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Document Viewer 5.4

Gestion documentaire

The Document Viewer Plugin displays offices documents in the WebBrowser without needs to download and open them with a dedicated software.

To preview any MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint file. These have to be converted into a pdf file through the PDF Converter Plugin.

This plugin trigger a conversion from PDF to SVG. Be sure to have a convert executable like pdf2svg provided by library cairo, that is able to do the conversion on your platform.

For IE8, which doesn't support SVG, a pdftocairo converter provided by the same library will convert it to PNG.

The viewer will adapt to the browser to display most convenient document (if it exists on server).

Note : This version is a rewrite of previous plugin but the previous SWF viewer is still included (in order to display old documents). The SWF viewer will not be maintained.


  • Version : 5.4
  • Size : 442.63 KB
  • Major Modification : 4/26/24
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 54
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10
  • Domains : Gestion documentaire
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

See also