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JGuide 4.2

Gestion de contenus

Plugin suggested by 1Day1Learn

What is it?

  • This easy-to-use tool allows you to create online pedagogical guides and tutorials for training and information of employees or external parties.
  • These tutorials allow for progressive learning on all types of subjects, such as: training for individual interviews, use of software or equipment, business procedures, on-boarding, etc.
  • A tutorial/guide is composed of steps that can contain different types of content: screenshots, images, video, audio, multimedia text, PDFs, URLs links, JPlatform content: wiki, JNews article, task projects, surveys, etc.
  • Each step can be commented by a "rich" text that can also contain additional multimedia content: files, templates to use, links to document management or to other guides.
  • The final result is accessible by the participant in the form of a carousel allowing him/her to move step by step or to navigate within the guide.
  • This paid module is available individually or integrated into the JLearn digital learning module.

When to use this module?

  • For the creation and distribution of training or information modules such as guides, tutorials or step-by-step.
  • To allow everyone to share their knowledge in a simple way without prior training.
  • To homogenize your documents to assist in the use of software or equipment, often consisting of illustrations and accompanying texts.
  • To train your employees to use Jalios Digital Workplace.

What does this module offer?

  • The ability to create training modules based on successive steps from different content sources. This type of module is often called a guide, tutorial or step-by-step.
  • The presentation of the homogeneity between all the guides allows the participant to immediately understand the logic and to follow them efficiently.
  • The creation is done in a very simple way via a Plan mode to associate content and comments and order the whole.
  • The steps can be reordered by simple drag and drop.
  • Today, such guides are often produced in PowerPoint or Word in a heterogeneous and time-consuming manner. The distribution of these office documents is then done through a link to a PDF without specific navigation and that employees have difficulty finding. They are also cumbersome to update and quickly become obsolete.

All these disadvantages are eliminated by this integrated tool.

  • These tutorials can be deployed within a catalog organized by theme.
  • The creation and consultation rights are managed by members and groups.
  • The guides can be consulted on a smartphone via a specific interface in the JMobile application.
  • JGuide is also integrated in JLearn allowing to include a guide in an educational course for example.
  • Very intuitive, the creation of training and information content with JGuide does not require any specific training.
  • However, a validation workflow can be put in place to expand the number of people who can create them, without fear for quality.

What our customers like

  • The simplicity of creation, in a mode close to that of PowerPoint
  • The possibility to add instructions on each step
  • The simplicity of navigation that allows you to focus on the essentials
  • The wealth of content types that can be used in the steps with the possibility of integrating JPlatform content



What does version 4.0 bring?

If the main functions and principles of version 3.0 have been kept, it is technically a complete rewrite of the module that had the objective to improve the UX as a whole and to be able to include new types of content.

Navigation and contents of the Steps

  • JGuide is now a full-fledged application, available in the applications menu, unless you are also a JLearn user.
  • The guides are available in a home page and can be organized in themes.
  • Initially limited to images and videos, the type of content that can be used in a step has been expanded to include audio, multimedia text, URL links and PDFs.
  • Specific content in JPlatform can now also be used in a step: Wiki, questionnaire, task projects, JNews article.
  • Each step now has a specific title displayed at the top to facilitate understanding
  • A table of contents with the titles of the steps allows the guide to be presented and the information to be found more quickly during future consultations.
  • The instructions given on each step can be organized in additional tabs: advice, warning and alternative, in order to offer several levels of consultation.
  • The full screen mode clearly separates the content of the step and its additional instructions without overlap.
  • Interrupted videos will restart where you left them and they can now be equipped with subtitles in multiple languages.
  • The question/answer function has been revised (only available outside of JLearn use).


If your company or organization does not use JLearn, you have the option of organizing your guides by topic.

  • During the installation a new category tree named thematic is automatically created
  • You will be able to update it by adding your own values via the back office.
  • A property in the module allows you to choose the root of the category tree to use


It is now possible to add subtitles in SRC format to a video. This is done directly when creating the step in a menu on the video.

The integration is done via locally available files. Automatic software such as can be used to generate them


  • A guide can be created in multiple languages from the same user interface simply by choosing the language when creating a step.
  • If the step contains a content type specific to JPlatform (Wiki, Article, Task project, etc.) available in several languages, the corresponding language will automatically be used.
  • If the step contains video content, subtitles can be used. Automatic software such as can be used to generate them and applications like co can be used to translate them
  • If the step contains PDF or desktop content, the same file will be displayed in all languages.
  • If the instruction, tip, warning or alternative fields are not translated into the target language, the default language texts will appear.



Use of survey

If you are not using JLearn, you can use a survey questionnaire as a JLearn step, for example to get people's opinions or even to retrieve data of other types, related to the content itself.

Attention, the user of QUIZ type questionnaires is not supported, because the standard display after the submission of the answers leads to the exit of the guide and thus the loss of the context for the user. Improvements will be planned in a future version.


  • Version : 4.2
  • Size : 1.05 MB
  • Major Modification : 12/17/24
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 33
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8
  • Domains : Collaboratif Gestion de contenu
  • Author : 1Day1Learn
  • License : 1Day1Learn
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

Required Plugins

See also