked,
the repository for which it is invoked is availble through the
processing context using this attribute :
static java.lang.String |
Constructor and Description |
Repository(java.lang.String id,
JProperties properties)
The constructor set some default value and then read the specified properties.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClazz,
java.lang.String[] extensions)
Add the specified FileActionComponent (parser or processor) to this repository for the specified extensions.
FileProcessingLog |
addFileProcessingLog( file,
FileActionComponent component,
ProcessingType type,
ProcessingStatus status,
long duration,
java.lang.Exception exception,
int attempt)
Create a new instance of FileProcessingLog with the specified parameters and store it.
FileProcessingLog |
addFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass,
ProcessingType type,
ProcessingStatus status,
long duration,
java.lang.String message,
int attempt) |
static java.lang.String |
applySubstitutions(java.lang.String abstractFileName,
Repository repository)
Returns a String constructed from the abstractFileName in parameter where :
<realpath> is replaced by the absolute real path of the webapp
<uploadpath> is replaced by the absolute real path of the upload/ directory in the webapp
<webinfpath> is replaced by the absolute real path of the WEB-INF/ directory in the webapp
<datapath> is replaced by the absolute real path of the WEB-INF/data/ directory in the webapp
<repositoryid> is replaced by the id of the repository
<junit> is replaced by the -junit string
void |
blacklistFile(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
Blacklist the specified file.
void |
Remove all successful logs from the database and update the remaining information.
void |
deleteFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename)
Delete the FileProcessingInfo for the specified filename
void |
deleteFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
Remove all log and info for the specified filename and component.
void |
deleteFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.String component) |
boolean |
directoryIgnored( file)
Tells if a directory under upload should be ignored given an exclusion pattern given
by the property :
FileActionComponent |
getActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass)
Retrieve any instance already created for the specified FileActionComponent class.
java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent>> |
Retrieve a Set of all class FileActionComponent class registered and enabled for this repository
java.lang.String |
getAlarmManagerName() |
java.lang.Object |
getAttribute(java.lang.Object name)
Returns the value of the named attribute as an
Object ,
or null if no attribute of the given name exists. | |
getBaseDirectory() |
java.lang.String |
Retrieve the base directory absolute path of this Repository
java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent>,java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String>> |
Retrieve a map of all component class to the extensions registered for them.
DirectoryScanner |
Retrieve the DirectoryScanner instance used for repository scan
java.util.List<ProcessingEvent> |
getEventList() |
java.lang.String |
getExcludedDirRegExp() | |
getFile(java.lang.String path)
Retrieve a File instance from the specified relative path
java.lang.String |
getFilenameRelativeToBaseDirectory( file)
Retrieve the filename of the specified file relative to
the base directory of this Repository.
java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileParser>> |
Retrieve a Set of all FileParser class.
java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> |
Retrieve a Set of all extensions with at least one FileParser configured.
java.util.SortedSet<? extends FileParser> |
getFileParserSet(java.lang.String extension)
Retrieve a Set of all FileParser configured for the specified extension.
FileProcessingInfo |
getFileProcessingInfo( file)
Retrieve the FileProcessingInfo for the specified file in this repository and webapp instance (urid).
FileProcessingInfo |
getFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename)
Retrieve the FileProcessingInfo for the specified file in this repository and webapp instance (urid).
java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> |
getFileProcessingLogs( file)
Retrieve all the FileProcessingLog for the specified file in this repository and webapp instance (urid).
java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> |
getFileProcessingLogs(java.lang.String filename)
Retrieve all the FileProcessingLog for the specified file in this repository and webapp instance (urid).
java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileProcessor>> |
Retrieve a Set of all FileProcessor class.
java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> |
Retrieve a Set of all extensions with at least one FileProcessor configured.
java.util.SortedSet<? extends FileProcessor> |
getFileProcessorSet(java.lang.String extension)
Retrieve a Set of all FileProcessor configured for the specified extension.
java.lang.String |
getId() |
RepositoryIndexer |
For one repository, the way LuceneDocument are constructed from the content of a file
and the file itself, is specific to the structure of the index.
| |
getLuceneIndex() |
long |
getMaxFilesPerScan() |
java.lang.String |
getName() |
java.lang.String |
getPostponedAlarmManagerName() |
java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> |
Retrieve all the postponed FileProcessingLog in this repository and webapp instance (urid).
java.lang.String |
Retrieve the cron defining rythm of the postponed item check.
int |
Retrieve the period in minutes between postponed item check.
int |
getProcessingLimitDuration() |
int |
Retrieve the maximum number of attempts allowed per processing before
file gets blacklisted for the corresponding component
JProperties |
getRepositoryProperties() |
java.lang.String |
Retrieve the cron defining rythm of scan of the directory.
int |
Retrieve the period in minutes between scan of the directory.
boolean |
Check if this repository at a scanning scheduled defined.
boolean |
isIndexable() |
boolean |
isProcessedByActionComponentClass( file,
java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> clazz)
Test whether a file may be processed by a FileActionComponent.
void |
logProcessingEvent(ProcessingEvent newAction) |
boolean |
removeActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass)
Remove the specified component class from this repository configuration.
boolean |
removeActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass,
java.lang.String[] extensions)
Remove the specified component class from this repository configuration for the specified extension (if any).
java.lang.Object |
removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Removes an attribute from this repository.
boolean |
Trigger the repository scan now, in its specific thread (not in the current thread).
void |
setAlarmManagerName(java.lang.String alarmManagerName) |
java.lang.Object |
setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object obj)
Stores an attribute in this repository.
void |
setBaseDirectory( baseDirectory) |
void |
setExcludedDirRegExp(java.lang.String excludedDirRegExp) |
void |
setId(java.lang.String id) |
void |
setIndexerClass(java.lang.Class<? extends RepositoryIndexer> indexerClass) |
void |
setLuceneIndex( luceneIndex) |
void |
setMaxFilesPerScan(long maxFilesPerScan) |
void |
setName(java.lang.String name) |
void |
setPostponedAlarmManagerName(java.lang.String alarmManagerName) |
void |
setPostponedScheduleCron(java.lang.String postponedScheduleCron)
Set the cron defining rythm of the postponed item check.
void |
setPostponedSchedulePeriod(int postponedSchedulePeriod)
Set the period in minutes between postponed item check.
void |
setProcessingLimitDuration(int processingLimitDuration) |
void |
setProcessingMaximumAttempts(int maxAttempts)
Set the maximum number of attempts allowed per processing before
file gets blacklisted for the corresponding component
void |
setRepositoryProperties(JProperties properties) |
void |
setScheduleCron(java.lang.String scheduleCron) |
void |
setSchedulePeriod(int schedulePeriod)
Set the period in minutes between scan of the directory.
java.lang.String |
Convenient method to display configuration informations in logs.
void |
unBlacklistFile(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
Unblacklist the specified file.
void |
Create or Update all the FileProcessingInfo instance for
this repository and webapp instance (urid).
FileProcessingInfo |
updateFileProcessingInfo( file,
java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> logList)
Create, Update or Delete the FileProcessingInfo instance for the specified
file (in this repository and webapp instance, ie urid),
from the specified list of FileProcessingLog
FileProcessingInfo |
updateFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename,
java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> logList) |
boolean |
Validate the configuration is good for this repository.
public static final java.lang.String REVISION
public static final java.lang.String CURRENT_REPOSITORY
Repository repository = (Repository) ctxt.get(Repository.CURRENT_REPOSITORY);
public Repository(java.lang.String id, JProperties properties)
- the id of the repository to createproperties
- the properties to be used by this Repositorypublic boolean directoryIgnored( file)
- the directoy to checkpublic boolean validate()
public RepositoryIndexer getIndexer()
public boolean isIndexable()
public void setIndexerClass(java.lang.Class<? extends RepositoryIndexer> indexerClass)
public java.lang.String getId()
public void setId(java.lang.String id)
public java.lang.String getName()
public void setName(java.lang.String name)
public FileActionComponent getActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass)
- the FileActionComponent classpublic void addActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClazz, java.lang.String[] extensions)
- the class of the component to add, must not be nullextensions
- the extension for which the FileActionComponent will be configured, must not be null or empty (otherwise method will have no effect)public boolean removeActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass)
- the FileActionComponent class to removepublic boolean removeActionComponent(java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass, java.lang.String[] extensions)
- the FileActionComponent class to removeextensions
- the extension for which the FileActionComponent will be removed, if null or empty, the component will be completely removed from repositorypublic boolean isProcessedByActionComponentClass( file, java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> clazz)
Tested with the file's extension in this current implementation.
- the File to testclazz
- the class of the FileActionComponentpublic java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent>> getActionComponentClassSet()
public java.util.SortedSet<? extends FileProcessor> getFileProcessorSet(java.lang.String extension)
- a File extension, eg. "txt"public java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getFileProcessorExtensionSet()
public java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileProcessor>> getFileProcessorClassSet()
public java.util.SortedSet<? extends FileParser> getFileParserSet(java.lang.String extension)
- a File extension, eg. "txt"public java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String> getFileParserExtensionSet()
public java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends FileParser>> getFileParserClassSet()
public java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent>,java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.String>> getComponentClassToExtensionSetMap()
public getBaseDirectory()
public void setBaseDirectory( baseDirectory)
public getLuceneIndex()
public void setLuceneIndex( luceneIndex)
public int getSchedulePeriod()
public void setSchedulePeriod(int schedulePeriod)
- a period in minutespublic java.lang.String getScheduleCron()
public void setScheduleCron(java.lang.String scheduleCron)
public boolean hasSchedule()
public java.lang.String getExcludedDirRegExp()
public void setExcludedDirRegExp(java.lang.String excludedDirRegExp)
public long getMaxFilesPerScan()
public void setMaxFilesPerScan(long maxFilesPerScan)
public java.lang.String getPostponedAlarmManagerName()
public void setPostponedAlarmManagerName(java.lang.String alarmManagerName)
public int getPostponedSchedulePeriod()
public void setPostponedSchedulePeriod(int postponedSchedulePeriod)
- a period in minutespublic java.lang.String getPostponedScheduleCron()
public void setPostponedScheduleCron(java.lang.String postponedScheduleCron)
- JDring cron syntaxpublic java.lang.String toStringConfiguration()
public JProperties getRepositoryProperties()
public void setRepositoryProperties(JProperties properties)
public java.lang.String getAlarmManagerName()
public void setAlarmManagerName(java.lang.String alarmManagerName)
public java.lang.String getFilenameRelativeToBaseDirectory( file)
- any file underdocs/text/plain/foobar.txt
null if specified file was null or not inside repository base directorypublic getFile(java.lang.String path)
- a platform independant path relative to the repository base directory, eg : docs/text/plain/foobar.txt
public java.lang.String getBaseDirectoryPath()
public int getProcessingLimitDuration()
public void setProcessingLimitDuration(int processingLimitDuration)
public int getProcessingMaximumAttempts()
public void setProcessingMaximumAttempts(int maxAttempts)
- a number of attemptpublic java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> getFileProcessingLogs( file)
- the file for which logs are retrievedpublic java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> getFileProcessingLogs(java.lang.String filename)
- the file path relative to the base directory of the repositorypublic java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> getPostponedProcessingLogs()
public void updateAllFileProcessingInfo()
public FileProcessingInfo updateFileProcessingInfo( file, java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> logList)
- the file for which FileProcessingInfo should be updatedlogList
- the logList from which info will be updatedpublic FileProcessingInfo updateFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename, java.util.List<FileProcessingLog> logList)
public FileProcessingInfo getFileProcessingInfo( file)
- the File for which FileProcessingInfo is being retrievedpublic FileProcessingInfo getFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename)
- the file path relative to the base directory of the repositorypublic void deleteFileProcessingInfo(java.lang.String filename)
- the filename relative to the repository base directorypublic FileProcessingLog addFileProcessingLog( file, FileActionComponent component, ProcessingType type, ProcessingStatus status, long duration, java.lang.Exception exception, int attempt)
The new instance will uses this repository and current webapp URID.
- the file for which log must be addedcomponent
- the component for which log is addedtype
- the type of processing performedstatus
- the new processing statusduration
- the duration it took to processexception
- any exception that might have occured during processingattempt
- the number of attempt performed (currently only applies to postponed processing).public FileProcessingLog addFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> componentClass, ProcessingType type, ProcessingStatus status, long duration, java.lang.String message, int attempt)
public void deleteFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
Update the info if logs were partially deleted.
- the filename relative to the repository base directoryactionComponentClass
- the FileActionComponent class concerned (optionnal)public void deleteFileProcessingLog(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String component)
public void blacklistFile(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
If component class is specified, file is blacklisted for this class only.
Files gets globally blacklisted if class is not specified.
- a filename, relative to the base directory of this repositoryactionComponentClass
- an optionnal compoment class to blacklistpublic void unBlacklistFile(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Class<? extends FileActionComponent> actionComponentClass)
If component class is specified, file is unblacklisted for this class only.
Files gets globally unblacklisted if class is not specified.
- a filename, relative to the base directory of this repositoryactionComponentClass
- an optionnal compoment class to unblacklistpublic void deleteAllNonBlacklistedLogs()
public java.lang.Object setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object obj)
- a String
specifying the name of the attributeobj
- the Object
to be storedpublic java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.Object name)
or null
if no attribute of the given name
- a String
specifying the name of the attributeObject
containing the value of the attribute,
or null
if the attribute does not existpublic java.lang.Object removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
- a String
specifyingpublic java.util.List<ProcessingEvent> getEventList()
public void logProcessingEvent(ProcessingEvent newAction)
public DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner()
public boolean scanNow()
The scan will NOT be triggered if it already running.
public static java.lang.String applySubstitutions(java.lang.String abstractFileName, Repository repository)
is replaced by the absolute real path of the webapp <uploadpath>
is replaced by the absolute real path of the upload/
directory in the webapp <webinfpath>
is replaced by the absolute real path of the WEB-INF/
directory in the webapp <datapath>
is replaced by the absolute real path of the WEB-INF/data/
directory in the webapp <repositoryid>
is replaced by the id of the repository <junit>
is replaced by the -junit
string abstractFileName
- the filename in which any matching pattern is replaced as explained aboverepository
- the repository used for this subsitutionCopyright © 2001-2018 Jalios SA. All Rights Reserved.