
Startseite Seite >  Plugins >  Blog 9.4.3

Blog 9.4.3

Free up your organization's voice with Jalios Blogs: everyone can tell their stories, share their news, inform about the progress of a project or the news of a community, with or without the approval of the communication department.


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When to use this module?

Your managers want to communicate on the progress of a project? Your employees want to get involved and express themselves? You want to give them a voice, but in a controlled and easy-to-implement framework?

Provide your employees with personal or team Blogs. These blogs are clearly identified as not being the responsibility of the communication department. The posts published are the sole responsibility of their authors, who can express themselves without frustration and without creating an additional workload for the communication department.

What does this module offer?

The Blog module allows you to create a simple editorial space to publish posts. There are 2 types of Blogs:

  • Personal Blogs: all posts are contributed by a single author. Blogs are then part of the Blogosphere.
  • Thematic or team Blogs: several authors contribute to the writing of the posts. Blogs are then associated with a collaborative space.


Employees can access blog posts via the ‘Blog’ portlet integrated into a page or via the general search engine.

The ‘Blog’ portlet integrated into a page displays 3 tabs, namely:

  • a ‘Blog post’ tab listing all the posts in the collaborative workspaces in which the user participates,
  • a ‘My blog post’ tab listing posts from their personal blog,
  • a ‘Blog’ tab listing the personal blogs of other collaborators.

Key features

  • Blog creation with or without creation request workflow
  • Publication of posts
  • Rich text with multimedia content
  • Thumbnail of posts for display in tooltips, portals, etc.
  • Publication workflow
  • Valuation of posts in the enriched profiles of their author
  • Dedicated smartphone view
  • Blog app view displaying all blog posts, with search and filter functions (author, blog, etc.)

Personal blogs (blogosphere)

The administrator of the blogosphere:

  • chooses to accept the terms of use when someone accesses their blog for the first time,
  • sets the automatic creation of the ‘Blogosphere’,
  • manages which members of the blogosphere can create their own blog,
  • manages the rights of the ‘Blogosphere’ (groups, categories, type activation, workflows).

Blogosphere members can access the ‘app view’ of their personal blog from a personal blog post.

They can manage the workflow of their blog posts

Thematic blogs (collaborative spaces)

Community managers are the administrators of this collaborative workspace. They define the services available within their community and those they wish to display on their community dashboard (home page).

They can

  • open a blog directly from the community
  • add value to blog posts on the community dashboard.

Any community contributor (participant with editing rights) can publish blog posts in this community.

Blog posts are restricted to the community. They can, however, be consulted from other applications (e.g. news) but remain visible only to community participants.

Participants in a community can access the ‘app view’ of the blog from the service offered in the community menu and from a blog post.

What our customers like

Simplicity of creation

A personal blog or a collaborative space can be opened in a few clicks. This simplicity of creation reinforces the dynamics of employee engagement and the creation of a sense of belonging: each employee can have his or her own blog to communicate informally. A blog opening policy can be set up according to the defined governance.

Integrated user experience

Blog posts are full-fledged JPlatform content and are therefore perfectly integrated with other applications. They benefit from social features such as like, comments, bookmarks, reading lists, etc. They are subject to rights and thus respect privacy rules.  The cross-search also brings up blog posts. The advanced search can be filtered by blog or blog post.

Highlighting of publications

The apps view provides an overview of the blog posts on the platform. The blog posts are displayed as a card with a thumbnail image and important information such as author, publication date, title, likes and number of comments. All blog posts can be displayed on the homepage or in a personalized portal. They are also highlighted on the author's profile page.

The module in action


  • Version : 9.4.3
  • Größe : 972,23 KB
  • Größere Änderung : 31.07.24
  • Stability : Stable
  • Download : 43
  • Compatibility : JPlatform 10 SP5 JPlatform 10 SP6 JPlatform 10 SP7 JPlatform 10 SP8
  • Domains : Blog Espace Collaboratif
  • Author : Jalios SA
  • License : Jalios
  • Support : Jalios Support
  • Certified by Jalios : Yes
  • Price : Paid Plugin

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