JCMS 4.0.1 release notes
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JCMS 4.0Disponibilité octobre 2003
Writer : Olivier Dedieu
1. Main new features
- Publication:
- PubChooser/PubBrowser
- Add new parameter showReadRightsPub that is true while adding a Portlet in Customized Portlet (Row or Col) when the parameter is true it only display portlet that has read rights.
- Portal
- Add a new jsp portlet.jsp that display a portlet given has parameter (portlet=id). The jsp only contains doInitPage.jsp. Usefull for technocal stuff.
- Form
- Add support for tab navigation
- Authentication
- Add support for transient authentication.
- Wysiwyg
- Add support to display the cells of table with no border
- FileSearchEngine
- FileDocument
- Add isIndexed(), getIndexedDate() and getLuceneDocument() methods
- FullDisplay: display the indexation date
2. Main updates
- PubChooser/PubBrowser
- change the placement for add/caddy icons
- Authentication
- by default, all authentication are transient.
- QueryChooser:
- No more restrict to search roots
- PortletSearch:
- Add Pointer to Portlet Query/Foreach
- Add Template that looklike search.jsp
- Show Results in current Portal using Portlet Query/Foreach
- PortletQueryForeach:
- Can query using request parameters
- Cache:
- allow invalidate cache on Data, Publication, PortalElement, Content, Category, Member, Group.
- cache manager: display type label instead of class short name
- Cache are no more invalidated by create/update/delete of publication which are in the back-office (i.e. not in a visible state)
- Portlet: session cache are no more disabled when adminIcon are on.
- FileDocument:
- preserve '-' and '.' chars in the filename when uploading
- prepend urid if file-document.urid == true
- Search:
- no more search with suffix for 'all' and 'any' modes. I.E. left truncate: searching 'axe' will no more match "taxe"
- Form:
- tab to navigate among fields
- opened tab are no more remembered (see bug-jcms-4.0-148).
- Form Type:
- display submission in work area
- TypEditor:
- Textual fields: dynamic interface to choose attributes
- Wysiwyg fields: interface to choose the toolbars to include
- CaddyManager
- Add refinement on categories and types.
- EditTag:
3. Bugs fixed
- bug-jcms-4.0-123 (Cannot force to display a publication with a given portal)
- bug-jcms-4.0-124 (FileChooser : bad referrer count in file zoom area)
- bug-jcms-4.0-125 (Cannot uncategorize a publication)
- bug-jcms-4.0-126 (PDF Icon missing for FileDocument)
- bug-jcms-4.0-127 (FDPublicationListener : NullPointer if no read rights)
- bug-jcms-4.0-128 (In 'mail this publication', the title is not displayed with the user language)
- bug-jcms-4.0-129 (A JavaScript error occurs on some WYSIWYG fields)
- bug-jcms-4.0-130 (Uploaded PowerPoint files are typed as "Unknown Document Type")
- bug-jcms-4.0-131 (StackOverflow when a portlet targets one of its ancestors)
- bug-jcms-4.0-132 (FileChooser: Exception when the selected file is "s.gif")
- bug-jcms-4.0-133 (TypeEditor: tab does not support apostroph)
- bug-jcms-4.0-134 (Query description: do not display the label but the name of the types)
- bug-jcms-4.0-135 (Member fields are not reduced to the given groups)
- bug-jcms-4.0-136 (Required list of link are not required)
- bug-jcms-4.0-138 (Pdate is not set when duplicating a publication)
- bug-jcms-4.0-139 (Some state labels are not displayed)
- bug-jcms-4.0-140 (CSS are not rendered in the wysiwyg area)
- bug-jcms-4.0-141 (Required category fields are not required)
- bug-jcms-4.0-142 (Upgrade Manager misses some files)
- bug-jcms-4.0-143 (Some fields are ignored)
- bug-jcms-4.0-144 (No Toolbar for PortletRow Customized)
- bug-jcms-4.0-145 (Title is not displayed in the user language)
- bug-jcms-4.0-146 (Monovalued Category fields cannot be unchecked)
- bug-jcms-4.0-147 (Related cannot be removed)
- bug-jcms-4.0-148 (Form with many tabs may logout the user)
- bug-jcms-4.0-149 (Bad workflow rendering with groups which contain apostroph)
- bug-jcms-4.0-150 (Search with more than 1 word are not performed on category name)
- bug-jcms-4.0-151 (PortletImage does not open the link in a new window)
4. Known Bugs
- bug-v2.0-18 (Support of oe ligature)
- bug-v2.0-23 (Wiki does not support cp1252)
- bug-jcms-2.0-91 (rcMember.jsp does not work with private channel)
- bug-jcms-4.0-137 (Poor tab rendering in some forms)
5. Incompatibilties