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JCMS 2.0.1 historique des changements

Historique des changements de JCMS 2.0.1

Catégories: Documentations , JCMS 2.1
Rédacteur : Olivier Dedieu

1. Main new features

    • JSP: Add isLogged boolean (equiv. loggedMember != null)
    • JSP: Add a refinement area in query.jsp
    • JSP: display.jsp
1. add the review form at the page end 2. review icon has been updated and is linked on the review form or the review of the loggedMember 3. add an edit button for the author of the review 4. when creating or updating a review redirect on this review in the display.jsp page.
    • CLASSES: Add support to define search, refine and advRefine root categories:
      • seach.jsp uses channel.getSearchRoots()
      • query.jsp uses channel.getRefineRoots()
      • refine.jsp uses channel.getAdvRefineRoots()
    • TYPE GENERATOR: New look for doFullDisplay.jsp
    • TYPE GENERATOR: Group Extension
    • TYPE GENERATOR: Category Extension
    • JSP: Admin / Property Editor: User interface to manage properties.
    • JSP: Admin / Memory Monitor
    • JSP: '1-Click Search' allows to start a full text search from any Webpage
    • SECURITY: SecureFileServlet allows to restrict the file access to authenticated member (only on Resin). By default, SecureFileServlet restrict the file access on upload/secure/. Edit web.xml to add the directories you want to control. Futhermore, web.xml no more allows to browse directories.
    • TAG:
    • TAG:

2. Main updates

    • JSP: categories.jsp has been replaced by editCategories.jsp and uses a formHandler (EditCategoryHandler) instead of a servlet (ProcessCategory)
    • JSP: query.jsp: header and footer have been put in doQueryHeader.jsp and doQueryFooter.jsp
    • JSP: index.jsp: add a refresh icon for TopMember
    • JSP: index.jsp : in forum, faq and glossary add a 'more' link
    • JSP: index.jsp : updated to be more customizable
    • JSP: index.jsp : add links on '1-Click Review' and 1-Click Search
    • JSP: '1-Click Review' use the selected text as description.
    • JSP: doHeader: put the category in the meta tags keywords or those defined in the properties
    • JSP: doHeader: put the property channel description in the meta tags description
    • JSP: wap.jsp display the Jalios logo on the index page
    • Type Generator: doFullDisplay use tags and the default layout has been improved for easier modification.
    • Type Generator: doResultDisplay use tags
    • ADMIN: 'clean the store' requires now a confirmation
    • CLASSES: Category: add isLeaf() method
    • CLASSES: Channel: handle a Map of AlarmListener indexed by name
    • CLASSES: Channel: getAlarmManager() requires a key String
    • CLASSES: JStore: when an exception occures when notifying a LogEntry, print the erroneous line
    • CLASSES: Publication.DEFAULT_RATING is public
    • TAG: has been debugged and support the refresh.
    • TAG: has been internationalized
    • TAG: is now available for all the members that can publish

3. Bugs fixed

    • bug-v2.0-47 (Inconsistency between search.jsp and query.jsp. Was not completely fix in the previous release.)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-48 (NullPointer when acceding editMessage.jsp)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-49 (Cannot edit my message in discussion.jsp)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-50 (editMessage.jsp is too permissive)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-51 (fileChooser.jsp failed when opening from an edit form)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-52 (clear Forum description when adding a new Forum)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-55 (TopMember are in the reverse order)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-56 (TopMember trends are erroneous)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-57 (Big Security Hole: Malicious uploaded JSP can be executed)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-58 (Security hole: Anyone can browse and upload with the file chooser)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-59 (Résurection of 'A first level category')

4. Known Bugs

    • bug-v2.0-18 (Support of oe ligature)
    • bug-v2.0-23 (Wiki does not support cp1252)
    • bug-v2.0-31 (NullPointer when restarting)
    • bug-v2.0-32 (Bad Wiki table generation)
    • bug-v2.0-34 (Enumerate does not support " (quote char) in item list)
    • bug-v2.0-43 (TypeEditor: Cannot delete a type)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-53 (upload does not support ' (apos) char)
    • bug-jcms-2.0-54 (Netscape 4.75 does not support spaces in uploaded files)