Quickstart EJPT development environment

Quickstart EJPT development environment

  • Writer :
  • Modification Date : 4/28/14

Quickstart EJPT development environment

1. Install your development environment

  1. Download the package Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
  2. Install and configure JDK 1.7+
  3. Install and configure Maven 3+

1.1 Sync project

  1. Source : https://github.com/jalios/eclipse-jcms-plugin-tools/tree/master/sync
  2. Launch mvn package to build
  3. Get the sync-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar and copy it to the view project

To contribute to this project :

  1. Code your idea
  2. Test your idea (with JUnit)
  3. Launch ALL tests
  4. If it's OK, submit your idea

1.2 View project

  1. Source https://github.com/jalios/eclipse-jcms-plugin-tools/tree/master/view
  2. Right-click on the project : Run or Debug as Eclipse Application

Note : Hot debug is only available for existing method. For new method / class, build the last sync-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar and copy it into the project

1.3 Feature project

This project groups other components and build. To build (manually for now) :

  1. Right-click on the project > Export
  2. Plug-in Developement > Deployable features
  3. Choose a directory
  4. Options > Only check Check "Allow for binary cycles in target platform"
  5. You'll have a features and a plugins directory.
  6. Now deploy thoses directories into the dropins Eclipse directory for real test

2. Install on the real Eclipse

  1. Go to the dropins directory
  2. Backup everything about EJPT
  3. Push the new version

3. References

  1. Pro GIT

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