Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Add article handler for the topbar publish modal.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
ResourceHelper.canBeAccessed(java.lang.String jspRelativePath,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Check if the specified JSP is authorized to be accessed (either directly or through dynamic include).
boolean |
Data.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the boolean value of the specified field name for this
Data . |
java.util.TreeSet<Category> |
Data.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the Category value of the specified field name for this
Data . |
double |
Data.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the double value of the specified field name for this
Data . |
java.lang.Object |
Data.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the value of the given
Object field name for this Data . |
int |
Data.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the integer value of the specified field name for this
Data . |
long |
Data.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the long value of the specified field name for this
Data . |
java.lang.String |
Publication.getTemplatePath(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Returns the template path for the current context
static void |
Group.printTreeGroup(Workspace ws,
java.lang.String paramName,
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
java.lang.String userLang,
JcmsJspContext context)
Print a navigation tree for group splitted by workspaces (except if a workspace is provided).
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SwitchAccessibilityContextHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyManager.initCtxMenu(MemberCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyManager.initCtxMenu(PublicationCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyManager.initCtxMenu(WidgetCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
AjaxManager.registerContext(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Register a JcmsJspAjaxContext for the given JcmsJspContext in the session.
void |
PublicationCtxMenu.setCategoryParam(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String cidsParam) |
void |
JcmsJspAjaxContext.setJcmsContext(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
CategoryCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
JcmsJspAjaxContext(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
MemberCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
PortletCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
PublicationCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
WidgetCtxMenu(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler to display alerts, and recommendations in an APP.
class |
A super handler to query loggedMember's alerts.
class |
Handler to display alerts in topbar menu.
class |
Handler for Member's alert settings.
class |
SendAlertHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AdminHandler |
class |
ReportHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler process Archive Browser actions.
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of archive.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler is the super class of the formhandler class to process
Caddy Manager actions.
class |
This handler is used to add or remove content to the caddy.
class |
CategoryCaddyManagerHandler |
class |
DBMemberCaddyManagerHandler |
class |
GroupCaddyManagerHandler |
class |
MemberCaddyManagerHandler |
class |
This form handler process Publication Caddy Manager actions.
class |
WorkspaceCaddyManagerHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractJcmsAjaxContext.setJcmsContext(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Sets the following values from values found in the specified JcmsJspContext.
Values are not retrieved from context if they have already been set through their setter. |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractJcmsAjaxContext(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Build a new JcmsAjaxContext based on information available in the JcmsJspContext.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
LegacyWitnessFileImportHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FormHandler that provides informations shown in FileProcessor admin page.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Superclass of query handlers.
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of DBMembers.
class |
Upload and attach a .pdf file to the specified FileDocument.
class |
AttachPublicationHandler |
class |
AttachWorkspaceHandler |
class |
This form handler generate Authentication Keys.
class |
This form handler process Cache Manager actions.
class |
CheckRightsHandler |
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of DBMembers.
class |
DeployManagerDownloadHandler |
class |
DeployManagerUpgradeHandler |
class |
Check and deploy an uploaded webapp to the right webapp location.
class |
EditAclHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
editCat.jsp forms. |
class |
EditDataFormHandler<T extends Data>
This class is the super class of all FormHandlers which manage stored data.
class |
This class is the super class of all FormHandler which manage
stored data.
class |
EditDataIdHandler |
class |
EditDBFileDocumentHandler |
class |
This form handler processes Data's Extra Data forms.
class |
EditFileDocumentHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
Form forms. |
class |
This form handler process
Group forms. |
class |
This form handler processes
Member forms. |
class |
This form handler processes
Member photo. |
class |
EditNotificationCriteriaHandler |
class |
EditNotificationHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
Publication forms. |
class |
EditRemoteDocumentHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
DataExtension forms. |
class |
FriendlyURLsHandler |
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of groups.
class |
Upload and parse a .txt file containing tree of categories to import in JCMS.
class |
This abstract class is the super class of all the Form
Handler classes (i.e.
class |
JcmsUploadFormHandler |
class |
This form handler processes JSyncManager's form.
class |
JWTGeneratorHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
doEditMail.jsp form. |
class |
This form handler processes password reset request from administrator.
class |
MediaInfosHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
admin/memberList.jsp form in administration area. |
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query of members.
class |
This handler is used to perform Member CSV import through JCMS modal.
class |
MergeCategoryHandler |
class |
MergeFileDocumentHandler |
class |
PluginDataInfosHandler |
class |
PortletWorkflowHandler |
class |
PropertiesHandler |
class |
PubBrowserHandler |
class |
Holder class and form handler of all parameters to be used for a query.
class |
Handle lost password request from end user.
class |
StoreCleanerHandler |
class |
This form handler processes the Type Editor form.
class |
This form handler processes the Type List Editor forms.
class |
UpgradeManagerHandler |
class |
ValidateStateChangePublicationHandler |
class |
This form handler processes
wfEditor.jsp form. |
class |
WorkReportHandler |
class |
since jcms-10.0.1 use
WorkspaceQueryHandler instead |
class |
ZipFilesHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
EditAbstractJPortalHandler |
class |
JBlockEditorHandler |
class |
JPortalCreateHandler |
class |
JPortalDisplayHandler |
class |
JPortalDuplicateHandler |
class |
JPortalEditorHandler |
class |
JPortalHistoryHandler |
class |
JPortalPublishHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ProcessL10nHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler performs LDAP synchronization.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
SyncLdapHandler.synchronizeMembers(java.util.Iterator<Member> mbrIterator,
JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Synchronize all LDAP account return by the specified Iterator of Member.
static void |
SyncLdapHandler.synchronizeMembers(java.util.Set<Member> memberSet,
JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Synchronize all LDAP account in the specified Set of Member.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler processes importConflictList.jsp actions
class |
This form handler processes ImportManager's form.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
EditAbstractMediaHandler |
class |
EditImageHandler |
class |
This handler controls the MediaBrowser.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MonitoringChartHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class is used to handle modification on
class |
This class is used to handle modification on
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PortalPolicyFilter.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
boolean computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given boolean field and given Data.
boolean |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
boolean computedValue) |
java.util.TreeSet<Category> |
PortalPolicyFilter.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.util.TreeSet<Category> computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given Category field and given Data.
java.util.TreeSet<Category> |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.util.TreeSet<Category> computedValue) |
double |
PortalPolicyFilter.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
double computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given double field and given Data.
double |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
double computedValue) |
java.lang.Object |
PortalPolicyFilter.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.lang.Object computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given field and given Data.
java.lang.Object |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.lang.Object computedValue) |
int |
PortalPolicyFilter.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
int computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given int field and given Data.
int |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
int computedValue) |
long |
PortalPolicyFilter.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
long computedValue)
Returns an alternate value for the given long field and given Data.
long |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
long computedValue) |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(MemberCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Initialize the contextual menu.
This method is called when the Context Menu object class is created. |
void |
BasicCtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(MemberCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(PublicationCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Initialize the contextual menu.
This method is called when the Context Menu object class is created. |
void |
BasicCtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(PublicationCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
CtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(WidgetCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Initialize the contextual menu.
This method is called when the Context Menu object class is created. |
void |
BasicCtxMenuPolicyFilter.initCtxMenu(WidgetCtxMenu ctxMenu,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
PortalPolicyFilter.initHeaders(java.util.Map header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context)
Initialise header data to include in HTML headers
in the Front and Back Office.
void |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.initHeaders(java.util.Map header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyFilter.initJavaScriptCodeSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsCodeSet,
JcmsJspContext context)
Setup the javascript codes to be invoked on page load for current page.
void |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.initJavaScriptCodeSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsCodeSet,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyFilter.initJavaScriptSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsSet,
JcmsJspContext context)
Setup the javascript files to be included for current page.
void |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.initJavaScriptSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsSet,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyFilter.setupHeaders(java.util.Map header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context)
Setup header data to include in HTML headers
in the Front and Back Office.
void |
BasicPortalPolicyFilter.setupHeaders(java.util.Map header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
EditPortalElementHandler |
class |
EditPortalHandler |
class |
EditPortalRedirectHandler |
class |
EditPortletCollectionHandler |
class |
EditPortletHandler |
class |
EditPortletLogHandler |
class |
EditPortletParentHandler |
class |
EditPortletSkinableHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PortalPolicyManager.getBooleanFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
boolean computedValue) |
java.util.TreeSet<Category> |
PortalPolicyManager.getCategoryFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.util.TreeSet<Category> computedValue) |
double |
PortalPolicyManager.getDoubleFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
double computedValue) |
java.lang.Object |
PortalPolicyManager.getFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
java.lang.Object computedValue) |
int |
PortalPolicyManager.getIntFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
int computedValue) |
long |
PortalPolicyManager.getLongFieldValue(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String fieldName,
Data data,
long computedValue) |
java.lang.String |
PortalElement.getPreview(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
int width,
int height,
java.lang.String defaultImagePath)
Retrieve the preview image of this Portlet in the specified context and dimensions.
java.lang.String |
PortalElement.getSkinPath(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Returns the template skin path for the given usage
static void |
PortalManager.handleDisplayRequest(JcmsJspContext context,
DisplayContext display,
long startPageRequest)
Called by display.jsp to set all request attributes
from computed display context.
void |
PortalPolicyManager.initHeaders(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyManager.initJavaScriptCodeSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsCodeSet,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyManager.initJavaScriptSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> jsSet,
JcmsJspContext context) |
void |
PortalPolicyManager.setupHeaders(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> header,
java.lang.String key,
JcmsJspContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class is the handler for the form to send a Recommendation.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This handler is used in the admin area to provide action on search engine.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handler for Shortcuts which returns a json used to modify asynchronously the Shortcut
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected JcmsJspContext |
WorkspaceTag.jcmsContext |
protected JcmsJspContext |
LoginTag.jcmsContext |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
EditTag.canEditData(Data data,
Member loggedMember,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
void |
TreeCatViewTag.TreeCatView.filterRights(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.util.Collection<Category> nodes)
Filter node's collection with given parameter and filter
protected void |
EditTag.generateUpdateIcon(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext,
java.lang.String anchorParam,
Data data,
java.lang.StringBuffer sb) |
static java.lang.String |
EditTag.getAddIcon(JcmsJspContext context,
java.lang.String queryString,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<?>> typeSet,
java.lang.String cids,
boolean popup,
java.lang.String redirect,
java.lang.String param,
java.lang.String layerId) |
protected java.lang.String |
EditTag.getAnchorParams(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext,
java.util.Set<Category> categorySet) |
static java.lang.String |
EditTag.getEditIcon(JcmsJspContext context,
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String redirect,
java.lang.String param,
boolean popup,
java.lang.String fields) |
java.lang.String |
TreeViewTag.TreeView.getTreeLink(Data node,
JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Return the links associated to the given Data
java.lang.String |
TreeCatViewTag.TreeCatView.getTreeLink(Data node,
JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Return the links associated to the given Data
java.lang.String |
TreeViewTag.TreeView.getTreeLink(java.lang.String link,
JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Resolve the links regexp
void |
TreeCatViewTag.TreeCatView.handleDragDrop(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Handle Actions like drag and drop
static void |
WysiwygTag.wrapWysiwygInlineEdition(javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter writer,
JcmsJspContext jcmsContext,
java.lang.String html,
Data data,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Print the specified HTML in the JspWriter, wrapped with the required HTML to provide
inline edition of the corresponding field, if authorized for the current logged member
and specified field option.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static JcmsJspContext |
Retrieve a mock explorer JcmsJspContext.
protected JcmsJspContext |
Retrieve a mock explorer JcmsJspContext.
static JcmsJspContext |
JcmsTestCaseUtil.getMockJcmsJspContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Retrieve a mock explorer JcmsJspContext based on the specified request
protected JcmsJspContext |
JcmsTestCase.getMockJcmsJspContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Retrieve a mock explorer JcmsJspContext based on the specified request
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ProfilerHandler |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
WebAssetsUtils.addScrollbarWebAssets(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext)
Add web assets for the scrollbar library.
static java.lang.String |
LoginUtil.getLoginWallpaper(JcmsJspContext jcmsContext) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractAutocompleteHandler<T> |
class |
AbstractSearchAutocompleteHandler<T extends AutocompleteResult<? extends Publication>> |
class |
TopbarSearchAutocompleteHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MentionAutocompleteHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SidebarHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
TopbarApplicationMenuBadgeHandler |
class |
TopbarHandler |
Constructor and Description |
TopbarMenuInfoFilter(Member member,
JcmsJspContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
JavaBean used to process Unified insertion action.
Constructor and Description |
InsertionContext(JcmsJspContext ctxt) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler processes document upload.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UploadManager.addUploadComponentScripts(JcmsJspContext ctxt)
Add all required CSS and JS files needed for an upload component to the current JSP context
java.lang.String |
UploadManager.getUploadComponent(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String pfield)
Returns a String HTML component for upload.
java.lang.String |
UploadManager.getUploadComponent(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String pfield,
java.lang.String pdrop,
java.lang.String pbrowse,
boolean showFiles,
boolean showLogs)
Returns a String HTML component for upload.
void |
UploadManager.removeAllFileItem(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String field) |
org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem |
UploadManager.removeFileItem(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String field,
java.lang.String filename)
Remove from session the first FileItem with the given name
void |
UploadManager.storeFileItem(JcmsJspContext ctxt,
java.lang.String token,
java.lang.String field,
org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem fileItem)
Store the given FileItem in session to be retrieved later by DocUpload mechanism.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
WebPageQueryHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This form handler process
Group forms. |
class |
EditWorkflowInstanceHandler |
class |
This form handler process
Workspace forms. |
class |
This form handler process
Workspace forms. |
class |
This form handler process
Group forms. |
class |
This form handler process
Group forms. |
class |
This class handle create/update/delete
form action on WSTypeEntry
class |
Allows a Member to add, or remove a favorite Workspace or clear its favorites.
class |
This form handler process
Workspace duplication through a wizard. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
TreeHelper.printWorkspacesTree(Workspace mbrWorkspace,
boolean showGroups,
java.lang.String groupParamName,
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
java.lang.String userLang,
JcmsJspContext context,
Member loggedMember)
Print a navigation tree for group split by workspaces (except if a workspace is provided).
static void |
TreeHelper.printWSNodeContent(Workspace workspace,
TreeHelper.WSTreeMemo treeMemo,
JcmsJspContext context,
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
boolean open) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Java bean providing processing of for inline edition of wysiwyg fields.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ImageUploadHandler |
class |
PreviewImageHandler |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
generated.EditJPortalHandler |
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