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JNewsletter 1.1

This plugin is a redesign of the Newsletter plugin and provides a newsletter management system.

With JNewsletter, you can offer your contributors a comprehensive, intuitive tool for creating and sending newsletters and managing subscriptions. Thanks to the statistics provided, you can target the expectations of your employees and adapt the content of your newsletter accordingly.

Inform your employees about your company's activities and motivate them by sending them newsletters!

When should you use this module?

Do you want to promote your events, present an overview of your activities, or communicate on subjects related to your company? The JNewsletter module lets you create an attractive newsletter in just a few clicks and send it to your staff.

Do you want to involve your teams and increase their motivation? Showcase their work via your newsletter and give them the chance to help choose the content of the next one. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, contributing is child's play!

Do you want to target content that will generate maximum interest among your employees? The JNewsletter module lets you tailor your communication to your employees' expectations, thanks to the statistics provided.

What does this module offer?

The JNewsletter module enables contributors to create a newsletter

  • Entering information: title, presentation and frequency of dispatch
  • Declaration of managers
  • Choice of subscription and access methods

Once the newsletter has been created, JNewsletter allows contributors and managers to :

  • Create a new newsletter issue in two stages:
    1. Design the structure of the newsletter issue by inserting the selected block using drag and drop.
    2. Add content to each block:
      • Manual entry of the various fields in the block:
        • Choice of image
        • Add a link to the image
        • Enter title, description, button text and associated link
      • Fill in content from the digital workplace (suggested for the central, side and multiple blocks)
        • Pre-fill each field
        • Content adaptation if required
      • Customise the style. 


  • Save the newsletter structure by creating an issue template for the newsletter: newly created issue will already contain a default structure that can be modified as required.


  • Manage newsletter registrations
    • Member and group registrations
    • Unsubscribe members (click on the cross)
  • Manage newsletter mailings
    • Test mailing: not taken into account in the statistics.
    • Scheduling
    • Immediate mailing
  • Track newsletter issue mailings
    • Number of newsletter issues sent by email
    • Percentage of emails opened
    • Number of clicks per link
    • View a list of content consulted with the number of clicks for each.
  • View newsletter statistics: consolidate the view of newsletter mailings over a given period:
    • Choice of period
    • Display of key figures
      • Number of registrants at the end of the selected period
      • Number of newsletter issues sent over the period
      • Average percentage of emails containing the newsletter opened (average of data for each newsletter issue).


Contributors with block management rights

  • have an ADMINISTRATION menu with access to the block management interface
    • Block card display,
    • Modification or deletion of the block concerned from the menu
    • Creation of a new block with compulsory entry of the Label and HTML code
  •  create template blocks from the default blocks adapted by the newsletter manager when the newsletter was created. For the next newsletter, the newsletter manager will use the template block that has already been formatted, thus maintaining the visual identity of the block from one newsletter to the next.


Employees can access an area with a 'VIEWS' menu and a keyword search.

The 'VIEWS' menu allows employees to view :

  • The list of their subscriptions, if they have any, from "My subscriptions",
  • The list of all newsletters from "All newsletters" and
  • The newsletter publication calendar (monthly view) from "Calendar".

On opening JNewsletter, 

  • Employees who have not yet registered are directed to the "All newsletters" tab.  When they select a newsletter, they are taken to the "Presentation" tab for that newsletter, where they can :
    • find out about the purpose of the newsletter,
    • identify the managers and
    • subscribe

Once they have subscribed to a newsletter, "My subscriptions"tab  appears in their VIEWS menu.

  • Employees who have subscribed to one or more newsletters have access to "My subscriptions" tab, which lists the newsletters to which they have subscribed. When a newsletter is selected, the "Issues" tab is displayed and presents a list of all the issues sent, with filters by keyword, author and date. The registrant can view each issue sent.

They receive the newsletter by email:

    • Display of the newsletter directly in the body of the message
    • One-click access to all news and events. If they are not logged into their digital Workplace, they will be asked to authenticate themselves.

They can unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive the newsletter.

What our customers like

The simplicity of designing a newsletter

With JNewsletter, the issue template is designed from blocks (components) by simply dragging and dropping. Some blocks even offer contribution assistance: the application fills in the block fields based on a publication that I have selected from the content of the digital workplace. A real time-saver for contributors!

The creation of a newsletter template

When we add a new issue based on a template, the template already contains the empty blocks into which we add the content. Not happy with the initial layout?  No problem, it can still be modified.

The creation of ‘model blocks’ to guarantee a visual identity

Constributors have spent time adapting one of the default blocks to achieve the desired visual effect. To retain this layout, simply create a template block from the bulletin block. A new block with the desired layout is then available. This is a real time-saver for contributors, who don't have to redo everything when designing the next newsletter (issue). What's more, the issues  have all the same style, guaranteeing a visual identity from one issue to the next.

Block management for modifying existing blocks or creating new ones

With JNewsletter, the design of issues takes account of customer requirements. The block management area lets you modify an existing block or create a new one.

  • Existing blocks aren't enough?  New blocks can be created.
  • Are the available blocks not suitable? The blocks can be modified.

Automatic backup

Contributors can be sure they won't lose their work if they forget to save it or if there's a computer incident.

Access to statistics to guide newsletter content

JNewsletter provides consolidated statistics for each issue (newsletter) sent out and for the newsletter as a whole.

Once a newsletter has been sent out, the statistics can be used to analyse the content most appreciated by employees and provide information on the percentage of e-mails opened. This data will be used to guide the choice of content for the next newsletter.

The overall statistics can be used to measure employees' interest in the newsletter over time.

The module in action


  • Version : 1.1
  • Size : 2.31 MB
  • Major Modification : 2/27/25
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 5
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8
  • Domains : Newsletter
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

See also