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Document templates 1.0

Gestion documentaire

Make it easy to create new documents from predefined document templates with the Document Templates module.

Combined with our document edition tools, especially MS Office, OnlyOffice and Collabora, this new plugin offers creation and update of documents without the need to leave JPlatform.

DocumentTemplatePlugin - documentation - features - createDocumentModal - step 1 - default 


When to use this plugin ?

You are in charge of the document repository and you want your contributors to always start from the latest official version of a document of type Document, File or Presentation.

The Document Templates module makes your life easier by allowing you to manage your document templates and create new documents from these templates.


What does this plugin do ?

New document templates

The module delivers 3 blank template documents: Document (Word), Workbook (Excel) and Presentation (PowerPoint)

Template classification category

The module relies on a specific category to classify and find all your templates.

Document creation from a template

The module provides an interface to initialize a new document from the templates available to the user. 

It is accessible from the Topbar, or from a document explorer.

Rights management applies and it is possible to limit access to certain templates to a restricted population.

Support of new types of templates

Simply drop any document in the templates category to make it available as such.

The new document type will be recognized and proposed to the user, for example below, the XMind Document type:

DocumentTemplatePlugin - documentation - features - createDocumentModal - step 1 - with custom type 

Template management

This interface also allows you to add new templates, consult them, edit them, or remove them from the templates category.


  • Version : 1.0
  • Size : 149.5 KB
  • Major Modification : 11/9/21
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 46
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10
  • Domains : Collaboratif Gestion documentaire
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

See also