Time Preview 4.0
This plugins provides a new interface to display the content of a portal page at a given time.
- All the publications not yet in the Published state but having a publish date reached for the given date are displayed.
- All the publications in the Published state but having an expiry date reached for the given date are hidden.
- All the publications are replaced with their work copy if the work copy has a publish date reached for the given date.
- Version : 4.0
- Größe : 86,02 KB
- Größere Änderung : 25.10.17
- Stability : Stable
- Download : 112
- Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8 JPlatform 10
- Domains : Portail Workflow
- Author : Jalios S.A.
- License : Jalios
- Support : Jalios Support
- Certified by Jalios : Yes
- Price : Paid Plugin