We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of regularly applying patch plugins to your systems.

Unfortunately, the July plugin patch malfunctioned in SP7, making the deployment of the September update all the more crucial.

You can download the latest patch plugin here:

9/30/24 at 6:04 PM

JPlatform 10: the main new features
Documentation JPlatform 10 JPlatform 10 SP5 Novelties Sheet Presentation
Olivier Dedieu
October 27, 2017 1016 vues
In brief...

This article presents the main new features of JPlatform 10.

In the age of digital transformation, organizations need powerful tools for working, collaborating and communicating with colleagues and partners, both in and out of the office.

Jalios Digital Platform 10 (JPlatform for short) federates your knowledge, your people and their interactions within your organization.

With JPlatform 10, all your business and collaborative applications are just a click away. Whether it's project management, individual diaries, monitoring, vacations, training or business applications, the TopBar gives you access to your favorite applications, so you can work even more efficiently.

Transform your users' experience by offering them a dynamic and innovative work environment. With simplified access to individual and collective information, you can work more efficiently. Benefit from the advantages of an all-in-one platform and the numerous functionalities offered to make their day-to-day work easier.


This article presents the main new features of JPlatform 10.

You can also discover the new features by taking the following tour: Discover JPlatform 10

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More technical documentation is also available:

A new Topbar

The JPlatform 10 topbar has been completely redesigned.

It is now taller (64px) to accommodate the organization's logo.

The topbar has been lightened. There are fewer elements visible to most members.

It features a unified search (content, member, spaces, favorites)

It includes an application launcher, the Applications menu, which contains all the applications that the member can access.

Access to the sidebar is via the member's photo. The photo has been placed completely on the right-hand side, both to ensure consistency with current practice, and so that the area on the left is dedicated to the organization's logo.

It's more efficient. All menus (Search, Admin menu, Add menu, Apps menu, Sidebar) are loaded on demand (using Ajax)

It's always expandable: you can add new elements (but be careful not to overload it visually)

To find out more about the topbar, consult the guide: JPlatform 10 - The Topbar

The Applications menu, an application launcher

The topbar's Applications menu is an application launcher. These can be applications internal to the platform (e.g. task management, calendar, etc.) or external (e.g. e-mail, business applications, etc.)

The Applications menu is divided into two sections: preferred applications, and other applications to which the member has access. The user can choose which applications to place in each of these sections by dragging and dropping.

The Applications menu is mainly populated by "shortcuts". This is a type of publication delivered with JPlatform 10, with a title, an icon and a URL to be reached. As it is a publication, it has rights and can therefore be restricted to certain members.

It is generally not possible to remove a shortcut from an application, as it is referenced (and therefore protected) by a virtual identifier. It is also possible to make an application disappear temporarily or permanently by expiring it.

An application can raise a "notification" in the form of a badge with a numerical value (e.g. to indicate that the application has information for the user). All application "notifications" are summarized in a single badge, which is displayed on the topbar's Applications menu icon.

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A transverse navigation bar

JPlatform 10 introduces a new navigation bar.

This navigation bar is optional. It is present but not activated by default on JPlatform ("Topbar - Navigation").

It is a Navigation portlet with a dedicated template.

When on the default portal, the Navbar is visible; on other portals, it is folded down and expandable with a "pull".

The menus offered are categories to which we recommend connecting Portlet Redirections, which will direct you to the target page (internal or external to the site).

A special entry can be added to provide access to the member's favorite areas.

A new Sidebar

The sidebar is activated by clicking on the member's photo. This sidebar occupies the entire height of the screen and is dynamically composed according to the modules present on the platform.

It features the following tabs:

  • My day: lists the day's events and tasks. Also allows you to move around the calendar
  • My browsing history: displays the last 20 items consulted
  • My Spaces: comprises two sections: recently visited spaces, and other spaces to which the member belongs. It is possible to search for a space by name
  • My Favorites: lists favorites and offers a button to the Favorites application
  • My reading list: lists the latest content to be read later, with a link to the Favorites application
  • My delegations: lists members for whom the member has a delegation.

To discover the sidebar, consult the guide: JPlatform 10 - The sidebar

A new Search

The search interface in the topbar offers a unified, instant search (results are displayed as the user enters characters). The search is based on 3 dimensions:

  • Spaces: the search is based on the title of the space. Favorite spaces are put first.
  • Contents: the search is based on the title of contents and documents. Favorite contents are put first.
  • People: the search is based on the surname, first name, organization, department and function of members, guests and contacts.

The results window allows you to launch a complete search. The results are then displayed in a dedicated interface. There are three tabs: content, people and spaces.

To find out more about the search function, please refer to the guide: JPlatform 10 - The search function

Alerts and recommendations

The alerts management interface has been completely redesigned for greater productivity and efficiency. It now unifies the management of alerts and recommendations.

A first interface appears when you click on the Alert icon (bell), displaying a list of the latest unread alerts. It is possible to "mark as read" or to view the details of an alert. From the alert detail view, the interface allows you to "mark as read", vote (like), comment or recommend the alert content.

Clicking on the "View my alerts and recommendations" link takes you to an interface dedicated to managing alerts and recommendations. Here you can perform all the actions already available on the simplified interface, as well as search both read and unread alerts/recommendations.

It is thus possible to search for all alerts issued in a certain area, or to find recommendations received by a person at a certain level, etc.

JPlatform 10 - Alerts and Recommendations

Generalized Wysiwyg editing

In JPlatform 10, all Wiki fields are replaced by Wysiwyg fields. For existing Wiki content, the switchover is made progressively as content is updated.

The new Wysiwyg editor (based on TinyMCE 4) offers a light mode (1 icon bar) and a full mode (2 icon bars). In both modes, you benefit from auto-completion insertion of links and mentions, as well as emojis.

All insertion functions have been grouped together in the unified insertion interface, which is enriched according to the modules present on JPlatform.

The guide JPlatform 10 - Edition Wysiwyg presents these new features.

Sharing content between spaces

Some publications are intended to be displayed in several spaces. For example, it may be useful to display in the explorer of a collaborative workspace reference documents from a document repository managed in another workspace. Similarly, it may be necessary to display content from other areas, to which guests do not have access, in a guest area.

It is possible to reference a publication from an E1 space to an E2 space by categorizing it in that space. But this is usually not enough. Many portlets offer a refinement mode on the current space that does not show publications from other spaces. What's more, a search within a space is also refined on that space and will not display content from other spaces.

JPlatform 10 responds to this need by enabling content to be shared between spaces. Content shared in this way is visible in the space in the same way as other content in the space. They can be found in search, in the document explorer, in the Wiki page explorer, in the Query/Iteration portlet, in the knowledge catalog, etc.

JPlatform 10 - Inter-space content sharing

Display of similar content ("See also")

JPlatform 10 offers an algorithm for suggesting similar content. This searches for content with the most categories in common with the content displayed.

For example, if an article is categorized as DigitalWorkplace, DeepLearning and Security, the algorithm will first suggest those with all 3 categories in common, then those with 2 in common, then those with only one. In the event of a tie, the most recent content is highlighted.

The "See also" function can be integrated into all content display templates. As standard, it is offered on the Articles and Web pages templates.

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Remote Document

JPlatform manages the documents deposited within it. However, in certain cases, it is necessary to be able to reference documents managed in third-party systems (eg EDM, CRM, HRIS, business applications) and treat them as if they were local documents. Or you may simply want to manage a document representing a file available on the Web without having to copy it locally: a PDF document, a YouTube video, an image on Flickr, etc.

Remote Documents allow you to reference a remote document in JPlatform, accessible via a URI (URL or URN).

A remote document is a document (FileDocument, DBFileDocument, derived types) that contains a URL to the remote document.

A remote document therefore has the same properties as a conventional document:

  • It has metadata: title, description, categories, rights, etc.
  • It has a workflow
  • A remote document can be referenced in a link field like any other document
  • It has the same interfaces as any other document: activity flow, ttCard, alerts, etc.

However, as JPlatform does not have access to the remote file, remote documents have limitations:

  • No content indexing. The content of the remote file is not indexed in full text. Only the remote document's metadata (title, description) will be indexed and searchable.
  • No viewer.
  • No thumbnails
  • No Office 365 or Google Drive edition
  • No remote file encryption (function available with encryption module)

JPlatform provides an interface for publishing remote documents. This guide will show you how: JPlatform 10 - Remote documents

Media type and automatic document type selection

One way of handling large volumes of data is to distribute them across different JcmsDB tables. The less data a table contains, the better the search performance.

Documents generally represent the largest portion of data. Since JCMS 9, it is possible to have different types of documents (and therefore tables) stored in JcmsDB. At present, however, the distribution must be done by the user or programmatically (cf. what is done with the JCapture module).

A case in point is the increase in the number of media (image and video) dumped onto JPlatform. This is due in particular to the democratization of media capture from smartphones.

To manage this volume, JPlatform 10 introduces the Media document type, dedicated as its name suggests to media. To simplify its adoption by contributors, the repository interface now features an automatic document type selection function. This selection is based on various criteria: the target space, member rights and document content. For example, when a user submits an image or video, the Media type will be automatically selected (provided it has been configured in the target space and the user has the right to use it).

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Another benefit of the improved media handling is that when documents are dropped via the media explorer, they no longer appear in the activity stream, thus reducing the noise this could cause.

Finally, for videos in MP4 format, the duration is now displayed in the document's metadata.

Merging documents

To update a document, you can use the Déposer une nouvelle versionbutton. In some cases, however, the new version of the document is filed as a new document. Both versions then exist on the platform. If the first document is referenced in other content, the new document must be referenced manually.

JPlatform 10 offers a new function to simplify this task: document merging. You can now merge a document with a previous one. The file, content type, file and original file fields of the first document are copied into the second document, and the first document is deleted.

This guide illustrates how document merging works: JPlatform 10 - Merging documents

Reading list module (JReading)

A lot of information circulates on a JPlatform site. Sometimes you may stumble across an interesting publication, but don't want to stop in the moment to read it. In the same way, the JMag application allows you to do collaborative monitoring, but some information will interest you more than others.

The Reading List Module (JReading) helps all users connected to the site who need to memorize content to read it later. This new feature brings you several benefits:

  • You no longer forget what you need to read, as it's all grouped together in your playlist and a weekly reminder reminds you.
  • You can stay focused on your current activity.
  • You save time by reading content when you want (in transit, in a queue, etc.), using Smartphone access.

The guide Optimize your time with the Playlist module introduces you to this new feature.

JDrive Module

The JDrive module now has a new application enabling you to manage all your documents.

 Discover JDrive introduces you to this new application.

Collaborative Spaces Module

Favorite spaces

JPlatform 10 can include hundreds of collaborative spaces. It's not unusual for a member to belong to more than a dozen of them. JPlaform 10 provides several ways to quickly access the space you want.

First of all, you can access a space by name. To do this, you can use the Topbar search (see JPlatform 10 - Search).

You can also find a space by the last time you visited it. To do this, open the sidebar and go to the My Spaces tab (see JPlatform 10 - The sidebar).

Finally, you can use the My Spaces menu in the navigation bar. This menu is populated by your favorite spaces.

To find out how to add and manage your favorite spaces, see the guide JPlatform 10 - Favorite spaces.

The Spaces Directory

The Collaborative Spaces Module introduces a new interface, the Space Directory, for discovering and managing your collaborative spaces.

The guide JPlatform 10 - The Spaces Directory introduces you to this new interface.

Calendar Module

The Calendar Module interfaces have been redesigned to match the JPlatform 10 style.

The Calendar Portlet has been streamlined and its navigation revised to offer greater comfort.

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The interface for viewing the calendar of certain members or groups has also been improved:

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The display of an event in the activity stream has been enriched to distinguish it clearly, and includes quick actions to indicate participation and view participants.

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Finally, the detailed display of an event has also been redesigned. The participation button is now more prominent. All actions on participants (add, relaunch, etc.) have been grouped together in the Actions menu in this area.

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Other new features

The Blog Module

The Blog Module enables you to publish multilingual blog posts. Moreover, blog posts are now content (and no longer "user content"), which gives them the same capabilities as editorial content such as the Article type.

Editing workflows in a JSync cluster

Until now, it was not possible to create, modify or delete workflows when JSync was active. JPlatform 10 removes this limitation. You can now access workflow management whether JSync is active on your site or not. This is made possible by a new communication mechanism between JSync cluster replicas (ReplicaMessages)

Hot activation / deactivation of modules

JPlatform 10 enables hot activation and deactivation of modules, without having to restart the application server.

To activate or deactivate a module, from the module management screen, scroll down to the relevant module and click on Activer or Désactivé.

All functionality of a deactivated module is interrupted. Modules that are part of other modules' dependencies cannot be deactivated, as long as at least one of these modules remains active.